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This study carried out within the framework of a multi-disciplinary project, aimed at highlighting the fundamental processes governing the functioning of the hypertrophic Yaoundé Municipal Lake. It was based on the hypothesis that, even within a small range of lake trophic status, important variations can occur in the species composition, biomass and photosynthetic activity of the phytoplankton size-fractions. For this purpose, samples were taken at weekly intervals from November 1996 to December 1997 at a fixed set of depths in the water column. Spatial-temporal fluctuations of some physical–chemical variables, associated with biological variables such as phytoplankton size-class species composition, phytoplankton size-class biomass, phytoplankton primary production and chlorophyll-a were analysed. The water transparency was low and rarely exceeded 100 cm. Conductivity values relatively higher increased generally from the top to the lake bottom. The oxygen deficiency, and sometimes anoxia, recorded from 2.5 m depth resulted in high quantities of ammonium nitrogen. Total phosphorus and total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations were characteristics of hypertrophic lakes. The fertility of this biotope favoured the development of a high phytoplanktonic community with remarkable physiological adaptations to the variations of the nutritive potentials of the lake, characterized by the size-structure of these organisms. Cells of small size (<12 μm) contributed up to 11.42% of the total phytoplanktonic biomass. Species with average size (12–45 μm), dominated by Chlamydomonas spp., represented a more significant contribution reaching up to 69.85%, whereas the cells of big size (>45 μm), mainly Euglenophyta, maintained the relatively most important biomass, accounting for up to 89.85% of the total phytoplanktonic biomass. Chlorophyll-a concentrations are among the highest reported for both fresh water and sea water, being a consequence of high proportions of Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta. This led to intense phytoplanktonic photosynthetic activity which continued throughout the year, even though it was confined to the upmost first meter of the water column. Analyses pointed out the allogenic nature of the functioning of this urban lake ecosystem, due to a poor waste management on the surrounding landscape. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Numerous (0.5 to 4.8 × 105 cells/ml), small phytoplankton (smaller than 0.5–1 × 1–2 μm in cell size, picophytoplankton) were distributed in the halocline (depth 2–12 m, 4–14 practical salinity units) of the saline meromictic lake, Lake Suigetsu (35°35′ N, 135°52′ E), located in the central part of the coast of Wakasa Bay along the Japan Sea in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton revealed that the maximum number of picophytoplankton was always observed near or a little deeper than the oxic-anoxic boundary layer (depth 5–6 m); they were dominant phytoplankton in the water layer deeper than the oxic-anoxic boundary from July to late September 2005. Spectral analysis of autofluorescence emitted from the particle fractions smaller than 5 μm measured with a spectrofluorometer and from individual cells measured with a microscope photodiode array detector revealed that the major component of picophytoplankton was phycoerythrin-rich, unicellular cyanobacteria (picocyanobacteria). Eukaryotic phytoplankton about 2.5 μm in diameter were also found, but the numbers were low. Fluorescence intensity of chlorophyll a at 685 nm (room temperature) emitted from the particle fractions smaller than 5 μm was increased by the addition of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. These observations indicated that at least some picophytoplankton had a functional photosystem II in the halocline where sulfide, the potential inhibitor of oxygenic photosynthesis, was always present. The large abundance together with their physiological potency suggest that picophytoplankton are one of the important primary producers in the halocline of Lake Suigetsu. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Devils Lake in northeastern North Dakota (USA) is a terminal lake of glacial origin with a substantial sulfate content. Since 1940, the lake water level has risen over 13.5m and salinity has decreased. Devils Lake consists of a series of interconnected basins with sulfate concentration increasing in an eastward direction from 450mg/l in West Bay to 3000mg/l in East Devils Lake. Using sulfate as a tracer and linking measurements of specific conductance with observed time series of water surface elevations, wind, and water velocity, this paper illustrates the magnitude and dynamics of mass transport and exchange processes between the multiple basins of Devils Lake. Measurements show small horizontal salinity gradients within the lake basins, but large salinity gradients in some of the exchange zones connecting basins. Vertical salinity gradients were observed in small basins and near exchange zones with strong horizontal salinity differentials. These instances of vertical stratification were associated with buoyancy driven exchange flows and wind sheltering. Exchange flow velocities between selected basins were correlated with wind direction and speed. Interbasin exchange flows were found to reverse direction frequently in response to the prevailing wind direction. Flow direction frequencies in one specific exchange zone were 31% west to east, 48% east to west, and 21% bidirectional (stratified). At the lake level observed in 2000, time averaged, measured interbasin exchange flow rates were 30--40m3/s compared to tributary inflow rates to the lake of 3--9m3/s.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that nitrogen limitation is of widespread occurrence in tropical lakes. Nonetheless, data on the deep tropical Lake Alchichica (Mexico) show that dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) ratio fluctuates widely. To elucidate further the role of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation on the phytoplankton growth in tropical saline lakes, we present the results of a series of nutrient enrichment experiments with natural assemblages of Lake Alchichica phytoplankton conducted monthly for a year. Our assays indicate that phosphorus and nitrogen alternate in limiting Lake Alchichica phytoplankton biomass. Phosphorous limited phytoplankton growth most (41.7%) of the time, followed by nitrogen (33.3% of the time), and both nutrients for the rest of the time (25.0%). This alternation in nitrogen and phosphorus responsible for phytoplankton growth limitation in Lake Alchichica is attributed to the combination of natural conditions (e.g., young volcanic terrain rich in phosphorus) that would favor nitrogen limitation and anthropogenic impacts (e.g., agricultural nitrogen fertilization) which would cause phosphorus limitation. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

