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Orchids of the genus Ophrys are pollinated by males of solitary bees and wasps through sexual deception. Flowers mimic the odor of a receptive female and thus attract males that seek to copulate. Visual stimuli have been assumed so far to play only a minor role in male attraction. We investigated the role of the perigon as a potential visual signal in attracting pollinators in the orchid Ophrys heldreichii and its pollinator, the males of the long-horned bee Tetralonia berlandi (Apidae). In contrast to many other Ophrys species, O. heldreichii exhibits a large and bright pinkish perigon that appears visually conspicuous to a human observer. In a dual choice test we presented two flowers from a single plant and counted visitation rates. We then removed the perigon of one flower and retested the relative attractiveness of both flowers. For 292 male visits in ten trials we found a significant decrease of visitation rate for flowers with the perigon removed. In a second experiment we repeated the dual choice test using photos of the flowers. Males also significantly chose the picture of an intact flower over the picture of a modified flower where the perigon was digitally removed. From our data, we conclude that T. berlandi males respond to and are attracted by the bright pink perigon of the orchid in addition to other stimuli. A bright colorful perigon occurs almost only in the Ophrys holoserica-oestrifera group, a large sub-group of the genus. We hypothesize that this kind of visual signal is adaptive particularly in those Ophrys species where the targeted males patrol resourced-based encounter sites and strongly rely on their visual system while searching for their females.  相似文献   

Variation of signals is a widespread feature in animal communication. Signals usually vary among signallers and in some cases vary across geographic areas. Individual variation provides the basis for individual recognition and thus has important implications for social interactions. Microgeographic variation can reveal insights into patterns of dispersal and into timing and mechanism of acquisition or development of behavioral traits. In addition, it may reflect adaptations of signals to the transmission characteristics of local habitat types. In song birds these kinds of variation have been documented in particular for male song. Here, we examined individual signature cues, site-specific variation, and variation among habitat types in tonal contact calls of 26 chiffchaffs, Phylloscopus collybita canarensis , recorded on two Canary islands. Multiparametric analyses of calls and subsequent discriminant function analyses revealed clear individual differences as well as microgeographic variation in call structure. Call structures differed not only between islands but also among the different locations on Tenerife, indicating that individuals on the same island do not share the same call, as suggested earlier. Calls recorded in different types of habitat, however, did not differ in structure as predicted by the 'acoustic adaptation hypothesis'. The findings indicate that individual recognition may be possible on the basis of calls and they contribute to the understanding of development of behavioural trails in relation to life history patterns such as the timing and pattern of dispersal.  相似文献   

Individual distinctiveness in acoustic signals can allow receivers to respond appropriately to different individuals. The aim of this research was to examine signal variation and to investigate the relative importance of different acoustic properties for coding individual distinctiveness in the advertisement calls of male golden rocket frogs (Anomaloglossus beebei). We examined patterns of within‐individual and among‐individual variability in 760 advertisement calls of 40 males as well as repeatability in 16 additional males that were recorded on two different occasions. We examined eight call properties, and all properties exhibited significant among‐individual variation and moderate to high repeatability across days. We employed discriminant function analysis to examine individual distinctiveness statistically. These analyses assigned 79% of calls to the correct individual. Fine temporal properties, including pulse duration, pulse rate, and pulse interval, as well as the spectral property of dominant frequency, contributed most toward discrimination among individuals. These results indicate that individual male golden rocket frogs can be distinguished statistically by their advertisement calls. We use these findings to evaluate results of previous playback studies in A. beebei and to generate testable predictions regarding the potential for specific call properties to function in mate selection and social recognition.  相似文献   

