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FHA domains are phosphoThr recognition modules found in diverse signaling proteins, including kinase-associated protein phosphatase (KAPP) from Arabidopsis thaliana. The kinase-interacting FHA domain (KI-FHA) of KAPP targets it to function as a negative regulator of some receptor-like kinase (RLK) signaling pathways important in plant development and environmental responses. To aid in the identification of potential binding sites for the KI-FHA domain, we predicted (i) the structure of a representative KAPP-binding RLK, CLAVATA1, and (ii) the functional surfaces of RLK kinase domains using evolutionary trace analysis. We selected phosphopeptides from KAPP-binding Arabidopsis RLKs for in vitro studies of association with KI-FHA from KAPP. Three phosphoThr peptide fragments from the kinase domain of CLV1 or BAK1 were found to bind KI-FHA with KD values of 8-20 microM, by NMR or titration calorimetry. Their affinity is driven by favorable enthalpy and solvation entropy gain. Mutagenesis of these three threonine sites suggests Thr546 in the C-lobe of the BAK1 kinase domain to be a principal but not sole site of KI-FHA binding in vitro. The brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 and KAPP are shown to associate in vivo and in vitro. Further genetic studies indicate that KAPP may be a negative regulator of the BRI1 signaling transduction pathway. 15N-Labeled KI-FHA was titrated with the GST-BRI1 kinase domain and monitored by NMR. BRI1 interacts with the same 3/4, 4/5, 6/7, 8/9, and 10/11 recognition loops of KI-FHA, with similar affinity as the phosphoThr peptides.  相似文献   

FHA domains adopt a beta-sandwich fold with 11 strands. The first evidence of partially unfolded forms of a beta-sandwich is derived from native-state hydrogen exchange (NHX) of the forkhead-associated (FHA) domain from kinase-associated protein phosphatase from Arabidopsis. The folding kinetics of this FHA domain indicate that EX2 behavior prevails at pH 6.3. In the chevron plot, rollover in the folding arm and bends in the unfolding arm suggest folding intermediates. NHX of this FHA domain suggests a core of six most stable beta-strands and two loops, characterized by rare global unfolding events. Flanking this stable core are beta-strands and recognition loops with less stability, termed subglobal motifs. These suggest partially unfolded forms (near-native intermediates) with two levels of stability. The spatial separation of the subglobal motifs on the flanks suggests possible parallelism in their folding as additional beta-strands align with the stable core of six strands. Intermediates may contribute to differences in stabilities and m-values suggested by NHX or kinetics relative to chemical denaturation. Residual structure in the unfolded regime is suggested by superprotection of beta-strand 6 and by GdmCl-dependence of adjustments in amide NMR spectra and residual optical signal. The global folding stability depends strongly on pH, with at least 3 kcal/mol more stability at pH 7.3 than at pH 6.3. This FHA domain is hypothesized to fold progressively with initial hydrophobic collapse of its stable six-stranded core followed by addition of less stable flanking beta-strands and ordering of recognition loops.  相似文献   

The kinase-associated protein phosphatase (KAPP) is a regulator of the receptor-like kinase (RLK) signaling pathway. Loss-of-function mutations rag1-1 (root attenuated growth1-1) and rag1-2, in the locus encoding KAPP, cause NaCl hypersensitivity in Arabidopsis thaliana. The NaCl hypersensitive phenotype exhibited by rag1 seedlings includes reduced shoot and primary root growth, root tip swelling, and increased lateral root formation. The phenotype exhibited by rag1-1 seedlings is associated with a specific response to Na(+) toxicity. The sensitivity to Na(+) is Ca(2+) independent and is not due to altered intracellular K(+)/Na(+). Analysis of the genetic interaction between rag1-1 and salt overly sensitive1 (sos1-14) revealed that KAPP is not a component of the SOS signal transduction pathway, the only Na(+) homeostasis signaling pathway identified so far in plants. All together, these results implicate KAPP as a functional component of the RLK signaling pathway, which also mediates adaptation to Na(+) stress. RLK pathway components, known to be modulated by NaCl at the messenger RNA level, are constitutively down-regulated in rag1-1 mutant plants. The effect of NaCl on their expression is not altered by the rag1-1 mutation.  相似文献   

The receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are integral membrane proteins composed of extracellular adhesion molecule-like domains, a single transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic domain. The cytoplasmic domain consists of tandem PTP domains, of which the D1 domain is enzymatically active. RPTPkappa is a member of the R2A/IIb subfamily of RPTPs along with RPTPmu, RPTPrho, and RPTPlambda. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of catalytically active, monomeric D1 domain of RPTPkappa at 1.9 A. Structural comparison with other PTP family members indicates an overall classical PTP architecture of twisted mixed beta-sheets flanked by alpha-helices, in which the catalytically important WPD loop is in an unhindered open conformation. Though the residues forming the dimeric interface in the RPTPmu structure are all conserved, they are not involved in the protein-protein interaction in RPTPkappa. The N-terminal beta-strand, formed by betax association with betay, is conserved only in RPTPs but not in cytosolic PTPs, and this feature is conserved in the RPTPkappa structure forming a beta-strand. Analytical ultracentrifugation studies show that the presence of reducing agents and higher ionic strength are necessary to maintain RPTPkappa as a monomer. In this family the crystal structure of catalytically active RPTPmu D1 was solved as a dimer, but the dimerization was proposed to be a consequence of crystallization since the protein was monomeric in solution. In agreement, we show that RPTPkappa is monomeric in solution and crystal structure.  相似文献   

Forkhead-associated (FHA) domains have been shown to recognize both pThr and pTyr-peptides. The solution structures of the FHA2 domain of Rad53 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and its complex with a pTyr peptide, have been reported recently. We now report the solution structure of the other FHA domain of Rad53, FHA1 (residues 14-164), and identification of binding sites of FHA1 and its target protein Rad9. The FHA1 structure consists of 11 beta-strands, which form two large twisted anti-parallel beta-sheets folding into a beta-sandwich. Three short alpha-helices were also identified. The beta-strands are linked by several loops and turns. These structural features of free FHA1 are similar to those of free FHA2, but there are significant differences in the loops. Screening of a peptide library [XXX(pT)XXX] against FHA1 revealed an absolute requirement for Asp at the +3 position and a preference for Ala at the +2 position. These two criteria are met by a pThr motif (192)TEAD(195) in Rad9. Surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that a pThr peptide containing this motif, (188)SLEV(pT)EADATFVQ(200) from Rad9, binds to FHA1 with a K(d) value of 0.36 microM. Other peptides containing pTXXD sequences also bound to FHA1, but less tightly (K(d)=4-70 microM). These results suggest that Thr192 of Rad9 is the likely phosphorylation site recognized by the FHA1 domain of Rad53. The tight-binding peptide was then used to identify residues of FHA1 involved in the interaction with the pThr peptide. The results are compared with the interactions between the FHA2 domain and a pTyr peptide derived from Rad9 reported previously.  相似文献   

Guanylate-kinase-associated protein (GKAP) is a scaffolding protein that links NMDA receptor-PSD-95 to Shank–Homer complexes by protein–protein interactions at the synaptic junction. GKAP family proteins are characterized by the presence of a C-terminal conserved GKAP homology domain 1 (GH1) of unknown structure and function. In this study, crystal structure of the GH1 domain of GKAP from Rattus norvegicus was determined in fusion with an N-terminal maltose-binding protein at 2.0 Å resolution. The structure of GKAP GH1 displays a three-helix bundle connected by short flexible loops. The predicted helix α4 which was not visible in the crystal structure associates weakly with the helix α3 suggesting dynamic nature of the GH1 domain. The strict conservation of GH1 domain across GKAP family members and the lack of a catalytic active site required for enzyme activity imply that the GH1 domain might serve as a protein–protein interaction module for the synaptic protein clustering.  相似文献   