Nilsun Demir 《Limnology》2007,8(3):337-342
The phytoplankton composition of coastal, hyposaline (≅12 g l−1) Lake Bafa in western Turkey, was investigated after the alteration of salinity levels in past decades. Lake Bafa, formerly a bay of the Aegean Sea, was separated from the sea as a result of alluvium deposits of the Meander River. After the construction of a sett for flood control in 1985, freshwater inflow was reduced and salinity increased, which caused some ecological changes. Phytoplankton samples were taken in August and November 2000, and February and May 2001, from the surface and at 5-m intervals in the water column at three stations. The phytoplankton community contained a mixture of freshwater and marine origin species. A total of 45 species from Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, and Dinophyceae were identified. Marineoriginated species such as Chaetoceros spp. (November and May), Thalassionema nitzschioides and Prorocentrum micans (August and November), and P. minimum (May) were dominant on the basis of numerical abundance. The occurrence of salinity-tolerant species such as T. nitzschioides, P. micans, and P. minimum has not been recorded in previous studies.  相似文献   

Production and decomposition processes in a saline meromictic lake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Bacterial and phytoplankton cell number and productivity were measured in the mixolimnion and chemocline of saline meromictic Mahoney Lake during the spring (Apr.–May) and fall (Oct.) between 1982 and 1987. High levels of bacterial productivity (methyl 3H-thymidine incorporation), cell numbers, and heterotrophic assimilation of 14C-glucose and 14C-acetate in the mixolimnion shifted from near surface (1.5 m), at a secondary chemocline, to deeper water (4–7 m) as this zone of microstratification gradually weakened during a several year drying trend in the watershed. In the mixolimnion, bacterial carbon (13–261 µgC 1–1) was often similar to phytoplankton carbon (44–300 µgC 1–1) and represented between 14–57% of the total microbial (phytoplankton + bacteria) carbon depending on the depth interval. Phototrophic purple sulphur bacteria were stratified at the permanent primary chemocline (7.5–8.3 m) in a dense layer (POC 250 mg 1–1, bacteriochlorophyll a 1500–70001µ 1–1), where H2S changed from 0.1 to 2.5 mM over a 0.2 m depth interval. This phototrophic bacterial layer contributed between 17–66% of the total primary production (115–476 mgC m–2 d–1) in the vertical water column. Microorganisms in the phototrophic bacterial layer showed a higher uptake rate for acetate (0.5–3.7 µC 1–1 h–1) than for glucose (0.3–1.4 µgC 1–1 h–1) and this heterotrophic activity as well as bacterial productivity were 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher in the dense plate than in the mixolimnetic waters above. Primary phytoplanktonic production in the mixolimnion was limited by phosphorus while light penetration appeared to regulate phototrophic productivity of the purple sulphur bacteria.  相似文献   

