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Oikopleura longicauda occurred throughout the year in ToyamaBay, southern Japan Sea, and analysis of its size compositionand maturity revealed that reproduction was continuous overtheyear. Somatic growth production (Pg) varied with season from0.03 to 103 mg carbon (C) m–2day–1 (annual Pg 4.5g C m–2), and house production (Pe) from 0.11 to 266 mgC m–2 day–1 (annualPe 11.3 g C m–2). The annualPg/B ratio was 176. Compared with production data of some predominantzooplankton species in Toyama Bay, it is suggested that despitetheir smaller biomass, appendicularians are an important secondaryproducer.  相似文献   

HOLE  C. C.; BARNES  A. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):295-307
Carbon dioxide efflux from 5- to 20-day-old pea fruits was measuredfor plants grown in controlled environment at 15 °C and600 µmol s–1 m–2 photon flux density in a16 h photoperiod. The rate of CO2 output per fruit increasedquickly from 0.005 to 0.018 mg CO2 min–1 during fruitelongation and subsequently more slowly to 0.030 mg CO2 min–1as the fruits inflated. On a d. wt basis the rate was highest,0.175 mg CO2 g–1 min–1, in the youngest fruits anddeclined curvilinearly with increasing fruit weight to 0.02mg CO2 g–1 min–1. Separation of maintenance andgrowth components was achieved by starvation methods and bymultiple regression analysis. From the latter method estimatesof the maintenance coefficient declined hyperbolically from150±8.7 mg carbohydrate g–1 d. wt day–1 inthe very young fruits (0.05 g) to 10.4±0.36 mg carbohydrateg–1 d. wt day–1 in older fruits (2.0 g). On a nitrogenbasis maintenance costs decreased from 2240 to 310 mg carbohydrateg–1 nitrogen day–1 while nitrogen concentrationfell from 6.7 to 3 per cent d. wt. A simple linear relationshipbetween maintenance cost per unit d. wt and nitrogen concentrationwas not observed. A growth coefficient of 50±6.7 mg carbohydrate g–1growth (equivalent to a conversion efficiency, YG, of 0.95)was estimated for all fruits examined. The overall efficiency, Y, increased from a mean of 0.70 to0.85 during fruit elongation and subsequently declined to 0.80.For a given fruit weight, efficiency increased asymptoticallywith relative growth rate; both asymptote and slope of the relationshipincreased as the fruits grew. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, legume fruit, carbon dioxide efflux, maintenance respiration, growth respiration  相似文献   

