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Estimates of milk constituents by Fourier-transform mid-infrared (FTIR) analysis have been shown to be a useful tool in monitoring energy deficit in early-lactation dairy cows. Our objectives were to describe the diurnal variation in milk fatty acids (FAs) and estimate the association of hyperketonemia with concentrations and diurnal patterns of FTIR estimates of milk FA. Blood samples were collected via jugular catheters bihourly for 5 d from multiparous Holstein cows (n = 28) enrolled between 3 and 9 days in milk. Milk samples were collected thrice daily at 0600, 1400, and 2200 h for d 2, 3, and 4 of the study period. Cows were retrospectively classified as hyperketonemic (HYK; n = 13) or non-HYK (n = 15) based on blood beta-hydroxybutyrate (bBHB) concentrations analyzed during the study period. Cows were classified as HYK if bBHB was ≥ 1.2 mmol/l for ≥ 50% (22/44) of bihourly timepoints; cows were classified as non-HYK if bBHB was ≥ 1.2 mmol/l for < 50% of bihourly timepoints. The HYK cows had bBHB ≥ 1.2 mmol/l for 31.4 ± 6.8 timepoints while the non-HYK cows had bBHB ≥ 1.2 mmol/l for 8.0 ± 3.9 timepoints. We used generalized linear mixed models to analyze concentrations of milk FA over time and differences between HYK groups. The relative percentage of de novo, mixed, and preformed FAs all followed diurnal patterns, however only the yield of preformed FA diurnally cycled, reaching a nadir at 0600 h and peaking at 1400 h. The yield per milking of preformed FA was also greater in the HYK cows than in the non-HYK cows. Oleic acid in milk followed a similar diurnal pattern to the yield of preformed FA, likely driving the cyclical nature of preformed FA. Finally, stearic acid was greater in HYK cows. Our results suggest that FTIR estimates of milk FA offer the potential to provide insight on the energy status of early-lactation cows, and when interested in understanding the absolute concentrations and yields of milk FA, diurnal variation should be considered.  相似文献   

Both blood- and milk-based biomarkers have been analysed for decades in research settings, although often only in one herd, and without focus on the variation in the biomarkers that are specifically related to herd or diet. Biomarkers can be used to detect physiological imbalance and disease risk and may have a role in precision livestock farming (PLF). For use in PLF, it is important to quantify normal variation in specific biomarkers and the source of this variation. The objective of this study was to estimate the between- and within-herd variation in a number of blood metabolites (β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids, glucose and serum IGF-1), milk metabolites (free glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, urea, isocitrate, BHB and uric acid), milk enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase)) and composite indicators for metabolic imbalances (Physiological Imbalance-index and energy balance), to help facilitate their adoption within PLF. Blood and milk were sampled from 234 Holstein dairy cows from 6 experimental herds, each in a different European country, and offered a total of 10 different diets. Blood was sampled on 2 occasions at approximately 14 days-in-milk (DIM) and 35 DIM. Milk samples were collected twice weekly (in total 2750 samples) from DIM 1 to 50. Multilevel random regression models were used to estimate the variance components and to calculate the intraclass correlations (ICCs). The ICCs for the milk metabolites, when adjusted for parity and DIM at sampling, demonstrated that between 12% (glucose-6-phosphate) and 46% (urea) of the variation in the metabolites’ levels could be associated with the herd-diet combination. Intraclass Correlations related to the herd-diet combination were generally higher for blood metabolites, from 17% (cholesterol) to approximately 46% (BHB and urea). The high ICCs for urea suggest that this biomarker can be used for monitoring on herd level. The low variance within cow for NAGase indicates that few samples would be needed to describe the status and potentially a general reference value could be used. The low ICC for most of the biomarkers and larger within cow variation emphasises that multiple samples would be needed - most likely on the individual cows - for making the biomarkers useful for monitoring. The majority of biomarkers were influenced by parity and DIM which indicate that these should be accounted for if the biomarker should be used for monitoring.  相似文献   

Sequence variation in the porcine lipoprotein lipase gene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lei MG  Xiong YZ  Deng CY  Wu ZF  Harbitz I  Zuo B  Dai LH 《Animal genetics》2004,35(5):422-423

