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The RecA protein: structure and function   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  

We have amplified and sequenced the complete coding region of bovine hexokinase isoenzyme 1 (HK1) from brain RNA with PCR primers selected for sequence conservation. The sequence information was analyzed to evaluate the evolutionary and structure-function relationships among the mammalian and yeast HK isoenzymes. Structure to function analysis identified an unduplicated, invariant N-terminal domain involved in HK1 outer mitochondrial membrane targeting, as well as putative carbohydrate and nucleotide-binding sites in the regulatory and catalytic halves of HK1 essential to enzyme function. The ATP-binding site in the catalytic half of the HK1 protein resembles nucleotide-binding regions from protein kinases, with the single amino acid replacement (lysine to glutamate) in the ATP-binding site of the amino half explaining the loss of HK1 catalytic function in the regulatory domain. Sequence comparisons suggest that the 50-kDa mammalian and yeast glucokinases arose separately in evolution. In addition to providing valuable phylogenetic and structure-function insights, this work provides an efficient strategy for rapid cloning and sequencing of the coding regions for other HKs and related proteins.  相似文献   

In the accompanying paper, RecA142 protein was found to be completely defective in DNA heteroduplex formation. Here, we show that RecA142 protein not only is defective in this activity but also is inhibitory for certain activities of wild-type RecA protein. Under appropriate conditions, RecA142 protein substantially inhibits the DNA strand exchange reaction catalyzed by wild-type RecA protein; at equimolar concentrations of each protein, formation of full-length gapped duplex DNA product molecules is less than 7% of the amount produced by wild-type protein alone. Inhibition by RecA142 protein is also evident in S1 nuclease assays of DNA heteroduplex formation, although the extent of inhibition is less than is observed for the complete DNA strand exchange process; at equimolar concentrations of wild-type and mutant proteins, the extent of DNA heteroduplex formation is 36% of the wild-type protein level. This difference implies that RecA142 protein prevents, at minimum, the branch migration normally observed during DNA strand exchange. RecA142 protein does not inhibit either the single-strand (ss) DNA-dependent ATPase activity or the coaggregation activities of wild-type RecA protein. This suggests that these reactions are not responsible for the inhibition of wild-type protein DNA strand exchange activity by RecA142 protein. However, under conditions where RecA142 protein inhibits DNA strand exchange activity, RecA142 protein renders the M13 ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity of wild-type protein sensitive to inhibition by single-strand DNA-binding protein, and it inhibits the double-strand DNA-dependent ATPase activity of wild-type RecA protein. These results imply that these two activities are important components of the overall DNA strand exchange process. These experiments also demonstrate the applicability of using defective mutant RecA proteins as specific codominant inhibitors of wild-type protein activities in vitro and should be of general utility for mechanistic analysis of RecA protein function both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   



P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) plays a critical role in recruiting leukocytes in inflammatory lesions by mediating leukocyte rolling on selectins. Core-2 O-glycosylation of a N -terminal threonine and sulfation of at least one tyrosine residue of PSGL-1 are required for L- and P-selectin binding. Little information is available on the intra- and inter-species evolution of PSGL-1 primary structure. In addition, the evolutionary conservation of selectin binding site on PSGL-1 has not been previously examined in detail. Therefore, we performed multiple sequence alignment of PSGL-1 amino acid sequences of 14 mammals (human, chimpanzee, rhesus monkey, bovine, pig, rat, tree-shrew, bushbaby, mouse, bat, horse, cat, sheep and dog) and examined mammalian PSGL-1 interactions with human selectins.  相似文献   