Ammonia excreted by mixed zooplankton populations over an annual(1972–1973) cycle in Narragansett Bay varied from 0.04to 3.21 µg at NH3-N dry wt–1 day–1, exclusiveof two exceptional rates measured one year apart: 11.74 and18.39 µg at NH3-N mg dry wt–1 day–1. Grossphytoplankton production integrated over the year (1972–1973)averaged 151 mg C m–3 day–1 for an 8 m water column;peaks of 332 and 905 mg C m–3 day–1 occurred duringthe winter-spring and summer blooms, respectively. Excretedammonia, integrated seasonally and annually, contributed only0.2% and 4.9% of the nitrogen required for observed gross productionduring the winter-spring and summer blooms, respectively, and4.4% annually. However, excreted ammonia may be an importantsource of the nitrogen required by Skeletonema costatum, thedominant diatom in Narragansett Bay, during the post-bloom periodwhen 186% of the nitrogen required for its net production wasmet by ammonia excretion. A combination of zooplankton ammoniaexcretion and benthic ammonia flux contributed 22% of the nitrogenrequired for the annual gross production (440 g C m–2)while 51% of the nitrogen required for the net production ofSkeletonema was accounted for by regenerated nitrogen. 1This research was supported by NSF grant GA 31319X awardedto Dr.T.J.Smayda.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod, Eudiaplomus graciloides, was reared fromegg to adult on uni-algal diets (0.1. 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt1–1) using the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,as food, or on a mixed diet consisting of Lake Esrom water filteredthrough a plankton net with pore size 45 µm and supplementedwith C. reinhardtii (2.5 mg dry wt 1–1). On the mixeddiet at 21.0°C growth in body dry wt (W, µg dry wt)was exponential, and the growth constants were 0.21 day–1in the early to mid juvenile stage (N1 - C4) and 0.11 day–1in the late juvenile to early adult stage (C4-A). At 14.5°Cthe corresponding growth rate constants were 0.10 and 0.08 day–1.Similar growth rates were found at uni-algal concentrationsof 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt I–1, and it was argued that thethreshold concentration for growth in Eudiaptomus was closeto 0.1 mg dry wt I–1. The clearance (C, ml h–1)of copepodites was measured on the uni-algal diets. The constantsof the regression (C = aWb) were: a = 0.125, b = 0.858 (2000C. reinhardtii ml–1), a = 0.068, b = 0.849 (10 000), a= 0.028, b = 0.875 (50 000). Ingestion rates were calculatedfrom the clearances and the average algal concentrations. Atthe three food levels the average daily rations were 30, 67and 125% of body dry wt. The respiration rate (R, nl O2 h–1)was measured in individuals reared on the mixed diet. The constantsof the regression (R = aWb) were: a = 4.82, b = 1.07 (nauplii,14.5°C), a = 4.17, b = 0.904 (copepodites and adults, 14.5°C),a = 6.87, b = 0.757 (copepodites and adults, 21.0°C). Nosignificant difference in the respiration rate of copepoditesreared on uni-algal diets and the mixed diet could be demonstrated.Energy budgets were calculated. The assimilation efficiencyand the gross growth efficiency of copepodites decreased markedlywith increasing food concentration, the net growth efficiencyvaried from an average of 0.44 at the lowest algal concentrationto 0.60 on the mixed diet. The results are discussed in relationto previous findings with both freshwater and marine copepods.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal egg production rates (Er) and egg hatchingsuccess in the copepods Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicuswere measured in the North Sea from March to September. Foodavailability was monitored by chlorophyll and protist concentrationsand three size fractions of seston fatty acids. Seasonal andspatial distribution and production differed between the species.Calanus finmarchicus was found only offshore of the 50-m isobath,with decreasing Er (37–28 eggs female–1 day–1)from March to July. Calanus helgolandicus had two abundancepeaks, in spring and autumn, with a low in May during whichtime the highest Er were observed (38 eggs female–1 day–1).At other times, Er in C. helgolandicus remained lower than inC. finmarchicus (  相似文献   

In situ growth and development of Neocalanus flemingeri/plumchrusstage C1–C4 copepodites were estimated by both the artificial-cohortand the single-stage incubation methods in March, April andMay of 2001–2005 at 5–6°C. Results from thesetwo methods were comparable and consistent. In the field, C1–C4stage durations ranged from 7 to >100 days, dependent ontemperature and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration. Averagestage durations were 12.4–14.1 days, yielding an averageof 56 days to reach C5, but under optimal conditions stage durationswere closer to 10 days, shortening the time to reach C5 (fromC1) to 46 days. Generally, growth rates decreased with increasingstage, ranging from 0.28 day–1 to close to zero but weretypically between 0.20 and 0.05 day–1, averaging 0.110± 0.006 day–1 (mean ± SE) for single-stageand 0.107 ± 0.005 day–1 (mean ± SE) forartificial-cohort methods. Growth was well described by equationsof Michaelis–Menten form, with maximum growth rates (Gmax)of 0.17–0.18 day–1 and half saturation Chl a concentrations(Kchl) of 0.45–0.46 mg m–3 for combined C1–3,while Gmax dropped to 0.08–0.09 day–1 but Kchl remainedat 0.38–0.93 mg m–3 for C4. In this study, in situgrowth of N. flemingeri/plumchrus was frequently food limitedto some degree, particularly during March. A comparison withglobal models of copepod growth rates suggests that these modelsstill require considerable refinement. We suggest that the artificial-cohortmethod is the most practical approach to generating the multispeciesdata required to address these deficiencies.  相似文献   