Approximately 1000 registered cows and heifers were superovulated one to 10 times. Nonsurgical embryo recoveries were performed on all donors which exhibited estrus. Healthy donors produced more total ova and cleaving embryos and had a higher ovum recovery rate, fertilization rate and pregnancy rate from embryos transferred than did cows classified as infertile. While ovum number was not affected during 10 repeated superovulations, fertilization rate and embryo number decreased. The number of ova recovered from healthy cows was affected by season, and from infertile cows by the day of the estrous cycle on which FSH was started and by the number of days since calving. More ova were recovered from infertile cows synchronized with prostaglandins prior to superovulation than following a natural estrous cycle. The number of embryos recovered from infertile cows was affected by age and from healthy cows by daily milk production. Fertilization rates in both healthy and infertile cows were affected by age, time since calving, daily milk production, day of cycle FSH was injected and season. There was no effect of the day of recovery on the number of ova or embryos recovered from healthy or infertile cows.  相似文献   

The amino-acid sequences of the T-domain region of the Tbx4 gene, which is required for hindlimb development, are 100% identical in humans and mice. Cetaceans have lost most of their hindlimb structure, although hindlimb buds are present in very early cetacean embryos. To examine whether the Tbx4 gene has the same function in cetaceans as in other mammals, we analyzed Tbx4 sequences from cetaceans, dugong, artiodactyls and marine carnivores. A total of 39 primers were designed using human and dog Tbx4 nucleotide sequences. Exons 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Tbx4 genes from cetaceans, artiodactyls, and marine carnivores were sequenced. Non-synonymous substitution sites were detected in the T-domain regions from some cetacean species, but were not detected in those from artiodactyls, the dugong, or the carnivores. The C-terminal regions contained a number of non-synonymous substitutions. Although some indels were present, they were in groups of three nucleotides and therefore did not cause frame shifts. The dN/dS values for the T-domain and C-terminal regions of the cetacean and artiodactylous Tbx4 genes were much lower than 1, indicating that the Tbx4 gene maintains it function in cetaceans, although full expression leading to hindlimb development is suppressed.  相似文献   

Zintrons in rat alpha-lactalbumin gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G Meera  N Ramesh  S K Brahmachari 《FEBS letters》1989,251(1-2):245-249
The eukaryotic genome is characterised by the occurrence of a large amount of repetitive DNA which exists within and around coding sequences. Random repeats of (TG)n sequences have been observed in several introns. In this paper we show that (TG)14 and (TG)24 sequences present in the third intron of rat alpha-lactalbumin gene adopt left-handed Z-helices under varying superhelical densities. The overall sequence of the parent plasmid further influenced the level of supercoiling at which the B to Z transition could be induced in (TG)n sequences. Such Z-potential intervening sequences (zintrons) could act as buffers to maintain desired levels of supercoiling near the transcribed sequences.  相似文献   

Over a period of 1 year, three consecutive groups, each consisting of 12 postpartum Holstein cows aged from 3 to 9 years, were observed continually for 80 days. Animals were housed in a windowless free stall environment under husbandry and nutrition practices similar to those employed in commercial dairy units. A time lapse videorecorder, and two low light intensity television cameras were used to monitor behavioural activities of the cows. The stall was continuously illuminated with an intensity of 32 lux at the eye level of a standing cow. Each day the entire videotape was viewed and the number of mounts, the feeding, drinking, resting and walking activities of each cow were recorded.The distribution of mounts showed evidence of circadian rhythm with the highest frequency occurring during the nocturnal period. The total number of mounts and mounting/mounted ratios per estrus varied among individuals and were affected by estrus synchronisation. The number of mounts per cow increased from an average 11.2 with one cow in estrus to 52.6 with three cows in estrus at the same time. The sequence of postpartum estrus indicated a gradual increase both in mounted and mounting activities and mounting/mounted ratios. The data indicate that on the average, more mounted cows were in estrus (90%) than mounting ones (79%). The length of mounting between cows in synchronized estrus lasted on the average longer (7.4±0.41 sec) than between nonsynchronized cows with only one estrous partner (4.6±1.12 sec). Detected duration of true estrus was 7.5, 7.8 and 10.1 h in one, two and three cow estral groups respectively. Behavioural symptoms of the estrus onset also differed among individuals and revealed a dependency on social factors.Estrus stage caused changes in the proportional composition of daily activities. A comparison with 4 pre- and post estral days showed a high increase of walking time at the cost of both resting time and time spent at the feeder. The frequency distribution of agonistic interactions was approximately doubled during the estrous period while the distribution of instigator/victim ratios reached the highest value (1.44) one day before estrus and the lowest value (0.60) on the first post estrus day. The most frequent physical contact in agonistic interactions was in the head to head position which accounted for 64% of all fights. The head-neck position was second (16%), followed by the head-shoulder (9%), head-flank (6%), head-rear (3%) and head-side (2%). Further analysis of agonistic interactions revealed detectable motivation in about 25% of all fights. The number of mounts per estrus indicated a positive relationship to the rank of the victimizing. The mounting/mounted ratio was positively related to instigation order and negatively to age.  相似文献   

