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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) have been attracting considerable attention as biodegradable substitutes for conventional polymers. To reduce their production cost, a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing better bacterial strains and more efficient fermentation/recovery processes. In this paper, several factors affecting the production cost of PHA, such as PHA productivity, content and yield, the cost of the carbon substrate, and the recovery method were reviewed. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out with respect to these factors and with a view to scale-up. Several production processes were designed on the basis of the reported fermentation and recovery results, and were economically evaluated. PHA productivity only affects equipment-related costs, but PHA content has multiple effects on the process economics. Development of an economical and efficient recovery method is also important to the overall economics of PHA production. Received: 10 August 1998 / Accepted: 26 September 1998  相似文献   

The in vivo expression of cellular bacterial luciferase has been defined as the luciferase expression quotient, measured as the ratio of the bioluminescence intensity in vivo to the in vitro activity of luciferase in crude cell extracts. The expression is greater in the presence of inhibitors of the electron transport system such as cyanide and N-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline and also at lower oxygen tensions. The higher expression of the cellular luciferase under these conditions is postulated to be due to an increase in the intracellular levels of reduced coenzymes which enhance both the reduction of flavin and the reduction of fatty acid to aldehyde. Both FMNH2 and aldehyde are substrates in the light emitting reaction.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the yield and properties of bacterial cellulose   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Acetobacter xylinum E25 has been applied in our studies in order to find optimal culture conditions for effective bacterial cellulose (BC) production. The strain displays significantly higher stability in BC production under stationary culture conditions. In contrast, intensive agitation and aeration appear to drastically reduce cellulose synthesis since such conditions induced formation of spontaneous cellulose nonproducing mutants (Cel−), which dominated in the culture. Mutation frequency strictly depends on the medium composition in agitated cultures. Enrichment of the standard SH and Yamanaka media with 1% ethanol significantly enhanced BC production in stationary cultures. Horizontal fermentors equipped with rotating discs or rollers were successfully applied in order to improve culture conditions. Relatively slow rotation velocity (4 rpm) and large surface area enabling effective cell attachment are optimal parameters for cellulose production. Physical properties of BC samples synthesized either in stationary cultures or in a horizontal fermentor revealed that cellulose from stationary cultures demonstrated a much higher value of Young's modulus, but a much lower value of water-holding capacity. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 29, 189–195 doi:10.1038/sj.jim.7000303 Received 01 March 2002/ Accepted in revised form 18 July 2002  相似文献   

Malolactic fermentation was induced in red wines by inoculation with several strains of Leuconostoc oenos . The progress of Malolactic Fermentation was monitored by following the kinetics of bacterial growth and degradation of malic acid. These kinetics varied significantly depending on the strain of Leuc. oenos inoculated, the strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae used to conduct the alcoholic fermentation, and the wine properties of pH and concentrations of ethanol and sulphur dioxide. Rapid, predictable malolactic fermentation was achieved by inoculating a high density (> 106 cfu/ml) of Leuc. oenos , whereby malic acid degradation was not connected to the growth of the bacterial cells. Wines after malolactic fermentation were not bacteriologically stable and supported the growth of Leuc. oenos inoculated into the wines.  相似文献   

Summary Six strains of Aspergillus fumigatus were studied for their alkaloid producing capacity. With one strain (NCIM 902) high yields (162mg/l) of ergot alkaloids were obtained after seven days in a new medium.  相似文献   

F Pourdjabbar  C Russell 《Microbios》1979,26(104):73-84
The initial adhesion of oral bacteria to a tooth in vitro was examined. The organisms were grown in broth with and without sucrose, and suspensions made either in broth or a modified Ringer's solution. The tooth used was either dry or coated with natural or synthetic saliva. Adhesion was determined by counting organisms removed from the tooth surface by simple washing or by sonication. It was found that the firmest bonding occurred when a dry tooth was immersed in a suspension of bacteria in Ringer's solution; the prior growth of the organisms in the presence of sucrose did not affect adhesion. It was concluded that instantaneous irreversible adhesion of bacteria to a tooth occurs without the need for active metabolism, and that this process is inhibited by the presence of competing organic substances which probably produce a surface-conditioning film.  相似文献   

Fermentations of Xanthomonas campestris have been carried out on laboratory and pilot plant scales using various organic nitrogen sources in order to test their effectiveness in polysaccharide (xanthan) production. It was discovered that high nitrogen concentrations give highest yields of crude product and result in a need for only short fermentation times to achieve maximum product formation. These products, however, have inferior solution rheology to those produced from low-nitrogen media due partly to their high concentrations of co-precipitated microbial cells and partly to differences in tertiary molecular structure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. To enhance our understanding of the factors affecting feeding selectivity of bacterivorous protists in aquatic systems, we examined the preference responses of the freshwater ciliate Uronema nigricans towards three bacterial prey taxa, Pseudomonas luteola, Serratia rubidaea , and Aeromonas hydrophila . Potential factors influencing the predator–prey contact rate included the previous feeding history of the ciliate and physiological state of bacteria. Preference indexes were obtained from multiple-choice mazes in which ciliates moved preferentially towards alternative bacteria or the prey species on which they had been feeding. Uronema nigricans showed differential attraction towards the offered prey types, and these preferences varied as a function of the ciliate feeding history: U. nigricans growing on P. luteola showed lower preference responses towards the offered bacteria than U. nigricans growing on S. rubidaea . The bacteria in stationary phase elicited a higher degree of attraction than bacteria in exponential phase, probably due to a higher concentration of carbohydrates in the former. Therefore, this protist will preferentially swim towards bacteria in stationary growth phase, although the degree of this response will be affected by the recent feeding history of the ciliate.  相似文献   