Both predicted (incubator) and measured (in situ) 14C-assimilationrates were studied from February to November 1981 at three stationsin Boknafjorden, a deep silled fjord of western Norway. Sampleswere taken from different light depths within the euphotic zone.A high degree of conformity was found between the two approaches.Daily values of carbon assimilation integrated over the euphoticzone varied between 0.05 and 1.4 g C m–2. Yearly primaryproduction varied between stations from 82 to 112 g C m–2(120–148 g C m–2 when based on average light conditions).The light-saturation curve parameters B and PBmax ranged from0.0056 to 0.0537 mg C mg Chla–1 h–1 µE–1m2 and from 0.7 to 8.5 mg C mg Chla–1 h–2 (in situassimilation numbers ranged from 0.9 to 9.3 mg C mg Chla–1h–1) respectively, which compare well with those publishedfrom the northwestern side of the Atlantic. The overall importanceof light in controlling photosynthesis throughout the year wasrevealed by the light utilization index , estimated to be 0.43mg C mg Chla–1 E–1 m2. The maximum quantum yieldwas encountered on August 17, with 0.089 mol CE–1. Chla/Cratios above and below 0.010 were found to be typical for shade-and light-adapted cells respectively. Assimilation numbers andgrowth rates were linearly related only when considering light-adaptedcells. Consistent with the findings of this study, the applicabilityof IK, B and PBmax as indicators of light-shade adaptation propertiesshould be questioned. Maximum growth rates were encounteredduring an autumn bloom of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum(1.0 doublings day–1), while 0.7–0.8 doublings day–1were found for a winter bloom (water temperature of 2°C)of the diatom Skeletonema costatum. No unambiguous temperatureeffect on assimilation number and growth of phytoplankton couldbe recognized in Boknafjorden. A tendency towards increasedassimilation numbers coinciding with increased water columnstability was revealed. The highest PBmax values were oftenencountered at almost undetectable nutrient concentrations.At least during summer this could be attributed to recyclingof nutrients by macro- and/or microzooplankton, responsiblefor a greater part of the primary production now being grazeddown. This study supports the convention that the depth of theeuphotic zone may extend considerably below the 1% light depth.  相似文献   

Measurements of adult Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) gutcontents, evacuation and egestion rates, as well as digestiveefficiency, were carried out during February-March 1994 in thevicin ity of South Georgia to estimate in situ daily ration.These were combined with acoustically derived biomass data tocalculate the grazing impact of Antarctic krill and its contributionto the carbon flux in the region. Individual levels of gut pigmentconcentrations and evacuation rates ranged from 27 to 1831 ngchlorophyll a-eq. ind.–1 and from 0.133 to 0.424 h–1,respectively. Losses of pigment fluor escence during digestionwere very high, ranging from 58 to 98% of the total pigmentdigested. Daily carbon consumption estimated using the gut fluorescencemethod varied from 0.234 to 0.931 mg C ind.–1 day–1(or 0.4–1.7% of body carbon), compared to {small tilde}2.73mg C ind.–1 day–1 (or {small tilde}5% of body carbon)using the faecal pellet production data. The 3-fold higher dailyration estimated using egestion rate data may be explained bypredation on micro-and mesozooplankton. Maximum krill grazingimpact ranged from 0.4 to 1.9% of the total phytoplankton stockor from 10 to 59% of the total daily primary production. However,grazing impact on the microphytoplankton (>20 µm) wassubstantially higher, at times exceeding 100% of the daily microphytoplanktonproduction. It is suggested that to meet its energetic demands,kriil must consume a substantial proportion of heterotrophiccarbon. 3Present address Zoology Department, University of Fort Hare,P/Bag X1314, Alice, 5700, South Africa  相似文献   

