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Various lines of evidence from starch gel electrophoretic experiments demonstrate the existence of a genetically determined rare variant form of the type III isozyme of hexokinase (HK) in the leucocytes of a small percentage of the general human population. This enzymatically active variant (designated IIIS) migrates slightly, but significantly, slower than the common form (designated IIIF). In addition to finding various individuals with a two-banded pattern (heterozygotes containing both IIIS and IIIF), a finding reported previously by S. Povey, G. Corney, and H. Harris ((1975) Ann. Hum. Genet. 38, 407-415), we discovered one person homozygous for the variant phenotype. In close agreement with Povey et al., screening of 59 individuals at random indicated a gene frequency of about 0.017 for the IIIS allele, corresponding to a homozygous genotype for this allele that would be expected in about one of every 3500 individuals. Experiments involving the mixing of blood samples from the individual homozygous for IIIS with those homozygous for IIIF indicate that secondary in vitro changes, a possibility suggested by Povey et al., are not responsible for the appearance of the variant. This conclusion was supported by a demonstration of the specificity of the alteration in type III's mobility in comparison with the lack of alterations in any of the LDH isozymes, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and various amido black-stainable proteins. These studies confirm the proposal for a genetically determined polymorphism of type III HK. No differences could be found between the total HK activity (according to spectrophotometric assays) of extracts from the subject homozygous for the variant and the activity from the homozygote for the common form, in terms of either their Km values for glucose or their heat stability properties. The similarity of Km values was supported by kinetic assays performed during staining of the individual forms on electrophoretic gels. Previous findings, reported elsewhere, of type III HK in RBC extracts were shown here to be attributable to contamination, by leucocytes, of the extracts. As a consequence of these studies, slight, but significant, amounts of type II-like HK were also discovered in leucocytes. Because our studies described above were completed in 1969, advantage was taken of the opportunity to test the HK pattern 17 years later from some of the same subjects. The patterns of the homozygotes for IIIS and for IIIF and the heterozygotes were found to be identical to the original ones, indicating no age-, environmental-, or other time-related changes that could explain the variation in type III HK.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic variant of human LDH, Calcutta-1, occurs at phenotypic frequencies of 0–4% throughout India. The variant was examined by various electrophoretic techniques and by heat stability studies. The LD1 (B4) isoenzyme was purified from normal and variant bloods by affinity chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography. A minimum of five Calcutta-1 LD1 bands was demonstrated by isoelectric focusing. Electrophoresis of variant LD1 in high-molar urea-acrylamide denaturing gels resulted in two Calcutta-1 B subunit bands, while normal gels yielded only a single band. Homozygote Calcutta-1 LDH from red cells demonstrated a decreased heat stability, while heterozygote variant LDH showed a normal heat stability. This effect was confirmed when purified LD1's were compared. Evidence is presented suggesting a B-subunit variant showing thermolability in the homozygous form.The author was supported by an Australian National University Scholarship.  相似文献   

A new common variant (M1) of alpha 1 antitrypsin was detected by isoelectric focusing of serum in a pH gradient of 3.5-5.0 in polyacrylamide gels. The variant can be clearly distinguished from the common M type only when alpha 1 antitrypsin M is present in the same serum. It cannot be recognized on starch gel electrophoresis. The gene frequency in a population sample of United States whites was .09.  相似文献   

Summary A new variant of the PGMa1erythrocyte enzyme system not identical with the known variants of the system has been detected in the hemolyzed red blood cells of a healthy blood donor by isoelectric focusing. Using this technique the variant is represented by two bands, a strong and slow one more cathodically located than the a3 band and a weak one in the position of the a2 band. Using agarose thinlayer or acetate foil electrophoresis the variant is represented only by a minimal cathodic broadening of the PGM1 1 band and therefore it is easily overlooked. Investigation of the propositus' family shows that the variant occurs combined with the common alleles PGM1a1, PGM1a2, and PGM1a3and that it has an autosomal dominant inheritance. Obviously the variant has a very low frequency.  相似文献   

Activity of pseudocholinesterase (acylcholine-acyl-hydrolase) elevated up to four times has been detected in sera of members of two German families. The catalytic concentrations of the pseudocholinesterase of the afflicted members of both families (male and female) varied between 4800 U/l and 10 200 U/o (acetylthiocholine iodide substrate). The pseudocholinesterase of the propositi exhibits isoenzyme separation patterns in polyacrylamide electrophoresis as well as in electrofocussing which are different from those of pseudocholinesterase from normal persons. No differences could be seen as regards the Km of substrates or the inhibition by dibucaine, fluoride or succinyldiocholine.  相似文献   

