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Adaptation aftereffects have been found for low-level visual features such as colour, motion and shape perception, as well as higher-level features such as gender, race and identity in domains such as faces and biological motion. It is not yet clear if adaptation effects in humans extend beyond this set of higher order features. The aim of this study was to investigate whether objects highly associated with one gender, e.g. high heels for females or electric shavers for males can modulate gender perception of a face. In two separate experiments, we adapted subjects to a series of objects highly associated with one gender and subsequently asked participants to judge the gender of an ambiguous face. Results showed that participants are more likely to perceive an ambiguous face as male after being exposed to objects highly associated to females and vice versa. A gender adaptation aftereffect was obtained despite the adaptor and test stimuli being from different global categories (objects and faces respectively). These findings show that our perception of gender from faces is highly affected by our environment and recent experience. This suggests two possible mechanisms: (a) that perception of the gender associated with an object shares at least some brain areas with those responsible for gender perception of faces and (b) adaptation to gender, which is a high-level concept, can modulate brain areas that are involved in facial gender perception through top-down processes.  相似文献   

Radiologists must classify and interpret medical images on the basis of visual inspection. We examined how the perception of radiological scans might be affected by common processes of adaptation in the visual system. Adaptation selectively adjusts sensitivity to the properties of the stimulus in current view, inducing an aftereffect in the appearance of stimuli viewed subsequently. These perceptual changes have been found to affect many visual attributes, but whether they are relevant to medical image perception is not well understood. To examine this we tested whether aftereffects could be generated by the characteristic spatial structure of radiological scans, and whether this could bias their appearance along dimensions that are routinely used to classify them. Measurements were focused on the effects of adaptation to images of normal mammograms, and were tested in observers who were not radiologists. Tissue density in mammograms is evaluated visually and ranges from "dense" to "fatty." Arrays of images varying in intermediate levels between these categories were created by blending dense and fatty images with different weights. Observers first adapted by viewing image samples of dense or fatty tissue, and then judged the appearance of the intermediate images by using a texture matching task. This revealed pronounced perceptual aftereffects – prior exposure to dense images caused an intermediate image to appear more fatty and vice versa. Moreover, the appearance of the adapting images themselves changed with prolonged viewing, so that they became less distinctive as textures. These aftereffects could not be accounted for by the contrast differences or power spectra of the images, and instead tended to follow from the phase spectrum. Our results suggest that observers can selectively adapt to the properties of radiological images, and that this selectivity could strongly impact the perceived textural characteristics of the images.  相似文献   

Genetic cancer predisposition syndromes have been crucial to the identification of genes and pathways involved in carcinogenesis. Constitutional gene mutations segregating with distinctive cancer phenotypes provide unequivocal evidence of a gene’s causal role in cancer. This type of evidence has been central in proving that oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes can cause human cancers, but has been lacking for genes implicated in generating aneuploidy. However, recently we identified mutations in the mitotic checkpoint gene BUB1B in an autosomal recessive condition characterised by mosaic aneuploidies and childhood cancers. This finding strongly suggests that aneuploidy is causally related to cancer development.  相似文献   

Traditionally, it has been held that a central characteristic of stem cells is their ability to divide asymmetrically. Recent advances in inducible genetic labeling provided ample evidence that symmetric stem cell divisions play an important role in adult mammalian homeostasis. It is well understood that the two types of cell divisions differ in terms of the stem cells'' flexibility to expand when needed. On the contrary, the implications of symmetric and asymmetric divisions for mutation accumulation are still poorly understood. In this paper we study a stochastic model of a renewing tissue, and address the optimization problem of tissue architecture in the context of mutant production. Specifically, we study the process of tumor suppressor gene inactivation which usually takes place as a consequence of two “hits”, and which is one of the most common patterns in carcinogenesis. We compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric (and mixed) stem cell divisions, and focus on the rate at which double-hit mutants are generated. It turns out that symmetrically-dividing cells generate such mutants at a rate which is significantly lower than that of asymmetrically-dividing cells. This result holds whether single-hit (intermediate) mutants are disadvantageous, neutral, or advantageous. It is also independent on whether the carcinogenic double-hit mutants are produced only among the stem cells or also among more specialized cells. We argue that symmetric stem cell divisions in mammals could be an adaptation which helps delay the onset of cancers. We further investigate the question of the optimal fraction of stem cells in the tissue, and quantify the contribution of non-stem cells in mutant production. Our work provides a hypothesis to explain the observation that in mammalian cells, symmetric patterns of stem cell division seem to be very common.  相似文献   

