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Four new derivatives of hydrocortisone, each containing in common a methyl grouping at the 16a-carbon position of the steroid molecule, have been synthesized and are being studied in human subjects. The compounds are 16a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone (MK-125: hexadecadrol), 16a-methyl 9a-fluorohydrocortisone (MK-126), 16a-methylprednisolone (MK-110), and 16a-methylhydrocortisone (MK-117). Biologic tests in animals have indicated that these analogues exhibit, in varying degrees, striking alterations of several physiologic properties, including enhanced anti-inflammatory activity unassociated with corresponding disturbance of electrolyte metabolism.In the present study preliminary observations of the effects of the four new compounds were made in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical estimates of the antirheumatic potencies of the compounds, as compared with prednisolone, were accomplished by determining the milligram dosages required to maintain similar degrees of improvement of active rheumatoid manifestations. The approximate antirheumatic potencies of the compounds, on an average, were gauged as follows: for 16a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone, about seven times greater than prednisolone; for 16a-methyl 9a-fluorohydrocortisone, about three times greater; for 16a-methylprednisolone, approximately one-third greater; and for 16a-methylhydrocortisone, about 70 per cent that of prednisolone. In the dosage used, none of the compounds promoted discernible salt and water retention.These observations would indicate that 16a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone (hexadecadrol) possesses greater anti-inflammatory potency per milligram than any steroid yet produced. The therapeutic efficiency of the compound on longterm administration is being studied.  相似文献   

Four new derivatives of hydrocortisone, each containing in common a methyl grouping at the 16a-carbon position of the steroid molecule, have been synthesized and are being studied in human subjects. The compounds are 16a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone (MK-125: hexadecadrol), 16a-methyl 9a-fluorohydrocortisone (MK-126), 16a-methylprednisolone (MK-110), and 16a-methylhydrocortisone (MK-117). Biologic tests in animals have indicated that these analogues exhibit, in varying degrees, striking alterations of several physiologic properties, including enhanced anti-inflammatory activity unassociated with corresponding disturbance of electrolyte metabolism. In the present study preliminary observations of the effects of the four new compounds were made in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical estimates of the antirheumatic potencies of the compounds, as compared with prednisolone, were accomplished by determining the milligram dosages required to maintain similar degrees of improvement of active rheumatoid manifestations. The approximate antirheumatic potencies of the compounds, on an average, were gauged as follows: for 16a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone, about seven times greater than prednisolone; for 16a-methyl 9a-fluorohydrocortisone, about three times greater; for 16a-methylprednisolone, approximately one-third greater; and for 16a-methylhydrocortisone, about 70 per cent that of prednisolone. In the dosage used, none of the compounds promoted discernible salt and water retention. These observations would indicate that 16a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone (hexadecadrol) possesses greater anti-inflammatory potency per milligram than any steroid yet produced. The therapeutic efficiency of the compound on longterm administration is being studied.  相似文献   

The administration of cortisone acetate to patients with rheumatoid arthritis usually produces prompt and often dramatic suppression of the disease manifestations. The effects of the hormone are not lasting, however, and after withdrawal relapse ensues. For sustained improvement in a chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, it appears that cortisone must be given more or less continuously. This raises the question whether administration may be continued effectively and safely for long periods.Seventy-six patients with rheumatoid arthritis were given cortisone in the hope that treatment could be continued uninterruptedly for extended periods. For various clinical reasons it was necessary to discontinue treatment in 16 of these before six months, but the remaining 60 patients received the hormone uninterruptedly for six to 15 months. By using initial large suppressive amounts, then gradually reducing the dosage, and finally employing smaller maintenance doses, adequate degrees of rheumatic control were maintained in approximately two-thirds of the original 76 patients. The ability to sustain satisfactory improvement varied indirectly, in general, with the severity of the rheumatoid arthritis. The chief detriment to better results in the more severe cases was the intervention of adverse hormonal side effects which developed frequently when large or relatively large maintenance doses were required to support satisfactory improvement.Unwanted signs of hormonal excess developed in 40 per cent of cases at some time during the course of treatment. Most of them were mild or transient and disappeared or lessened when the dose of cortisone was reduced, but when the dose was reduced the degree of improvement often declined also.During prolonged cortisone therapy evidence of functional suppression of the adrenal cortices, as indicated by a decreased response of circulating eosinophils to exogenous ACTH, was present. The depression of cortical function was temporary, however. Whether irreversible damage may result when the drug is employed for longer periods cannot yet be answered.  相似文献   

