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A Test Case for DNA Barcodes to Identify Species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
《PLoS biology》2004,2(10):e357

DalbergiamengsuoensisY.Y.Qian,sp.nov.Fig.1 SpeciesaffinisD.benthamiiPrain,sedfoliolispapyraceis,suprasecuscostaspubescentibus,paniculisterminalibus,floribus3.5-4mmlongis,leguminibus8-11cmlongis,3-3.3cmlatisdiffert. Frutexvelfrutexscandens;ramulivetibadii,albo-lenticellati,glabri,juvenilesviridesinsiccofusci,cerino-pubescentes.Foliapinnata5-15cmlonga;rhachidesetpetiolicerino-pubescentes;foliola2-3-jugata,papyracea,terminalialongeobovata,lateraliaoblongavellongeellipticavellon…  相似文献   

海南岛发现黄檀属一新种以及海南油杉和保亭榕降为地理亚种。  相似文献   

矮头束霉和头束霉是中国新记录种,二者在土壤中广泛分布,在吉林、辽宁、山西、陕西、新疆、甘肃、青海、四川等地土壤中都曾分离得到.文中进行了详细的形态描述并绘图.凭证标本存放在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP).  相似文献   

报道了猫耳衣属的2个亚洲新记录种——好望角猫耳衣(Leptogium capense)和拟糠猫耳衣(L.pseudofurfuraceum)。与其他国家和地区的文献报道相比,好望角猫耳衣在中国具有更高的海拔分布,拟糠猫耳衣具有较薄的地衣体。  相似文献   

王汉臣  胡尚勤  袁涛 《菌物研究》2011,9(4):216-218,223
报道了环柄菇属距孢环柄菇组的2个中国新记录种:红斑环柄菇(Lepiota erythrosticta)和黄栗环柄菇(Lepiota luteocastanea).根据中国的标本对其特征进行了详细的描述,并就重要显微特征进行绘图,讨论了它们与相近种的区别,总结了其分布、生境等特点.  相似文献   

Abstract: We determined effectiveness of using mitochondrial DNA barcodes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [CO1]) to identify bird-aircraft collision (birdstrike) cases that lacked sufficient feather evidence for morphological diagnosis. From September through December 2006, 821 samples from birdstrike events occurring in the United States were submitted for DNA analysis. We successfully amplified a CO1 DNA barcode product from 554 (67.5%) of the samples; 267 (32.5%) did not contain viable DNA and depended on morphological methods (microscopy) for Order or Family level identification. We deemed 19 cases inconclusive either because the DNA barcode recovered from the sample did not meet our 98% match criteria when compared to the Barcode of Life Database (BoLD) or because the DNA barcode matched to a set of ≥ 2 closely related species with overlapping barcodes, preventing complete species identification. Age of the sample (≤6 months) did not affect DNA viability, but initial condition of the sample and the collection method was critical to DNA identification success. The DNA barcoding approach has great potential in aiding in identification of birds (and wildlife) for airfield management practices, particularly in regions of the world that lack the vast research collections and individual expertise for morphologic identifications.  相似文献   

入侵种的DNA条形码鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物安全研究的范畴涉及任何由生物威胁所造成的风险。随着害虫优先考虑级别的不断变化,以及国家和部门间相互协作的不断加强,对DNA分子鉴定技术的标准化提出了更迫切的要求,而DNA条形码的出现为此类问题的解决提供了很好的机遇。我们以前人对毒蛾和果蝇的研究为例,比较了DNA条形码技术与PCR-RFLP等传统方法的鉴定效果,在此基础上提出了建立一个可对不同入侵种进行快速和准确鉴定的条形码技术平台的构想。  相似文献   

分离得到2个粘鞭霉属中国大陆新记录种-禾谷粘鞭霉[G.CERALIS(P.Karst.)C.H.Dickinson]和墙粘鞭霉费利变种[G.murorum vat.felina (Marchal) S.Hughes].二者均为土壤真菌,分别采自湖北神农架自然保护区和贵州雷公山自然保护区.文中提供了详细的形态结构描述并绘...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences have been shown to be very useful for identification of microbial eukaryotes. Usually, complete or long partial sequences of the rDNA genes are analysed. However, the development of new massive sequencing technologies producing a large amount of relatively short sequences raises the question about the minimum length of rDNA fragments necessary for species distinction in environmental sampling. To answer this question, we compared six variable regions of the small subunit (SSU) rDNA of foraminifera, known to have rapidly evolving ribosomal genes. For each region, we analysed (1) the sequence divergence between and within foraminiferal morphospecies, (2) the intraspecific polymorphism, and (3) the ability of each region to recognize the phylotypes inferred from analysis of a longer fragment. Our results show that although the variable regions differ considerably between taxonomic groups, most of them perform very well as species identifiers. Taking into account different analyses, the expansion segment of Helix 37 appears to be the best candidate for barcoding foraminifera. We propose that this relatively short region, averaging 50–60 nt in length, could be an ideal barcode for identification of foraminifera in environmental samples using massive sequencing approach.  相似文献   

