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Summary The sequence of the Ac element isolated from the wx-m7 allele has been determined. The Ac element is 4563 bp long. A central portion of roughly 3.1 kb is occupied by three open reading frames, two of which point in one direction and the third in the opposite direction. One of the reading frames potentially encodes a protein with a ten-fold repeat of pro gluN and pro glu dipeptides near its N-terminus. The sequences outside the open reading frames are characterized by the presence of a number of direct and inverted repeats. The Ac element may thus have evolved from a simpler progenitor structure. The sequence we have determined for the Ac from the wx-m7 allele differs in a few key positions from that reported for the Ac element from the wx-m9 allele (Pohlman et al. 1984). We have resequenced these positions in both Ac elements and find them to be identical. We conclude that the phenotypic differences between the two waxy alleles are not caused by structural differences in the Ac elements but rather may be attributable to the differences in their insertion sites.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic clones from a Northern Flint Line of Zea mays are shown to carry a 700 bp insertion, Cin 1. The Cin 1 insert is not present in the homologous, unique DNA fragment of a midwestern maize line. However, Cin 1 is present in multiple copies in both lines.Restriction enzyme analysis of the cloned DNAs and their corresponding genomic regions suggest that no alterations have occurred during the in vitro cloning procedure.  相似文献   

Summary The deposition of zein protein in maize endosperm is under the control of several regulatory loci. The isolation of DNA sequences corresponding to Opaque-2 (O2), one of such loci, is described in this paper. The mutable allele, o2-m5 was first induced moving the Ac transposable element present at the wx-m7 allele to the O2 locus. Genetic data suggest that a functional Ac element is responsible for the observed somatic mutability of o2-m5. The isolation of genomic clones containing flanking sequences corresponding to the O2 gene was possible by screening an o2-m5 genomic libary with a probe corresponding to internal Ac sequences usually absent in the defective element Ds. Out of 27 clones isolated with homology to the central part of Ac element, only clones 6IP and 21IP generated a 2.5 kb internal fragment size of an active Ac element when digested with PvuII restriction enzyme. A sequence representing a XhoI fragment of 0.9 kb lying, in the 6IP clone, adjacent to the Ac elements, was subcloned and utilized to prove that it corresponded to a part of the O2 gene. To obtain this information we made use of: (1) DNAs from several reversions originating from the unstable (o2mk-(r) allele, which, when digested with SstI, showed a correct 3.4 kb fragment typical of non-inserted alleles of the O2 locus; and (2) recessive alleles of the O2 locus which were devoid of a 2.0 kb mRNA, present on the contrary in the wild type and in other zein regulating mutants different from O2.This paper is dedicated to the memory of R. Marotta, who actively participated in the realization of this work  相似文献   

Summary Maize DNAs isolated from wild type and from mutants caused by the insertion of transposable genetic element Ds at the gene encoding endosperm sucrose synthase (Sh) are compared in Southern blotting experiments by hybridization to Sh-cDNA cloned in pBR322. Differences observed between the DNAs of the wild type and the mutants indicate the presence of additional DNA at the Sh locus and/or DNA alterations that have occurred subsequent to the insertion of Ds. A double mutant exhibiting the recessive phenotype of both sh and the closely linked gene bz lacks DNA hybridizing to the probe and may be a deletion.  相似文献   

Summary Germinal and somatic excision products of Mu1 from the insertion allele bz::mu1 were selectively amplified from maize cob tissue. The sequence of these footprints often included deletions at the target site, suggesting that substantial exonucleolytic degradation occurs upon excision of the element. In addition to deletions of target site sequences, single base insertions were also found. The isolation of an excision product including a 4 by inverted duplication of the target site provides evidence that the double-stranded chromosomal break generated by Mu excision may be terminated by a covalently closed hairpin structure. The majority of excision products, however, do not include inverted duplications of target site sequences, suggesting that such structures are the result of occasional repair activities, rather than an essential step in the mechanism of Mu excision. The sequence of the Mu insertion sites of the bz::mu1 and bz::mu2 alleles is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of plants from mechanically isolated microspores of corn (Zea mays). Large populations of corn microspores were isolated using technology previously developed for rapeseed. Embryos and callus were developed from microspores in the late uninucleate stage. Scutellar-type embryos developed after two weeks and these could be transferred and germinated on a hormone free medium. However, the large majority of plants recovered from embryos developed only upon transfer to a corn embryogenic callus medium. These embryos produced shoots through organogenesis, and subsequently could be induced to form roots. Plants were developed from these colonies and grown in the greenhouse. The frequency of mature plants developed from the embryos was approximately 5 %. Non embryogenic callus which developed from some microspores have thus far either failed to develop or have developed only roots. Seed set has been obtained on some of the regenerated plants.  相似文献   

Exudation of maize roots was studied using a microdrop recorder. The high-resolution measurements of relatively short-term changes in exudation seems to be one of the most useful and unproblematic applications of the microdrop recorder. When mannitol, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and kinetin were supplied to the medium bathing, the surfaces of excised maize roots, a marked decrease in root exudation was observed. The action of fusicoccin and that of abscisic acid (ABA) showed a sharp and then a slower decline on root exudation, though, enhanced exudation was sustained over a much longer period, in comparison to that recorded for mannitol and polyethylene glycol. A decline in the volume of exudates is related to an increase in the water deficit, in coincidence to changes in the osmotic gradient between root cells and the bathing medium generated by expelling exudates.  相似文献   

