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In alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), plastids are inherited biparentally. Patterns of plastid transmission vary according to the genotypes involved, but there is a strong bias in favor of male plastid transmission. Previous cytological studies on the male gametophyte of this species have not provided an adequate explanation for the differences in plastid transmission frequencies among genotypes. In the present study, we compared egg cells from genotypes classified as strong or weak plastid transmitters to determine whether plastid transmission strength is correlated with egg cell structure before fertilization. We found that plastids in the mature egg cells of the strong female (genotype 6–4) are significantly larger than in mature eggs of the weak female (genotype CUF-B), and that significantly more plastids are positioned in the apical portion of the mature egg cell of genotype 6–4 than in CUF-B. Immature eggs in the two genotypes show the same pattern as mature eggs with regard to plastid number and polarization. Since only the apical portion of the egg cell/zygote gives rise to the functional embryo, these results indicate that the potential input of female plastids, in terms of plastid size and number, may be an important factor in determining the inheritance patterns of these organelles in alfalfa.Support for this work by the United States Department of Agriculture under grant 88-37234-3876, the National Science Foundation under grant DCB-9103658, the Organized Research Fund of Northern Arizona University, and the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station is gratefully acknowledged. We are indebted to Dr. Craig Caldwell, Northern Arizona University Computer Visualization Laboratory, for his expert help with the computer graphics.  相似文献   

In 1909 two papers by Correns and by Baur published in volume 1 of Zeitschrift für induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre (now Molecular Genetics and Genomics) reported on the non-Mendelian inheritance of chlorophyll deficiencies. These papers, reporting the very first cases of extranuclear inheritance, laid the foundation for a new field: non-Mendelian or extranuclear genetics. Correns observed a purely maternal inheritance (in Mirabilis), whereas Baur found a biparental inheritance (in Pelargonium). Correns suspected the non-Mendelian factors in the cytoplasm, while Baur believed that the plastids carry these extranuclear factors. In the following years, Baur’s hypothesis was proved to be correct. Baur subsequently developed the theory of plastid inheritance. In many genera the plastids are transmitted only uniparentally by the mother, while in a few genera there is a biparental plastid inheritance. Commonly there is random sorting of plastids during ontogenetic development. Renner and Schwemmle as well as geneticists in other countries added additional details to this theory. Pioneering studies on mitochondrial inheritance in yeast started in 1949 in the group of Ephrussi and Slonimski; respiration-deficient cells (petites in yeast, poky in Neurospora) were demonstrated to be due to mitochondrial mutations. Electron microscopical and biochemical studies (1962–1964) showed that plastids and mitochondria contain organelle-specific DNA molecules. These findings laid the molecular basis for the two branches of extranuclear inheritance: plastid and mitochondrial genetics.  相似文献   

Summary Zonal pelargoniums exhibit biparental plastid inheritance. After G x W plastid crosses the progeny are a mixture of green, variegated and white embryos corresponding to a maternal, biparental or paternal inheritance of plastids, respectively. There are two patterns of segregation: type-I females have families in which the majority of embryos are green, variegated are of intermediate frequency and white are the least frequent. Type-II females have families in which green and white embryos are present at about the same frequency and variegated are the least common. The results of many selfs and crosses made within and between 8 type-I and 8 type-II plants led us to conclude that the type of female was determined by its genotype with respect to a pair of complementary genes. Plants giving rise to the type-II pattern contained one or two copies of the dominant alleles of both genes, whereas in the absence of either one or both dominant alleles the plants were type I. The genes were called Pr1/pr1 and Pr2/pr2, an adaptation of symbolism used previously. All 8 type IIs were double heterozygotes Pr1pr1, Pr2pr2, whereas we found 3 genotypes among the type Is, Pr1Pr1, pr2pr2; pr1pr1, Pr2Pr2 and pr1pr1, Pr2pr2. In unrelated experiments we found type IIs of which some were again double heterozygotes and others single heterozygotes Pr1pr1, Pr2Pr2 or Pr1Pr1, Pr2pr2. The model displaces an earlier model based on the proposed operation of a gametophytic lethal or incompatibility system.  相似文献   

As judged by restriction analysis, mitochondrial DNA shows strictly maternal inheritance during 6-8 generations of backcrossing in both directions between Mus domesticus and Mus spretus. The average number of paternal mitochondrial genomes contributed to the next generation is estimated to be no more than one per thousand maternal mitochondrial genomes contributed. Despite the estimated accumulation of over 2000 mutational differences between M. spretus and M. domesticus mtDNAs since their divergence from a common ancestor, each of these mitochondrial DNAs, whether on a M. spretus or a M. domesticus nuclear background, allows mice to develop with seemingly normal viability and fertility.  相似文献   

Maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is generally observed in many eukaryotes. Sperm-derived paternal mitochondria and their mtDNA enter the oocyte cytoplasm upon fertilization and then normally disappear during early embryogenesis. However, the mechanism underlying this clearance of paternal mitochondria has remained largely unknown. Recently, we showed that autophagy is required for the elimination of paternal mitochondria in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Shortly after fertilization, autophagosomes are induced locally around the penetrated sperm components. These autophagosomes engulf paternal mitochondria, resulting in their lysosomal degradation during early embryogenesis. In autophagy-defective zygotes, paternal mitochondria and their genomes remain even in the larval stage. Therefore, maternal inheritance of mtDNA is accomplished by autophagic degradation of paternal mitochondria. We also found that another kind of sperm-derived structure, called the membranous organelle, is degraded by zygotic autophagy as well. We thus propose to term this allogeneic (nonself) organelle autophagy as allophagy.  相似文献   

The model plant Medicago truncatula exhibits biparental plastid inheritance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The plastid, which originated from the endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterium, contains its own plastid DNA (ptDNA) that exhibits a unique mode of inheritance. Approximately 80% of angiosperms show maternal inheritance, whereas the remainder exhibit biparental inheritance of ptDNA. Here we studied ptDNA inheritance in the model legume, Medicago truncatula. Cytological analysis of mature pollen with DNA-specific fluorescent dyes suggested that M. truncatula is one of the few model plants potentially showing biparental inheritance of ptDNA. We further examined pollen by electron microscopy and revealed that the generative cell (a mother of sperm cells) indeed has many DNA-containing plastids. To confirm biparental inheritance genetically, we crossed two ecotypes (Jemalong A17 and A20), and the transmission mode of ptDNA was investigated by a PCR-assisted polymorphism. Consistent with the cytological observations, the majority of F(1) plants possessed ptDNAs from both parents. Interestingly, cotyledons of F(1) plants tended to retain a biparental ptDNA population, while later emergent leaves tended to be uniparental with either one of the parental plastid genotypes. Biparental transmission was obvious in the F(2) population, in which all plants showed homoplasmy with either a paternal or a maternal plastid genotype. Collectively, these data demonstrated that M. truncatula is biparental for ptDNA transmission and thus can be an excellent model to study plastid genetics in angiosperms.  相似文献   

The inheritance pattern of mutant white plastids was studied in W × W crosses, in which one mutant was highly stable (Ws) and the other unstable (Wu) owing to the spontaneous restitution (mutation) of white plastids to a new green form. Thirty-six selfs and crosses were made within and between three nuclear type I cultivars, transmitting the unstable plastids, and three nuclear type II cultivars, transmitting the stable plastids. The allelic frequencies of the restituted plastids among the progeny were subjected to an analysis of variance which showed that within each nuclear type the three cultivars were rather similar except for some heterogeneity after Ws × Wu plastid crosses. The relative average transmission of the two mutant plastids in these W × W crosses was estimated and compared with their individual transmission in reciprocal crosses in which one parent contained green plastids. In the latter crosses, the green plastids were superior to the mutant plastids and the unstable plastid mutant was only slightly more successful than the stable mutant. But when the mutant plastids competed against each other, the unstable mutant became greatly superior to the stable mutant and comparable to a green normal plastid. A model to explain these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The cytological basis of the plastid inheritance in angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Research using chlorophyll-deficient mutants has shown that plastids are inherited biparentally in Medicago sativa L. (alfalfa). Variation in plastid transmission behavior was observed among crosses in earlier studies, but it was not determined whether this variation was under genetic control. In my research, genetic analyses of the frequencies of normal (G), chlorophyll-deficient (CD), and sectored (G and CD) progenies produced from G x CD crosses demonstrated that plastid inheritance patterns in alfalfa are influenced by both maternal and paternal genotypes. A strong paternal bias in plastid transmission existed in the majority of crosses despite the potential developmental disadvantages associated with paternally contributed CD plastids. The high frequencies of uniparental progenies suggest that genetic control of plastid inheritance in alfalfa may be exerted through effects on the number and distribution of maternal and paternal plastids early in embryo development.  相似文献   

It is important to verify mitochondrial inheritance in plant species in which mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) will be used as a source of molecular markers. We used a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) approach to amplify mitochondrial introns from subunits 1, 4, 5, and 7 of NADH dehydrogenase (nad) and cytochrome oxidase subunit II (cox2) in Eucalyptus globulus. PCR fragments were then either sequenced or cut with restriction enzymes to reveal polymorphism. Sequencing cox2 showed that eucalypts lack the intron between exons 1 and 2. One polymorphism was found in intron 2-3 of nad7 following restriction digests with HphI. Fifty-four F1 progeny from seven families with parents distinguishable in their mitochondrial nad7 were screened to show that mitochondria were maternally inherited in E. globulus. These results constitute the first report of mitochondrial inheritance in the family Myrtaceae.  相似文献   