The adrenal cortical hormone, cortisone, and the pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) possess potent antirheumatic properties. Their administration produces strikingly beneficial effects on a number of rheumatic diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid (ankylosing) spondylitis, acute rheumatic fever, disseminated lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, psoriatic arthritis, dermatomyositis, and gout. In general the effects of these substances are temporary and they cause suppression rather than cure of the disease processes. Improvement is maintained usually only by continuing administration, and on hormonal withdrawal prompt or fairly prompt relapse of the disease manifestations ensues. In addition to their antirheumatic effects cortisone and ACTH influence a wide variety of physiologic functions. Administration of them therefore may produce a number of metabolic and clinical changes, some of which are not advantageous from a therapeutic standpoint. Adverse side-reactions are more liable to occur when large doses of the hormones are given for prolonged periods; such reactions appear to be reversible and disappear when administration of the hormones is stopped. With cortisone, comparatively few untoward signs develop when smaller amounts are administered continuously even for periods of months.Greater clinical experience is needed before optimal doses and schedules of administration are finally determined. It appears that some severe cases, many moderately severe cases, and most moderate and mild cases of rheumatoid arthritis may be adequately controlled with smaller “maintenance” doses of cortisone ranging from 32 to 65 mg. a day, providing larger doses to suppress the disease manifestations are employed initially.Neither cortisone nor ACTH should be considered as a therapeutic agent for general use until more information regarding their physiologic activities and the consequences of prolonged or repeated administration of them are available. Until the potential dangers of these hormones can be determined precisely, the use of them should be considered as an investigative procedure.  相似文献   

One of three preparations—silicone oil, hydrocortisone acetate, and hydrocortisone acetate plus saline—was injected into 22 osteoarthritic and 49 rheumatoid knees. Silicone injected into stiff, dry, grating knees which were the site of chronic arthritis did not promote better movement than did hydrocortisone alone. Hydrocortisone plus saline, however, appeared to be more effective than silicone or hydrocortisone alone in increasing movement in rheumatoid knees. The maximum increase in movement was found to occur three weeks after each of the three different injection preparations.  相似文献   

Fifty-six patients with rheumatoid arthritis were treated continuously with cortisone for periods ranging between 4 and 38 months, in daily doses of 15 to 100 mg. Concomitant therapy included periods of rest, physical therapy, and salicylates. The incidence of subjective improvement exceeded that of objective improvement. The incidence of objective improvement was higher in females; also, in those patients whose disease was in an early stage and of short duration at the time therapy was begun, and who required relatively smaller maintenance doses of cortisone. Therapeutic results were not affected by the age of the patient or by the presence of spondylitis. Despite precautions, the long-term administration of cortisone was, in some patients, productive of serious undesirable side-effects. Although cortisone usually suppressed the symptoms and signs of rheumatoid arthritis, progression of the disease was frequently noted during its long-term administration.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a calcium-activated phosphatase to mediate lymphocyte activation and neuron signaling, but its role in inflammatory arthritis remains largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that calcineurin was highly expressed in the lining layer, infiltrating leukocytes, and endothelial cells of rheumatoid synovium. The basal expression levels of calcineurin were higher in the cultured synoviocytes of rheumatoid arthritis patients than those of osteoarthritis patients. The calcineurin activity in the synoviocytes was increased by the stimulation with proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1beta and TNF-alpha. Moreover, rheumatoid arthritis synoviocytes had an enlarged intracellular Ca(2+) store and showed a higher degree of [Ca(2+)](i) release for calcineurin activity than osteoarthritis synoviocytes when stimulated with either TNF-alpha or phorbol myristate acetate. IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, failed to increase the Ca(2+) and calcineurin activity. The targeted inhibition of calcineurin by the overexpression of calcineurin-binding protein 1, a natural calcineurin antagonist, inhibited the production of IL-6 and matrix metalloproteinase-2 by rheumatoid synoviocytes in a similar manner to the calcineurin inhibitor, cyclosporin A. Moreover, the abundant calcineurin expression was found in the invading pannus in the joints of mice with collagen-induced arthritis. In these mice, calcineurin activity in the cultured synovial and lymph node cells correlated well with the severity of arthritis, but which was suppressed by cyclosporin A treatment. Taken together, our data suggest that the abnormal activation of Ca(2+) and calcineurin in the synoviocytes may contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic arthritis and thus provide a potential target for controlling inflammatory arthritis.  相似文献   

