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Continued effort is necessary not only to prevent mental deficiency but to find methods of treating it. Meanwhile, physicians must have a keener appreciation of the feelings of the parents about their retarded children and must interpret the implications of the problems in a way the parents can understand. Further community effort is necessary to provide institutional and foster home care for those who need it. Educational and training programs should be extended and developed for all those who can benefit from such programs.The problem of mental deficiency is not that of the parents alone, nor of physicians, nor of the psychologists, nor of the social workers, nor of the educators. It is a problem which requires the cooperation of all these groups for solution.  相似文献   

D. G. McKerracher 《CMAJ》1963,88(20):1014-1016
Psychiatrists should include the family doctor in their plans for future psychiatric services. The general practitioner now treats most of the patients who seek help for psychiatric disorder and he could not give up his psychiatric practice even if he wanted to. Furthermore, there are not now nor will there ever be enough psychiatrists to take over all patients with mental ills. Most emotionally disturbed patients can be better handled by their family physicians than by a specialist.To provide the best care for emotionally disturbed people the communication between family doctors and psychiatrists must be improved. The specialist must acknowledge the importance of the general practitioner''s role in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment and give him more help. Medical schools must provide better undergraduate and postgraduate psychiatric training for the students who will become family doctors. Health plans and other prepayment agencies should properly compensate the general practitioner for giving psychiatric treatment. The specialist in psychiatry should consult more readily with the general practitioner and help him carry out some of the therapy. General hospitals should permit family doctors to admit mental patients to psychiatric wards in a general hospital and to carry out psychiatric treatment with the help of the specialist in psychiatry.  相似文献   

A substantial number of genetically determined biochemical disorders in infants and young children produce mental deficiency and serious ill health in early life. If these diseases are detected promptly, effective therapy can be instituted to prevent the development of mental defect, or, where no treatment is presently available, the parents can be given appropriate genetic counselling so that the birth of further affected children can be prevented.Eight simple urine screening tests are described which have proved useful in the early detection of metabolic disorders in apparently healthy infants. These tests can easily be performed by a physician or nurse without special training or elaborate equipment. The attention of general practitioners, pediatricians and public health physicians is directed to the real possibilities for preventing some forms of mental deficiency through the routine use of screening tests on urine and on blood.  相似文献   

The problem of the retarded child and his parents is one confronting practicing physicians more and more frequently. Current estimates indicate that state hospital facilities for retarded persons in California are short nearly 6,000 beds. There are long waiting lists for available facilities. Many families are in desperate need of help. To advise a family to send their child to a State hospital is not a real solution nor one possible in the great majority of instances. The responsibility of the physician goes beyond this. Parents' groups have developed in the last few years and are making a real contribution to a resolution of the problem. Local community resources have increased and will further increase. A more accurate clinical understanding of the retarded child has been formed and his treatment needs more clearly defined. Physicians, parents, community and State agencies must work together to effect a coordinated program.  相似文献   

The practice of informed consent in biomedicine is so widely spread that it must be considered the most important principle within bioethics, and the most universally appealed to within recent legislation. There seems to be a consensus as to its value in research on autonomous persons, but also a problem concerning its application when dealing with people having a serious mental, social or even physical disability.
Within the field of artificial procreation there are even more problems. Informed written consent is often demanded from anonymous donors of gametes in order to ensure their consent to the legal and moral consequences of their anonymity. The child resulting from the artificial procreation, on the contrary, cannot consent to, nor be informed before being conceived, of the secrecy laid on the identity of its genetic parents. Some countries resolve this problem by allowing the children, when they reach their majority, to obtain some information pertaining to the health or the identity of their genetic parents.
This presents ethical problems. It can be argued that the anonymity of the parents chiefly affects the children, so that an agreement on this point among parents, doctors and others must be regarded as invalid. The paper will argue that a law ensuring the complete anonymity of the parents is disregarding the informed consent and the interests of the children resulting from artificial procreation, and is thus doing more damage to society than good.  相似文献   