The tastes of salts to humans are complex. NaCl is the mostpurely salty of all salts, but even this stimulus tastes sweetat low concentrations and somewhat sour at mid-range intensities.Other salts taste significantly sour or bitter in addition tosalty. Previous studies have shown that the saltiness of simplehalide salts is reduced by adaptation to NaCl, suggesting thata single mechanism might be responsible for the salty tasteof these stimuli. In electrophysiological studies in rodents,the response to NaCl is reduced by application to the tongueof the Na+- channel blocker amiloride. Organic Na+ salts aremore heavily dependent on this amiloride-sensitive transductioncomponent than NaCl, and are generally less salty and more sour.In order to investigate the relationship between NaCl saltinessand that evoked by other salts, we adapted the tongue to distilledH2O and to 0.1 M NaCl and obtained direct magnitude estimatesof the taste intensity of 15 organic and inorganic Na+, Li+,K+ and Ca2+ salts, matched for total intensity. Subjects dividedthese magnitude estimates among the component taste qualities.Adaptation to NaCl abolished the taste of NaCl and LiCl, andeliminated the saltiness of all other salts. The magnitude estimatesof the bitterness and sourness of many salts increased afterNaCI adaptation. Since recent biophysical data suggest thatadaptation in taste receptors may involve whole-cell mechanisms,we propose that saltiness is reduced by NaCl adaptation becauseit originates in the subset of taste receptors responsive toNaCl. This implies that saltiness is coded within the CNS incells whose receptive fields include the NaCl-sensitive receptorcells and that the degree to which any salt tastes salty isdetermined by its ability to drive these receptors. This modelproposes, for example, that KCl has a salty component becauseit stimulates some of the same receptor cells as NaCl, eventhough the transduction mechanisms for KCl are different thanthose engaged by NaCl. Adaptation to NaCl blocks the saltinessof KCl and other salts because they stimulate NaCl-sensitivereceptor cells. Chem. Senses 20: 545–557, 1995.  相似文献   

Under-use of genetic improvement tools and low participation in breeding programmes are key drivers of breeding programmes under-performance. Both aspects are heavily influenced by farmers attitudes which, to date, have not been analysed in an objective and systematic manner. A key factor constraining the implementation of attitudinal studies towards livestock breeding tools is the lack of a reference scale for measuring attitudes. In this research, we provide the livestock breeding sector with such a reference measure. We developed the scale following the standardized psychometric methodologies and statistical tools. Then, as a case study, we used the scale to explore the attitudes of beef and dairy sheep farmers in Australia, New Zealand and Spain and analysed farmer and farming system factors related to those attitudes. Fourteen sheep and beef breed associations facilitated the implementation of a survey of 547 farmers, generating data that was used for the scale evaluation. The relationship between attitudinal factors and farmer and farming system factors was analysed using generalized linear models across and within breeds. The results suggest that the 8-item definitive scale we have developed is appropriate to measure farmer attitudes. We found that attitudes towards genetic improvement tools have two components; i) traditional selection and ii) genetic and genomic selection combined. This means that positive attitudes towards traditional phenotypic selection do not necessarily imply a negative attitude towards genetic and genomic selection tools. Farmer attitudes varied greatly not only across the studied breeds, species and countries, but also within them. High-educated farmers of business-oriented farms tend to have the most negative attitude towards traditional selection. However, attitudes towards genetic and genomic selection tools could not be linked to these factors. Finally, we found that the breed raised had a large effect on farmer attitude. These findings may help in the evolution of breeding programmes by identifying both the farmers most inclined to uptake breeding innovations in the early stages of its establishment and the farmers who would be more reluctant to participate in such programmes, thus informing where to focus extension efforts.  相似文献   

I hypothesize that re‐occurring prior experience of complex systems mobilizes a fast response, whose attractor is encoded by their strongly connected network core. In contrast, responses to novel stimuli are often slow and require the weakly connected network periphery. Upon repeated stimulus, peripheral network nodes remodel the network core that encodes the attractor of the new response. This “core‐periphery learning” theory reviews and generalizes the heretofore fragmented knowledge on attractor formation by neural networks, periphery‐driven innovation, and a number of recent reports on the adaptation of protein, neuronal, and social networks. The core‐periphery learning theory may increase our understanding of signaling, memory formation, information encoding and decision‐making processes. Moreover, the power of network periphery‐related “wisdom of crowds” inventing creative, novel responses indicates that deliberative democracy is a slow yet efficient learning strategy developed as the success of a billion‐year evolution. Also see the video abstract here: https://youtu.be/IIjP7zWGjVE .  相似文献   