<正>The plastid is widely present in algae and plants with important functions in the process of photosynthesis,carbon fixation,and stress response (Shi et al.,2022).Despite the consistency between plastid genomes in plants,size variation of the plastid genome,gene loss,structure changes,and pseudogenes have been frequently observed (Ivanova et al.,2017).Plastid genome has currently shown a wide application in research of phylogeny,  相似文献   

It is widely held that organelles inherit from the maternal lineage. However, the plastid genome in quite a few angiosperms appears to be biparentally transmitted. It is unclear how and why biparental inheritance of the genome became activated. Here, we detected widespread occurrence of plastids in the sperm cells (a cellular prerequisite for biparental inheritance) of traditional Caprifoliaceae. Of the 12 genera sampled, the sperm cells of Abelia, Dipelta, Heptacodium, Kolkwitzia, Leycesteria, Linnaea, Lonicera, Symphoricarpos, Triosteum and Weigela possessed inheritable plastids. The other genera, Sambucus and Viburnum, lacked plastids in sperm cells. Interestingly, such exclusion of plastids in the sperm cells of some Caprifoliaceae appeared to be associated with the divergence of Dipsacales phylogeny. Closer examination of Weigela florida revealed that both plastids and plastid DNA were highly duplicated in the generative cells. This implies that the appearance of plastids in sperm cells involved cellular mechanisms. Because such mechanisms must enhance the strength of plastid transmission through the paternal lineage and appear ubiquitous in species exhibiting biparental or potential biparental plastid inheritance, we presume that biparental plastid genetics may be a derived trait in angiosperms. This is consistent with our extended phylogenetic analysis using species with recently discovered modes of potential plastid inheritance. The results show that basal and early angiosperms have maternal plastid transmission, whereas all potential biparental transmission occurs at terminal branches of the tree. Thus, unlike previous studies, we suggest that biparental plastid inheritance in angiosperms was unilaterally converted from the maternal transmission mode during late angiosperm evolution.  相似文献   

Telomeres are emerging as a biomarker for ageing and survival, and are likely important in shaping life-history trade-offs. In particular, telomere length with which one starts in life has been linked to lifelong survival, suggesting that early telomere dynamics are somehow related to life-history trajectories. This result highlights the importance of determining the extent to which telomere length is inherited, as a crucial factor determining early life telomere length. Given the scarcity of species for which telomere length inheritance has been studied, it is pressing to assess the generality of telomere length inheritance patterns. Further, information on how this pattern changes over the course of growth in individuals living under natural conditions should provide some insight on the extent to which environmental constraints also shape telomere dynamics. To fill this gap partly, we followed telomere inheritance in a population of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). We tested for paternal and maternal influence on chick initial telomere length (10 days old after hatching), and how these relationships changed with chick age (at 70, 200 and 300 days old). Based on a correlative approach, offspring telomere length was positively associated with maternal telomere length early in life (at 10 days old). However, this relationship was not significant at older ages. These data suggest that telomere length in birds is maternally inherited. Nonetheless, the influence of environmental conditions during growth remained an important factor shaping telomere length, as the maternal link disappeared with chicks'' age.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited chlorophyll deficiency, or albinism, is a standard marker in plant cytoplasmic genetics. Its stability is consistent with mutations in the plastid genome. Nuclear mutations inducing plastid ribosome deficiency (PRD) also lead to maternally inherited chlorophyll deficiency. Here we report that stable chlorophyll deficiency can be efficiently generated in cruciferous plants without mutagenesis by a short exposure to spectinomycin, an inhibitor of plastid protein synthesis. We show that the chlorophyll-deficient phenotype results from a deficiency in plastid ribosomes and plastid translation products. Loss of plastid ribosomes is irreversible. The data suggest that mutations are not essential for generating inheritable PRD. It allows the formulation of a more general model in which stable PRD can be induced by a variety of factors that prevent the formation of functional plastid ribosomes. A non-mutational mechanism for generating inheritable chlorophyll deficiency has implications for the origin and inheritance of green–white variegation in nature.  相似文献   