Lebech AM 《Bioethics》1997,11(3-4):336-340
The practice of informed consent in biomedicine is so widely spread that it must be considered the most important principle within bioethics, and the most universally appealed to within recent legislation. There seems to be a consensus as to its value in research on autonomous persons, but also a problem concerning its application when dealing with people having a serious mental, social or even physical disability.
Within the field of artificial procreation there are even more problems. Informed written consent is often demanded from anonymous donors of gametes in order to ensure their consent to the legal and moral consequences of their anonymity. The child resulting from the artificial procreation, on the contrary, cannot consent to, nor be informed before being conceived, of the secrecy laid on the identity of its genetic parents. Some countries resolve this problem by allowing the children, when they reach their majority, to obtain some information pertaining to the health or the identity of their genetic parents.
This presents ethical problems. It can be argued that the anonymity of the parents chiefly affects the children, so that an agreement on this point among parents, doctors and others must be regarded as invalid. The paper will argue that a law ensuring the complete anonymity of the parents is disregarding the informed consent and the interests of the children resulting from artificial procreation, and is thus doing more damage to society than good.  相似文献   

P A Singer  N MacDonald 《CMAJ》1998,159(2):159-162
A physician who receives a call from the emergency department to see a patient with heart failure will have a clear framework within which to approach this problem. The thesis of this article is that physicians do not have an analogous conceptual framework for approaching end-of-life care. The authors present and describe a framework for end-of-life care with 3 main elements: control of pain and other symptoms, the use of life-sustaining treatments and support of those who are dying and their families. This 3-part framework can be used by clinicians at the bedside to focus their effort in improving the quality of end-of-life care.  相似文献   

To determine the reasons some family physicians continue to practice obstetrics when most of their colleagues do not, we surveyed family physicians in 26 counties of northern California whose practices include obstetrics and those who have recently discontinued it. In all, 70% of family physicians practicing obstetrics cited enjoying it as a reason for continuing this practice. Over a third of family physicians practicing obstetrics thought that obstetric practice was a responsibility to the community. Only 1 in 6 reported obstetrics to be important in terms of financial implications. Despite this, family physicians practicing obstetrics had a mean gross income derived from obstetric practice of $30,000 above the cost of their total malpractice premium. In contrast, a comparison group of family physicians who had recently discontinued obstetrics cited malpractice insurance costs most frequently as the reason for discontinuing it. Nearly 40% of these physicians indicated that they would be willing to return to obstetrics if circumstances were to change substantially. The most frequently cited change necessary for these physicians to return to obstetrics was a reduction in malpractice insurance rates.  相似文献   

An important use of genetic parentage analysis is the ability to directly calculate the number of offspring produced by each parent (k(i)) and hence effective population size, N(e). But what if parental genotypes are not available? In theory, given enough markers, it should be possible to reconstruct parental genotypes based entirely on a sample of progeny, and if so the vector of parental k(i) values. However, this would provide information only about parents that actually contributed offspring to the sample. How would ignoring the 'null' parents (those that produced no offspring) affect an estimate of N(e)? The surprising answer is that null parents have no effect at all. We show that: (i) The standard formula for inbreeding N(e) can be rewritten so that it is a function only of sample size and ∑(k(2)(i)); it is not necessary to know the total number of parents (N). This same relationship does not hold for variance N(e). (ii) This novel formula provides an unbiased estimate of N(e) even if only a subset of progeny is available, provided the parental contributions are accurately determined, in which case precision is also high compared to other single-sample estimators of N(e). (iii) It is not necessary to actually reconstruct parental genotypes; from a matrix of pairwise relationships (as can be estimated by some current software programs), it is possible to construct the vector of k(i) values and estimate N(e). The new method based on parentage analysis without parents (PwoP) can potentially be useful as a single-sample estimator of contemporary N(e), provided that either (i) relationships can be accurately determined, or (ii) ∑(k(2)(i)) can be estimated directly.  相似文献   

In the spectrum of adverse effects on the fetus or infant associated with maternal drinking during pregnancy the most dramatic is the fetal alcohol syndrome, a pattern of malformation that has been associated with maternal alcohol abuse. Other undesirable outcomes of pregnancy linked to alcohol exposure in utero include growth deficiency, major and minor anomalies, decrements in mental and motor performance, and fetal and perinatal wastage. Alcohol, like other teratogens, does not uniformly affect all those exposed to it. Rather, there seems to be a continuum of effects of alcohol on the fetus with increasingly severe outcomes generally associated with higher intakes of alcohol by the mother. The cost of fetal damage associated with alcohol exposure is very high. A program to decrease the incidence of fetal alcohol effects is therefore imperative. The cornerstone of such a program must be not only education of the public but also careful training of all professionals who provide health care for pregnant women.  相似文献   

