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Schistosomes infect between 200 and 300 million people at any one time. A major strategy to reduce the impact of schistosomiasis on human health is the development of a defined antigen vaccine. Protective immunity induced in mice by irradiated cercariae may serve as a model for the development of a vaccine. In such vaccinated mice, worm burdens resulting from challenge infection can be reduced by more than 90% compared to non-vaccinated mice. During the past three decades, the irradiated-carcariae vaccine model has been dissected in the detail in order to determine factors that may be relevant to vaccination, such as the participating immune compartments, the site and kinetics of the immune response, and the antigens recognized. In this review, Dania Richter, Donald A. Harn and Franz-Rainer Matuschka highlight the research on the vaccine model, focusing on the murine model using gamma-irradiated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni.  相似文献   

Parasitic plants are mostly viewed as pests. This is caused by several species causing serious damage to agriculture and forestry. There is however much more to parasitic plants than presumed weeds. Many parasitic plans exert even positive effects on natural ecosystems and human society, which we review in this paper. Plant parasitism generally reduces the growth and fitness of the hosts. The network created by a parasitic plant attached to multiple host plant individuals may however trigger transferring systemic signals among these. Parasitic plants have repeatedly been documented to play the role of keystone species in the ecosystems. Harmful effects on community dominants, including invasive species, may facilitate species coexistence and thus increase biodiversity. Many parasitic plants enhance nutrient cycling and provide resources to other organisms like herbivores or pollinators, which contributes to facilitation cascades in the ecosystems. There is also a long tradition of human use of parasitic plants for medicinal and cultural purposes worldwide. Few species provide edible fruits. Several parasitic plants are even cultivated by agriculture/forestry for efficient harvesting of their products. Horticultural use of some parasitic plant species has also been considered. While providing multiple benefits, parasitic plants should always be used with care. In particular, parasitic plant species should not be cultivated outside their native geographical range to avoid the risk of their uncontrolled spread and the resulting damage to ecosystems.

  • Parasitic plants may act as highways for transferring systemic signals among host plants.
  • Harmful effects of parasitic plants on individual hosts suppress community dominants including invasive species, reduce competitive pressure, and may increase biodiversity.
  • Parasitic plants enhance nutrient cycling and provide resources for other organisms thus contributing to facilitation cascades in ecosystems.
  • Many parasitic plants are recorded to have medicinal values against a broad range of diseases.
  • There is a long tradition of worldwide human use of parasitic plants, which have been cultivated for their products and aesthetic values.

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Multiple anthropogenic stressors cause ecological surprises in boreal lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The number of combinations of anthropogenic stressors affecting global change is increasing; however, few studies have empirically tested for their interactive effects on ecosystems. Most importantly, interactions among ecological stressors generate nonadditive effects that cannot be easily predicted based on single‐stressor studies. Here, we corroborate findings from an in situ mesocosm experiment with evidence from a whole‐ecosystem manipulation to demonstrate for the first time that interactions between climate and acidification determine their cumulative impact on the food‐web structure of coldwater lakes. Interactions among warming, drought, and acidification, rather than the sum of their individual effects, best explained significant changes in planktonic consumer and producer biomass over a 23‐year period. Further, these stressors interactively exerted significant synergistic and antagonistic effects on consumers and producers, respectively. The observed prevalence of long‐ and short‐term ecological surprises involving the cumulative impacts of multiple anthropogenic stressors highlights the high degree of uncertainty surrounding current forecasts of the consequences of global change.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review new data concerning HDL metabolism and cardiovascular disease, the concept of HDL 'functionality', and HDL kinetics in the metabolic syndrome. RECENT FINDINGS: HDL-apoA-I and apoA-II may be better predictors of cardiovascular disease than HDL-cholesterol. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition with torcetrapib does not benefit cardiovascular disease; whether this is related to 'congestion' of HDL transport or a specific off-target vasopressor effect remains unclear. Accelerated catabolism of HDL particles in metabolic syndrome could be due to increased hepatic secretion of apoB and apoC-III, hepatic steatosis, and low plasma adiponectin. The role of serum amyloid A and homocysteine is uncertain. In metabolic syndrome, therapies that could favourably alter HDL transport include weight loss, fish oils, higher dose statins, and fibrates; 'balancing feedback' may offset reduced catabolism of HDL, fenofibrate being the only agent hitherto shown to increase apoA-I production. SUMMARY: Elevating HDL-apoA-I and apoA-II may be a more important therapeutic objective than increased HDL-cholesterol. Recent studies underscore the potential value of studying HDL functionality, particularly in the metabolic syndrome. Reverse cholesterol transport can only be reliably probed at present by studying the kinetics of HDL particles or apolipoproteins; new methods are needed for investigating cellular and whole body cholesterol turnover. In metabolic syndrome, HDL-raising therapies have differential impact on HDL kinetics, the optimal endpoint being to increase transport and concentration with unchanged or accelerated catabolism.  相似文献   

