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Effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on grain filling processes in wheat   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The effect of in situ water stress on the endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) content of the endosperm and the in vitro application of ABA on some important yield regulating processes in wheat have been studied. Water stress resulted in a marked increase in the ABA content of the endosperm at the time close to cessation of growth. Application of ABA to the culture medium of detached ears reduced grain weight. Exogenously applied ABA, at the highest concentration (0.1 mM) reduced transport of sucrose into the grains and lowered the starch synthesis ability of intact grains. In vitro sucrose uptake and conversion by isolated grains was stimulated by low ABA concentrations (0.001 mM) in the medium but was inhibited by higher concentrations. ABA application had no effect on sucrose synthase (SS) and uridine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (UDP-Gppase) activities, whereas adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADP-Gppase), soluble starch synthase (SSS), and granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) activities were reduced. These results raise the possibility that water stress-induced elevated levels of endogenous ABA contribute to reduced grain growth.  相似文献   

Glycolipids of leaves from water-stressed and stress-recovered wheat and barley plants were studied. A decrease in the content of total glycolipid, mon  相似文献   

Phospholipid changes in wheat and barley leaves under water stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Total phospholipid content of leaves of wheat and barley increased and phospholipid components changed under water stress. Notable among these were the absence of phosphatidyl serine in barley varieties, decrease in phosphatidyl glycerol content in a less drought-tolerant variety of wheat (S-308) and barley (BG-25), and appearance of phosphatidic acid in both crops. The phospholipid content and its components did not return to normal upon release of the stress by subsequent irrigations. Such observations are indicative of water stress effected alterations in membranes.  相似文献   

In 1986/1987 and 1987/1988 wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were trapped and enclosed in a 0.3 ha site in which two varieties of winter barley (Igri and Panda) and two of winter wheat (Norman and Mission) were grown in a split plot block design experiment. The level of rabbit population was varied to emulate natural variation in numbers throughout the growing season and was regulated to produce a peak density of 77 rabbits ha-* in the first year, and 33 rabbits ha-1! in the second year. Grazing was managed by the use of exclosure fences around plots to produce four treatment levels - protected, autumn grazed, spring grazed and totally grazed regimes. Rabbit damage was assessed using stem and leaf damage indices several times through the growth of the crops. Yields were measured in terms of head number, grain weight and total yield. There was no evidence of varietal preference among the four cereal varieties on the basis of damage assessments. In the first year the totally grazed treatment led to an increase in the number of unripe heads present at harvest which would indicate a delayed harvest date in a field crop. Winter wheat showed a trend towards higher yield loss in spring-damaged plots, possibly linked to the time of tillering in this crop. Yield losses overall were highest in those plots grazed in either the autumn or throughout the entire season. The level of peak rabbit population did not appear to influence the degree of loss in either year. The results indicate that there may be a threshold of rabbit damage early in the growth of the crop which contributes most to the yield loss. This emphasises the importance of protecting a winter cereal crop at its establishment phase.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对沙棘和银水牛果幼苗生长及光合特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以沙棘和银水牛果2年生幼苗为试材,设NaCl浓度分别为0、200、400和600 mmol·L-1,研究NaCl 胁迫对其生长及光合特性的影响.结果表明: 随着NaCl浓度的增加,沙棘和银水牛果幼苗的生物量、单株总叶面积均显著下降,且NaCl浓度越高, 下降幅度越大.不同NaCl浓度处理下,沙棘和银水牛果幼苗根冠比较对照显著增加,比叶质量(LMA)略有降低.随着NaCl浓度的增加和胁迫时间的延长,沙棘和银水牛果叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)均明显下降, 胞间CO2浓度(Ci)先降后升,气孔限制值(Ls)和水分利用效率(WUE)则先升后降.Pn下降的原因短期内以气孔限制为主,长期则以非气孔限制因素为主,且树种耐盐性越弱,NaCl浓度越高,由气孔限制转为非气孔限制的时间越早.试验中,沙棘幼苗在600 mmol·L-1NaCl处理10 d时即出现盐害症状,22 d时全部死亡,而银水牛果可以忍耐600 mmol·L-1NaCl长达30 d以上,说明银水牛果作为引进树种,其耐盐性较沙棘更强,可能更适合在我国盐碱地大面积推广种植.  相似文献   