Plant resistance proteins (R-proteins) are key components of the plant immune system activated in response to a plethora of different pathogens. R-proteins are P-loop NTPase superfamily members, and current models describe their main function as ATPases in defense signaling pathways. Here we show that a subset of R-proteins have evolved a new function to combat pathogen infection. This subset of R-proteins possesses a nucleotide phosphatase activity in the nucleotide-binding domain. Related R-proteins that fall in the same phylogenetic clade all show the same nucleotide phosphatase activity indicating a conserved function within at least a subset of R-proteins. R-protein nucleotide phosphatases catalyze the production of nucleoside from nucleotide with the nucleotide monophosphate as the preferred substrate. Mutation of conserved catalytic residues substantially reduced activity consistent with the biochemistry of P-loop NTPases. Kinetic analysis, analytical gel filtration, and chemical cross-linking demonstrated that the nucleotide-binding domain was active as a multimer. Nuclear magnetic resonance and nucleotide analogues identified the terminal phosphate bond as the target of a reaction that utilized a metal-mediated nucleophilic attack by water on the phosphoester. In conclusion, we have identified a group of R-proteins with a unique function. This biochemical activity appears to have co-evolved with plants in signaling pathways designed to resist pathogen attack.  相似文献   

AAA proteins remodel other proteins to affect a multitude of biological processes. Their power to remodel substrates must lie in their capacity to couple substrate binding to conformational changes via cycles of nucleotide binding and hydrolysis, but these relationships have not yet been deciphered for any member. We report that when one AAA protein, Hsp104, engages polypeptide at the C-terminal peptide-binding region, the ATPase cycle of the C-terminal nucleotide-binding domain (NBD2) drives a conformational change in the middle region. This, in turn, drives ATP hydrolysis in the N-terminal ATPase domain (NBD1). This interdomain communication pathway can be blocked by mutation in the middle region or bypassed by antibodies that bind there, demonstrating the crucial role this region plays in transducing signals from one end of the molecule to the other.  相似文献   

Recognition of self-pollen during the self-incompatibility response in Brassica oleracea is mediated by the binding of a secreted peptide (the S locus cysteine-rich protein) to the S locus receptor kinase (SRK), a member of the plant receptor kinase (PRK) superfamily. Here, we describe the characterization of three proteins that interact with the cytosolic kinase domain of SRK. A B. oleracea homolog of Arabidopsis kinase-associated protein phosphatase was shown to interact with and dephosphorylate SRK and was itself phosphorylated by SRK. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid screens identified two additional interactors, calmodulin and a sorting nexin, both of which have been implicated in receptor kinase down-regulation in animals. A calmodulin-binding site was identified in sub-domain VIa of the SRK kinase domain. The binding site is conserved and functional in several other members of the PRK family. The sorting nexin also interacted with diverse members of the PRK family, suggesting that all three of the interacting proteins described here may play a general role in signal transduction by this family of proteins.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA binding proteins (ACBPs) are small (ca. 10 kDa) highly-conserved cytosolic proteins that bind long-chain acyl-CoAs. A novel cDNA encoding ACBP1, a predicted membrane protein of 24.1 kDa with an acyl-CoA binding protein domain at its carboxy terminus, was cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana. At this domain, ACBP1 showed 47% amino acid identity to Brassica ACBP and 35% to 40% amino acid identity to yeast, Drosophila, bovine and human ACBPs. Recombinant (His)6-ACBP1 fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and was shown to bind 14[C]oleoyl-CoA. A hydrophobic domain, absent in the 10 kDa ACBPs, was located at the amino terminus of ACBP1. Using antipeptide polyclonal antibodies in western blot analysis, ACBP1 was shown to be a membrane-associated glycosylated protein with an apparent molecular mass of 33 kDa. The ACBP1 protein was also shown to accumulate predominantly in siliques and was localized to the seed within the silique. These results suggest that the biological role of ACBP1 is related to lipid metabolism in the seed, presumably in which acyl-CoA esters are involved. Northern blot analysis showed that the 1.4 kb ACBP1 mRNA was expressed in silique, root, stem, leaf and flower. Results from Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA suggest the presence of at least two genes encoding ACBPs in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Lu  Kai  Zhang  Ya-Dong  Zhao  Chun-Fang  Zhou  Li-Hui  Zhao  Qing-Yong  Chen  Tao  Wang  Cai-Lin 《Plant molecular biology》2020,102(1-2):199-212
Plant Molecular Biology - The kinase-associated protein phosphatase, KAPP, is negatively involved in abscisic acid (ABA) signaling. KAPP interacts physically with SnRK2.2, SnRK2.3 and SnRK2.6, and...  相似文献   