Associations were analysed between polymorphisms of the growth hormone gene (GH-MspI) (localized in intron 3) and milk production traits of Beijing Holstein cows (a total of 543 cows). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method was used for identification of various geno-types. Frequencies of genotypes were 0.77, 0,21 and 0.02 for A/A, A/B and B/B, respectively. The frequency of theGH A allele is 0.875. The results of the least squares means show that in all three lactations, theGH A/A cows yielded more milk (P < 0.01 for lactation I andP 0.05 for lactations II and III), whereas A/B cows showed higher milk fat content than A/A individuals (P < 0.05 for lactations I and II, andP < 0.01 for lactation III). The A/A cows yielded more fat than A/B individuals (P < 0.01 only in lactation I). The A/A cows yielded more milk protein than A/B individuals (P < 0.01 for lactations I, II, and III). The A/A cows produced milk of higher protein content than of A/B individuals (P < 0.05 only in lactation II).  相似文献   

The insect midgut cadherin serves as an important receptor for the Cry toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Variation of the cadherin in insect populations provides a genetic potential for development of cadherin-based Bt resistance in insect populations. Sequence analysis of the cadherin from the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, together with cadherins from 18 other lepidopterans showed a similar phylogenetic relationship of the cadherins to the phylogeny of Lepidoptera. The midgut cadherin in three laboratory populations of T. ni exhibited high variability, although the resistance to Bt toxin Cry1Ac in the T. ni strain is not genetically associated with cadherin gene mutations. A total of 142 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the cadherin cDNAs from the T. ni strains, including 20 missense mutations. In addition, insertion and deletion polymorphisms (indels) were also identified in the cadherin alleles in T. ni. More interestingly, the results from this study reveal that differential splicing of mRNA also occurs in the cadherin gene expression. Therefore, variation of the midgut cadherin in insects may not only be caused by cadherin gene mutations, but could also result from alternative splicing of its mRNA regulated by factors acting in trans. Analysis of cadherin gene alleles in F2, F3 and F4 progenies from the cross between the Cry1Ac resistant and the susceptible strain after consecutive selections with Cry1Ac for three generations showed that selection with Cry1Ac did not result in an increase of frequencies of the cadherin alleles originated from the resistant strain.  相似文献   