Human red cell NADH diaphorase isozyme patterns have been examined in 3,060 unrelated Australians of European origin, by starch gel electrophoresis. 26 people with variant isozyme patterns were encountered: 12 were phenotype Dia 2-1 and 13 were Dia 4-1. A new variant isozyme pattern (Dia 7-1) was identified. No variants were identified in 100 Melanesians and 70 Australian Aborigines.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic isoenzyme variant of serum alkaline phosphatase was found in 10 out of 343 subjects belonging to an Icelandic population in Husavik and the Husavik region. 9 of the variant-positive subjects were women. The enzyme variant differs from normal isoenzymes in electrophoretic mobility, substrate specificity, and response to inhibitors. It could be demonstrated that nine of the subjects with the enzyme variant were related with each other.  相似文献   

Because the features of clockwise versus anti-clockwise orientation of hair-whorl coiling developed on a person's scalp is (partially, albeit significantly) correlated with that individual's right- versus left-hand-use preference (i.e., handedness) in the US and British subjects, these traits have been recently suggested to be determined biologically and through a common genetic mechanism. Here I report results of a serendipitously made observation with the Japanese population that helps to scrutinize validity of partial correlation between these attributes and to ascertain whether the underlying gene's frequency variations exist in different gene pools. Surprisingly, the whorl orientation in the Japanese individuals was found to be random, although their handedness variation is similar to that of the US population. Therefore, the whorl orientation trait is not genetically determined in the Japanese population. This result supports the idea that separate decisions must be made during embryogenesis for developing handedness and hair-whorl features at least in Japanese individuals. A recent study found the lack of association between whorl orientation and handedness in the German population, yet previous studies suggested that their scalp hair orientation is genetically determined. Therefore, pronounced genetic variation for the hair-whorl trait exists between individuals of different geographical regions. As hand preference exhibits “complex correlation” with brain hemispheric functional specialization, implications of these findings are discussed here with the goal to define biology of brain hemispheric laterality determination.  相似文献   

A panel of 637 isolates of Candida albicans that had been typed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and tested for susceptibility to amphotericin B, caspofungin, fluconazole, flucytosine, itraconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, terbinafine and voriconazole was the material for a statistical analysis of possible associations between antifungal susceptibility and other properties. For terbinafine and flucytosine, the greatest proportion of low-susceptibility isolates, judged by two resistance breakpoints, was found in MLST clade 1 and among isolates homozygous at the MAT locus, although only three isolates showed cross-resistance to the two agents. Most instances of low susceptibility to azoles, flucytosine and terbinafine were among oropharyngeal isolates from HIV-positive individuals. Statistically significant correlations were found between terbinafine and azole minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs), while correlations between flucytosine MICs and azole MICs were less strong. It is concluded that a common regulatory mechanism may operate to generate resistance to the two classes of agent that inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis, terbinafine and the azoles, but that flucytosine resistance, although still commonly associated with MAT homozygosity, is differently regulated.  相似文献   

Primary vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) affects 1%-2% of whites, and reflux nephropathy (RN) causes up to 15% of end-stage renal failure in children and adults. There is a 30-50-fold increased incidence of VUR in first-degree relatives of probands, compared with the general population. We report the results of the first genomewide search of VUR and RN; we studied seven European families whose members exhibit apparently dominant inheritance. We initially typed 387 polymorphic markers spaced, on average, at 10 cM throughout the genome; we used the GENEHUNTER program to provide parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses of affected individuals. The most positive locus spanned 20 cM on 1p13 between GATA176C01 and D1S1653 and had a nonparametric LOD score (NPL) of 5.76 (P=.0002) and a parametric LOD score of 3.16. Saturation with markers at 1-cM intervals increased the NPL to 5.94 (P=.00009). Hence, VUR maps to a locus on chromosome 1. There was evidence of genetic heterogeneity at the chromosome 1 locus, and 12 additional loci were identified genomewide, with P<.05. No significant linkage was found to 6p, where a renal and ureteric malformation locus has been reported, or to PAX2, mutations of which cause VUR in renal-coloboma syndrome. Our results support the hypothesis that VUR is a genetic disorder.  相似文献   