The impact of gene silencing on cellular phenotypes is difficult to establish due to the complexity of interactions in the associated biological processes and pathways. A recent genome-wide RNA knock-down study both identified and phenotypically characterized a set of important genes for the cell cycle in HeLa cells. Here, we combine a molecular interaction network analysis, based on physical and functional protein interactions, in conjunction with evolutionary information, to elucidate the common biological and topological properties of these key genes. Our results show that these genes tend to be conserved with their corresponding protein interactions across several species and are key constituents of the evolutionary conserved molecular interaction network. Moreover, a group of bistable network motifs is found to be conserved within this network, which are likely to influence the network stability and therefore the robustness of cellular functioning. They form a cluster, which displays functional homogeneity and is significantly enriched in genes phenotypically relevant for mitosis. Additional results reveal a relationship between specific cellular processes and the phenotypic outcomes induced by gene silencing. This study introduces new ideas regarding the relationship between genotype and phenotype in the context of the cell cycle. We show that the analysis of molecular interaction networks can result in the identification of genes relevant to cellular processes, which is a promising avenue for future research.  相似文献   

RecA protein-coated probe has been utilized to enrich genomic digests for desired genes in order to facilitate cloning from genomic libraries. Using a previously cloned HLA-B27 gene as the recA-coated enrichment probe, we obtained a mean 108x increase in the ratio of specific to nonspecific plaques in lambda libraries screened for B27 variant alleles of estimated 99% homology to the probe. Class I genes of lesser homology were less enriched: 6.7x for non-B27 genes of estimated greater than 95% homology and 3.7x for other-Class I genes of greater than 80% homology. Loss of genomic DNA during the enrichment procedure can, however, restrict application of this technique whenever starting genomic DNA is very limited. Nevertheless, the impressive reduction in cloning effort and material makes recA enrichment a useful new tool for cloning homologous genes from genomic DNA.  相似文献   

The RecA protein is a recombinase functioning in recombinational DNA repair in bacteria. RecA is regulated at many levels. The expression of the recA gene is regulated within the SOS response. The activity of the RecA protein itself is autoregulated by its own C-terminus. RecA is also regulated by the action of other proteins. To date, these include the RecF, RecO, RecR, DinI, RecX, RdgC, PsiB, and UvrD proteins. The SSB protein also indirectly affects RecA function by competing for ssDNA binding sites. The RecO and RecR, and possibly the RecF proteins, all facilitate RecA loading onto SSB-coated ssDNA. The RecX protein blocks RecA filament extension, and may have other effects on RecA activity. The DinI protein stabilizes RecA filaments. The RdgC protein binds to dsDNA and blocks RecA access to dsDNA. The PsiB protein, encoded by F plasmids, is uncharacterized, but may inhibit RecA in some manner. The UvrD helicase removes RecA filaments from RecA. All of these proteins function in a network that determines where and how RecA functions. Additional regulatory proteins may remain to be discovered. The elaborate regulatory pattern is likely to be reprised for RecA homologues in archaeans and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The sequence and structural conservation of folding transition states have been predicted on theoretical grounds. Using homologous sequence alignments of proteins previously characterized via coupled mutagenesis/kinetics studies, we tested these predictions experimentally. Only one of the six appropriately characterized proteins exhibits a statistically significant correlation between residues' roles in transition state structure and their evolutionary conservation. However, a significant correlation is observed between the contributions of individual sequence positions to the transition state structure across a set of homologous proteins. Thus the structure of the folding transition state ensemble appears to be more highly conserved than the specific interactions that stabilize it.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to study the evolutionary divergence of vibrational protein dynamics. To this end, we used the Gaussian Network Model to perform a systematic analysis of normal mode conservation on a large dataset of proteins classified into homologous sets of family pairs and superfamily pairs. We found that the lowest most collective normal modes are the most conserved ones. More precisely, there is, on average, a linear correlation between normal mode conservation and mode collectivity. These results imply that the previously observed conservation of backbone flexibility (B-factor) profiles is due to the conservation of the most collective modes, which contribute the most to such profiles. We discuss the possible roles of normal mode robustness and natural selection in the determination of the observed behavior. Finally, we draw some practical implications for dynamics-based protein alignment and classification and discuss possible caveats of the present approach.  相似文献   