High-immune quality colostrum (IgG1 concentration ⩾50 g/l) is crucial for the health and development of the young calf. Studies on colostrum quality tend to focus on external factors such as breed, parity or dry period length, but few have focused on within-cow variations. Here we ran experiments to gain a deeper insight into within-cow variation in IgG1 concentrations in dairy cow colostrum. Trials were performed in an experimental farm, located in the Western part of France. Colostrum from each quarter and a composite sample (mix of four quarters) were concomitantly collected on 77 Holstein dairy cows just after calving to assess the influence of sample type on IgG1 concentrations. Variation in IgG1 concentrations during the first milking was studied on samples from nine cows collected every minute from the start of milking. Repeatability of colostral IgG1 concentration was estimated from 2009 and 2010 data on 16 healthy cows. IgG1 concentrations were tested using a radial immunodiffusion method. Sensitivity and specificity were similar regardless of sample type tested (individual quarter or composite milk). Mean average IgG1 concentration was 54.1 g/l in composite colostrum, and was significantly higher in hind quarter teats (56.2 g/l) than front quarter teats (53.1 g/l). Average IgG1 concentration did not change significantly during colostrum milking, and the variations observed (15% or less) were likely due to the laboratory method (CV 15%). IgG1 concentrations in dam colostrum increased slightly from 2009 to 2010 due to BW and parity effects. In 56% of cases, colostrum quality could have been assessed on either individual or composite colostrum samples collected at any time during the first milking without affecting the reliability of the measurement. However, in other cases, differences were significant enough to mean that estimates of average IgG1 concentration in colostrum from any one quarter would not be reliable. It is concluded that colostrum quality, from an IgG1 concentration point of view, could be assessed with a composite sample taken at any time during the first milking.  相似文献   

牛乳铁蛋白(Lactoferrin,LF)是保护乳腺组织的防御因子之一,是具有多种功能的糖蛋白,关于牛LF基因的多态性研究的报道较多,但其多态性与奶牛乳腺炎相关性的研究较少,文章采用PCR-RFLP、CRS-PCR对268头中国荷斯坦牛LF基因启动子区的-926(G/A)、-915(T/G)、-478(/G)、+72(T/C)突变进行基因型分型,应用最小二乘线性模型分析LF基因多态性与体细胞评分(Somatic cell score,SCS)的相关性,结果表明,新发现+72(T/C)和-478(/G)对SCS有显著影响,而其他两个位点对SCS影响不显著(P>0.05),+72(T/C)的AB基因型是优良基因型,其个体的SCS值均显著低于AA型(P<0.01),BB型个体(P<0.05).-478(/G)位点的C等位基因是优良的等位基因,CC基因型个体的SCS值极显著低于CD、DD基因型个体(P<0.01).因此,LF基因+72(T/C)的AB基因型和-478(/G)位点的CC基因型均是奶牛乳腺炎抗性的优良基因型,可作为分子标记应用于奶牛乳腺炎抗性筛选.  相似文献   

Using mutation and haplotype analysis, we have examined the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene in the phenylketonuria populations of four geographical areas of the British Isles: the west of Scotland, southern Wales, and southwestern and southeastern England. The enormous genetic diversity of this locus within the British Isles is demonstrated in the large number of different mutations characterized and in the variety of genetic backgrounds on which individual mutations are found. Allele frequencies of the more common mutations exhibited significant nonrandom distribution in a north/south differentiation. Differences between the west of Scotland and southwestern England may be related to different events in the recent and past histories of their respective populations. Similarities between southern Wales and southeastern England are likely to reflect the heterogeneity that is seen in and around two large capital cities. Finally, comparison with more recently colonized areas of the world corroborates the genealogical origin by range expansion of several mutations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the relative effects of genetic and phenotypic factors on the efficacy and efficiency of superovulation for Holstein-Friesian cows reared in Brazil. A database, established by the Associacao Brasileira de Criadores de Bovinos da Raca Holandesa, consisting of a total of 5387 superovulations of 2941 cows distributed over 473 herds and sired by 690 bulls was used for the analysis. The records were analyzed by MTDFREML (Multiple Trait Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood), using a repeatability animal model. The fixed effects included in the model were contemporaneous group (veterinarian, herd, year and season of the superovulation); number of semen doses; cow age; and superovulation order. The estimated repeatability of the number of the transferable embryos was low (0.13), and the estimated heritability was 0.03. These results indicate that environmental factors play a critical role in the response of a cow to a superovulation treatment. There is little evidence that future responses to superovulation by individual females can be predicted by previous treatment(s) or that superovulation response is an heritable trait.  相似文献   

Organization and sequence of the human alpha-lactalbumin gene.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