The efficiency of methotrexate use in the basic therapy of rheumatoid arthritis is limited because of risk of side effects and fast drug efflux from zone of joints as well. We have developed a new stabilized form of methotrexate using phospholipid micelles of the injection form of the Phosphogliv preparation as a carrier. Phosphogliv has recently been developed in the Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Moscow), as the emulsion of 50 nm phospholipid nanoparticles stabilized by glycyrrhizic acid. The conditions of maximal methotrexate incorporation into the phospholipid nanoparticles were optimized under control of HPLC (60% of total methotrexate was associated with nanoparticles). Methotrexate in phospholipid nanoparticles exhibited higher therapeutic efficiency in experimental adjuvant arthritis in rats than with free methotrexate. (This was evaluated by the decrease of edema and swelling of joints and inhibition of secondary inflammatory reaction.) The increase of antirheumatic activity of the developed preparation may also be attributed to the influence of glycyrrhizic acid, possessing both anti-inflammatory and immune properties. It is suggested to use a new form of methotrexate for intra-articular administration for rheumatoid arthritis treatment.  相似文献   

Forty-five race-horses with arthritis of non-in-fectious type in 54 joints were treated with sodium hyaluronate intra-articularly. All joints had previously been treated without lasting success by conventional methods, such as firing, blistering or intraarticular injection of cortisone. In most cases only 1 injection of 2 ml (20 mg) sodium hyaluronate was needed. To avoid subjective evaluation, the effects of the treatment were based on the joint’s capacity of withstanding extreme stress, which means that the horse should be able to train and race again. The treatment was concentrated on the carpal and fetlock joints. Of the 54 joints treated only 5 did not show any improvement. Thirty-eight were free from lameness — 32 of them returned to the race-track. The observation period was at least 1 year. No side effects were observed.  相似文献   

A combination of clinical, X-Ray and magnetic resonance tomographic studies for 129 knee joints was made in 85 patients with rheumatoid arthritis of knee joints. MRI symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of knee joints, including fluid accumulation in the articular cavity, degeneration of the articular cartilage, meniscus, ligaments, proliferation of the synovial membrane, destructive changes in osseous epiphysis were defined. Comparative analysis of the X-Ray and MRI imaging findings has shown that MRI has advantages structures of joints in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-two sera were investigated with the Waaler-Rose and latex fixation reactions. The reactions were performed with serum, with acid-precipitated euglobulin, and with cold-precipitated euglobulin. The material consisted of 35 sera from healthy persons, 23 from patients with various diseases, 28 from patients with joint symptoms not due to rheumatoid arthritis, and 46 from patients with classical rheumatoid arthritis.In rheumatoid arthritis sera, an increase in positive reactions was obtained in the Waaler-Rose test from 70 per cent in serum to 83 per cent in acid-precipitated euglobulin. This increase was due to a greater specificity of reactions with low titers. The cold-precipitated euglobulin gave less positive Waaler-Rose reactions than the acid-precipitated euglobulin. With the latex fixation test an increase from 65 per cent positive reactions in serum to about 71 per cent with both cold- and acid-precipitated euglobulin fractions was obtained. Here, the increase consisted of reactions negative in serum but positive in the euglobulin fractions, but again with low titers. Because the increase in positive reactions consists merely of low titer values, fractionation of sera only slightly enhances the reliability of the serological tests.Negatively reacting rheumatoid arthritis sera often had low values of the 2A globulin.  相似文献   

The effects of various in vitro and in vivo regimens of either corticosteroid or cyclophosphamide administration on guinea pig alveolar macrophages were studied. Corticosteroid- and cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression was assessed by the effect of drug administration on the capacity of alveolar macrophages to attach to and/or ingest antibody-coated sheep red blood cells (SRBC). In vitro hydrocortisone (up to 20 μg/ml) had no effect on either the binding or ingestion of antibody-coated SRBC. Two separate regimens of in vivo corticosteroids were given: a single dose of iv hydrocortisone (100 mg/kg), which is a short-acting soluble preparation, and sc doses of cortisone acetate (100 mg/kg for 7 days), which is a depot preparation resulting in sustained levels of plasma cortisol of the magnitude of that found for a brief period of time following iv injection of hydrocortisone. Both regimens resulted in similar degrees of peripheral blood lymphocytopenia and monocytopenia 4 and 24 hr, respectively, following injection. The regimen of hydrocortisone has previously been reported to have no effect on alveolar macrophage cytotoxic effector function in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), whereas the cortisone acetate regimen markedly suppressed ADCC. In the present study, hydrocortisone had no effect on either the binding or ingestion of antibody-coated SRBC by alveolar macrophages. In contrast, cortisone acetate caused a marked decrease in both the binding and ingestion of antibody-coated SRBC. This suppressive effect was maximal at suboptimal concentrations of antibody on the SRBC and could be overcome by increasing the concentrations of anti-SRBC antibody. Alveolar macrophages from animals treated with daily cyclophosphamide (a regimen which suppresses ADCC) were capable of binding and ingesting antibody-coated SRBC normally. Thus, prolonged exposure to corticosteroids in vivo causes an alteration in membrane Fc receptor function of alveolar macrophages, which can explain this impaired ability to kill target cells. Since cyclophosphamide therapy did not interfere with the binding and ingestion of antibody-coated target cells, it is concluded that the impairment in killing of target cells by alveolar macrophages is not directly related to an alteration of Fc receptor function but to a defect in the actual killing process.  相似文献   

Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) generated in rats or mice has long been a model system for the study of rheumatoid arthritis in humans. In particular, this system has been used to study the mechanisms and effects of anti-arthritic drugs in the treatment of the disease. Sodium aurothiomalate (ATM) is an agent often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis in humans; however, it possesses inherent toxicities which limits its usefulness. Liposome-encapsulated drugs are currently being developed to minimize the toxicities associated with a variety of potentially beneficial drugs. We have chosen to encapsulate ATM into small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) to determine whether greater efficacy would be achieved in treating CIA with SUV ATM as compared to using the free drug. SUVs were prepared from hydrogenated egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. These SUVs were very stable. Vesicles stored at 4 degrees C lost only 0.09% of encapsulated ATM (SUV ATM) after 14 days and were able to reduce collagen-induced arthritis in these mice. Animals treated by i.m. injections of SUV ATM exhibited a 50% reduction in symptoms. More importantly, histological examination of knee joints of the affected animals verified that SUV ATM treatment prevented cellular infiltration of lymphocytes into the synovia of the collagen-sensitized mice. Conditioned media from spleen cell cultures was assayed for the presence of inflammatory lymphokines that might be affected by SUV ATM to account for the success in suppressing collagen-induced arthritis.  相似文献   

In rheumatoid synovial tissues, synovial fibroblasts are activated by proinflammatory cytokines and proliferate to develop hyperplastic pannus tissues, which irreversibly damage the affected joints. We recently reported that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p16(INK4a) and p21(Cip1) are not expressed in vivo in rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts, but are readily inducible in vitro. This observation was followed by the successful treatment of rat adjuvant arthritis by local p16(INK4a) gene transfer, showing that the inhibition of the cell cycle of the synovial cells ameliorates the arthritis. In this study, we show that another animal model of rheumatoid arthritis, murine collagen-induced arthritis, can be effectively treated by local gene transfer of p21(Cip1) as well as that of p16(INK4a). The anti-arthritic effects were observed even when the treatment was conducted after the arthritis had developed. Furthermore, the effects included suppression of the expression of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1ss, IL-6, and TNF-alpha. Our results demonstrate that the ectopic expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors not only prevents synovial overgrowth but also ameliorates the proinflammatory milieu in the affected joints. The induction of p21(Cip1) in rheumatoid synovial tissues by pharmacological agents may also be an effective strategy to treat rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies directed against citrulline-containing proteins have an impressive specificity of nearly 100% in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and have been suggested to be involved in the disease pathogenesis. The targeted epitopes are generated by a post-translational modification catalysed by the calcium-dependent enzyme peptidyl arginine deiminase (PAD), which converts positively charged arginine to polar but uncharged citrulline. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of citrullination on the immunogenicity of autoantigens as well as on potential arthritogenicity. Thus, immune responses to citrullinated rat serum albumin (Cit-RSA) and to unmodified rat serum albumin (RSA) were examined as well as arthritis development induced by immunisation with citrullinated rat collagen type II (Cit-CII) or unmodified CII. In addition, to correlate the presence of citrullinated proteins and the enzyme PAD4 with different stages of arthritis, synovial tissues obtained at different time points from rats with collagen-induced arthritis were examined immunohistochemically. Our results demonstrate that citrullination of the endogenous antigen RSA broke immunological tolerance, as was evident by the generation of antibodies directed against the modified protein and cross-reacting with the native protein. Furthermore we could demonstrate that Cit-CII induced arthritis with higher incidence and earlier onset than did the native counterpart. Finally, this study reveals that clinical signs of arthritis precede the presence of citrullinated proteins and the enzyme PAD4. As disease progressed into a more severe and chronic state, products of citrullination appeared specifically in the joints. Citrullinated proteins were detected mainly in extracellular deposits but could also be found in infiltrating cells and on the cartilage surface. PAD4 was detected in the cytoplasm of infiltrating mononuclear cells, from day 21 after immunisation and onwards. In conclusion, our data reveal the potency of citrullination to break tolerance against the self antigen RSA and to increase the arthritogenic properties of the cartilage antigen CII. We also show that citrullinated proteins and the enzyme PAD4 are not detectable in healthy joints, and that the appearance and amounts in arthritic joints of experimental animals are correlated with the severity of inflammation.  相似文献   