Nathan Muchhala 《Biotropica》2008,40(3):332-337
What causes flowers to diverge? While a plant's primary pollinator should strongly influence floral phenotype, selective pressures may also be exerted by other flower visitors or competition with other plants for pollination. Species of the primarily bat‐pollinated genus Burmeistera (Campanulaceae) frequently cooccur, with up to four species in a given site, and broadly overlap in flowering phenology, typically flowering throughout the year. The genus displays extensive interspecific variation in floral morphology in the degree that the reproductive parts (anthers and stigma) are exserted outside of the corolla, and species can be roughly classified as either long or short‐exserted. I tested two hypotheses regarding the functional significance of such variation: (1) exsertion lengths correspond to pollination by bat species of different sizes; and (2) variation serves to partition pollinator's bodies spatially and thus reduces interspecific pollen transfer. I captured bats in Ecuador to evaluate the identity and location of the Burmeistera pollen they were carrying. Results show that exsertion does not correspond to specialization on different pollinators; different bat species carried pollen of both flower types just as frequently. In support of the second hypothesis, pollen from flowers of different exsertion lengths was found to occur on different regions of bats' heads. This may serve to reduce competition for pollination among coexisting Burmeistera.  相似文献   

Highly repeatable randomly amplified polymorphicDNA (RAPD) markers were developed for parentage studiesin the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Of the 25 RAPDprimers screened, 5 (20.0%) produced 32 repeatable polymorphic RAPD bands (average/primer = 6.4± 4.2). A high level of polymorphism was observedfor each group of koalas (Featherdale, 71.9%; Lone Pine,84.4%). All 25 koalas could be uniquely identified using either RAPD or microsatellite markers. Of the32 RAPD markers generated in koalas, 25 were informativefor parentage analyses. These RAPD markers successfullydetermined both parents to three offspring and a male parent to a fourth offspring.Paternity analysis (where the female parent is known)succeeded in assigning the correct male parent to sevenoffspring. Our RAPD–PCR method generatesinformative genetic markers that are useful for parentagedetermination and individual identification of captivekoalas. This would provide genetic analysis to zoos andwildlife parks as a low-cost alternative to the more expensive microsatellite markers.  相似文献   

We quantied intraspecic variation and covariation of leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf dry matter concentration (LD), leaf frost sensitivity (LFS) and Fv/Fm of leaves of 8 Lithocarpus dealbatus populations across the geographical distribution from north to south to determine the magnitude and whether it is related to environmental conditions, latitude and mean annual temperature. The results showed that the total variation (coefcient of variation) of LMA, LD, LFS and Fv/Fm were 160%, 177%, 211% and 401% respectively. The total intraspecic variation was contributed by the difference among populations, individuals and leaves. The difference among populations accounted for the largest total variation in LMA, LD and Fv/Fm, whereas the difference among leaves accounted for the largest total variation in LFS. On population level, LMA was significantly positive related to the latitude and Fv/Fm was significantly negative, but LD and LFS were not related to the latitude. LMA decreased while Fv/Fm increased significantly with the increase of mean annual temperature. LD was a downward quadratic variation, and LFS was upward with the increase of mean annual temperature. The principal component analysis of four functional traits showed that no population was located nearer to the origin of the first and second principal component, and populations at the edge of distribution area located at both sides of the first principal component axis. The results suggested that the environmental variation in the distribution could cause intraspecic variation of functional traits. There is no population could represent a species in functional traits. When an average trait value for species is considered and trait comparisons are done among species, intraspecific variation of traits could not be ignored.  相似文献   

