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The Neolithic period of the southern Levant was an era of tremendous change. Over the course of the Neolithic, the gradual transition from foraging to agriculture involved not merely economic innovations, but also profound shifts in population size, social organization, and technology. This represents possibly the earliest, and certainly one of the earliest, instances of the transition to agriculture. The advent of farming altered human demography, health, and diversity; it shaped the spread of the world's dominant cultures, genes, and languages. 1 , 2 It recast humans' relationship with the natural world, increasing modification of the environment. It both enabled and required the development of new social structures as humans learned how to live in increasingly large and densely packed groups. These transformations were not easily achieved. This paper traces the development of the southern Levantine Neolithic through two thousand years of socioeconomic elaboration and expansion; a major social recalibration in the middle Neolithic; and a final millennium‐and‐a‐half of smaller‐scale and materially simpler adaptations.  相似文献   

In recent years, the study of percussive, pounding and grinding tools has provided new insights into human evolution, more particularly regarding the development of technology enabling the processing and exploitation of plant resources. Some of these studies focus on early evidence for flour production, an activity frequently perceived as an important step in the evolution of plant exploitation. The present paper investigates plant food preparation in mobile hunter-gatherer societies from the Southern Levant. The analysis consists of a use-wear study of 18 tools recovered from Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old site in Israel showing an exceptional level of preservation. Our sample includes a slab previously interpreted as a lower implement used for producing flour, based on the presence of cereal starch residues. The use-wear data we have obtained provide crucial information about the function of this and other percussive tools at Ohalo II, as well as on investment in tool manufacture, discard strategies and evidence for plant processing in the Late Pleistocene. The use-wear analysis indicates that the production of flour was a sporadic activity at Ohalo II, predating by thousands of years the onset of routine processing of plant foods.  相似文献   

A post-Pleistocene reduction trend in the dimensions of the masticatory complex followed the transition to agricultural lifestyle in several world regions. A major limitation of previous studies is large temporal gaps between the analyzed skeletal populations, which do not allow the detection and analysis of a diachronic morphological transition. In this work, we analyze a large number of specimens from the southern Levant, where agriculture first emerged in situ and for which there is a good diachronic sequence of the shift from a hunting-gathering way of life to a food producing, farming economy (12,000-7,000 uncalibrated bp). Changes in the masticatory complex are examined in the context of three prevailing dental reduction models: the Probable Mutation Effect (Brace,1963; Brace and Mahler,1971), Increasing Population Density Effect (Macchiarelli and Bondioli,1986) and Selective Compromise Effect (SCE) (Calcagno,1989). A series of linear regressions of dimension vs. time and coefficients of variation for each dimension are analyzed. Our results indicate significant reduction in the buccolingual but not mesiodistal dental dimensions and in the ramus breadth and anterior height dimensions of the mandible but not in its overall size. These findings, taken together with low coefficients of variation for the buccolingual dimensions, suggest selective pressure resulting in reduction of specific dimensions. The observed trend is in partial accordance with the SCE but differs from the trends observed in other regions, and is therefore best explained as a region-specific variant of the SCE.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to quantify the changes in activity patterns of early farming populations in the Levant through the musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM) of the upper limb as seen in skeletal remains. The transition to an agricultural way of life resulted in higher loads on the upper limb in Neolithic populations compared to the Natufian hunter-gatherer populations that preceded them. The MSM pattern for males and females indicates a gender-based division of labor both in the Natufian and the Neolithic. It may also suggest that people in the Neolithic period were engaged in different (new) activities and occupations compared to the Natufian.  相似文献   

Recombinant allergens have become a valuable tool for diagnosis and may also be used for therapy in the near future. To supply the required large amounts of functional recombinant proteins on a cost-effective basis, the production of allergens in plants by molecular farming is an alternative to microbial expression systems. Especially as post-translational modifications of the allergens, e.g., phosphorylation and glycosylation, may be important for recognition by the human immune system, the plant-based production of recombinant allergens enables the correct folding, glycosylation, and other modifications of the recombinant allergen. An introduction to the methods for plant transformation via the tumor-inducing bacterium, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, is given in this paper.  相似文献   

