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The physical distribution of ten simple-sequence repeated DNA motifs (SSRs) was studied on chromosomes of bread wheat, rye and hexaploid triticale. Oligomers with repeated di-, tri- or tetra-nucleotide motifs were used as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization to root-tip metaphase and anther pachytene chromosomes. All motifs showed dispersed hybridization signals of varying strengths on all chromosomes. In addition, the motifs (AG)12, (CAT)5, (AAG)5, (GCC)5 and, in particular, (GACA)4 hybridized strongly to pericentromeric and multiple intercalary sites on the B genome chromosomes and on chromosome 4A of wheat, giving diagnostic patterns that resembled N-banding. In rye, all chromosomes showed strong hybridization of (GACA)4 at many intercalary sites that did not correspond to any other known banding pattern, but allowed identification of all R genome chromosome arms. Overall, SSR hybridization signals were found in related chromosome positions independently of the motif used and showed remarkably similar distribution patterns in wheat and rye, indicating the special role of SSRs in chromosome organization as a possible ancient genomic component of the tribe Triticeae (Gramineae). Received: 13 February 1998; in revised form: 18 August 1998 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

Gene duplication is considered a major force in gene family expansion and gene innovation. As gene copies assume novel functions, they must avoid periods of neutrality or be deleted from the genome. Current opinions state that copies avoid neutrality through gene dosage effects. These copies are therefore selected from an early stage. This study concentrates on the flow of copies from recent duplication to gene innovation. We have studied 21 microbial genomes using amino acid divergence to describe paralog evolution in the long-term perspective. Five of these were studied in closer detail using nucleotide divergence for a shorter perspective. It was found that rates of duplication and deletion are high, with only a small fraction of duplications retained and apparently selected. This leads to a steady accumulation of paralogs, which seems to be of a similar magnitude in most of the genomes. Furthermore, it is found that genes of high expression level, as measured by their codon bias, are strongly underrepresented among the most recent duplications. Based on these and other observations, it is suggested that gene innovation is driven by amplification of weak, ancillary functions rather than strong, established functions.  相似文献   

土壤微生物群落构建理论与时空演变特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贺纪正  王军涛 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6575-6583
土壤微生物作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,直接或间接地参与几乎所有的土壤生态过程,在物质循环、能量转换以及污染物降解等过程中都发挥着重要作用。对土壤微生物时空演变规律及其形成机制的研究,不仅是微生物演变和进化的基础科学问题,也是预测微生物及其所介导的生态功能对环境条件变化响应、适应和反馈的理论依据。讨论了土壤微生物群落的定义、测度方法和指标,认为群落是联系动植物宏观生态学与微生物生态学的基础,群落构建机制是宏观和微观生态学都需要研究的核心科学问题;从生态学的群落构建理论出发,阐述了包括生态位理论/中性理论、过程理论和多样性-稳定性理论在土壤微生物时空演变研究中的应用,以及微生物群落在时间和空间上的分布特征及其尺度效应;确立了以微生物群落构建理论为基础、不同时空尺度下土壤微生物群落演变特征为主要内容的微生物演变研究的基本框架。  相似文献   

Prediction of operons in microbial genomes   总被引:28,自引:7,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文

Prokaryotic genomics is shifting towards comparative approaches to unravel how and why genomes change over time. Both phylogenetic and population genetics approaches are required to dissect the relative roles of selection and drift under these conditions. Lineages evolve adaptively by selection of changes in extant genomes and the way this occurs is being explored from a systemic and evolutionary perspective to understand how mutations relate with gene repertoire changes and how both are contextualized in cellular networks. Through an increased appreciation of genome dynamics in given ecological contexts, a more detailed picture of the genetic basis of prokaryotic evolution is emerging.  相似文献   