Mesodinium rubrum was collected in Kemmerer bottles, fixed inBouin's solution and protargol stained. Cell volume showed aseasonal change of over an order of magnitude, being largest(3.25x104 µm3) in the early spring and smallest in thesummer. Cell abundance was highest in the spring and lowestin the summer. Biomass followed a similar trend ranging from{small tilde}1 to 147 J m–3 Production, estimated by amultiple regression that incorporated ambient temperature andcell volume, was 2.5 kJ m–3 day–1 This is {smalltilde}0.3% of the primary production.  相似文献   

Community respiration (R) was determined in Bransfield Straitfrom oxygen changes in water samples incubated in borosilicatebottles maintained at in situ temperature. The respiratory electrontransport system (ETS) activity of seawater communities wasalso measured from the same samples. Both data sets were relatedby the regression equation: log R (mg O2 m–3 day–1)=0.462+0.730xlogETS activity mg O2 m–3 day–1) (r=0.80, n=23). Fromthis equation and 37 ETS activity depth profiles, we calculatedthe integrated (0–100 m) community respiration as beingin the range 1.2–4.5 g O2 m–2 day–1 (mean=2.2).These values do not differ significantly from other publishedresults for the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. Assuming a respiratoryquotient of unity, the areal respiration ranges between 0.45and 1.69 g C m–2 day–1 (mean=0.8). This would representan important sink for the primary production reported for BransStrait. The spatial distribution of community respiration showedhigher values associated with the warmer and phytoplankton-richwaters outflowing from Gerlache Strait into Bransfield Strait,and with the front that separates Bellingshausen Sea watersfrom Weddell Sea waters. We suggest that this pattern of distributionmay be related to the transport of organic matter by the BransfieldCurrent along the front.  相似文献   

Planktonic primary production in the German Wadden Sea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
By combining weekly data of irradiance, attenuation and chlorophylla concentrations with photosynthesis (P) versus light intensity(E) curve characteristics, the annual cycle of planktonic primaryproduction in the estuarine part of the Northfrisian WaddenSea was computed for a 2 year period. Daily water column particulategross production ranged from 5 to 2200 mg C m–2 day–1and showed a seasonal pattern similar to chlorophyll a. Budgetcalculation yielded annual gross particulate primary productionsof 124 and 176 g C m–2 year–1 in 1995 and 1996,respectively. Annual amounts of phytoplankton respiration, calculatedaccording to a two-compartment model of Langdon [in Li,W.K.W.and Maestrini,S.Y. (eds), Measurement of Primary Productionfrom the Molecular to the Global Scale. International Councilfor the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen, 1993, pp. 20–36],and dissolved production in 1996, were both in the range of24–39 g C m–2 year–1. Annual total net productionwas thus very similar to particulate gross production (127 and177 g C m–2 year–1 in 1995 and 1996, respectively).Phytoplankton growth was low or even negative in winter. Inspring and summer, production/biomass (Pr/B) ratios varied from0.2 up to 1.7. Phytoplankton growth during the growth seasonalways surpassed average flushing time in the area, thus underliningthe potential of local phytoplankton bloom development in thispart of the Wadden Sea. The chlorophyll-specific maximum photosyntheticrate (PBmax) ranged from 0.8 to 9.9 mg C mg–1 Chl h–1and was strongly correlated with water temperature (r2 = 0.67).By contrast, there was no clear seasonal cycle in B, which rangedfrom 0.007 to 0.039 mg C mg–1 Chl h–1 (µmolphotons m–2 s–1)–1. Its variability was muchless than PBmax and independent of temperature. The magnitudeand part of the variability of PBmax and B are presumably causedby changes in species composition, as evidenced from the rangeof these parameters found among 10 predominant diatom speciesisolated from the Wadden Sea. The ratio of average light conditionsin the water column (Eav) to the light saturation parameterEk indicates that primary production in the Wadden Sea regionunder study is predominantly controlled by light limitationand that nutrient limitation was likely to occur for a few hoursper day only during 5 (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) to 10 (PO4,Si) weeks in the 2 year period investigated.  相似文献   