Recent studies by use of short phosphopeptides showed that forkhead-associated (FHA) domains recognize pTXX(D/I/L) motifs. Solution structures and crystal structures of several different FHA domains and their complexes with short phosphopeptides have been reported by several groups. We now report the solution structure of the FHA domain of human Ki67, a large nuclear protein associated with the cell-cycle. Using fragments of its binding partner hNIFK, we show that Ki67-hNIFK binding involves ca 44 residues without a pTXX(D/I/L) motif. The pThr site of hNIFK recognized by Ki67 FHA is pThr234-Pro235, a motif also recognized by the proline isomerase Pin1. Heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) NMR was then used to map out the binding surface, and structural analyses were used to identify key binding residues of Ki67 FHA. The results represent the first structural characterization of the complex of an FHA domain with a biologically relevant target protein fragment. Detailed analyses of the results led us to propose that three major factors control the interaction of FHA with its target protein: the pT residue, +1 to +3 residues, and an extended binding surface, and that variation in the three factors is the likely cause of the great diversity in the function and specificity of FHA domains from different sources.  相似文献   

Human Chk2 is a newly identified tumor suppressor protein involved in signaling pathways in response to DNA damage. The protein consists of a forkhead-associated (FHA) domain and a kinase domain. Identification of binding partners of the Chk2FHA domain is important in understanding the roles of Chk2 in signaling. We report development of an approach involving the use of combinatorial libraries, pull-down assays, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods to identify possible candidates for the binding sites of Chk2FHA. The approach has been used to identify Thr329 of p53 and Thr1852 of breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein (BRCA1) as very likely biological binding sites of Chk2FHA. The results provide useful leads for further biological analyses of cell signaling involving the FHA domain of Chk2 protein.  相似文献   

The sequences of the peptide binding domains of 33 70 kd heat shock proteins (hsp70) have been aligned and a consensus secondary structure has been deduced. Individual members showed no significant deviation from the consensus, which showed a beta 4 alpha motif repeated twice, followed by two further helices and a terminus rich in Pro and Gly. The repeated motif could be aligned with the secondary structure of the functionally equivalent peptide binding domain of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I maintaining equivalent residues in structurally important positions in the two families and a model was built based on this alignment. The interaction of this domain with the ATP domain is considered. The overall model is shown to be consistent with the properties of products of chymotryptic cleavage.  相似文献   

The activity and stability of the tumor suppressor p53 are regulated by interactions with key cellular proteins such as MDM2 and CBP/p300. The transactivation domain (TAD) of p53 contains two subdomains (AD1 and AD2) and interacts directly with the N-terminal domain of MDM2 and with several domains of CBP/p300. Here we report the NMR structure of the full-length p53 TAD in complex with the nuclear coactivator binding domain (NCBD) of CBP. Both the p53 TAD and NCBD are intrinsically disordered and fold synergistically upon binding, as evidenced by the observed increase in helicity and increased level of dispersion of the amide proton resonances. The p53 TAD folds to form a pair of helices (denoted Pα1 and Pα2), which extend from Phe19 to Leu25 and from Pro47 to Trp53, respectively. In the complex, the NCBD forms a bundle of three helices (Cα1, residues 2066-2075; Cα2, residues 2081-2092; and Cα3, residues 2095-2105) with a hydrophobic groove into which p53 helices Pα1 and Pα2 dock. The polypeptide chain between the p53 helices remains flexible and makes no detectable intermolecular contacts with the NCBD. Complex formation is driven largely by hydrophobic contacts that form a stable intermolecular hydrophobic core. A salt bridge between D49 of p53 and R2105 of NCBD may contribute to the binding specificity. The structure provides the first insights into simultaneous binding of the AD1 and AD2 motifs to a target protein.  相似文献   