Remains of fruit stones of Celtis australis were found at Iron Age Tel Rehov, Israel. Also, wood fragments from Iron Age Tel Rehov and Tel Jezreel are recorded. The fruits are edible, the wood is useful for house building and tool production, and the tree is an important element in local folklore and ethnography. The archaeobotanical finds strengthen the view that the tree is indigenous to the Levant.  相似文献   

The evolution of resource specializations is poorly understood, especially in marine systems. The southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) is the largest of the phocid seals, sexually dimorphic, and thought to prey predominantly on fish and squid. We collected vibrissae from male and female southern elephant seals, and assessed stable C and N isotope ratios along the length of the vibrissae. Given that whiskers grow slowly, this sampling strategy reflects any variation in feeding behaviour over a period of time. We found that isotopic variation among females was relatively small, and that the apparent prey choice and trophic level of females was different from that for males. Further, males showed a very broad range of trophic/prey choice positions, grouped into several clusters, and this included isotopic values too low to match a broad range of potential fish and cephalopod prey tested. One of these clusters overlapped with data for South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens), which were measured for comparison. Both male southern elephant seals and southern sea lions forage over the continental shelf, providing the potential for competition. We discuss the possibility that individual southern elephant seals are pursuing specialist foraging strategies to avoid competition, both with one another, and with the South American sea lions that breed nearby.  相似文献   

The conventional ‘Neolithic package’ comprised animals and plants originally domesticated in the Near East. As farming spread on a generally northwest trajectory across Europe, early pastoralists would have been faced with the challenge of making farming viable in regions in which the organisms were poorly adapted to providing optimal yields or even surviving. Hence, it has long been debated whether Neolithic economies were ever established at the modern limits of agriculture. Here, we examine food residues in pottery, testing a hypothesis that Neolithic farming was practiced beyond the 60th parallel north. Our findings, based on diagnostic biomarker lipids and δ13C values of preserved fatty acids, reveal a transition at ca 2500 BC from the exploitation of aquatic organisms to processing of ruminant products, specifically milk, confirming farming was practiced at high latitudes. Combining this with genetic, environmental and archaeological information, we demonstrate the origins of dairying probably accompanied an incoming, genetically distinct, population successfully establishing this new subsistence ‘package’.  相似文献   

Morphological traits of Iris section Oncocyclus (Siems.) Baker in the southern Levant (Israel, Jordan, The Palestinian Authority and Sinai/Egypt) were analysed in order to clarify taxonomic relationships among taxa and the validity of diagnostic characters. Floral and vegetative characters were measured in 42 populations belonging to nine species during the peak of the flowering season in 1998–2000. Pearson's Coefficient of Racial Likelihood (CRL) was used to calculate morphological distances between populations. Twelve of the measured populations, distributed along the north-south aridity gradient in Israel, were further explored for morphological changes along the gradient. Cluster analysis revealed two major clusters: the first includes most of the dark-coloured Iris populations, with populations of I. petrana Dinsmore and I. mariae W. Barbey forming a subcluster; the second consists of all the light-coloured populations but also some dark-coloured populations. Pearson's CRL and geographical distance were significantly correlated among the dark-coloured populations. Along the geographical gradient, flower, stem and leaf size traits decrease towards the south, probably as an adaptation to aridity. This suggests that natural selection promoted the differences between populations. Almost no discrete phenotypic groups exist within the Oncocyclus species of the southern Levant except for variation in the floral colours. Most of the suggested diagnostic characters proved unreliable in that they varied continuously across populations. The taxonomical difficulties encountered in this study reflect the special evolutionary state of the Oncocyclus irises as a group in the course of speciation.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 369–382.  相似文献   