The two parameters of the hyperbolic tangent equation, Pm and, were estimated from in situ vertical profiles of primary productionusing mesocosm data along a nutrient gradient. The parameters,derived from 4-h (around noon) 14C incubations, were used togetherwith the photosynthesis-light curve and hourly solar radiationdata to calculate daily primary production rates (Pd). Approximately40% of the daily production occurred in the 4 h around noon.Considering parameter uncertainty, there was no indication ofan increase in variation in production with increased nutrientloading, nor did biomass-specific P-I parameters increase. Annualproduction ranged from 82 to 901 g C m–2 year–1and was highest in the highest nutrient treatment tank. Dailyproductivity ranged from 0.02 to 9.1 g C m–2 day–1and was significantly correlated, in all treatments, with acomposite parameter BI0/k (where B is phytoplankton biomass;I0 is daily radiation and k is the extinction coefficient).Linear regressions of Pd against BI0/k indicated that much ofthe variability (86%) in productivity was explained by lightavailability and phytoplankton biomass. Two approaches for predictingproductivity were compared: (i) predicting production directlyfrom environmental variables (i.e. BI0/k) and (ii) predictingthe parameters of the P-I curve from environmental variablesand using these to calculate daily production.  相似文献   

Microplanktonic respiration rates were estimated in waters offthe coast of northern Chile (Antofagasta, 23°S) during ElNiño and pre-El Niño conditions. Three cruiseswere conducted during pre-El Niño summer (January/February1997), El Niño winter (July 1997) and El Niñosummer (January 1998). Oxygen consumption was estimated by theWinkler method using a semi-automatic photometric end-pointdetector. The ranges of microplanktonic respiration rates foundwere 0.11–21.15, 0.03–6.25 and 0.06–9.01 µmolO2 l–1 day–1 during pre-El Niño summer, ElNiño winter and El Niño summer, respectively.Significant differences were found between winter and summerrespiration rates (non-integrated and integrated). The meanintegrated respiration (mixed layer) for pre-El Niñosummer, El Niño winter and El Niño summer was95 ± 51 (SD) mmol O2 m–2 day–1, 50 ±23 (SD) mmol O2 m–2 day–1 and 63 ± 32 (SD)mmol O2 m–2 day–1, respectively. The strong seasonalsignal detected in microplanktonic integrated respiration inthe area seems to be characteristic of the pre-El Niño/ElNiño 1997–98 period. The integrated respirationrates found off Antofagasta are similar to reported values forthe upwelling area off Peru despite methodological differences.A positive significant correlation was found between respirationand water temperature (r = 0.76, P  相似文献   

Feeding on natural plankton populations and respiration of thesmall cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis were measured duringthe warm season in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA. AlthoughO.similis did not significantly ingest small autotrophic andheterotrophic flagellates (2–8 µn), this copepodactively fed on >10 µm particles, including autotrophic/heterotrophic(dino)flagel-lates and ciliates, with clearance rates of 0.03–0.38ml animal–1 h–1. The clearance rates increased withthe prey size. O.similis also fed on copepod nauplii (mainlycomposed of the N1 stage of Acartia tonsa with a clearance rateof 0.16 ml animal–1 h–1. Daily carbon ration fromthe combination of these food items averaged 148 ng C animal–1day–1 (41% of body C day–1), with ciliates and heterotrophicdino-flagellates being the main food source ({small tilde}69%of total carbon ration). Respiration rates were 020–0.23µl O2 animal–1 day–1. Assuming a respiratoryquotient of 0.8 and digestion efficiency of 0.7, the carbonrequirement for respiration was calculated to be 125–143ng C animal–1 day–1, close to the daily carbon rationestimated above. We conclude that predation on ciliates andheterotrophic dinoflagellates was important for O.similis tosustain its population in our study area during the warm season.  相似文献   