Wang  R. L.  Williams  W. D. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):17-24
Biogeochemical studies were undertaken of a 65-cm long sediment core from Lake Cantara South, South Australia. 14C determinations indicated that the sediments had been deposited over 2000 years. Changes with sediment depth in the concentration or ratio of the following were determined: (i) total organic carbon, total carbonate (inorganic) carbon, total sulfur, total carbon, total inorganic and organic sulfur, atomic C/N, and sulfate/chloride; (ii) n-alkanes; (iii) a highly branched isoprenoid alkane, and (iv) steroids. Interpretation of the changes with sediment depth indicated the nature of changes that took place when the system changed from a protected marine lagoon to an isolated (athalassic) saline lake. This change took place about 1000 years ago.  相似文献   

Periodic high spring runoff, in addition to lake surface snow and ice melt, is shown to be a major cause of sharp secondary chemocline formation in a small (20 ha) lake arid and south-central British Columbia. Initially detected in 1982 at about 1 m and enhanced by high inflow of low salinity meltwater in spring 1983, the secondary chemocline gradually deepened and broke down over four subsequent years. Associated microstratification layers (major changes within a few cm of depth), exhibited very high temperatures (> 30 °C), and very high dissolved oxygen (> 200% saturation) as well as very low (close to 0% saturation) levels. Oxygen supersaturation resulted from photosynthetic production at the microstratification boundaries. In the springs of 1982 and 1983, formation of an anoxic layer between regions of high oxygen concentration, separated the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities into two layers above the primary chemocline. The several year persistence of the secondary chemoclines and associated interface processes (concentration of particulate organic matter, bacterial decomposition, nutrient regeneration, phytoplanktonic production) attest to their functional importance in this meromictic lake.  相似文献   

Recent evidence reveals that food webs within the Malili Lakes, Sulawesi, Indonesia, support community assemblages that are made up primarily of endemic species. It has been suggested that many of the species radiations, as well as the paucity of cosmopolitan species in the lakes, are related to resource limitation. In order to substantiate the possibility that resource limitation is playing such an important role, a study of the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities of Lake Matano was implemented between 2000 and 2004. We determined species diversity, relative abundances, size ranges, and total biomass for the phytoplankton and zooplankton, including the distribution of ovigerous individuals throughout the epilimnion of Lake Matano in three field seasons. The phytoplankton community exhibited very low biomass (<15 μg l?1) and species richness was depressed. The zooplankton assemblage was also limited in biomass (2.5 mg l?1) and consisted only of three taxa including the endemic calanoid Eodiaptomus wolterecki var. matanensis, the endemic cyclopoid, Tropocyclops matanensis and the rotifer Horaella brehmi. Zooplankton were very small (<600 μm body length), and spatial habitat partitioning was observed, with Tropocylops being confined to below 80 m, while rotifer and calanoid species were consistently observed above 80 m. Less than 0.1% of the calanoid copepods in each year were egg-bearing, suggesting very low population turnover rates. It was concluded that chemical factors as opposed to physical or biological processes were regulating the observed very low standing crops of phytoplankton which in turn supports a very minimal zooplankton community restricted in both species composition and abundance. As chemical factors are a function of the catchment basin of Lake Matano, it is predicted that resource limitation has long played an important role in shaping the unique endemic assemblages currently observed in the food web of the lake.  相似文献   

