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Enterobacter cloacae SLD1a-1 is capable of the complete reduction of selenate to selenium and the initial reaction is catalysed by a membrane-bound selenate reductase. In the present study, continuous culture experiments were employed to investigate the possibility that selenate reduction, via the selenate reductase, might provide sufficient energy to maintain cell viability when deprived of the preferred anaerobic terminal electron acceptor nitrate. The evidence presented indicates that the selenate reductase supports slow growth that retards the wash-out of the culture when switching to nitrate-depleted selenate-rich medium, and provides a proton motive force for sustained cell maintenance. In contrast, a strain of E. cloacae (sub sp. cloacae) that does not readily reduce selenate, cannot sustain cell maintenance when switching to a selenate-rich medium. This work demonstrates for the first time that respiratory linked selenate reduction gives E. cloacae SLD1a-1 a selective advantage when inhabiting selenate-contaminated environments and highlights the suitability of utilising E. cloacae SLD1a-1 when developing selenium remediation strategies.  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae SLD1a-1 is capable of reductive detoxification of selenate to elemental selenium under aerobic growth conditions. The initial reductive step is the two-electron reduction of selenate to selenite and is catalyzed by a molybdenum-dependent enzyme demonstrated previously to be located in the cytoplasmic membrane, with its active site facing the periplasmic compartment (C. A. Watts, H. Ridley, K. L. Condie, J. T. Leaver, D. J. Richardson, and C. S. Butler, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 228:273-279, 2003). This study describes the purification of two distinct membrane-bound enzymes that reduce either nitrate or selenate oxyanions. The nitrate reductase is typical of the NAR-type family, with alpha and beta subunits of 140 kDa and 58 kDa, respectively. It is expressed predominantly under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate, and while it readily reduces chlorate, it displays no selenate reductase activity in vitro. The selenate reductase is expressed under aerobic conditions and expressed poorly during anaerobic growth on nitrate. The enzyme is a heterotrimeric (alphabetagamma) complex with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 600 kDa. The individual subunit sizes are approximately 100 kDa (alpha), approximately 55 kDa (beta), and approximately 36 kDa (gamma), with a predicted overall subunit composition of alpha3beta3gamma3. The selenate reductase contains molybdenum, heme, and nonheme iron as prosthetic constituents. Electronic absorption spectroscopy reveals the presence of a b-type cytochrome in the active complex. The apparent Km for selenate was determined to be approximately 2 mM, with an observed Vmax of 500 nmol SeO4(2-) min(-1) mg(-1) (kcat, approximately 5.0 s(-1)). The enzyme also displays activity towards chlorate and bromate but has no nitrate reductase activity. These studies report the first purification and characterization of a membrane-bound selenate reductase.  相似文献   

Whole-cell suspensions of Enterobactercloacae SLD1a-1 produced dimethylselenide(DMSe) from selenate, selenite, elementalselenium, dimethylselenone,seleno-DL-methionine, 6-selenoinosine, and6-selenopurine. Cell-free extracts of thebacterium produced the formation of DMSe fromorganic selenium compounds, includingdimethylselenone, dimethylselenoniopropionate,seleno-DL-methionine, seleno-DL-ethionine, and6-selenoguanosine. The highest rate of DMSeproduction occurred from whole-cell suspensionsand cell-free extracts containingdimethylselenone. DMSe was also produced bycell-free extracts containing selenite orelemental selenium and methylcobalamin. Cell-free extracts did not produce DMSe frominorganic selenium when S-adenosyl-L-methionine was present. Additionally, DL-homocysteine and L-methioninewere found to inhibit selenium volatilization. These findings suggest the formation of DMSefrom inorganic selenium occurs through thetransfer of a methyl group frommethylcobalamin.  相似文献   

Summary A tranducing phage carrying some of the genes (men) defining the early stages of menaquinone biosynthesis was isolated from a pool of recombinant lambda phages that had been constructed from R.HindIII digests of E. coli DNA and the corresponding insertion vector. The lesions of menB and menC mutants were complemented by the phage but menD mutants were transduced either at low frequencies or not at all. This indicates that the transducing phage contains functional menB and menC genes but that only part of the menD gene had been cloned. The phage (G68) was accordingly disignated menCB(D). Studies with the transducing phage enabled earlier mapping data (Guest 1979) to be reinterpreted in favour of the gene order nalA.... menC..menB..menD.... purF. Restriction analyses established the presence of a bacterial DNA fragment (11.5 kb) linked by a R.HindIII target to the right arm of the genome but fused to the left arm of the vector. Hybridization studies confirmed that the cloned DNA was derived from a larger R.HindIII fragment (21 kb). A physical map of the men region was constructed and some flanking and overlapping fragments were identified.  相似文献   