王术荣  李玉 《菌物研究》2011,9(1):3-4,8
报道了在辽宁省丹东市白石砬子国家自然保护区采集到的2个辽宁省新记录种,即虫草科(Cordycip-itaceae)的下垂虫草(Cordyceps nutans Pat.)和日本棒束孢(1sariajaponica Yusuda),并描述了其形态特征和生境分布.  相似文献   

李娟  熊红霞  戴玉成 《菌物研究》2008,6(3):125-128
仲氏针层孔菌和假斑点嗜蓝孢孔菌为中国孔状木生真菌2新记录种。本文根据采集的标本材料提供了该2个种的详细描述和线条图。  相似文献   

悬钩子属DNA条形码通用序列的初步筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建立悬钩子属(Rubus)植物的DNA条形码分子鉴定技术,筛选获得适用于悬钩子属植物的通用条形码序列。该研究基于GenBank数据对ITS、ITS2、matK、rbcL、trnH-psbA、trnL-trnF 6个DNA条形码序列进行了遗传变异、barcoding gap、建树等评估分析。结果显示,trnH-psbA、matK、rbcL、rtnL-trnF的种内变异与种间变异差异较大,变异分辨率分别为97.32%、83.33%、79.07%、64.95%,存在较大的barcoding gap;NJ一致树分析显示,matK的单系性比例最高(67%),其次为trnH-psbA(64%),rtnL-trnF(43%),rbcL(30%)。结果表明,悬钩子属植物的matKtrnH-psbA序列种内变异与种间变异差异较大,能较好地区分不同物种,具有较大的鉴定潜力。建议将matKtrnH-psbA作为悬钩子属植物鉴定的核心条形码序列,rtnL-trnF、rbcL作为辅助条形码序列。  相似文献   

The Kuhl’s pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii) is a Western Palaearctic species of bat that exhibits several deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages across its range. These lineages could represent cryptic species or merely ancient polymorphism, but no nuclear markers have been studied so far to properly assess the taxonomic status of these lineages. We examined here two lineages occurring in Western Europe, and used both mitochondrial and nuclear markers to measure degrees of genetic isolation between bats carrying them. The sampling focused on an area of strict lineage sympatry in Switzerland but also included bats from further south, in North Africa. All individuals were barcoded for the COI gene to identify their mitochondrial lineages and five highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to cluster them according to their nuclear genotypes. Despite this low number of nuclear markers, all North African nuclear genotypes were grouped in a highly distinct subpopulation when compared with European samples sharing the same mitochondrial barcodes. The reverse situation prevailed in Switzerland where bats carrying distinct barcodes had similar nuclear genotypes. There was a weak east/west nuclear structure of populations, but this was independent of mitochondrial lineages as bats carrying either variant were completely admixed. Thus, the divergent mitochondrial barcodes present in Western Europe do not represent cryptic species, but are part of a single biological species. We argue that these distinct barcodes evolved in allopatry and came recently into secondary contact in an area of admixture north of the Alps. Historical records from this area and molecular dating support such a recent bipolar spatial expansion. These results also highlight the need for using appropriate markers before claiming the existence of cryptic species based on highly divergent barcodes.  相似文献   