Walker Lake is a monomictic, nitrogen-limited, terminal lake located in western Nevada. It is one of only eight large (Area>100 km2, Z { mean}>15 m) saline lakes of moderate salinity (3–20 g l–1) worldwide, and one of the few to support an endemic trout fishery (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi). As a result of anthropogenic desiccation, between 1882 and 1996 the lake's volume has dropped from 11.1 to 2.7 km3 and salinity has increased from 2.6 to 12–13 g l–1. This study, conducted between 1992 and 1998, examined the effects of desiccation on the limnology of the lake. Increases in salinity over the past two decades caused the extinction of two zooplankton species, Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and Acanthocyclops vernalis. Recent increases in salinity have not negatively affected the lake's dominant phytoplankton species, the filamentous blue-green algae Nodularia spumigena. In 1994 high salinity levels (14–15 g l–1) caused a decrease in tui chub minnow populations, the main source of food for Lahontan cutthroat trout, and a subsequent decrease in the health of stocked trout. Lake shrinkage has resulted in hypolimnetic anoxia and hypolimnetic accumulation of ammonia (800–2000 g-N l–1) and sulfide (15 mg l–1) to levels toxic to trout. Internal loading of ammonia via hypolimnetic entrainment during summer wind mixing (170 Mg-N during a single event), vertical diffusion (225–500 Mg-N year–1), and fall destratification (540–740 Mg-N year–1) exceeds external nitrogen loading (<25 Mg-N year–1). Increasing salinity in combination with factors related to hypolimnetic anoxia have stressed trout populations and caused a decline in trout size and longevity. If desiccation continues unabated, the lake will be too saline (>15–16 g l–1) to support trout and chub fisheries in 20 years, and in 50–60 years the lake will reach hydrologic equilibrium at a volume of 1.0 km3 and a salinity of 34 g l–1.  相似文献   

The abundance, growth, and grazing loss rates of picophytoplankton were investigated in August 2002 in Barguzin Bay, Lake Baikal. Water samples for incubation were taken once at a near-shore station and twice at an offshore station. Contributions of picophytoplankton to total phytoplankton were high (56.9–83.9%) at the offshore station and low (5.8–6.8%) at the near-shore station. The picophytoplankton community in the offshore station comprised mainly phycoerythrin (PE)-rich cyanobacteria, with eukaryotic picophytoplankton being less abundant. In contrast, as well as PE-rich cyanobacteria and eukaryotic picophytoplankton, phycocyanin (PC)-rich cyanobacteria were found in the near-shore station. At the offshore station, growth and grazing loss rates on 25 August were 0.56 and 0.43 day−1, respectively, and on 29 August, 0.69 and 0.83 day−1, respectively. At the near-shore station, growth and grazing loss rates were 1.61 and 0.70 day−1, respectively. These results show that there is a difference in the abundance, composition, and ecological role in the microbial food web of picophytoplankton between the near-shore and the offshore areas in Barguzin Bay.  相似文献   

Lake Chaohu is one of the most eutrophic lakes in China. Research on this lake's seasonal and spatial variations in phytoplankton diversity is needed to understand the distribution of eutrophication, as well as to find appropriate comprehensive biodiversity indices to assess the eutrophication status of the lake. The present study indicated that the Margalef index of all samples was as low as 0.799 ± 0.543 in summer (August 2011) and as high as 1.467 ± 0.653 in winter (February 2012). The Margalef index of the river samples had a high mean value and substantial variation compared with the lake samples. The Peilou index of the lake samples was higher than that of the river samples in summer and autumn (November 2011) but lower than that of the river samples in winter. In spring (May 2012), the Peilou index of the western samples was lower than that of the eastern samples. The spatial distribution of the Shannon–Wiener index was more similar to that of the Peilou index in autumn and winter, while in spring and summer, the spatial distribution was affected by both species richness and evenness. High eutrophication levels occurred in the western lake in spring and summer, whereas high levels occurred in the eastern lake, especially in the middle of the lake, in autumn and winter. The total trophic state index (TSI) in all samples exhibited a significant negative correlation with the Margalef (r = −0.726) and Peilou (r = −0.530) indices but a significant positive correlation with the Shannon–Wiener (r = 0.654) index. The partial correlation analysis results implied that these phytoplankton biodiversity indices could serve as synthetic ecological indicators to assess the eutrophication condition of Lake Chaohu.  相似文献   