Chloroplast genetic engineering overcomes concerns of gene containment, low levels of transgene expression, gene silencing, positional and pleiotropic effects or presence of vector sequences in transformed genomes. Several therapeutic proteins and agronomic traits have been highly expressed via the tobacco chloroplast genome but extending this concept to important crops has been a major challenge; lack of 100 homologous species-specific chloroplast transformation vectors containing suitable selectable markers, ability to regulate transgene expression in developing plastids and inadequate tissue culture systems via somatic embryogenesis are major challenges. We employed a Double Gene/Single Selection (DGSS) plastid transformation vector that harbors two selectable marker genes (aphA-6 and nptII) to detoxify the same antibiotic by two enzymes, irrespective of the type of tissues or plastids; by combining this with an efficient regeneration system via somatic embryogenesis, cotton plastid transformation was achieved for the first time. The DGSS transformation vector is at least 8-fold (1 event/2.4 bombarded plates) more efficient than Single Gene/Single Selection (SGSS) vector (aphA-6; 1 event per 20 bombarded plates). Chloroplast transgenic lines were fertile, flowered and set seeds similar to untransformed plants. Transgenes stably integrated into the cotton chloroplast genome were maternally inherited and were not transmitted via pollen when out-crossed with untransformed female plants. Cotton is one of the most important genetically modified crops ($ 120 billion US annual economy). Successful transformation of the chloroplast genome should address concerns about transgene escape, insects developing resistance, inadequate insect control and promote public acceptance of genetically modified cotton.  相似文献   

Zeh JA  Zeh DW 《Genetica》2008,134(1):45-54
Growing evidence indicates that females actively engage in polyandry either to avoid genetic incompatibility or to bias paternity in favor of genetically superior males. Despite empirical support for the intrinsic male quality hypothesis, the maintenance of variation in male fitness remains a conundrum for traditional "good genes" models of sexual selection. Here, we discuss two mechanisms of non-Mendelian inheritance, maternal inheritance of mitochondria and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, which may explain the persistence of variation in male fitness traits important in post-copulatory sexual selection. The inability of males to transmit mitochondria precludes any direct evolutionary response to selection on mitochondrial mutations that reduce or enhance male fitness. Consequently, mitochondrial-based variation in sperm traits is likely to persist, even in the face of intense sperm competition. Indeed, mitochondrial nucleotide substitutions, deletions and insertions are now known to be a primary cause of low sperm count and poor sperm motility in humans. Paradoxically, in the field of sexual selection, female-limited response to selection has been largely overlooked. Similarly, the contribution of epigenetics (e.g., DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs) to heritable variation in male fitness has received little attention from evolutionary theorists. Unlike DNA sequence based variation, epigenetic variation can be strongly influenced by environmental and stochastic effects experienced during the lifetime of an individual. Remarkably, in some cases, acquired epigenetic changes can be stably transmitted to offspring. A recent study indicates that sperm exhibit particularly high levels of epigenetic variation both within and between individuals. We suggest that such epigenetic variation may have important implications for post-copulatory sexual selection and may account for recent findings linking sperm competitive ability to offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Maternal and cytoplasmic inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in Xenopus   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Females differ from males in transmitting not only nuclear genes but also cytoplasmic genetic elements (CGEs), including DNA in mitochondria, chloroplasts and microorganisms that are present in the cell. Until recently, evolutionary research has adopted a nucleocentric approach in which organelles have been viewed as subservient energy suppliers. In this article, we propose that a more equitable view of nuclear genes and organelle genomes will lead to a better understanding of the dynamics of sexual selection and the constraints on male adaptation. Maternal inheritance of CGEs intensifies sexually-antagonistic coevolution and provides a parsimonious explanation for the relatively high frequency in males of such apparently maladaptive traits as infertility, homosexuality and baldness.  相似文献   

Summary Plastid nucleoids (pt nucleoids) were observed during pollen formation, or in generative cells of mature pollen grains using fluorescence microscopy after staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Nuclease C activity was surveyed using SDS-PAGE and agarose gel nuclease assay methods. InMirabilis jalapa, pt nucleoids were observed both in pollen mother cells and the monocellular pollen grains after meiosis, followed by the complete disappearance both in the generative and vegetative cells at the bicellular pollen grain stage. This observation is a direct evidence of maternal plastid inheritance. By contrast, in the generative cells of mature pollen grains fromRhododendron kaempferi, Zygocactus truncatus, Oenothera laciniata, andO. speciosa, pt nucleoids were clearly observed. Thus cytological evidence convinces the mode of biparental plastid inheritance. Nuclease C activity was clearly detected both in the stamen and pistil ofM. jalapa. InR. kaempferi low nuclease C activity was detected in both organs, but the activity in the stamen was much less than in the pistil. InZ. truncatus, O. laciniata, andO. speciosa, the activities were difficult to detect in both organs. These results suggest a significant role of nuclease C for the digestion of pt nucleoids in the generative cells.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene-glycol-bis-(2-aminoethyl ether)-N, N, N, N-tetraacetic acid - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - Nuclease C Ca2+ dependent nuclease - SDS-PAGE SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - pt nucleoids plastid nucleoids  相似文献   

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