Pre-Pottery Neolithic assemblages are best known from the fertile areas of the Mediterranean Levant. The archaeological site of Jebel Qattar 101 (JQ-101), at Jubbah in the southern part of the Nefud Desert of northern Saudi Arabia, contains a large collection of stone tools, adjacent to an Early Holocene palaeolake. The stone tool assemblage contains lithic types, including El-Khiam and Helwan projectile points, which are similar to those recorded in Pre-Pottery Neolithic A and Pre-Pottery Neolithic B assemblages in the Fertile Crescent. Jebel Qattar lies ∼500 kilometres outside the previously identified geographic range of Pre-Pottery Neolithic cultures. Technological analysis of the typologically diagnostic Jebel Qattar 101 projectile points indicates a unique strategy to manufacture the final forms, thereby raising the possibility of either direct migration of Levantine groups or the acculturation of mobile communities in Arabia. The discovery of the Early Holocene site of Jebel Qattar suggests that our view of the geographic distribution and character of Pre-Pottery Neolithic cultures may be in need of revision.  相似文献   

Non-persistent viruses are transmitted by aphids in short feeding probes during the initial stages of aphid host plant selection behaviour. To control the transmission of these viruses, farmers rely on pesticides and cultural control practices, with varying success rates. As a result, there is a need for novel management practices that are more robust and specific to reducing aphid landing rates in crops. Aphid–plant–virus interactions involve a number of behaviours and processes to ensure survival of the insect vector and virus. So far, virus management tactics focused on reducing immigrating aphids in crops have emphasized the manipulation of visual rather than olfactory stimuli. An improved understanding of the synergistic or additive effects in which aphids use visual and olfactory stimuli to locate host plants could be used to improve on current non-persistent virus management tactics and develop novel strategies. The aim of this review is to evaluate current understanding of aphid vector behaviour and the ways that these behaviours have been exploited to develop management strategies, and to identify areas of research needed to further improve virus management.  相似文献   

Summary A time-depth-temperature recorder provided a continuous record of diving by a female southern elephant seal in relation to water temperature for 27 days (1939 dives) after completion of moult. Mean maximum dive depth was 391±2.6 m and the overall maximum was 775 m. Dives lasted on average 17.5±0.09 min. Most dives showed a rapid descent to the discontinuity between the cold surface water and warmer deep water. Consequently the seal spent 57% of its time while diving at a depth of 200–400 m when it may have been foraging. This strongly suggests that the seal was exploiting a food source at the discontinuity between vertically stratified water masses. The water temperature data also indicated that the seal was diving in waters south of the Antarctic Polar Front and at some distance from the northern edge of the pack ice. The seal spent 88% of its time under water. Normal surface intervals between dives lasted an average of 2.1 ± 0.1 min whereas 16 extended surface intervals (>10 min duration) lasted 32.7±4.6 min. Dives were deeper during the day than at night and all but one extended surface interval occurred at night. The pattern of dives was similar to records from northern elephant seals but this is the first study to show how diving behaviour relates to water temperature.  相似文献   

We have compared edible plant richness, diversity and differential patterns of use in two Mapuche communities of Argentina. The populations of Rams and Cayulef are located in a herbaceous steppe, far from the temperate forests of northwestern Patagonia where their ancestors lived in the past. Ecological concepts and methods, such as diversity indices, niche breadth and optimal foraging theory have been used in this comparative study. Our results indicate that the diversity of wild plants used in Rams and Cayulef is associated with the variety of gathering environments they visit. When comparing diversity indices among the three environments within each community, in Cayulef we found the highest diversity indices for steppe species and the lowest for forest plants. In contrast, in Rams the niche breadth is similar in all environments, indicating an ample exploration and use of edible wild plants. Cost and benefit trade-offs seem to be considered in both communities when edible plants are collected. Nevertheless, we found that the people from Rams not only utilize a greater richness of wild plants than the Cayulef people, but also use more nutritious resources, spend more time traveling to the gathering sites and a longer handling time in preparing these edible plants. This study has quantitatively shown that the restricted access to Pehuen forest (Araucaria araucana) is the main factor which seems to limit wild plant diversity used in these Mapuche communities.  相似文献   