Coral populations continue to decline in many regions because of natural and anthropogenic disturbances; and the persistence of coral populations mainly relies on natural recruitment through coral reproduction. However, studies on the reproduction of many important reef-building coral species in one of the most biodiverse region, the Coral Triangle, are very limited. Here, we investigated the reproductive biology of the coral Acropora millepora in Bolinao-Anda Reef Complex, northwestern Philippines from February 2014 to March 2015, through in situ assessment of gamete maturity, histological examination of gamete development and ex situ spawning observations. Results showed that A. millepora exhibited an annual gametogenic cycle. Formation of oocytes took place within 8 months, whereas spermatocytes developed in 3 months before the gamete release. Abundance and size of eggs in A. millepora were greatest during the months nearest to the spawning period, which coincides with the rapid increase in sea surface temperature. Ex situ broadcast spawning occurred around the months of February–March, which suggests an extended spawning pattern. Results provide additional information on coral reproduction in the region and reveal the potential of A. millepora in providing coral propagules for the replenishment and recovery of degraded coral populations.  相似文献   

Characterization of drought environment types (ETs) has proven useful for breeding crops for drought‐prone regions. Here, we consider how changes in climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations will affect drought ET frequencies in sorghum and wheat systems of northeast Australia. We also modify APSIM (the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) to incorporate extreme heat effects on grain number and weight, and then evaluate changes in the occurrence of heat‐induced yield losses of more than 10%, as well as the co‐occurrence of drought and heat. More than six million simulations spanning representative locations, soil types, management systems, and 33 climate projections led to three key findings. First, the projected frequency of drought decreased slightly for most climate projections for both sorghum and wheat, but for different reasons. In sorghum, warming exacerbated drought stresses by raising the atmospheric vapor pressure deficit and reducing transpiration efficiency (TE), but an increase in TE due to elevated CO2 more than offset these effects. In wheat, warming reduced drought stress during spring by hastening development through winter and reducing exposure to terminal drought. Elevated CO2 increased TE but also raised radiation‐use efficiency and overall growth rates and water use, thereby offsetting much of the drought reduction from warming. Second, adding explicit effects of heat on grain number and grain size often switched projected yield impacts from positive to negative. Finally, although average yield losses associated with drought will remain generally higher than that for heat stress for the next half century, the relative importance of heat is steadily growing. This trend, as well as the likely high degree of genetic variability in heat tolerance, suggests that more emphasis on heat tolerance is warranted in breeding programs. At the same time, work on drought tolerance should continue with an emphasis on drought that co‐occurs with extreme heat.  相似文献   