Formation of protein-protein assemblies is essential in maintaining cell structure and function. Conservation of structural motifs and binding sites is the result of evolutionary pressure for solutions compatible with both molecular economy and regulation. PDZ domains are a typical example: A conserved fold governs specificity toward recognition of C-terminal protein sequences by small sequential and/or structural deviations within a canonical binding mode. The energetic principles underlying the strength and specificity of PDZ-protein interactions are practically unknown. We use the second PDZ domain (PDZ2) of the human protein tyrosine phosphatase (hPTP1E) as a model to study the energetics of peptide binding to a class I PDZ domain. Calorimetric experiments reveal the enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes accompanying PDZ2 binding to the C-terminal pentadecapeptide derived from the guanine nucleotide exchange factor RA-GEF2. Association is driven by favorable enthalpy and entropy changes below 18 degrees C. Above that temperature the entropy change opposes complex formation. Structure-based predictions poorly reproduce the observed thermodynamic profile of the PDZ-peptide complex. On the basis of MD simulations and experimental findings by others we suggest that changes in the dynamics of the PDZ domain upon peptide binding make a large contribution to the observed thermodynamic parameters. Possible impacts of subtle, ligand-induced structural "stiffening" of PDZ domains are discussed. In our hands, the C-terminal segment of the tumor suppressor APC binds much less tightly to PDZ2 than what has been proposed earlier from surface plasmon resonance experiments.  相似文献   

SorLA/LR11 (250 kDa) is the largest and most composite member of the Vps10p-domain receptors, a family of type 1 proteins preferentially expressed in neuronal tissue. SorLA binds several ligands, including neurotensin, platelet-derived growth factor-bb, and lipoprotein lipase, and via complex-formation with the amyloid precursor protein it downregulates generation of Alzheimer's disease-associated Abeta-peptide. The receptor is mainly located in vesicles, suggesting a function in protein sorting and transport. Here we examined SorLA's trafficking using full-length and chimeric receptors and find that its cytoplasmic tail mediates efficient Golgi body-endosome transport, as well as AP-2 complex-dependent endocytosis. Functional sorting sites were mapped to an acidic cluster-dileucine-like motif and to a GGA binding site in the C terminus. Experiments in permanently or transiently AP-1 mu1-chain-deficient cells established that the AP-1 adaptor complex is essential to SorLA's transport between Golgi membranes and endosomes. Our results further implicate the GGA proteins in SorLA trafficking and provide evidence that SNX1 and Vps35, as parts of the retromer complex or possibly in a separate context, are engaged in retraction of the receptor from endosomes.  相似文献   

M J King  G J Sale 《FEBS letters》1988,237(1-2):137-140
Synthetic peptide 1142-1153 of the insulin receptor was phosphorylated on tyrosine by the insulin receptor and found to be a potent substrate for dephosphorylation by rat liver particulate and soluble phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases. Apparent Km values were approximately 5 microM. Vm values (nmol phosphate removed/min per mg protein) were 0.62 (particulate) and 0.2 (soluble). This corresponds to 80% of total activity being membrane-associated, indicating that membrane-bound phosphatases are important receptor phosphatases. The phosphatase activities were distinct from acid and alkaline phosphatase. In conclusion peptide 1142-1153 provides a useful tool for the further study and characterization of phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases.  相似文献   

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