Occlusal wear rate and wear plane in two Chalcolithic ( approximately 6500-5500 BP) samples from the southern Levant were compared, using paired first and second mandibular molars. Though food staples in both societies were derived from agro-pastoralism, they were located in distinct environmental regions: Wadi (W.) Makkukh in the Judean desert, and Peqi'in in the Upper Galilee. Accordingly, it was predicted that variation in wear should occur due to their location in distinct environments. Jaw size and tooth size were measured to estimate the possible impact of these variables on wear scores. Molar occlusal surfaces were divided into four quadrants, and wear scores were recorded for each quadrant. Principal axis analysis was then performed between total wear scores of paired, adjacent first and second molars to assess wear rates. Principal axis analysis was also used to analyze the change in occlusal wear plane in each sample by comparing between-buccal-cusps wear scores of the first molar with lingual wear scores of the second molar. The results indicate that the occlusal wear plane was similar in both samples but that wear tended to be more rapid in W. Makkukh. Since both samples were similar in jaw/tooth size, it is argued that the results reflect less refined food-processing methods as well as the unintentional ingestion of sand by individuals interred in the Judean desert.  相似文献   

Summary Easily soluble heavy-metal fractions from different soils, a garbage-sewage sludge compost and peat were extracted by EUF. Blanks were determined by extracting distilled water. As the rubber seal of the extraction chamber contained Zn, the obtained Zn values were not reliable. The relative standard deviations of extracted micronutrients were 29.1% for Fe and 20.5% for Mn, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr were not only found in the filters but also in the extracts.The extraction of CrIII and CrVI solutions showed that CrVI mainly migrated into the anode extract. CrIII was found mainly in the cathode filter and cathode extract, a smaller part however was obviously oxidized to CrVI and migrated into the anode extract. Consequently, CrIII and CrVI in soils could not be distinguished unequivocally by EUF.The amounts of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd extracted by EUF from various substrates were small compared with the quantities extracted by 2N HCl. The heavy metal contents of the leaves were mostly in the order of those of the EUF extract.Several vineyard soils as well as peat were mixed with increasing quantities of Grünsalz (green salt), a fertilizer consisting mainly of iron sulphate. High amounts of Grünsalz (100–200 g/200 g soil) were necessary to raise soluble Fe in calcareous soils. In peat, however, small Grünsalz additions (1 g/50 g peat) were sufficient. Soluble Mn and Cu increased too when Grünsalz was added to soil or peat. These results give valuable information on how grapevine chlorosis can be reduced by the use of Grünsalz or mixtures of peat and Grünsalz.  相似文献   

Despite widespread criticism, the shifting cultivation model continues to inform discussion of Neolithic farming in Europe, beginning with early Neolithic (Linearbandkeramik or LBK) communities concentrated in the loess belt of western-central Europe. Hundreds of LBK and later Neolithic sites have been excavated in this region and many of them sampled for charred plant remains. Archaeobotanical data on the weed floras harvested with crops provide the most direct archaeological evidence of crop husbandry practices, including the permanence of crop fields, but have played a limited role in the debate over shifting cultivation. The Hambach Forest experiment, conducted in the 1970s-80s near Cologne, Germany, provides valuable comparative data on the weed floras growing in newly cleared cultivation plots in an area of longlived mixed oak woodland on loess-based soil. Correspondence analysis of the Hambach weed survey data suggests that weed floras of fields managed under a shifting cultivation regime would be rich in perennial species, including woodland perennials. Comparison of these results with Neolithic weed assemblages from the loess belt of western-central Europe strongly suggests that Neolithic crop fields were not recently cleared of woodland vegetation but were long-established. Received September 5, 2001 / Accepted February 26, 2002  相似文献   

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