High neutral metallocarboxypeptidase activity (EC 3.4.17) has earlier been detected in young seedlings of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) using benzyloxycarbonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-alanine (Z-Phe-Ala) as substrate at pH 7. This finding was confirmed, and it was observed that the activity could be assayed with higher specificity and sensitivity by using Z-Gly-Ala or Z-Gly-Phe as substrate at pH 6.5–7. No corresponding activity was detected in seedlings of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya), oats ( Avena sativa L.) or maize ( Zea mays L.). The seedlings of the four cereals possessed similar activities of acid carboxypeptidases (EC 3.4.16; hydrolysis of Z-Phe-Ala and Z-Ala-Phe at pH 5.2 and of Z-Ala-Arg at pH 5.7). However, in endosperms of germinating rice and maize these activities were only about 1–5% of those in barley and oats. A corresponding, although less pronounced, difference was evident between the scutella of the two pairs of cereals. The possible relationship between neutral carboxypeptidase activity and ability to grow in anaerobic conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Higher temperatures caused by future climate change will bring more frequent heat stress events and pose an increasing risk to global wheat production. Crop models have been widely used to simulate future crop productivity but are rarely tested with observed heat stress experimental datasets. Four wheat models (DSSAT‐CERES‐Wheat, DSSAT‐Nwheat, APSIM‐Wheat, and WheatGrow) were evaluated with 4 years of environment‐controlled phytotron experimental datasets with two wheat cultivars under heat stress at anthesis and grain filling stages. Heat stress at anthesis reduced observed grain numbers per unit area and individual grain size, while heat stress during grain filling mainly decreased the size of the individual grains. The observed impact of heat stress on grain filling duration, total aboveground biomass, grain yield, and grain protein concentration (GPC) varied depending on cultivar and accumulated heat stress. For every unit increase of heat degree days (HDD, degree days over 30 °C), grain filling duration was reduced by 0.30–0.60%, total aboveground biomass was reduced by 0.37–0.43%, and grain yield was reduced by 1.0–1.6%, but GPC was increased by 0.50% for cv Yangmai16 and 0.80% for cv Xumai30. The tested crop simulation models could reproduce some of the observed reductions in grain filling duration, final total aboveground biomass, and grain yield, as well as the observed increase in GPC due to heat stress. Most of the crop models tended to reproduce heat stress impacts better during grain filling than at anthesis. Some of the tested models require improvements in the response to heat stress during grain filling, but all models need improvements in simulating heat stress effects on grain set during anthesis. The observed significant genetic variability in the response of wheat to heat stress needs to be considered through cultivar parameters in future simulation studies.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对小麦旗叶活性氧代谢及灌浆速率的影响   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
林琪  侯立白  韩伟  王月福 《西北植物学报》2003,23(12):2152-2156
在防雨池栽条件下,研究了干旱胁迫对小麦旗叶活性氧代谢的影响.结果表明,小麦旗叶内H2O2和O-·2水平随干旱胁迫的加剧和衰老进程的加快而逐渐升高,活性氧清除系统中的SOD和CAT活性逐渐下降,膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量升高,导致叶片内可溶性蛋白质和叶绿素含量下降,是干旱胁迫造成对籽粒产量贡献较大的旗叶伤害的主要原因之一,从而导致穗粒重下降.  相似文献   

In plants, male reproductive development is extremely sensitive to adverse climatic environments and (a)biotic stress. Upon exposure to stress, male gametophytic organs often show morphological, structural and metabolic alterations that typically lead to meiotic defects or premature spore abortion and male reproductive sterility. Depending on the type of stress involved (e.g. heat, cold, drought) and the duration of stress exposure, the underlying cellular defect is highly variable and either involves cytoskeletal alterations, tapetal irregularities, altered sugar utilization, aberrations in auxin metabolism, accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS; oxidative stress) or the ectopic induction of programmed cell death (PCD). In this review, we present the critically stress‐sensitive stages of male sporogenesis (meiosis) and male gametogenesis (microspore development), and discuss the corresponding biological processes involved and the resulting alterations in male reproduction. In addition, this review also provides insights into the molecular and/or hormonal regulation of the environmental stress sensitivity of male reproduction and outlines putative interaction(s) between the different processes involved.  相似文献   

Yield studies show that increases in grain yield are always accompanied by an increase in grain number and, hence, further increases in yield potential may require additional improvements in grain number. The improvement of modern durum wheat was mainly based on the introduction of semidwarf genes. A 2‐year field drought stress experiment, concerning two different genotype groups (landraces vs modern cultivars), was carried out under a rainout shelter in order (a) to assess the effect of water deficit on floret dynamics and grain number determination, (b) to explore the relationship between plant water status with grain number per spike and its components (i.e., spikelets per spike, fertile florets per spikelet and grain set) and (c) to quantify the importance of several plant traits in determining the final number of grains per spike and fertile florets per spike when the main source of variation is water availability. Compared to control (well irrigated), grain number per spike was reduced, depending on year, genotype and water availability level, by 12.4–58.7% and this reduction was evident almost in all spikelet positions along the spike. Although there were some doubts in the past about the increased sensitivity of semidwarf cultivars to drought stress, they were not confirmed from our results. In most of the cases, the variation in plant water status (by means of water potential index [WPI]) during floret primordia phase (FPP) explained most of the variance in grain number per spike, fertile florets per spikelet, grain set and fertile spikelets per spike. In general, increasing water stress intensity decreased grain number per spike by an average rate of 13.5 and 9.4 grains per 0.2 MPa decrease in WPI, in modern cultivars and landraces, respectively. However, seasonal and genotypic effects were evident by modifying the slopes of the linear regressions between WPI and the studied plant traits. Commonality analysis revealed that the number of fertile florets per spikelet was the best predictor of grain number per spike, indicating that there is still much space for further improvement for this trait in landraces. However, this trait has been clearly improved in modern cultivars, especially at the basal and central spikelets. Although the number of spikelets per spike was the best unique predictor of the number of grains per spike in modern cultivars, grain set presented the highest total effect.  相似文献   