There are major efforts underway to educate the primary care physician about the health risks of obesity. Obesity is a chronic disease that requires chronic management. We must establish models that allow primary care physicians to participate in the chronic management of obesity, while recognizing that the interest and ability of primary care physicians to participate in obesity management will vary. Three general models of obesity management are proposed for the primary care physician, ranging from minimal evaluation to complete evaluation and treatment. In order for the models to be implemented, we must consider establishing a category of obesity specialists who can develop comprehensive treatment programs to which patients with obesity can be referred, and who can provide leadership and guidance for primary care physicians who are involved in obesity management. The North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) could help establish obesity specialists and provide a structure to allow them to provide leadership for obesity treatment.  相似文献   

Stepchildren are abused, neglected and murdered at higher rates than those who live with two genetically related parents. Daly and Wilson used kin selection theory to explain this finding and labeled the phenomenon “discriminative parental solicitude.” I examined discriminative parental solicitude in American households composed of both genetic and unrelated adopted children. In these families, kin selection predicts parents should favor their genetic children over adoptees. Rather than looking at cases of abuse, neglect, homicide and other antisocial behavior, I focused on the positive investments parents made in their children as well as the outcomes of each child. The results show that parents invested more in adopted children than in genetically related ones, especially in educational and personal areas. At the same time, adoptees experienced more negative outcomes. They were more likely to have been arrested, to have been on public assistance and to require treatment for drug, alcohol or mental health issues. They also completed fewer years of schooling and were more likely to divorce. In adoptive families, it appears that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Parents invest more in adoptees not because they favor them, but because they are more likely than genetic children to need the help. I conclude that discriminative parental solicitude differs in adoptive and step households because adoptive families generally result from prolonged parenting effort, not mating effort like stepfamilies.  相似文献   

The mammography, recommended as standard method for screening on breast cancer, can reveal suspicious lesions early enough to anable cancer elimination in entirely. Experience with women of the target population, 50-69 years old, included in the mass screening programs, show the reduction in the specific mortality by 30%. One of the main problem in organizing the preventive programs is how to increase responsiveness of subjects to screening. In the study, based on the large sample of over 1000 of subjects and 20 family medicine practices, included in the investigation, we showed that it is possible, by a pro-active involvement of family physicians teams and intensive educational and motivational activities, to achieve high level of over 80% of responsiveness to mammography screening. Analysis of the reasons of nonresponsiveness can contribute to better understanding of the mental processes included in a self-decision making. This, as the final aim, can help family physicians in their efforts to overcome many hidden barriers which obstruct their patients to accept the mammography screening.  相似文献   

There are important gaps between research evidence and clinical practice. Any effort to narrow them must include setting priorities for assessment, establishing effective manoeuvres, and measuring and improving performance. Because physicians have limited time the first step is to set priorities with the use of explicit criteria to ensure that time and other resources are invested where they can have significant benefit. Useful criteria include the frequency of the problem, the magnitude of its consequences, the availability of research evidence addressing it and the likelihood that its management can be improved.  相似文献   