Galium aparine is a herbaceous climbing plant that attaches to host plants mainly via its leaves, which are covered by hooked trichomes. Although such hooks are found on both leaf surfaces, the leaves of G. aparine are mainly positioned upon the leaves of supporting plants and rarely beneath. In order to understand the mechanism underlying this observation, we have studied structural and mechanical properties of single leaf hooks, frictional properties of leaf surfaces, turgor pressure in different leaf tissues and bending properties of the leaves in different directions. Abaxial and adaxial leaf hooks differ significantly in orientation, distribution, structure and mechanical properties. In accordance with these differences, friction properties of leaves depend on the direction of the applied force and differ significantly between both leaf surfaces. This results in a ratchet mechanism. Abaxial leaf hooks provide strong attachment upon the leaves of adjacent plants, whereas adaxial hooks cause a gliding-off from the underside of the leaves of host plants. Thus, the leaves of G. aparine can function as attachment organs, and simultaneously orient themselves advantageously for their photosynthetic function. Further adaptations in turgor pressure or concerning an anisotropy of the flexural stiffness of the leaves have not been found.  相似文献   

  • 1 The planktonic food web in extremely acidic mining lakes is restricted to a few species that are either acidophilic or acidotolerant. Common metazoans inhabiting acidic mining lakes with a pH below 3 include rotifers in the genera Cephalodella and Elosa.
  • 2 The life history response of Cephalodella acidophila to three environmental key factors, pH (2, 3.5, 5.0 and 7.0), temperature (10, 17.5 and 25 °C) and food concentration (10 000, 35 000 and 50 000 algal cells per mL), was investigated in a full factorial design using life‐table experiments.
  • 3 The effect of each of the three environmental variables investigated on the rotifer life cycle parameters (life span, fecundity and population growth rate) differed. C. acidophila is a stenoecious species with a pH optimum in the range 3–4 and a comparably high food threshold. Combining the laboratory results with field data, we conclude that C. acidophila is severely growth limited in its natural habitat. However, low pH alone is not harmful as long as temperatures are moderate to warm and food is abundant.
  • 4 The population of C. acidophila in the field is maintained mainly due to release from competitors and predators.

Zika and dengue viruses belong to the Flavivirus genus, a close group of antigenically related viruses that cause significant arthropod‐transmitted diseases throughout the globe. Although infection by a given flavivirus is thought to confer lifelong protection, some of the patient's antibodies cross‐react with other flaviviruses without cross‐neutralizing. The original antigenic sin phenomenon may amplify such antibodies upon subsequent heterologous flavivirus infection, potentially aggravating disease by antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE). The most striking example is provided by the four different dengue viruses, where infection by one serotype appears to predispose to more severe disease upon infection by a second one. A similar effect was postulated for sequential infections with Zika and dengue viruses. In this review, we analyze the molecular determinants of the dual antibody response to flavivirus infection or vaccination in humans. We highlight the role of conserved partially cryptic epitopes giving rise to cross‐reacting and poorly neutralizing, ADE‐prone antibodies. We end by proposing a strategy for developing an epitope‐focused vaccine approach to avoid eliciting undesirable antibodies while focusing the immune system on producing protective antibodies only.  相似文献   

The interpretive benefits of employing multivariate analysis methods on experimental data with more than one dependent variable are described heuristically and illustrated on a set of data from a simply designed experiment in physiological psychology. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is performed on the 9 dependent variables contained in the sample data and on the four composites derived from a principal components analysis (PCA) of the variability of the nine. A linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is conducted following both MANOVA results, and 5 methods of determining the "important" dependent variables in the experimental-control group difference are presented and discussed in terms of the data at hand.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between cladoceran, limnological, geological and biological variables in a recent sediment sequence to assess the cladoceran community response to flood conditions and human impacts during the last century in shallow Lake La Tembladera, on the southern coast of Ecuador. We recovered three sediment cores from central and littoral locations to analyze cladoceran subfossils and plant macrofossils. Redundancy analysis identified three environmental variables controlling the assemblage composition: the presence of non-aquatic plants, As and Be concentrations in the sediment. Before AD 1925, the surface area of the lake was smaller than it is now and the most representative cladocerans were Euryalona at lower lake levels and Leydigiopsis at relatively higher lake levels. After ca. AD 1925, anthropogenic works increased the lake level and the expanse of the littoral zone, favoring phytophilous cladocerans such as Kurzia. Around ca. AD 1990, the disposal of mining tailings contaminated with arsenic increased cladoceran sexual reproduction (total chydorid ephippia) and favored certain taxa. Our study shows the influence of anthropogenic activities on hydrologic regime, lake stage and heavy metal contamination and our results indicate the environmental trajectory of this lake, as it shifted from more natural to more impacted conditions in the last century.  相似文献   

Humans differ in terms of biased attention for emotional stimuli and these biases can confer differential resilience and vulnerability to emotional disorders. Selective processing of positive emotional information, for example, is associated with enhanced sociability and well-being while a bias for negative material is associated with neuroticism and anxiety. A tendency to selectively avoid negative material might also be associated with mental health and well-being. The neurobiological mechanisms underlying these cognitive phenotypes are currently unknown. Here we show for the first time that allelic variation in the promotor region of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) is associated with differential biases for positive and negative affective pictures. Individuals homozygous for the long allele (LL) showed a marked bias to selectively process positive affective material alongside selective avoidance of negative affective material. This potentially protective pattern was absent among individuals carrying the short allele (S or SL). Thus, allelic variation on a common genetic polymorphism was associated with the tendency to selectively process positive or negative information. The current study is important in demonstrating a genotype-related alteration in a well-established processing bias, which is a known risk factor in determining both resilience and vulnerability to emotional disorders.  相似文献   

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