The adoption of new food resources can be facilitated by the ability to learn through observation of other individuals who use them. This behavior, termed observational learning, applies to any problem solving in which a naive individual who has observed an experienced individual learns a behavior faster than another who has not. Hummingbirds consume nectar from flowers of a large number of plant species, which are very diverse in morphology and color. During their local or migratory movements, they can observe the use of floral resources by conspecifics and heterospecifics which may change their foraging preferences. Although there is evidence that hummingbirds can use observational learning to exploit new floral resources, it is necessary to generate additional information by studying different hummingbird species. In this work, the learning performance of White‐eared hummingbirds (Hylocharis leucotis) was studied in the presence or absence of a knowledgeable tutor. In a first experiment, naïve hummingbirds learned to feed on arrays of artificial flower of two colors: red (previously known resource) and yellow (novel resource), where only one color had nectar. Naive hummingbirds visited red flowers faster and more often than rewarded yellow flowers. Individuals with the best performance on each color were further trained to ensure that they only visited flowers of a specific color, and were then used as tutors in the next experiment, in which new naive hummingbirds, caged individually, were allowed to observe them foraging on the artificial arrays. These naïve individual were then exposed alone to the same array used by their tutor. Tutored hummingbirds learned to feed faster and more frequently from nectar‐containing flowers of the array than naive individuals. Likewise, all tutored individuals only visited flowers of the color that had been previously visited by their tutors. This study provides experimental evidence that hummingbirds taken directly from the field can use observational learning as an efficient strategy to access new floral resources.  相似文献   

An understanding of craniofacial growth, both evolutionarily and clinically, requires an investigation of pattern —geometric relations that remain relatively constant among growing structures or components of the skull. Several craniofacial biologists have suggested that specific morphological relations remain invariant during growth and in interspecific comparisons of adults of varying size. We tested the hypothesized invariance of a series of craniofacial angles in a sample of adult Old World monkeys. Fifteen angles were determined from lateral cranial radiographs. Criteria for examining angular invariance included tests for significant correlations and regression slopes with palatal length (overall skull size), tests for significant mean differences (ANOVAs) in angular values between the two subfamilies of Cercopithecidae — Cercopithecinae and Colobinae — and the computation and ranking of standard deviations (SDs) and coefficients of variation (CVs). Results indicate that most of the cranial angles purported to be invariant do not in fact meet the criteria for acceptance. One of the few cranial angles that evinces a somewhat constant value is that between the posterior maxillary plane and the neutral axis of the orbits, providing very limited support for Enlow’s (1982) claim that this region represents a fundamental anatomical interface (at least within Old World monkeys). Our analysis suggests that while there may be several relatively invariant structural relations within the skull, most of those previously discussed as representing evidence of pattern in primate-wide or mammal-wide comparisons are incorrect.  相似文献   

为解决台闽苣苔族 (Titanotricheae)这一单种族的科级系统位置 ,通过扫描电镜观察了台闽苣苔 (Titan otrichumoldhamii (Hemsl.)Solereder)植物的种子发芽和幼苗发育过程。随着下胚轴的向下伸长 ,两个子叶开始不明显的异率生长 ,其中一片子叶略大于另一片子叶。但两片子叶均正常发育并位于同一高度。当真叶发出后 ,两片子叶几乎等大 ,并且两个子叶柄等长。在幼苗生长期间 ,随着子叶的生长 ,胚芽也正常萌发出茎的顶芽。顶芽持续进行顶端生长产生交互对生的真叶。这一幼苗生长式样和苦苣苔亚科其他类群的仅一片子叶发育与胚芽被抑制的幼苗生长式样有明显区别。考虑到台闽苣苔植物在总状花序的上部大量簇生无性珠芽 ,并落地迅速生长出新的植株这一在苦苣苔科中独特的无性繁殖方式及相关性状 ,台闽苣苔族可能较早地从苦苣苔亚科中分化出来 ,并在繁殖体的功能进化方面和其他类群发生歧化进而获得独特的无性繁殖方式。台闽苣苔族在系统发育上应该被认为是其他苦苣苔亚科类群的姊妹群 ,应当提升为亚科等级。  相似文献   