Yasuo Tanaka 《Hydrobiologia》1991,220(2):119-129
Microbial colonization and its relation to the decomposition of reed (Phragmites communis) leaf litter were studied in the littoral area of a saline lake from autumn to summer using litter bag method. There was considerable fungal population on the leaves at the beginning of submergence. These fungi were probably terrestrial in origin. The fungal population rapidly disappeared few days after submergence, when bacteria, including cellulolytic and xylanolytic types, proliferated. Associated with this rapid colonization of bacteria, decomposition rates of cellulose and xylan increased. The rates declined from day 39 to day 100 with decreasing water temperature, though cellulolytic and xylanolytic bacteria maintained a sizeable population until day 150. A community of cellulolytic and xylanolytic fungi increased steeply after day 150. It coincided with a second increase in decomposition rate. These results suggest that the principal decomposers of reed leaf litter were bacteria in the initial phase and fungi in the later phase of the experiment.  相似文献   

The shallow Lake Vrana was studied over a 1-year period, special attention being paid to the phytoplankton. Phytoplankton was investigated monthly with respect to temporal variability of selected environmental factors. The regular annual development observed was in species contribution to total biomass rather than in seasonal changes in species composition. The assemblage was dominated by Cosmarium tenue Arch. and Synedra sp. In winter and in spring the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by Cosmarium tenue and high contribution of Synedra sp. was observed during the summer and autumn. Results suggest that concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus were critical in regulating phytoplankton biomass and species dominance.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and species composition in the shallow hypertrophic Lake Manyas, Turkey, were studied biweekly from January 2003 to December 2004 to determine steady-state phases in phytoplankton assemblages. Steady-state phases were defined when one, two or three coexisting species contributed to at least 80% of the standing biomass for at least 2 weeks and during that time the total biomass did not change significantly. Ten steady-state phases were identified throughout the study peiod. During those periods, Achnanthes microcephala (Kützing) Cleve twice dominated the phytoplankton biomass alone and contributed to more than 50% of the total biomass in seven phases. Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing, Anabaena spiroides Klebahn, Cyclotella stylorum Brightwell, Pediastrum boryanum (Turpin) Meneghini and Phacus pusillus Lemmermann were also represented once in steady-state phytoplankton assemblages. A. microcephala was dominant usually during cold periods of the year, while M. aeruginosa and A. spiroides were usually dominant in warm seasons. The total number of species showed a clear decrease during steady-state phases at all stations. All stations were significantly different in terms of the measured physical and chemical parameters (P < 0.05) and phytoplankton biomass (F = 117, P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Benthos of a seasonally-astatic, saline, soda lake in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The benthic macroinvertebrate community (BMC) of Lake Tecuitlapa Sur, central Mexico, was monitored to determine the structure of the community (i.e. species composition, richness, abundance and biomass), throughout an annual cycle. Tecuitlapa Sur is shallow, seasonally-astatic, warm, mesosaline, and soda-alkaline. The physical, chemical and biological variables were determined monthly for a yearly cycle. Tecuitlapa Sur displayed a seasonal patterns of dilution (June–August) and concentration (September–November) phases. Salinity and pH were the most important parameters explaining environmental variance. The BMC consisted of two species: Culicoides occidentalis sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and Tanypus Apelopia sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae). C. occidentalis was the most important species both numerically and in biomass (95%). Annual density (mean ± sd) of C. occidentalis (1141082 ± 2765879 ind. m–2, n = 120) was notably higher than other reported for other saline water bodies. However, the mean annual density of T. Apelopia (6782 ± 8310 ind. m–2, n = 120) was similar to other saline lakes. Seasonal abundance and biomass dynamics of the BMC showed an increasing trend until October (T. Apelopia) and November (C. occidentalis), when massive emergence occurred, just before the lake dried out. Contrary to most temporal waters, Tecuitlapa Sur did not show taxonomic or trophic succession. C. occidentalis, a transient detritivore, dominated over T. Apelopia, a resident predator during the wet period.  相似文献   