The ritual of taking an oath upon graduating from medical school is, with a few exceptions, a routine requirement for graduation. Albeit that many students believe that they have taken the Hippocratic Oath, this is virtually never the case. Very often students themselves write many of these oaths, and taking such an oath impresses the student as well as the public, who are potential patients. It sketches the ethically proper way for physicians to treat their patients. Such an oath is meaningful only when it is not coerced but in reality sketches the physicians' obligations toward patients, society, and each other. The question and problem of a coerced oath are discussed. It is concluded that students when first entering medical school know that such an oath will be a requirement for graduation, and because much of the time the persons taking the oath are writing it, I believe that coercion is not a factor. It is an unfortunate fact that throughout the nation students who are known to behave in ethically inappropriate ways are nevertheless allowed to graduate. Possible ways of addressing this troubling situation are discussed. Equally troublesome is the fact that we who administer the oath as well as the students who swear to it are aware that the system of medical care makes it extremely difficult and at times impossible to truly adhere to the full implications of this oath. According to the oath, physicians (in virtually all formulations) swear that social standing (and by implication economic factors) will not change the way in which patients are treated. This becomes impossible when uninsured patients are sent away at the front desk long before the physician can interact with them. Furthermore, the current fact that physicians often are confronted with not doing what they consider a necessary test (or prescribe what they think would be the best medication) raises the problem of either lying or suggesting to the patient that he/she do so--a fact that in the long run cannot help but damage the physician's veracity and the trust which patients put in their physicians. That virtually all codes of the American Medical Association (AMA) as well as the various specialties insist that physicians work toward universal access is stressed.  相似文献   

Questions about inheritance in all kinds of diseases and defects are commonly asked of nearly all physicians. In attempting to answer these questions, however, the physician is often hampered by lack of formal instruction in clinical genetics.Since the health department, if it is to carry out its epidemiologic function, must be as concerned over the increasing identification of genetic agents in disease as it is and has been over environmental disease agents, it should come to represent a source of assistance not now generally available to the physician. In short, as it carries out those activities by which its store of general genetic information is increased, and until other sources of genetic consultation become reasonably available, the health department can be of real service to physicians as a resource to which they may turn for help when dealing with families wanting genetic information.Such a service has been provided experimentally for the last two years by the Contra Costa County Health Department.This program calls for the taking of family pedigrees by public health nurses on families with questions of a genetic nature who are health department clients and on families who are referred by their private physicians for this service. An interpretation of each pedigree is made by the department''s physician in charge of the program and submitted to the family''s physician for his use in counseling the family. Evidence to date suggests the process can be a highly useful service to the practitioner and his patient.  相似文献   

When a child is born with a mental handicap, his or her parents are usually confronted with a complicated and demanding process of adaptation and emotional coping, as well as with profound restructuring of their family life. Professional experts, including physicians and psychosocial specialists, can support the parents in terms of supplying them with information, but they inherently lack the experience of parents who have equally affected children and who have learned to master everyday problems and challenges. Filling that gap is the main purpose of self-support groups, whose number and importance have continuously grown since the 1970s. Internet databases are valuable signposts to self-support groups concerning particular, and even rare, types of handicaps. A study on Down syndrome exemplifies the self-support group experiences of parents of mentally retarded children. We conclude with suggestions for better conjunction of professional and self-support activities.  相似文献   

The most important epistemological problem in psychiatry is the detection of malingering. This is a consequence of the fact that there is no objective way to confirm any psychiatric diagnosis. Psychiatric diagnosis is based on subjective complaints. The discovery of objective markers for psychiatric diagnosis is problematic because it presupposes we can tell valid from faked subjective symptoms. But this is the difficulty. If we use pervasive irrationality as a sign of mental illness, we encounter the problem of identifying pervasive irrationality. To understand someone's behaviour, we have to assume it is largely rational. This precludes us from using behaviour to separate genuine from faked mental illness. There are a number of strategies used to solve any epistemological problem, and the most successful is the hypothetico-deductive method. If we use this, we can solve our epistemological problem. Genuine mental illness can be identified when it is the best explanation of the person's overall behaviour. Consilience of inductions is critical in supporting the validity of such explanations. This implies that it is merely a hypothesis that mental illness exists, and that we might discover that many mental illnesses, perhaps all, do not exist. We must embrace this possibility--only if we take a risk will we gain any knowledge.  相似文献   

Graduates of four rural and four urban family practice programs were interviewed to determine the nature of their practices and the factors that had influenced their practice location decisions. All programs gave residents substantial experience providing continuity of care for underserved populations. Of the 158 physicians surveyed, 58 (46%) were working in areas designated as underserved. The percentage of physicians in underserved areas was higher than that reported in other studies and was much higher than would be expected if practice sites were selected on the basis of population distribution alone. Notable differences in personal and practice characteristics were found between the physicians who chose to work in underserved areas and those who did not and between those who established practices in rural and in urban underserved areas.  相似文献   

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