An understanding of craniofacial growth, both evolutionarily and clinically, requires an investigation of pattern —geometric relations that remain relatively constant among growing structures or components of the skull. Several craniofacial biologists have suggested that specific morphological relations remain invariant during growth and in interspecific comparisons of adults of varying size. We tested the hypothesized invariance of a series of craniofacial angles in a sample of adult Old World monkeys. Fifteen angles were determined from lateral cranial radiographs. Criteria for examining angular invariance included tests for significant correlations and regression slopes with palatal length (overall skull size), tests for significant mean differences (ANOVAs) in angular values between the two subfamilies of Cercopithecidae — Cercopithecinae and Colobinae — and the computation and ranking of standard deviations (SDs) and coefficients of variation (CVs). Results indicate that most of the cranial angles purported to be invariant do not in fact meet the criteria for acceptance. One of the few cranial angles that evinces a somewhat constant value is that between the posterior maxillary plane and the neutral axis of the orbits, providing very limited support for Enlow’s (1982) claim that this region represents a fundamental anatomical interface (at least within Old World monkeys). Our analysis suggests that while there may be several relatively invariant structural relations within the skull, most of those previously discussed as representing evidence of pattern in primate-wide or mammal-wide comparisons are incorrect.  相似文献   

Several sexually dimorphic morphological, behavioural, and territory characteristics of male pronghorn, Antilocapra americana, are highly variable. To test the hypothesis that females respond to variation among males for mate choice, I examined the relationship between these male characteristics and female congregation size and variability. Increased movement up to and during rut and differential female congregation on the territories of males with favoured characteristics were detected as predicted. Individual females increased their home ranges nearly fourfold from summer to rut and visited 88% of the territories in the study area. Female congregation size was related to male phenotype but not to territory characteristics. A canonical correlation analysis revealed that not only were several male traits simultaneously related to female congregation size and variability, but the importance of these traits varied across years. However, male courtship, cheek-patch size, and scent marking behaviours were consistently correlated to female congregation patterns across years. Female congregation was significantly related to male courtship, but there was no correlation between former territory owner's and newcomer's attraction of females. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that females were primarily assessing males instead of territories.  相似文献   

In classic Hairy cell leukaemia (HCLc), a single case has thus far been interrogated by whole exome sequencing (WES) in a treatment naive patient, in which BRAF V(600)E was identified as an acquired somatic mutation and confirmed as occurring near-universally in this form of disease by conventional PCR-based cohort screens. It left open however the question whether other genome-wide mutations may also commonly occur at high frequency in presentation HCLc disease. To address this, we have carried out WES of 5 such typical HCLc cases, using highly purified splenic tumour cells paired with autologous T cells for germline. Apart from BRAF V(600)E, no other recurrent somatic mutation was identified in these HCLc exomes, thereby excluding additional acquired mutations as also prevalent at a near-universal frequency in this form of the disease. These data then place mutant BRAF at the centre of the neoplastic drive in HCLc. A comparison of our exome data with emerging genetic findings in HCL indicates that additional somatic mutations may however occur recurrently in smaller subsets of disease. As mutant BRAF alone is insufficient to drive malignant transformation in other histological cancers, it suggests that individual tumours utilise largely differing patterns of genetic somatic mutations to coalesce with BRAF V(600)E to drive pathogenesis of malignant HCLc disease.  相似文献   