Hughes S  Clay O  Bernardi G 《Gene》2002,295(2):323-329
Sauropsids form a complex group of vertebrates including squamates (lizards and snakes), turtles, crocodiles, sphenodon and birds (which are often considered as a separate class). Although avian genomes have been relatively well studied, the genomes of the other groups have remained only sparsely characterized. Moreover, the nuclear sequences available in databanks are still very limited. In the present study, we have analysed the compositional patterns, i.e. the GC (molar fraction of guanine and cytosine in DNA) distributions, of 31 reptilian (particularly snake) genomes by analytical ultracentrifugation of DNAs in CsCl gradients. The profiles were characterized by their modal buoyant density rho(o), mean buoyant density < rho>, asymmetry < rho>- rho(o), and heterogeneity H. The modal buoyant density distribution of reptilian DNAs clearly distinguishes two groups. The snakes fall in the same range of modal densities as most mammals, whereas crocodiles, turtles and lizards show higher values (>1.700 g/cm(3)). As far as the more important compositional properties of asymmetry and heterogeneity are concerned, previous studies showed that amphibians and fishes share relatively low values, whereas birds and mammals are characterized by highly heterogeneous and asymmetric patterns (with the exception of Muridae, which have a lower heterogeneity). The present results show that the snake genomes cover a broad range of asymmetry and heterogeneity values, whereas the genomes of crocodiles and turtles cover a narrow range that is intermediate between those of fishes/amphibians and those of mammals/birds.  相似文献   

Seven GC-rich (group I) and three AT-rich (group II) microbial genomes are analyzed in this paper. The seven microbes in group I belong to different phylogenetic lineages, even different domains of life. The common feature is that they are highly GC-rich organisms, with more than 60% genomic GC content. Group II includes three bacteria, which belong to the same subdivision as Pseudomonas aeruginosa in group I. The genomic GC content of the three bacteria is in the range of 26-50%. It is shown that although the phylogenetic lineages of the organisms in group I are remote, the common feature of highly genomic GC content forces them to adopt similar codon usage patterns, which constitutes the basis of an algorithm using a set of universal parameters to recognize known genes in the seven genomes. The common codon usage pattern of function known genes in the seven genomes is GGS type, where G, G, and S are the bases of G, non-G, and G/C, respectively. On the contrary, although the phylogenetic lineages of the three bacteria in group II are quite close, the codon usage patterns of function known genes in these genomes are obviously distinct. There are no universal parameters to identify known genes in the three genomes in group II. It can be deduced that the genomic GC content is more important than phylogenetic lineage in gene recognition programs. We hope that the work might be useful for understanding the common characteristics in the organization of microbial genomes.  相似文献   

Searching for drug targets in microbial genomes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Comparative analysis of the complete genome sequences of 10 bacterial pathogens available in the public databases offers the first insights into the drug discovery approaches of the near future. Genes that are conserved in different genomes often turn out to be essential, which makes them attractive targets for new broad-spectrum antibiotics. Subtractive genome analysis reveals the genes that are conserved in all or most of the pathogenic bacteria but not in eukaryotes; these are the most obvious candidates for drug targets. Species-specific genes, on the other hand, may offer the possibility to design drugs against a particular, narrow group of pathogens.  相似文献   

Recent bioinformatic analyses of sequenced plant genomes reveal a previously unrecognized abundance of genes encoding antimicrobial cysteine-rich peptides, representing a formidable and dynamic defense arsenal against plant pests and pathogens.  相似文献   

Gene duplication occurs repeatedly in the evolution of genomes, and the rearrangement of genomic segments has also occurred repeatedly over the evolution of eukaryotes. We studied the interaction of these two factors in mammalian evolution by comparing the chromosomal distribution of multigene families in human and mouse. In both species, gene families tended to be confined to a single chromosome to a greater extent than expected by chance. The average number of families shared between chromosomes was nearly 60% higher in mouse than in human, and human chromosomes rarely shared large numbers of gene families with more than one or two other chromosomes, whereas mouse chromosomes frequently did so. A higher proportion of duplicate gene pairs on the same chromosome originated from recent duplications in human than in mouse, whereas a higher proportion of duplicate gene pairs on separate chromosomes arose from ancient duplications in human than in mouse. These observations are most easily explained by the hypotheses that (1) most gene duplications arise in tandem and are subsequently separated by segmental rearrangement events, and (2) that the process of segmental rearrangement has occurred at a higher rate in the lineage of mouse than in that of human.  相似文献   



Microbial genomes contain an abundance of genes with conserved proximity forming clusters on the chromosome. However, the conservation can be a result of many factors such as vertical inheritance, or functional selection. Thus, identification of conserved gene clusters that are under functional selection provides an effective channel for gene annotation, microarray screening, and pathway reconstruction. The problem of devising a robust method to identify these conserved gene clusters and to evaluate the significance of the conservation in multiple genomes has a number of implications for comparative, evolutionary and functional genomics as well as synthetic biology.  相似文献   