Several tactics exist to improve the survival of an introduced microorganism of interest in the plant environment. One, derived from studies on the Agrobacterium-plant interaction and the role of opines in this interaction, proposes to promote growth of the inoculant in the plant environment via the establishment of a bias in the rhizosphere. It is supported by the occurrence of natural biases, such as those generated by opine-like molecules, by calestegins, or by mimosine. Opine-mediated biases have allowed several investigators to favor the growth of opine-degrading bacteria or communities under sterile or axenic environments or in microcosms mimicking near field conditions. Another way to favor a given microbe consists in impeding growth of competing microorganisms. Experiments performed using detergent or bacteriostatic agents as amendments under field or near field conditions yielded promising results. Research perspectives for engineering plant-microbe interactions also include specific engineering of predation and strategies designed to interfere with some of the signals perceived by the microbes, provided these signals control the expression of functions central to microbial fitness. In this respect, quorum-sensing signal molecules, such as N-acyl-homoserine lactones, may be valuable targets for the development of biocontrol agents and procedures.  相似文献   

Coupling fermentation with in situ foam fractionation may be beneficial to cellulase production in optimizing oligomer inducer generation, minimizing catabolite repression and reducing cellulase degradation by proteases. In this study, the potential factors that may affect the foaming behavior of broth from Trichoderma reesei Rut C-30 fermentation were examined. These factors included solid (both cell and cellulose) concentrations, cellulase activity and extracellular protein concentration. The loss of cellulase activity caused by the foaming process was minimal. The foamate generation was lower in the presence of higher solids (cell and/or cellulose) concentrations. Cellulase appeared to promote the broth foaming ability but its enrichment ratio was not high (lower than 1.2). The enrichment ratios for the individual component enzymes (beta-glucosidase, endo- and exo-glucanases) were found to be similarly low. None of the cellulase components were likely the primary foaming factors. The foam also carried out cells and cellulose solids. The hydrophobicity of cell surface, studied at various fermentation stages and in both media with and without cellulose, increased as the fermentation approached the stationary phase and then decreased gradually after entering the stationary phase.  相似文献   

The effect of medium composition on the growth form of Aspergillus terreus NRRL 1960 in relation to itaconic acid fermentation has been studied. Four types of mycelial pellets were obtained under the conditions used and may be classified as (a) frayed and loose with 0.1–0.5 mm diameter (b) compact with 0.1–0.5 mm diameter (c) loose with 0.5–2.0 mm diameter and (d) compact with 0.5–2.0 mm diameter. Their respective maximum specific rates of formation and yields of itaconic acid, based on 100 g sucrose supplied, were (a) 1.25 mol mg–1h–1 and 55–59 g, (b) 0.27–0.43 mol mg–1 h–1 and 26–38 g, (c) 0.75–0.90 mol mg–1 h–1 and 45–51 g and (d) 0.12 mol mg–1 h–1 and 10 g. The presence of Ca2+, Zn2+ and Fe2+ in the basal medium at concentrations of 23.3 mg/100 ml, 0.01 mg/100 ml and 0.006 mg/100 ml respectively were found to be adequate and crucial in obtaining the desired outgrowth for both high production rates and consistent yields of itaconic acid. The further addition of either commercial plaster of Paris or analytical-reagent-grade CaSO4, especially when activated by heating to 530°C and present in excess of solubility, results in small and frayed pellets, which lead to itaconic acid yields of 55–59 g acid/100 g sugar supplied.  相似文献   

恶梦是与睡眠相关的常见心理现象.目前,恶梦的概念仍具有争议,但恶梦与心理健康的关系,已经引起了研究者广泛关注.恶梦的病因学研究表明,恶梦与遗传及生理因素有关;恶梦具有人格倾向性,应激与创伤因素是其产生的主要原因,与分裂症等精神疾病高度相关;恶梦与睡眠呼吸相关因素关系不是很明确;恶梦与多巴胺受体激动剂等药物显著相关,恶梦产生的其他因素研究尚待发现.然而这些因素与恶梦的因果关系并不确定,各因素之间的关系及作用机制有待进一步研究.未来的研究可以改进研究方法,扩大研究对象,进行纵向研究等.  相似文献   

Bacterial black spot of mango caused by Xanthomonas campestris by. mangiferaeindicae was found to be essentially a wound pathogen of leaves under glasshouse conditions, with maximum infection occurring at a temperature regime of 22/26 oC (night/day). There were significant differences in leaf susceptibility among cultivars, cv. Sensation being less, and cv. Haden more susceptible than cvs Zill and Kent, which agrees with field observations of fruit infection. The organism is a phylloplane resident year round in the field and inoculum levels in the tree canopy affect ultimate fruit infection. The major weather factor affecting fruit infection was rainfall which showed a significant correlation (r = 0–77) with levels of infection after allowing for an approximate 2 wk latent period. Other significant correlations were with a wind/rain index (r = 0–73) and a storm index (r = 0–66). The correlation of disease with the duration of free water was non-significant (r = 0–22).  相似文献   

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