Understanding the variation in stomatal characteristics in relation to climatic gradients can reveal the adaptation strategies of plants, and help us to predict their responses to future climate changes. In this study, we investigated stomatal density (SD) and stomatal length (SL) in 150 plant species along an elevation gradient (540–2357 m) in Changbai Mountain, China, and explored the patterns and drivers of stomatal characteristics across species and plant functional types (PFTs: trees, shrubs, and herbs). The average values of SD and SL for all species combined were 156 mm–2 and 35 µm, respectively. SD was higher in trees (224 mm–2) than in shrubs (156 mm–2) or herbs (124 mm–2), and SL was largest in herbs (37 µm). SD was negatively correlated with SL in all species and PFTs (P<0.01). The relationship between stomatal characteristics and elevation differed among PFTs. In trees, SD decreased and SL increased with elevation; in shrubs and herbs, SD initially increased and then decreased. Elevation-related differences in SL were not significant. PFT explained 7.20–17.6% of the total variation in SD and SL; the contributions of CO2 partial pressure (), precipitation, and soil water content (SWC) were weak (0.02–2.28%). Our findings suggest that elevation-related patterns of stomatal characteristics in leaves are primarily a function of PFT, and highlight the importance of differences among PFTs in modeling gas exchange in terrestrial ecosystems under global climate change.  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of marked individuals of Ectatomma ruidum and E. tuberculatum (Formicidae: Ponerinae) was observed on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, in order to determine whether learning of orientation and timing is involved when foraging on patchy resources on the forest floor. Foraging experiments under seminatural conditions were designed to control for the spatiotemporal distribution of resources at one or two preying sites. Using both single- and multi–event past experience, individual foragers of E. ruidum and (although less significantly) E. tuberculatum made directional and temporal adjustments to their behavior in response to previous differential foraging success. In spite of considerable individual variation in foraging efficiency, it is hypothesized that the observed differences in cognitive abilities can be invoked to explain ecological differences among both species.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic lineages may colonize marginal areas of the range of related sexual species or coexist with sexual species in the same habitat. Frozen-Niche-Variation and General-Purpose-Genotype are two hypotheses suggesting that competition and interclonal selection result in parthenogenetic populations being either genetically diverse or rather homogeneous. The cosmopolitan parthenogenetic oribatid mite Oppiella nova has a broad ecological phenotype and is omnipresent in a variety of habitats. Morphological variation in body size is prominent in this species and suggests adaptation to distinct environmental conditions. We investigated genetic variance and body size of five independent forest - grassland ecotones. Forests and grasslands were inhabited by distinct genetic lineages with transitional habitats being colonized by both genetic lineages from forest and grassland. Notably, individuals of grasslands were significantly larger than individuals in forests. These differences indicate the presence of specialized genetic lineages specifically adapted to either forests or grasslands which coexist in transitional habitats. Molecular clock estimates suggest that forest and grassland lineages separated 16-6 million years ago, indicating long-term persistence of these lineages in their respective habitat. Long-term persistence, and morphological and genetic divergence imply that drift and environmental factors result in the evolution of distinct parthenogenetic lineages resembling evolution in sexual species. This suggests that parthenogenetic reproduction is not an evolutionary dead end.  相似文献   

Studies of sexual selection have focused mainly on dimorphic and/or polygynous species, where males, typically possess more exaggerated secondary sexual characters. However in many species, receiving far less attention, the expression of ornamental traits by females matches that in males. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain sexual monomorphism, including mutual mate choice, genetic correlation, weak sexual selection and sexual indistinguishability. The sexual indistinguishability hypothesis suggests that sexual monomorphism is an adaption to avoid competition in monogamous flock‐living species. Based on measurements of museum skins and domesticated birds in Europe, the Australian long‐tailed finch was classified as a sexually monomorphic species, providing the best empirical support for the sexual indistinguishability hypothesis. Using both domestic and wild long‐tailed finches, we have re‐evaluated the extent to which the sexes are really indistinguishable. Morphological measurements of wing, tail, tail streamers, tarsus, bill and patch size, and colour spectrometric measurements of the yellow upper mandible and grey crown, were compared between the sexes. While the sexes are similar, males and females nonetheless differed in seven of ten traits in wild populations. In domestic populations, the sexes differed to a lesser extent but were still significantly different at three of ten traits, and discriminant analysis showed that 92% of wild individuals and 89% of domestic individuals could reliably be sexed based on just these morphological traits. Contrary to previous work, this study demonstrates that wild long‐tailed finches are sexually dimorphic, and that the similarity between males and females in this species cannot be explained by the sexual indistinguishability hypothesis.  相似文献   

毒理学实验是毒理学有效和必要的补充,但传统毒理学实验教学存在一些弊端.PBL是一种新型的教学模式,它以问题为基础、以学生为中心、以教师为引导,发展学生综合分析和解决实际问题能力.本文首次在毒理学实验教学中设计并渗透应用PBL教学模式,并对教学的初步研究结果进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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