The control of pain is an issue of major importance for older patients. As the proportion of elderly persons in society grows, these problems take on particular humanitarian and economic significance. Review of the literature indicates that the sensory mechanisms subserving pain in older persons are not unique, but painful pathologic states are more likely to occur in old age. Stereotypes of the older person have led to insufficient management and overmedication of this patient population. Moreover, the complex nature of chronic pain in the aged patient has not been appreciated by health care professionals. The literature points to an urgent need for more data that will shed light on the nature of pain problems in old age.  相似文献   

We previously showed that DNA fragmentation factor, which comprises a caspase-3-activated DNase (CAD) and its inhibitor (ICAD), may influence the rate of cell death by generating PARP-1-activating DNA breaks. Here we tested the hypothesis that ICAD-deficient colon epithelial cells exhibiting resistance to death stimuli may accumulate additional genetic modifications, leading to a tumorigenic phenotype. We show that ICAD deficiency may be associated with colon malignancy in humans. Indeed, an examination of ICAD expression using immunohistochemistry in an array of both colon cancer and normal tissues revealed that ICAD expression levels were severely compromised in the cancerous tissues. Upon DNA damage caused by a low dose of irradiation, ICAD cells acquire a tumorigenic phenotype. Colon epithelial cells derived from ICAD mice showed a significant resistance to death induced by the colon carcinogen dimethylhydrazine in vitro and in mice. Such resistance was associated with a decrease in PARP-1 activation. In an animal model of dimethylhydrazine-induced colon tumorigenesis, ICAD−/− mice developed significantly higher numbers of tumors with markedly larger sizes than the wild-type counterparts. Interestingly, the phenotype of the ICAD−/− mice was not associated with a significant increase in the precancerous aberrant crypt foci suggesting a potential link to tumor progression rather than initiation. More importantly, ICAD deficiency was associated with severe genomic instability as assessed by array comparative genomic hybridization. Such genomic instability consisted most prominently of amplifications but with sizable deletions as compared to the wild-type counterparts affecting several cancer-related genes including RAF-1, GSN, LMO3, and Fzd6 independently of p53. Altogether, our results present a viable case for the involvement of ICAD deficiency in colon carcinogenesis and show that apoptosis and genomic instability may comprise the means by which such deficiency may contribute to the process of increasing susceptibility to carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

With the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) being the standard measure to assess psychological capital (PsyCap) in the context of organizations, this paper aims to broaden this domain-specific approach by introducing a measure with universal claim. Two studies were conducted to create and validate a German self-report scale (CPC-12) measuring PsyCap. We performed confirmatory factor analyses and correlations with other positive psychological constructs on the data of two German samples (N1 = 321; N2 = 202). The twelve-item CPC-12 exhibits the anticipated factorial structure with a very good model fit and associations to other constructs concur with previous findings with other measures of PsyCap.  相似文献   

著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(9):45-56
以城市设计作为工具,对2 种琶东开发方案下该地区所需的蓄洪量进行检验。琶洲岛位于中国珠江三角洲,地处广州中心地带的南部。琶洲岛因毗邻广州金融区,成为城市战略性发展的黄金地段;琶洲岛西部地区也成为互联网创新集聚区的一部分。根据目前琶洲岛东部地区的城市设计方案推测,未来琶东将会成为地域性的商业中心。因此,对2 种发展方案进行对比,并分析2 种方案预计可为暴雨时节提供的蓄水量,以及面临洪水和汹涌潮汐时所需要的保护措施。方案1 将开发所有可用的土地,而方案2 则将目前地势较低的场地作为暴雨期间可被淹没的湿地。基于1981—2017 年间出现过的最大蓄洪量需求进行计算,并得出结论:百年一遇的雨洪可被储存于80 hm2 的现有低洼地带中,深1.34 m。最后,向地区政府提议,要求对琶洲岛周边地区进行适应性设计,以便进行防洪,并在低洼未建成区域进行适应性蓄水设计,免除方案1 中建造昂贵蓄水装置的需求。还为岛上的村庄描绘了另一种未来蓝图,其中包括一个位于岛屿东南岸极易遭受台风和海浪灾害的渔村。  相似文献   

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