Lithium was used as a non-radioactive tracer to investigate the root activity of two cereals (wheat and barley), and of two contrasting cultivars of pea (leafy and semi-leafless), both in pure stands and in mixtures. The mixtures included combinations of each cereal with each pea cultivar in single rows, alternative rows and cross-drilled. Total lithium uptake (mg m-2) was higher for wheat than for barley, and higher for semi-leafless pea than for leafy peas. Growing cereals with peas reduced the total lithium uptake by peas, compared with pure stands, especially in alternate-row mixtures. Growing peas with cereals only reduced the total Li uptake by cereals when they were cross-drilled. The Li uptake by wheat, barley and peas generally decreased with soil depth in a similar manner; however, semi-leafless peas absorbed proportionately more Li from close to the soil surface than did leafy peas. Both pea cultivars absorbed more Li at 10–20 cm depth when grown in intimate mixtures with cereals, compared with less intimate mixtures or pure stands. The potential of lithium as a non-radioactive tracer in mixed-cropping studies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Perennial grasses are promising feedstocks for bioenergy production in the Midwestern USA. Few experiments have addressed how drought influences their carbon fluxes and storage. This study provides a direct comparison of ecosystem‐scale measurements of carbon fluxes associated with miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), restored native prairie and maize (Zea mays)/soybean (Glycine max) ecosystems. The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of a naturally occurring drought during 2012 on key components of the carbon cycle and plant development relative to non‐extreme years. The perennials reached full maturity 3–5 years after establishment. Miscanthus had the highest gross primary production (GPP) and lowest net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in 2012 followed by similar values for switchgrass and prairie, and the row crops had the lowest GPP and highest NEE. A post‐drought effect was observed for miscanthus. Over the duration of the experiment, perennial ecosystems were carbon sinks, as indicated by negative net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB), while maize/soybean was a net carbon source. Our observations suggest that perennial ecosystems, and in particular miscanthus, can provide a high yield and a large potential for CO2 fixation even during drought, although drought may negatively influence carbon uptake in the following year, questioning the long‐term consequence of its maintained productivity.  相似文献   

Terminal droughts, along with high temperatures, are becoming more frequent to strongly influence the seed development in cool‐season pulses like lentil. In the present study, the lentil plants growing outdoors under natural environment were subjected to following treatments at the time of seed filling till maturity: (a) 28/23 °C day/night temperature as controls; (b) drought stressed, plants maintained at 50% field capacity, under the same growth conditions as in a; (c) heat stressed, 33/28 °C day/night temperature, under the same growth conditions as in a; and (d) drought + heat stressed, plants at 50% field capacity, 33/28 °C day/night temperature, under the same growth conditions as in (a). Both heat and drought resulted in marked reduction in the rate and duration of seed filling to decrease the final seed size; drought resulted in more damage than heat stress; combined stresses accentuated the damage to seed starch, storage proteins and their fractions, minerals, and several amino acids. Comparison of a drought‐tolerant and a drought‐sensitive genotype indicated the former type showed significantly less damage to various components of seeds, under drought as well as heat stress suggesting a cross tolerance, which was linked to its (drought tolerant) better capacity to retain more water in leaves and hence more photo‐assimilation ability, compared with drought‐sensitive genotype.  相似文献   

高温对杂交水稻籽粒灌浆和剑叶某些生理特性的影响   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
以杂交籼稻特优559为材料,探讨了高温胁迫对水稻灌浆期剑叶中有关生理特性和籽粒灌浆速率的影响.结果表明:高温胁迫加速了剑叶叶绿素的丧失,使SOD活性明显降低,质膜透性和MDA含量明显增加,脯氨酸、AsA、GSH、可溶性蛋白质以及可溶性糖含量明显降低,籽粒灌浆速率和籽粒重下降.高温使灌浆期水稻叶片衰老加速、光合能力下降是其导致灌浆速率、结实率、粒重和籽粒产量降低的主要生理原因.  相似文献   