Chick embryos were treated with cortisone acetate on day 8 of incubation and the subsequent growth of the whole embryo and the development of the tibia studied to day 18 of incubation. Cortisone, at 10 ng to 2 mg/embryo decreased general body growth; above 0.5 mg/embryo it also retarded morphogenesis by as much as 3 Hamilton-Hamburger stages; and above 1 mg/embryo gross abnormalities were produced. The growth and differentiation of the tibia were affected to a greater extent than was the whole body. The reductions in tibial and total body weight were not linearly related to dose of cortisone injected. The exogenous cortisone acetate resulted in drastic alterations in the circulating levels of cortisone, cortisol, corticosterone, and progesterone, but plasma progesterone level was most readily correlated with the growth retardation. This study emphasizes that avian embryos can readily compensate for exogenous corticosteroids and that caution must be exercised when attributing causality to the substance administered.  相似文献   

Hydrocortisone in physiologic concentrations resulted in a reduction in sterol synthesis by cultured normal human skin fibroblasts. These changes were observed when [14C]acetate, [14C]octanoic acid and 3H2O were used as precursors. However, the incorporation of [3H]mevalonic acid lactone into digitonin-precipitable sterols was not affected by hydrocortisone, suggesting that hydrocortisone inhibits sterol synthesis at a site prior to the formation of mevalonic acid. In contrast, the activity of hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase was stimulated several-fold by the hormone. Thus, the inhibitory effect of hydrocortisone on the cholesterol synthetic pathway may be on hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase.  相似文献   

There is much evidence that rheumatoid arthritis is closely linked to angiogenesis. Important angiogenic mediators have been demonstrated in synovium and tenosynovium of rheumatoid joints. VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), expressed in response to soluble mediators such as cytokines and growth factors and its receptors are the best characterized system in the angiogenesis regulation of rheumatoid joints. Moreover, other angiogenic mediators such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-8, IL-13, IL-15, IL-18, angiogenin, platelet activating factor (PAF), angiopoietin, soluble adhesion molecules, endothelial mediator (endoglin) play an important role in angiogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis. On the other hand, endostatin, thrombospondin-1 and -2 are angiogenic inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis. The persistence of inflammation in rheumatoid joints is a consequence of an imbalance between these inducers and inhibitors of angiogenesis.  相似文献   

We studied 78 patients with Lyme disease to determine how immune complexes and autoantibodies are related to the development of chronic Lyme arthritis. Circulating C1q binding material was found in nearly all patients at onset of erythema chronicum migrans, the skin lesion that marks the onset of infection with the causative spirochete. In patients with only subsequent arthritis this material tended to localize to joints where it gradually increased in concentrations with greater duration of joint inflammation. In joints, its concentration correlated positively with the number of synovial fluid polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Despite the prolonged presence of putative immune complexes, rheumatoid factors could not be demonstrated. These observations suggest that phlogistic immune complexes based on spirochete antigens form locally within joints during chronic Lyme arthritis.  相似文献   

Treatment in a group of 19 patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) has been monitored by frequent, serial measurements of saliva 17OH-progesterone (17OHP) concentrations. Detailed 17OHP profiles were obtained during consecutive weekend days and every 1-2 h over a separate 24-hour period. Patients showed a marked diurnal rhythm in 17OHP levels, particularly when treated with hydrocortisone. In some patients, 10 mg/m2/day of hydrocortisone was sufficient glucocorticoid replacement to produce adequate control, although there was considerable individual variation. Saliva 17OHP profiles provided valuable information on the efficacy of hydrocortisone, cortisone acetate, prednisolone and dexamethasone as glucocorticoid suppressive regimes in the treatment of CAH. Preliminary results suggest that hydrocortisone given in two divided doses during the day, supplemented by a small dose of prednisolone at bedtime, is suitable treatment for CAH patients who are still growing. In the patient who has completed statural growth, single daily dose dexamethasone therapy ensures adequate adrenal suppression and is convenient in the longterm.  相似文献   

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