为揭示马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y, PVY) pipo基因的分子变异和结构特征, 文章根据文献报道的马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus) pipo 基因保守区序列设计一对简并引物, 从感染PVY的马铃薯病叶中克隆获得pipo基因的cDNA全长序列, 分析其核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列的特征, 并基于氨基酸序列使用贝叶斯法重建了Potyvirus的系统发育树。结果显示:20个PVY分离物成功扩增出预期大小(约235 bp)的特异性片段, 其核苷酸序列与已报道的其它PVY 株系的pipo基因核苷酸序列一致性均在92%以上; 5′端均含有典型的G1-2A6-7 基序(motif), 无碱基插入/缺失, 所有的核苷酸变异都是碱基置换, 共发现13个多态性位点, 其中4个简约信息位点, 9个单一变异位点, 表明该基因高度保守, 但不同分离物也存在一定的分子变异; PIPO蛋白理论等电点11.26~11.62, 无信号肽和跨膜区, 是可溶的亲水性蛋白; 整个蛋白含有3个保守区, 其中位于10~59aa的基序最为保守。该蛋白主要定位于线粒体中, 可能是线粒体导肽。系统发育分析结果显示, 源于PVY不同株系优先相聚成簇, 而向日葵褪绿斑驳病毒(Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus, SuCMoV)与辣椒重花叶病毒(Pepper severe mosaic virus, PepSMV)的亲缘关系较PVY相比更近, 与前人的结果相一致, 表明PIPO蛋白可以作为研究Potyvirus系统发育关系的新的分子标记。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum in high-producing dairy cows in commercial dairy farms under subtropical conditions. The cows were kept in a free-stall or tie-stall barn. Milk samples were collected from cows twice weekly, and progesterone in the skim milk was assayed by double-antibody ELISA. Cows were examined rectally and vaginoscopically at 2-week intervals after calving. Body condition score (BCS) and body weights were taken before and after calving. A cow was considered to have resumed ovarian cyclicity on the day of ovulation if followed by regular ovarian cycles. Thirty seven percent (n=20/54) of the cows had normal resumption of ovarian cyclicity (resumption within 45 days after calving), and 63% (n=34/54) had delayed resumption (resumption did not occur until >45 days after calving). Delayed resumption Type I (one or more ovarian cycles with luteal phase >20 days, i.e. prolonged luteal phase; 31.5%) and delayed resumption Type II (first ovulation did not occur until > or =45 days after calving, i.e. delayed first ovulation; 24.1%) were the most common types of delayed resumptions. Almost half (46.3%) of the cows did not resume their ovarian cyclicity until >65 days postpartum. Cows with delayed resumption Type I had a higher incidence of abnormal cervico-vaginal discharge (64.7%) and incomplete uterine involution (94.1%) compared to cows with normal resumption (P<0.01). The BCS of cows with delayed resumption Type II were lower than those of normal resumption cows at 5 weeks and later in the postpartum period (P<0.05). Approximately two-thirds of high-producing cows had delayed resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum. Prolonged luteal phase and delayed first ovulation were two important ovarian dysfunctions that delayed postpartum resumption of cyclicity in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

Hand-milking methods to assess the completeness of milking in dairy cows need to be reliable as well as quick to apply in order to avoid delays in group milking parlours. A previous study comparing different methods demonstrated that a defined milking handgrip with a strip frequency of 1 Hz was most suitable to assess the completeness of milk-out in dairy cows. In a first step, the present study aimed to investigate how much milk can be hand-milked by the defined handgrip, strip frequency and within a time limit of 15 s per quarter. In a second step, the question was how many udder quarters of a cow needed to be hand-milked for a reliable prediction of the amount of rest milk in the udder. The experiment comprised 28 German-Holstein cows of one herd. The cows were hand-milked after cluster detachment by an experienced milker using the defined milking handgrip. All four quarters per cow were hand-milked during nine consecutive milking sessions. The strip yield per quarter per 15 s hand-milking (SY15) was collected in four different containers and weighed with a digital scale. Afterwards, the remaining milk of all four quarters was collected and weighed in a fifth container with a maximum volume equivalent to a net weight of 540 g milk. The analysis showed that neither the position of the quarter nor the chronological order, in which hand-milking was carried out, had an influence on SY15. The amount of rest milk in the udder could be estimated best by hand-milking all four quarters.  相似文献   

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