The genus Palaeosmunda was established by R. E. Gould in 1970 based upon some Late Permian Osmundaceous trunks with well-developed leaf gaps and rhomboidal sclerotic ring within petiolar base seen in cross section. As he thinks that the latter character is more important than the former, this genus could not be assigned to any subfamily of Osmundaceae. However, the leaf gap is one of the most important characters in the structure of the fern stem, so the author suggests that this genus should be assigned to subfamily Osmundoideae and its diagnosis must be emended as follows: The genus Palaeosmunda is represented by some rhizomes (or trunks), roots and leaf bases of ferns which structurally are preserved, resembling Osmundacaulis but which can’t be assigned to any group of this genus. Stem containing an ectophloic dictyoxylic siphonostele; if tracheids present in the pith, they being multiseriate scalariform pitted; pith or cortex sometimes contain ing groups of secretory cells or sclerenchyma; number of leaf traces seen in a tran sverse section of cortex more than 30; leaf traces adaxially curvature, rarely oblong shaped; petiolar bases with or without stipular expansion, containing a C-shaped vascular strand; root diarch. Type species——Palaeosmunda williamsii. According to this diagnosis some primitive osmundaceous species with the leaf gaps, which have already found in Upper Permian and Lower Triassic, could be assigned to this genus. Two of them are P. williamsii Gould and P. playfordii Gould, and Osmundacaulis beardmorensis, which was from Lower Triassic of Antarctica in 1978, should be assigned to the genus Palaeosmunda. In this paper two osmundaceous new species: P. primitiva and P. plenasioides were found in the coal balls of Upper Permian age from Wangjiazhai of Shuicheng of Guizhou Province, China. P. primitiva is represented by two trunks; stem about 4 cm in diameter; stele actophloic dictyoxylic siphonostele; pith cavity about 3—4 mm in diameter, contianing parenchyma and tracheids; xylem cylinder thin, less than 10 tracheids in radial thickness, dissected by leaf gaps. Inner cortex about 1.5 cm thick, mainly parenchymatous, but sometimes containing a few sclerenchymatous; number of leaf traces seen in a transverse section about 50—60; leaf traces departing at 35—45º,open C-shaped at point of departure, gradually becoming shallow C-shaped or V-shaped in different parts; protoxylem in base of leaf traces single, endarch; when leaf traces pass through inner cortex, protoxylem biturcating. Petiole bases without stipular expansion, probablyloosely embracing the stem; xylem strand of potiole trace shallow C-shaped, surrounded by selerenchyma; sclerotic ring round, connected with single sclerenchyma mass in the concavity of the petiole trace. Root arising singly from leaf trace, diarch, with inner and outer cortex. P. plenasioides is represented by a rhizome; stem more than 4 cm in diameter; stele actophloic dictyoxylic siphonostele; xylem cylider with about 20 tracheids in radial thickness, dissected by leaf gaps; xylem bundle U-, O-, or crosier- (i.e. query-) shaped; pith and inner cortex parenchymatous, with many groups of secretory cells; leaf trace C-shaped, its base containing two endarch protoxylem groups; root diareh,with inner and outer cortex, arising singly from leaf trace or its base.  相似文献   

Periodicity of cambium activity, seasonal changes of the secondary phloem and longevity of sieve tube in main trunk of Dalbergia balansae Prain and in the twig of D. szemaoensis Prain were observed. The results are as follows: 1. All cambia fall under the category of storied type. 2. In D. balansae cambial activity begins in late April and ends in early November. Phloem differentiation is completed by early November. Xylem differentiation ceases in December. In D. szemaoensis cambial activity continues from mid-April to late October. Phloem and xylem differentiation ceases by late November. 3. The width of functional phloem zone is maximal (400—600 μm) in autumn and minimal (200—370 μm) in February to April. In overwintering, functional sieve tube elements contain P-protein, and the pores of sieve plate are open. It could be one of the reasons that these two species are promising host trees of Kerria yunnanensis during winter. 4. The longevity of sieve tubes in D. balansae and D. szemaoensis last 8—12 months and 9—11 months respectively. 5. During dormancy of cambium, the parenchyma cells of the secondary phloem contain large quantities of starch grains and calcium oxalate crystals, which decrease as cambium becomes active and remain little or even non visualized in summer.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena mitochondrial cox1 barcodes and nuclear SSUrRNA sequences are particularly effective at distinguishing among its many cryptic species. In a project to learn more about Tetrahymena natural history, the majority of >1,000 Tetrahymena‐like fresh water isolates were assigned to established Tetrahymena species with the remaining assigned to 37 new species of Tetrahymena, nine new species of Dexiostoma and 12 new species of Glaucoma. Phylogenetically, all but three Tetrahymena species belong to the well‐established “australis” or “borealis” clades; the minority forms a divergent “paravorax” clade. Most Tetrahymena species are micronucleate, but others are exclusively amicronucleate. The self‐splicing intron of the LSUrRNA precursor is absent in Dexiostoma and Glaucoma and was likely acquired subsequent to the “australis/borealis” split; in some instances, its sequence is diagnostic of species. Tetrahymena americanis, T. elliotti, T. gruchyi n. sp., and T. borealis, together accounted for >50% of isolates, consistent with previous findings for established species. The biogeographic range of species found previously in Austria, China, and Pakistan was extended to the Nearctic; some species show evidence of population structure consistent with endemism. Most species were most frequently collected from ponds or lakes, while others, particularly Dexiostoma species, were collected most often from streams or rivers. The results suggest that perhaps hundreds of species remain to be discovered, particularly if collecting is global and includes hosts of parasitic forms.  相似文献   

描述了自西藏发现的荨麻科二新种:拉格艾麻(Laportea lageensis)和拉格冷水花(Pilea lageensis),并给出了与其近缘种的区别特征。  相似文献   

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