The increase in human development in the downstream portion of the Pyramid Lake drainage basin has resulted in increased nutrient loading to the lake. Since this is a deep, terminal lake, concern over nutrient build up and change in trophic status exists. On the basis of lake chemistry which shows consistently high concentrations of total reactive-P (mean = 55 µg P l–1) relative to dissolved inorganic-N (DIN) (mean = 15 µg N 1–1), it has been hypothesized that Pyramid is N-limited. However, no systematic study of nutrient limitation had been undertaken. Nutrient enrichment bioassays conducted throughout an entire year clearly showed that additions of DIN resulted in a 350–600% stimulation of chlorophyll production. Phosphate, when added singly or in combination with DIN, had no effect. This positive response to N-addition was significant at all times of the year except, (1) immediately after complete lake mixing in February when a large pool of hypolimnetic nitrate was injected into the euphotic zone, and (2) during a fall bloom of the nitrogen fixing species Nodularia spumigena. The positive response to N-addition in the bioassay experiments was strong between March and November. However, the seston exhibited only a gradual depletion of nitrogen relative to carbon over this same period. PN:PC ratios suggested no N-deficiency in phytoplankton biomass in February, March and April, moderate N-deficiency in May, June and July and, severe N-deficiency from August until winter turnover. The appearance of nitrogen fixing blue-green algae in September supports the hypothesis of N-limitation in the summer-autumn. In evaluating the nutrient status of a lake, the concepts of nutrient stimulation versus nutrient deficiency versus nutrient limitation must clearly be defined.This paper is dedicated to G. Evelyn Hutchinson who first visited Pyramid Lake in 1933.  相似文献   

1. We used high‐frequency in situ dissolved oxygen measurements to investigate the seasonal variability and factors regulating metabolism in a subtropical alpine lake in Taiwan between May 2004 and October 2005, specifically exploring how the typhoon season (from June or July to October) affects lake metabolism. 2. Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R) both peaked in early summer and mid‐autumn but dropped during the typhoon season and winter. Yuan‐Yang Lake is a net heterotrophic ecosystem (annual mean net ecosystem production ?39.6 μmole O2 m?3). 3. Compared to the summer peaks, seasonal averages of GPP and R decreased by approximately 50% and 25%, respectively, during the typhoon season. Ecosystem respiration was more resistant to external disturbances than GPP and showed strong daily variation during typhoon seasons. 4. Changes in the quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon controlled the temporal dynamics and metabolic regulation. External disturbances (typhoons) caused increased allochthony, increasing DOC and water colour and influencing lake metabolism. 5. Seasonal winter mixing and typhoon‐induced water mixing in summer and autumn play a key role in determining the extent to which the lake is a seasonal carbon sink or source to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The feeding of the cladoceran Daphniopsis studeri on algae and bacteria was investigated under ice in an ultra-oligotrophic Antarctic lake from late autumn (May) to early spring (October) in 2004. D. studeri fed on both algae and bacteria with estimated filtering rates of 0.048 and 0.061 l ind−1 day−1), respectively. Algae seemed to be the major food resource for the D. studeri population, however at times of low algal densities the bacterioplankton represented an important alternative food resource. The D. studeri grazing impact on the algal and bacterial standing stock was in general low (0.6–4.6% removed per day), but during the winter period this organism can remove up to 34% of the bacterial production (BP). At times D. studeri grazing can temporarily have a significant impact on the BP rates, though their impact was relatively low when compared to viral-induced bacterial mortality in the lake.  相似文献   

The relationships of the halocline to both water quality and phytoplankton composition in Lake Obuchi, a shallow brackish lake in northern Japan, were investigated from April 2001 to December 2004. The halocline in this lake became stronger in summer (July–September, mean maximum density gradient 4.3–5.8 ρtm−1) but weaker in spring, fall, and winter (1.9–3.3 ρtm−1). Although the difference in water quality between the upper and lower layers separated by the halocline was high in summer, nutrients (PO43−-P and NH4+-N) were eluted from the bottom sediment as levels of dissolved oxygen decreased in the bottom layer because of the strong stratification caused by the halocline formed over the long term. Moreover, phytoplankton taxa composition also differed between the upper and lower layers in summer, but was similar in other seasons. The dominant phytoplankton taxa in the upper layer in summer were Skeletonema costatum and Cyclotella spp., whereas in the lower layer, Gymnodinium spp. (Dinophyceae) and Chlorophyceae, which prefer eutrophic and low dissolved oxygen conditions, dominated. This suggests that the halocline was related to differentiations in both water quality and ecosystem components between the upper and lower layers in the brackish lake water.  相似文献   

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