Nutrient-sufficient cultures of a Trondheimsfjord (Norway) cloneof the marine centric diatom Skeleionema costatum (Grev.) Clevewere grown at 75 µmol m–2 s–1 and 15C at24 and 12 h daylength to study diurnal variations and the effectof daylength on pigment and chemical composition, photosyntheticparameters, dark respiration rates and scaled fluorescence excitationspectra (F), the latter used as estimates for the absorptionof energy available to Photosystem II. Specific growth rateswere 1.06 and 0.56 day in 24 and 12 h daylength, respectively,while dark respiration rates were generally 85% of the net growthrate. The Chla-normalized photosynthetic coefficients PBm andaB were {small tilde}20–25% higher in continuous lightthan at 12 h daylength, while the Chla:C ratio was {small tilde}15%lower (0.051 versus 0.061 w:w). Thus, the carbon-normalizedcoefficients Pcm and ac were <11% lower at 24 h than at 12h daylength. The maximum quantum yield max, the Chla:C ratioand F differed negligibly, as did the light saturation indexlk, the N:C ratio and the ratios Chlc:Chla and Fucoxanthin:Chla. PBm and lk did not exhibit diurnal variations at 24 hdaylength, and varied within 23% of the daily mean at 12 h daylength.Predictions of the daily gross photosynthetic rate based ondata for a given time of the day should thus not be >10%in error relative to an integrated value based on several datasets collected through 24 h. max was 0.084–0.117 mol O2(mol photons) for gross oxygen evolution. However, ifused in mathematical models for predicting the gross and netgrowth rates (i.e. the gross and net carbon turnover rates),‘practical’ values of 0.076 and 0.040 g-at C (molphotons), respectively, should be employed. Correspondingly,values for aB and PBm should be adjusted pro rata. 1Present address: College of Marine Studies, Sjmannsveien 27,N-6008 lesund, Norway  相似文献   

Amounts of the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylasewere estimated in seedling leaves of barley (Hordewn vulgareL.) and flag leaves of wheat (Triticum aestitum L.) by radialimmuno diffusion. A fourfold variation among barley varietiesfor amount of RuBPCase at the seedling stage was observed (c.3.5–15mg g–1 fr. wt). Range in variation for amountof flag leaf RuBPCase among wheat varieties was 6-09-9.39 mgRuBPCase g–1 fr. wt. F1 hybrids from interspecific andintergeneric crosses of crested wheatgrasses (Agropyron andElymus spp.) and their amphidiploid analogues were comparedfor amount of RuBPCase in the most recent fully expanded leavesharvested before seed set. Amount of enzyme varied from 3.4to 77.6 mg g–1 fr. wt among the hybrids. No effect chromosomenumber on enzyme concentration was observed among 13 hybridsand their amphidiploid counterparts. Key words: RuBPCase, wheatgrasses  相似文献   

Studies on the Movement of Water Through Apple Trees   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Resistances to the flow of water through young potted appletrees were estimated by measuring the transpiration rate oftrees with and without root systems. Root system resistanceswere obtained by difference. Whole-plant resistances were ofthe order 10 x 1013 Pa s m–3 and there was some evidencethat root resistances (Rr) varied with transpiration rate; theratio Rr:Rx (where Rx is resistance to water flow in the stemsystem) altered from 2:1 at relatively high transpiration ratesto 1:1 at lower rates. The trunk of a 9-year-old orchard tree (trunk diameter {smalltilde}7 cm, height {small tilde}2.5 m) was cut under water andestimates of the flow resistances in this tree were obtained.These were much lower than the resistances to flow in the pottedtrees. Capacitance (defined as the change in stored water content perunit change in plant water potential) values were calculatedfor the small trees and the large tree from measurements ofweight and water potential changes after the trees were removedfrom water. They were very similar on a weight basis (approx.2.0 x 10–8 kg kg–1 Pa–1). Leaf capacitancevalues ({small tilde}1 x 10–8 kg Pa–1 m–2)were also obtained. Stomatal conductances decreased with water potential and increasedwith short-wave radiation, but the relationships were not definitive.Estimates of boundary layer conductance in a greenhouse (verylow wind speeds) were of the same order ({small tilde}5 mm s–1)as values obtained previously.  相似文献   