By comparing sequences of human, mouse and rat orthologous genes, we show that in 5′-untranslated regions (5′-UTRs) of mammalian cDNAs but not in 3′-UTRs or coding sequences, AUG is conserved to a significantly greater extent than any of the other 63 nt triplets. This effect is likely to reflect, primarily, bona fide evolutionary conservation, rather than cDNA annotation artifacts, because the excess of conserved upstream AUGs (uAUGs) is seen in 5′-UTRs containing stop codons in-frame with the start AUG and many of the conserved AUGs are found in different frames, consistent with the location in authentic non-coding sequences. Altogether, conserved uAUGs are present in at least 20–30% of mammalian genes. Qualitatively similar results were obtained by comparison of orthologous genes from different species of the yeast genus Saccharomyces. Together with the observation that mammalian and yeast 5′-UTRs are significantly depleted in overall AUG content, these findings suggest that AUG triplets in 5′-UTRs are subject to the pressure of purifying selection in two opposite directions: the uAUGs that have no specific function tend to be deleterious and get eliminated during evolution, whereas those uAUGs that do serve a function are conserved. Most probably, the principal role of the conserved uAUGs is attenuation of translation at the initiation stage, which is often additionally regulated by alternative splicing in the mammalian 5′-UTRs. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that open reading frames starting from conserved uAUGs are significantly shorter than those starting from non-conserved uAUGs, possibly, owing to selection for optimization of the level of attenuation.  相似文献   

From protein structure to function.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Several databases of protein structural families now exist-organised according to both evolutionary relationships and common folding arrangements. Although these lag behind sequence databases in size, the prospect of structural genomics initiatives means that they may soon include representatives of many of the sequence families. To some extent, functional information can be derived from structural similarity. For some structural families, their function is highly conserved, whereas, for others, it can only be inherited or derived on the basis of additional information (e.g. sequence patterns, common residue clusters and characteristic surface properties).  相似文献   

Crystalline fraction 1 protein, obtained from four species of Nicotiana, have identical polypeptide compositions and isoelectric points. However, the tryptic peptide map of the large subunit of this protein from N. knightiana and N. paniculata differs from that of N. tomentosa and N. tomentosiformis. Since the large subunits of fraction 1 protein are coded by chloroplast DNA, the difference in their primary structure reflects the structural changes of the chloroplast genes containing the coding information. This indicates that the rate of mutation of chloroplast DNA seems to be higher than predicated from the analysis of isoelectric points of this protein.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conservation of kinetochore protein sequences in plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The evolutionary conservation of structural/functional kinetochore proteins has been studied on isolated nuclei and pro-/metaphase chromosomes of mono- and dicot plants. The cross-reactivities of antibodies against human CENPC, CENPE and CENPF, and against maize CENPCa with the centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes of Vicia faba and/or Hordeum vulgare are shown. Putative homologs of the kinetochore protein SKP1 (suppressor of kinetochore protein 1p of yeast) were found in both species and of CBF5p (centromere binding factor 5 of yeast) in barley. Antibodies against synthetic peptides derived from partial sequences encoding these proteins were produced and recognized the centromeric regions on mitotic chromosomes as detected by indirect immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

S C Kowalczykowski 《Biochimie》1991,73(2-3):289-304
The recA protein of E coli participates in several diverse biological processes and promotes a variety of complex in vitro reactions. A careful comparison of the phenotypic behavior of E coli recA mutations to the biochemical properties of the corresponding mutant proteins reveals a close parallel both between recombination phenotype and DNA strand exchange and renaturation activities, and between inducible phenomena and repressor cleavage activity. The biochemical alterations manifest by the mutant recA proteins are reflected in the strength of their interaction with ssDNA. The defective mutant recA proteins fail to properly assume the high-affinity DNA-binding state that is characteristic of the wild-type protein and, consequently, form less stable complexes with DNA. The mutant proteins displaying an 'enhanced' activity bind ssDNA with approximately the same affinity as the wild-type protein but, due to altered protein-protein interactions, they associate more rapidly with ssDNA. These changes proportionately affect the ability of recA protein to compete with SSB protein, to interact with dsDNA, and, perhaps, to bind repressor proteins. In turn, the DNA strand exchange, DNA renaturation, and repressor cleavage activities mirror these modifications.  相似文献   

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