Harvest index: a review of its use in plant breeding and crop physiology   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review charts the use of the concept of harvest index in crop improvement and physiology, concentrating on the literature from the last 20 years. Evidence from abstract journals indicates that the term has been applied most to small grain cereal crops and pulses, in India, Western Europe and the USA, and that it has been less useful for maize and tuber crops. Standard methods of measuring harvest index, the associated problems of measurement and interpretation, and representative values for a range of world species are reviewed. The values for modern varieties of most intensively-cultivated grain crops fall within the range 0.4 to 0.6. Variation between varieties of the same species is illustrated by trends in the harvest indices of old, outclassed and recent varieties of temperate and mediterranean wheat and barley (compared under uniform conditions); this shows a progressive increase throughout the present century, although improvement has been much slower in Australia and Canada than in the UK. In most cases, the improvement in harvest index has been a consequence of increased grain population density coupled with stable individual grain weight. The high heritability of harvest index is explored by examining its (rather weak) response to variation in environmental factors (fertilisation, population density, application of growth regulators) in the absence of severe stress. A fuller perspective is gained by reviewing aspects of the harvest index of rice, maize and tropical pulses. With rice, attention must be paid to the fact that the adhering lemma and palea (not primarily part of economic yield) can make up 20% of grain weight; and there are important interactions among biomass, grain yield and season length. Maize differs from most small grain crops in that harvest index (in N. American varieties) was already high at the start of this century, and increases in yield potential have been largely the consequence of increased biomass production. The harvest index of many pulse species and varieties tends to be low because selection has been for some yield in all seasons. Extension of the harvest index concept to express the partitioning of mineral nutrients as well as dry matter (e.g. the nitrogen harvest index) has provided a range of responses whose implications for production and breeding remain to be explored. It is concluded that even though the principal cereal crops appear to be approaching the upper limit of harvest index, and future yield gains will have to be sought by increased biomass production, there will still be a need for the concept of harvest index as a tool in interpreting crop response to different environments and climatic change.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of elevated [CO2] (700 μmol mol?1), elevated temperature (+2 °C above ambient) and decreased soil water availability on net photosynthesis (Anet) and water relations of one‐year old potted loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings grown in treatment chambers with high fertility at three sites along a north‐south transect covering a large portion of the species native range. At each location (Blairsville, Athens and Tifton, GA) we constructed four treatment chambers and randomly assigned each chamber one of four treatments: ambient [CO2] and ambient temperature, elevated [CO2] and ambient temperature, ambient [CO2] and elevated temperature, or elevated [CO2] and elevated temperature. Within each chamber half of the seedlings were well watered and half received much less water (1/4 that of the well watered). Measurements of net photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance (gs), leaf water potential and leaf fluorescence were made in June and September, 2008. We observed a significant increase in Anet in response to elevated [CO2] regardless of site or temperature treatment in June and September. An increase in air temperature of over 2 °C had no significant effect on Anet at any of the sites in June or September despite over a 6 °C difference in mean annual temperature between the sites. Decreased water availability significantly reduced Anet in all treatments at each site in June. The effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on gs followed a similar trend. The temperature, [CO2] and water treatments did not significantly affect leaf water potential or chlorophyll fluorescence. Our findings suggest that predicted increases in [CO2] will significantly increase Anet, while predicted increases in air temperature will have little effect on Anet across the native range of loblolly pine. Potential decreases in precipitation will likely cause a significant reduction in Anet, though this may be mitigated by increased [CO2].  相似文献   

早籼稻米垩白形成中的生理生化变化特性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
沈波  陈能 《西北植物学报》1999,19(2):290-295
以早籼多垩白品种泸红早1号、浙733和少垩白品种中优早3号、舟优903及中籼中引85为材料,在自然高温条件下对水稻灌浆过程中胚乳内含物质(如淀粉、可溶性糖等)和酶(淀粉磷酸化酶、Q酶)活性的连续变化进行测定。结果表明,不同垩白度品种其胚乳内部物质增长的时间进程和酶活性的变化存在差异,由此造成灌浆动态明显不同,并导致垩白形成的差异。  相似文献   

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