Primary production, and bacterial production as measured byincorporation of [3H-methyl]thymidineinto ice cold TCA insolublematerial were investigated during 1984 in Lake Kvernavatnet,west Norway. Primary production averaged 222 mg C m–2day–1 and bacterial production averaged 163 mg C m–2day–1. The bacterial production in the euphotic pelagiczonecontributed -60% of the total pelagic bacterial production.The zooplankton was dominated byDaphnia longispina. From growthexperiments with animals fed only natural food in coarse filteredlake water, the population daily growth increments were calculated.The average production of D.longispina was 151 mg C m–2day–1 during the period investigated. The estimated primaryproduction was too low to sustain both the bacterial productionand the zooplankton food requirements. These results imply thatthe carbon cycle of the lake is dependent on the supply of allochtonousmaterial, or that the current methods for measuring productionrates in aquatic environments are systematical erratic.  相似文献   

Effects of diffusion and upwelling on the formation of red tides   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, records on the timing and location of specificred tides monitored once or twice a week in Mikawa Bay, Japan,are related to horizontal and vertical mixing rates determinedfrom a numerical model. Horizontal (Kh) and vertical (Kz) diffusioncoefficients, and upwelling velocities, were estimated usinga box model analysis. In the wind-mixed period and in the upperlayer during the stratified period, Kh was estimated to be ofthe order of 102 m2 s–1. During the stratified period,Kz was estimated to be of the order of 10–5 m2 s–1.The upwelling velocity was calculated to be in the range 0.35–5.1m day–1 with an average of 1.5 m day–1. Comparisonbetween the literature values of the specific growth rate (µ)of the red tide-forming diatoms and calculated Kh values duringthe red tides show that diatoms which have a low µ cannotform red tides in a strongly diffusive environment, while specieshaving a high µ can form red tides even in a strong diffusiveenvironment. On the other hand, no clear relationship was foundbetween µ of the flagellate group and Kh, although theflagellate group formed red tides even in severe diffusive conditions.From the comparison between the literature values of sinkingrate and swimming speed and the physical parameters associatedwith vertical processes, it was concluded that flagellates willform red tides, even in severe diffusive conditions, by usingtheir swimming ability, while diatoms form red tides by theirhigh growth rates with the aid of vertical diffusion and theupwelling movement of water.  相似文献   

The distinct patterns of stratification in the North Channeland stratified region of the western Irish Sea influence theseasonal abundance of phytoplankton. The 3–4 month productionseason in the stratified region was characterized by productionand biomass peaks in the spring (up to 2378 mg C m2 day–1and 178.4 mg chlorophyll m–2) and autumn (up to 1280 mgC m–2 day–1 and 101.9 mg chlorophyll m–2).Phytoplankton in the North Channel exhibited a short, late productionseason with a single summer (June/July) peak in production (4483mg Cm–2 day–1) and biomass (–160.6 mg chlorophyllm–2). These differences have little influence on copepoddynamics. Both regions supported recurrent annual cycles ofcopepod abundance with similar seasonal maxima (182.8–241.8103ind. m–2) and dominant species (Pseudocalanus elongatusand Acartia clausi). Specific rates of population increase inthe spring were 0.071 and 0.048 day1 for the North Channel andstratified region, respectively. Increased copepod abundancein the stratified region coincided with the spring bloom, andwas significantly correlated with chlorophyll standing stock.Increased copepod abundance preceded the summer production peakin the North Channel. This increase was not correlated withchlorophyll standing crop, suggesting that a food resource otherthan phytoplankton may be responsible for the onset of copepodproduction prior to the spring bloom. Hetero-trophic microplanktonas an alternative food source, and advection of copepods fromthe stratified region, are proposed as possible explanationsfor copepod abundance increasing in advance of the summer peakin primary production.  相似文献   

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