Transposition depends on DNA sequences located at or near the termini of the transposon. In the maize transposable element Ds, these sequences were studied by site-directed mutagenesis followed by a transient excision assay in Petunia protoplasts. The transposase-binding AAACGG motifs found in large numbers in the element are important, but none of them is in itself indispensable, for excision. However, mutation of an isolated motif at the 3 end considerably reduced excisability. The inverted termini were confirmed to be indispensable. Point mutations in regions outside the inverted termini of Ds and not located in the transposase-binding motifs had, in some cases, a pronounced effect on excision frequency. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary An unstable spontaneous mutation in the maize Adh1 gene, coding for alcohol dehydrogenase, was selected by allyl alcohol poisoning of wild type Adh1 pollen from a maize line carrying Ds at the Bz2 locus and one copy of Ac in an unknown position. The mutant has a null phenotype. No wild type pollen grains were detected in strains devoid of Ac, but in the presence of Ac, wild type pollen grains were detected with a frequency of between 10-4 and 10-3. In addition, events have been identified in the aleurone in which reversions of both bz2-m and the unstable adh1 mutation occurred in the same patch of tissue, presumably in response to an alteration of Ac. By these criteria, the Adh1 mutant is caused by Ds. DNA blotting experiments have shown the presence of a 1.3 kb insertion in the Adh1 gene. All or part of this Ds insertion is transcribed, and is detected as an insertion within the ADH1-mRNA. The longer mRNA hybridizes to an authentic Ds probe.This Ds element differs in size from other known Ds insertions.  相似文献   

以玉米自交系‘昌7-2’三叶期前后2个时间点(种子萌发后5d和8d)幼苗不同组织部位的总RNA为研究对象,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术,对玉米中6个Argonaute(AGO)蛋白家族基因(AGO1、AGO2、AGO4、AGO5、AGO7和AGO10)在幼苗不同发育时期及不同组织部位的表达谱进行了研究。结果表明:(1)AGO1、AGO2、AGO4和AGO7在种子萌发后5d和8d幼苗不同组织中均有表达,种子萌发后5d幼苗中的平均表达量均高于萌发8d的幼苗,且在地上部分新生组织或细胞分裂比较旺盛的组织中表达较多,表明AGO1、AGO2、AGO4和AGO7可能在玉米幼苗发育早期的分生组织分裂生长中发挥调控作用。(2)AGO5和AGO10只在叶片和茎尖中表达,其他组织中不表达;其中AGO5主要集中在新生叶和种子萌发后8d的茎尖中,AGO10在玉米叶发育过程中可能存在着迁移的现象。  相似文献   

In leaves of Zea mays kept in air with reduced or increased CO2, the level of carbonic anhydrase is reduced or increased respectively. In Avena sativa an opposite effect of pCO2 is observed. In both cases the enzyme activity rapidly reached normal values when the plants were transferred back to normal atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary The first successful culture, with sustained divisions, of protoplasts from intact plants of Zea mays is described. The method involves the use of a hanging microdrop array technique which permits the testing of very large numbers of different culture media and hormone variations. Several different phytohormone combinations were found to allow sustained divisions in protoplasts isolated from stem tissue of corn plants, suggesting the importance of the source of the protoplasts rather than specific medium conditions. In some cases more than 5% of the protoplasts divided, giving macroscopic calluses within 35 days.  相似文献   

Summary The c2 locus of Zea mays, identified as one of the genes affecting anthocyanin biosynthesis, was cloned using the transposable element En (Spm) as a gene tag. The Spm element present at the c2 locus in the autonomously mutating c2-m1 line was isolated using En1 element specific probes. Sequences flanking the element were identified as c2 locus specific and were used to clone the nonautonomous c2-m2 and wild-type alleles. The cloning and analysis of a cDNA complementary to the c2 locus provided evidence that this gene encodes the enzyme chalcone synthase.  相似文献   

Summary The maize transposable element Ac has been introduced into potato via the T-DNA (transferred DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Ac was inserted within the untranslated leader region of a neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT-II) gene such that excision restored NPT-II activity. Two approaches to monitor Ac excision were used. (i) Using an Agrobacterium strain harbouring plasmid pGV3850::pKU3, leaf discs were selected on kanamycin (Km) after exposure to Agrobacterium. (ii) Using a strain containing plasmid pGV3850HPT::pKU3, the leaf discs were selected on hygromycin (Hm) and the resulting shoots were checked for NPT-II expression. Thirteen kanamycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850::pKU3 were isolated, suggesting that Ac had excised from the NPT-II gene. Out of 43 hygromycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850HPT::pKU3, 22 expressed the NPT-II gene, indicating that Ac had undergone excision in approximately 50% of the hygromycin resistant shoots. Southern analysis revealed that all kanamycin resistant plants contained the DNA restriction fragments expected when Ac excises from the NPT-II gene. The presence of Ac at new locations within the genomic DNA of several transformants was also detected.  相似文献   

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