Complete sequences of multiple strains of the same microbial species provide an invaluable source for studying the evolutionary dynamics between orthologous genes over a relatively short time scale. Usually the intensity of the selection pressure is inferred from a comparison between the nonsynonymous substitution rate and the synonymous substitution rate. In this paper, we propose an alternative method for detecting genes with one or more fast-evolving regions from pairwise comparisons of orthologous genes. Our method looks for regions with overrepresented nonsynonymous mutations along the alignment, and requires a higher nonsynonymous evolution rate in those regions than the neutral evolution rate. It identifies gene targets under intensive selection pressure that are not detected from the conventional rate comparison analysis. For those identified genes with known annotations, most of them have a clear role in processes such as bacterial defense and host–pathogen interactions. Gene sets reported from our method provide a measure of the phenotypic divergence between two closely related genomes.  相似文献   

Siew N  Fischer D 《Proteins》2003,53(2):241-251
Singleton sequence ORFans are orphan ORFs (open reading frames) that have no detectable sequence similarity to any other sequence in the databases. ORFans are of particular interest not only as evolutionary puzzles but also because we can learn little about them using bioinformatics tools. Here, we present a first systematic analysis of singleton ORFans in the first 60 fully sequenced microbial genomes. We show that although ORFans have been underemphasized, the number of ORFans is steadily growing, currently accounting for 23,634 sequences. At the same time, the percentage of ORFans as a fraction of all sequences is slowly diminishing, and is currently about 14%. Short ORFans comprise about 61% of all ORFans. The abundance of short ORFans may be due to a yet unexplained artifact. The data also suggest that the number of longer ORFans may soon diminish as more genomes of closely related organisms become available. To better address the questions about the functions and origins of ORFans, we propose to focus further studies on the longer ORFans, with emphasis on three new types of ORFans: ORFan modules, paralogous ORFans, and orthologous ORFans. We conclude that the large number of ORFans reflects an intrinsic property of the genetic material not yet fully understood. Further computational and experimental studies aimed at understanding Nature's protein diversity should also include ORFans.  相似文献   

Isochore patterns and gene distributions in fish genomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The compositional approach developed in our laboratory many years ago revealed a large-scale compositional heterogeneity in vertebrate genomes, in which GC-rich and GC-poor regions, the isochores, were found to be characterized by high and low gene densities, respectively. Here we mapped isochores on fish chromosomes and assessed gene densities in isochore families. Because of the availability of sequence data, we have concentrated our investigations on four species, zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio), medaka (Oryzias latipes), stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), and pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis), which belong to four distant orders and cover almost the entire GC range of fish genomes. These investigations produced isochore maps that were drastically different not only from those of mammals (in that only two major isochore families were essentially present in each genome vs five in the human genome) but also from each other (in that different isochore families were represented in different genomes). Gene density distributions for these fish genomes were also obtained and shown to follow the expected increase with increasing isochore GC. Finally, we discovered a remarkable conservation of the average size of the isochores (which match replicon clusters in the case of human chromosomes) and of the average GC levels of isochore families in both fish and human genomes. Moreover, in each genome the GC-poorest isochore families comprised a group of "long isochores" (2-20 Mb in size), which were the lowest in GC and varied in size distribution and relative amount from one genome to the other.  相似文献   

Contrasting DNA sequence organisation patterns in sauropsidian genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genomic DNA organisation patterns of four sauropsidian species, namely Python reticularis, Caiman crocodilus, Terrapene carolina triungius and Columba livia domestica were investigated by reassociation of short and long DNA fragments, by hyperchromicity measurements of reannealed fragments and by length estimations of S1-nuclease resistant repetitive duplexes. While the genomic DNA of the three reptilian species shows a short period interspersion pattern, the genome of the avian species is organised in a long period interspersion pattern apparently typical for birds. These findings are discussed in view of the close phylogenetic relationships of birds and reptiles, and also with regard to a possible relationship between the extent of sequence interspersion and genome size.  相似文献   

Chromosomal change is one of the more hotly debated potential mechanisms of speciation. It has long been argued over whether--and to what degree--changes in chromosome structure contribute to reproductive isolation and, ultimately, speciation. In this review we do not aim to completely analyze accumulated data about chromosomal speciation but wish to draw attention to several critical points of speciation-related chromosomal change, namely: (a) interrelations between chromosomal rearrangements and repetitive DNA fraction; (b) mobility of ribosomal DNA clusters; and (c) rDNA and transposable elements as perpetual generators of genome instability.  相似文献   

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