G. Lindena 《Biochemical genetics》1981,19(11-12):1079-1090
A new esterase variant has been isolated by electrophoresis of homogenized testis, heart, and lung tissues. This esterase variant is genetically determined. The carrier strain was crossed with another in which the enzyme was not originally present; the presence of the enzyme was investigated in successive generations and in backcrosses to the carrier strain. Linkage was found with other esterases in linkage group V, while there was independent segregation from the immunogenetic markers Ly-1, Ly-2, LH-1, and R1-1a.  相似文献   

A new prealbumin plasma esterase was demonstrated by the use of miniaturized polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. Genetic analysis indicated that the new variant is controlled by the Es-1 locus and this gene was designated Es-1c. Among 11 rat strains only one strain, WJ, possessed the gene. Two random-bred stocks, Jcl:Wistar and Jcl:SD, also maintained it in their populations. Miniaturized polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis showed that the ES-1 band consisted of two close bands with the cathodal one staining darker.  相似文献   

An allele of theProt locus, which encodes a major globulin of the maize scutellum, is a variant for a site of protein processing. Segregation analysis and recombination mapping indicate that the variant is an allele of theProt locus. DesignatedProt-V, this allele specifies three polypeptides, V1, V2, and V3. The V1 polypeptide is incompletely processed during the proteolytic processing step catalyzed by the product of theMep locus. Cyanogen bromide cleavage studies support the precursor-product relationship between V1 and V2. The V1 product is shortened with respect to other PROT′ proteins and it is postulated that the normal site of MEP processing has been removed by this foreshortening. This work was done with the support of United States Department of Agriculture Grant GM84-CRCR-1-1479.  相似文献   

CTL-mediated lysis is unique among lytic mechanisms in inducing rapid, prelytic nuclear disintegration. Target cell DNA can be solubilized within minutes as a result of degradation, which can proceed to the nucleosomal level, presumably mediated by endonucleases that are either endogenous or injected by the CTL. Nuclear disintegration has been reported for mouse lymphoid target cells by several groups. However, previous studies in which human target cells were studied saw little or no DNA solubilization. We here report rapid, extensive CTL-induced solubilization of DNA in human lymphoid target cells; on the other hand, we found that three mouse cell lines exhibit little or no nuclear disintegration. We conclude that the degree of nuclear disintegration depends on the nature of the target cell, but is not determined by the species of origin of the target cell.  相似文献   

The HLA region harbors some of the most polymorphic loci in the human genome. Among them is the class II locus HLA-DRB1, with more than 400 known alleles. The age of the polymorphism and the rate at which new alleles are generated at HLA loci has caused much controversy over the years. Previous studies have mostly been restricted to the 270 base pairs that constitute the second exon and represent the most variable part of the gene. Here, we investigate the evolutionary history of the HLA-DRB1 locus on the basis of an analysis of 15 genomic full-length alleles (10-15 kb). In addition, the variation in 49 complete coding sequences and 322 exon 2 sequences were analyzed. When excluding exon 2 from the analysis, the diversity at the synonymous sites was found to be similar to the intron diversity. The overall diversity in noncoding region was also similar to the genome average. The DRB1*03 lineage has been found in human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan. An ancestral "proto HLA-DRB1*03 lineage" appeared to have diverged in the last 5 million years into the human-specific lineages *08, *11, *13, and *14. With exception to exon 2, both the coding- and the noncoding diversity suggests a recent origin (<1 million years ago) for most of the alleles at the HLA-DRB1 locus. Sites encoding for amino acids involved in antigen binding [antigen recognizing sites (ARS)] appear to have a more ancient origin. Taken together, the recent origin of most alleles, the high diversity between allelic lineages, and the ancient origin of sequence motifs in exon 2, is consistent with a relatively rapid generation of novel alleles by gene conversion like events.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic variant of the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)-B(H) subunit was discovered in a patient with diabetes mellitus. His LDH activity in serum was slightly lower than normal and the LDH isozyme pattern showed an abnormal migration indicating an LDH-B subunit variant of the fast type. The LDH containing the variant subunit revealed a decreased heat stability. DNA analysis of the variant allele detected a base substitution, an A to G transition, at codon 6 (AAAGAA). The mutation resulted in the replacement of a lysine by a glutamic acid (K6E). The change may cause the heat instability and affect the net charge of the variant subunit, resulting in an electrophoretic LDH-B subunit variant of the fast type.  相似文献   

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