Tn10 mutants of Escherichia coli MC4100 were screened for their inability to grow under iron deficiency and for their inability to grow under anaerobiosis in the presence of fumarate as an electron acceptor. A strain so obtained (E. coli PBB1) lacked the ability to convert chorismic acid to isochorismic acid. This shows that the gene (entC) encoding isochorismate synthase was mutated. E. coli PBB1 did not produce any detectable amounts of menaquinones (vitamin K2) or enterobactin. When supplemented with isochorismic acid this strain produced menaquinones, indicating that isochorismic acid is involved not only in enterobactin but also in menaquinone biosynthesis. The entC gene was isolated and was shown to be part of the enterobactin gene cluster: It was located on a DNA fragment (9 kb in length) which also carried the entA gene. The DNA fragment was identified by restriction site mapping and was compared to a previously published map of the enterobactin gene cluster. The entC gene on this fragment responds not only to conditions (iron deficiency) that stimulate enterobactin biosynthesis but also to anaerobiosis which results in increased isochorismic acid formation and increased menaquinone biosynthesis. We conclude that isochorismic acid, isochorismic synthase, and the gene (entC) encoding this enzyme are involved in catalytic events at a metabolic branch point from which both enterobactin and menaquinones originate.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound selenate reductase of Enterobacter cloacae SLD1a-1 is purified in low yield and has relatively low activity in the pure form compared to that of other oxyanion reductases, such as the membrane-bound and periplasmic nitrate reductases. A microtiter plate assay based on the original quartz cuvette viologen assay of Jones and Garland (R.W. Jones, P.B. Garland, Biochem. J 164 (1977) 199-211) was developed specifically for analysis of such low-abundant, labile oxyanion reductases. The plate assay detects the enzyme-dependent reoxidation of reduced methyl viologen spectrophotometrically at 600 nm. The assay is quick, uses a minimal sample volume (<5 microl), can simultaneously test a range of alternative substrates, and permits activity measurements on multiple samples. We demonstrate the accuracy and versatility of the microtiter plate assay by application to the kinetic analysis, inhibition, and pH optimization of the membrane-bound selenate reductase from E. cloacae SLD1a-1. Results show that the membrane-bound selenate reductase has optimum activity at pH approximately 8 and its active site is able to accommodate larger inhibitory complexes resulting in mixed-type inhibition, in the presence of selenate and potassium thiocyanate.  相似文献   

A facultative bacterium capable of removing the selenium (Se) oxyanions selenate (SeO(inf4)(sup2-)) and selenite (SeO(inf3)(sup2-)) from solution culture in flasks open to the atmosphere was isolated and studied with the goal of assessing its potential for use in bioremediation of seleniferous agricultural drainage water. Elemental Se (Se(sup0)) was confirmed as a product of the reaction. The organism, identified as Enterobacter cloacae and designated strain SLD1a-1 (ATCC 700258), removed from 61.5 to 94.5% of added SeO(inf4)(sup2-) (the primary species present in agricultural drainage water) at concentrations from 13 to 1,266 (mu)M. Equimolar amounts of nitrate (NO(inf3)(sup-)), which interferes with SeO(inf4)(sup2-) reduction in some organisms, did not influence the reaction in growth experiments but had a slight inhibitory effect in a washed-cell suspension. Washed-cell suspension experiments also showed that (i) SeO(inf3)(sup2-) is a transitory intermediate in reduction of SeO(inf4)(sup2-), being produced and rapidly reduced concomitantly; (ii) NO(inf3)(sup-) is also reduced concomitantly and at a much higher rate than SeO(inf4)(sup2-); and (iii) although enzymatic, reduction of either oxyanion does not appear to be an inducible process. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that precipitate particles are <0.1 (mu)m in diameter, and these particles were observed free in the medium. Evidence indicates that SLD1a-1 uses SeO(inf4)(sup2-) as an alternate electron acceptor and that the reaction occurs via a membrane-associated reductase(s) followed by rapid expulsion of the Se particles.  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae SLD1a-1 is capable of reductive detoxification of selenate to elemental selenium under aerobic growth conditions. The initial reductive step is the two-electron reduction of selenate to selenite and is catalyzed by a molybdenum-dependent enzyme demonstrated previously to be located in the cytoplasmic membrane, with its active site facing the periplasmic compartment (C. A. Watts, H. Ridley, K. L. Condie, J. T. Leaver, D. J. Richardson, and C. S. Butler, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 228:273-279, 2003). This study describes the purification of two distinct membrane-bound enzymes that reduce either nitrate or selenate oxyanions. The nitrate reductase is typical of the NAR-type family, with α and β subunits of 140 kDa and 58 kDa, respectively. It is expressed predominantly under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate, and while it readily reduces chlorate, it displays no selenate reductase activity in vitro. The selenate reductase is expressed under aerobic conditions and expressed poorly during anaerobic growth on nitrate. The enzyme is a heterotrimeric (αβγ) complex with an apparent molecular mass of ~600 kDa. The individual subunit sizes are ~100 kDa (α), ~55 kDa (β), and ~36 kDa (γ), with a predicted overall subunit composition of α3β3γ3. The selenate reductase contains molybdenum, heme, and nonheme iron as prosthetic constituents. Electronic absorption spectroscopy reveals the presence of a b-type cytochrome in the active complex. The apparent Km for selenate was determined to be ~2 mM, with an observed Vmax of 500 nmol SeO42− min−1 mg−1 (kcat, ~5.0 s−1). The enzyme also displays activity towards chlorate and bromate but has no nitrate reductase activity. These studies report the first purification and characterization of a membrane-bound selenate reductase.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacteriocin susceptibilities indicate that during cloacin DF13 uptake the F porin of Enterobacter cloacae plays a similar role to that reported for the OmpF porin of Escherichia coli during colicin A entry. The translocatory activities of these two porins during the bacteriocin uptake can be substituted by the porins D and OmpC, respectively, under conditions not requiring the receptor binding step. Using anti-peptide antibodies, a peptide located in the internal loop L3 of the Escherichia coli OmpF porin was identified in the D and F porins of Enterobacter cloacae. The results demonstrated the existence of a close relationship between porins in terms of both antigenic determinants and bacteriocin susceptibilities.  相似文献   

E Boy  F Reinisch  C Richaud  J C Patte 《Biochimie》1976,58(1-2):213-218
A mutant of lysyl-tRNA synthetase has been isolated in Escherichia coli K12. With this strain the Kmapp for lysine is 25 fold higher than with the parental strain. The percentage of charged tRNAlys in vivo is only 7 per cent (as against 65 per cent with HFR H). Under these conditions no derepression of synthesis is observed for three lysine biosynthetic enzymes (AK III, ASA-dehydrogenase, DAP-decarboxylase) ; a partial derepression is obtained in the case of the dhdp-reductase. Thus lysyl-tRNA does not act as the only corepressor molecule in the lysine regulon.  相似文献   

A general survey of the regulation in lysine biosynthesis in Escherichia coli K12 is presented. No polygenic operon exists for the genes that code for enzymes of the lysine biosynthetic pathway. Lysyl-tRNA is not directly involved as a co-repressor in the pathway. Different regulation mechanisms must exist for the different enzymes. In the case of the last enzyme, diaminopimelate decarboxylase, its synthesis is induced in vivo by the lysine-sensitive aspartokinase under its non-inhibited allosteric conformation.  相似文献   

Genes can be classified as essential or nonessential based on their indispensability for a living organism. Previous researches have suggested that essential genes evolve more slowly than nonessential genes and the impact of gene dispensability on a gene’s evolutionary rate is not as strong as expected. However, findings have not been consistent and evidence is controversial regarding the relationship between the gene indispensability and the rate of gene evolution. Understanding how different classes of genes evolve is essential for a full understanding of evolutionary biology, and may have medical relevance in the design of new antibacterial agents. We therefore performed an investigation into the properties of essential and nonessential genes. Analysis of evolutionary conservation, protein length distribution and amino acid usage between essential and nonessential genes in Escherichia coli K12 demonstrated that essential genes are relatively preserved throughout the bacterial kingdom when compared to nonessential genes. Furthermore, results show that essential genes, compared to nonessential genes, have a significantly higher proportion of large (>534 amino acids) and small proteins (<139 amino acids) relative to medium-sized proteins. The pattern of amino acids usage shows a similar trend for essential and nonessential genes, although some notable exceptions are observed. These findings help to clarify our understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms of essential and nonessential genes, relevant to the study of mutagenesis and possibly allowing prediction of gene properties in other poorly understood organisms.  相似文献   

While wild-type Escherichia coli K12 cannot grow with L-serine as carbon source, two types of mutants with altered methionine metabolism can. The first type, metJ mutants, in which the methionine biosynthetic enzymes are expressed constitutively, are able to grow with L-serine as carbon source. Furthermore, a plasmid carrying the metC gene confers ability to grow on L-serine. These observations suggest that in these mutants, L-serine deamination may be a result of a side-reaction of the metC gene product, cystathionine beta-lyase. The second type is exemplified by two newly isolated strains carrying mutations mapping between 89.6 and 90 min. These mutants use L-serine as carbon source, and also require methionine for growth with glucose at 37 degrees C and above. The phenotypes of the new mutants resemble those of both met and his constitutive mutants in some respects, but have been differentiated from both of them.  相似文献   

Proline excretion from proline overproducing strains of E. coli K12 has been studied as a model chemical production system. We have isolated proline overproducing mutants of E. coli and have shown that uncontrolled synthesis is not sufficient to cause excretion of this amino acid. An episomal mutation causing proline over production has been introduced into a series of otherwise isogenic strains that bear well defined, chromosomal lesions affecting the active uptake and catabolism of L-proline. A syntropism test reveals that L-proline is excreted by overproducing strains only if transport and/or catabolism are impaired. Dansyl derivatization and chromatographic analysis of culture supernatants shows that proline is the only amino acid excreted. Batch cultures of an excreting strain in an amino acid production medium yield culture supernatants containing 1 g proline/L, whereas no proline is detectable in supernatants derived from cultures of an overproducing strain with normal transport and catabolic activities. These data reveal that genetic lesions eliminating active uptake can be used to specifically enhance metabolite excretion.  相似文献   

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