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Unconsidered factors affecting hydrogenase activity measurement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of sample geometry and enzyme concentration on the H2-evolving activity of hydrogenase from Thiocapsa roseopersicina was measured. The specific activity increased linearly with increasing interface area between the liquid and the gas phase. Enzyme concentration was varied over four orders of magnitude and within this range the apparent specific activity depended on hydrogenase concentration. The experimental findings have been interpreted by a mathematical model involving competing H2 consumption reactions. The observed phenomena interfere with the widely used hydrogenase assay so that most of the previously published specific activity values are underestimated and should be corrected. The systematic error due to these hitherto unspecified parameters can easily exceed 10 000%; therefore, a thorough standardization of the assay procedure is necessary in order to make the data from various laboratories comparable.  相似文献   

In bioelectrochemical studies, redox mediators such as methylene blue, natural red, and thionine are used to studying the redox characteristics of enzymes in the living cell. Here we show that nitrogenase activity in Azotobacter vinelandii is completely inhibited by oxidized methylene blue (MBo) when the concentration of this mediator in the medium is increased up to 72 M. This activity in A. vinelandii is somewhat inhibited by a coenzyme, ascorbic acid (AA). However, the nitrogenase activity within the A. vinelandii cell is unchanged even for a high concentration of oxidized natural red (NRo) alone. Interestingly, these mediators and AA do not have the capacity to inhibit the H2 uptake activity of the hydrogenase in A. vinelandii. Average active rates of 66 nM H2 evolved/mg cell protein/min from the nitrogenase and 160 nM H2-uptake/mg cell protein/min from the hydrogenase in A. vinelandii are found in aid of the activities of the enzymes for H2 evolution and for H2 uptake are compared. The activities of both enzymes in A. vinelandii are strongly inhibited by thionine having high oxidative potential. Mechanisms of various mediators acting in vivo for both enzymes in A. vinelandii are discussed.  相似文献   

The protons produced by the catalytic activity of hydrogenase in H2 evolution from dithionite-reduced methyl viologen or through benzyl viologen reduction by H2 gas are automatically titrated by a pH-stat device. This approach allows the measurement of hydrogenase activity and ensures the constancy of pH during the reaction in absence of buffers. Kinetic assays and pH and temperature-dependence experiments with Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase performed by this method basically confirm the results obtained with customary manometric assay.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report the identification of an operon with six coding regions for a multisubunit membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenase in the genome of Desulfovibrio gigas. Sequence analysis of the deduced polypeptides reveals a high similarity to subunits of proteins belonging to the family of Ech hydrogenases. The operon is organised similarly to the operon coding for the Ech hydrogenase from Methanosarcina barkeri, suggesting that both encode very similar hydrogenases. Expression of the operon was detected by Northern blot and RT-PCR analyses, and the presence of the encoded proteins was examined by Western blotting. The possible role of this hydrogenase is discussed, relating it with a potential function in the H(2) cycling as a mechanism for energy conservation in D. gigas. The present study provides therefore valuable insights into the open question of the energy conserving mechanism in D. gigas.  相似文献   

Summary Lucerne, red clover and white clover were grown at two atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (300 and 1000 μl l−1) and the effects on N2 fixation, nodule mass/number and root/shoot dry matter production determined. Pea plants were similarly evaluated as a comparison with grain legumes. CO2 enrichment increased N2 fixation activity in all cases but activity/unit nodule mass was significantly increased only in the pea. The enhancement of N2 fixation in herbage legumes by CO2 enrichment reflected an increase in nodule mass which in turn was attributed to increased nodule number, and results show that under the experimental conditions obtaining here photosynthate supply did not limit nodule N2 fixation in these plants though it was limiting in the case of peas. White clover growing in a 6 and 14 hour photoperiod was studied for response of the N2 fixing system to light. Long photoperiod (14 hour) plants assayed at constant temperature (20°C) did not show a significant response to light at the end of the dark period either in terms of fixation per plant or per unit nodule mass, in contrast with short photoperiod (6 hour) plants which showed significant responses. Short photoperiod plants compensated for reduced photosynthates by maintaining only half the root nodule mass and fixation activity of 14 hour photoperiod plants though plants in both systems supported similar rates of N2 fixation per unit mass of nodule during the photoperiod. Comparison of N2 fixation activities in whole and decapitated plant systems indicates the importance of shoot reserves for sustaining nitrogenase activity in white clover during short-term interruption of photosynthesis. These results support the conclusion of the CO2 enrichment studies, that herbage legumes have the potential for supplying their nodule photosynthate requirements for sustaining optimum rates of N2 fixation and excess carbon supply is used solely to promote further nodulation. Nodules of short photoperiod white clover plants were less efficient in N2 fixation in that they evolved more H2 relative to N2 (C2H2) reduced than did long photoperiod plants.  相似文献   

Feng R F  Yang W Q  Zhang J  Deng R J  Jian Y  Lin J 《农业工程》2007,27(10):4019-4026
Little is known about the responses of the activities of soil enzymes that are related to mass cycle to simulated climate change. Therefore, 72 intact soil columns from the primary fir (Abies faxoniana Rehder & E. H. Wilson) forest were parked in environment-controlled chambers with the CK (outside ambient CO2 concentration and temperature), EC (elevated concentration CO2 with (347.1 ± 22.1) μmol·mol?1), ET (elevated temperature with (2.4 ± 0.4)°C), and ECT (elevated CO2 concentration with (352.8 ± 27.6) μmol·mol?1 and temperature with (2.2 ± 0.5)°C) treatments, and the activities of invertase, urease, nitrate reductase and acid phosphatase, which are related to the cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in mineral soil (MS) and organic layer (OL) were measured simultaneously to understand the responses of these enzymes to climate change. Significant monthly variations on the activities of the studied enzymes were found in both OL and MS with the highest enzyme activities in summer, which were of ecological significance for soil nutrient availability and tree nutrition in the subalpine forest ecosystem. Different monthly patterns of enzyme activities were attributed to enzyme sources and soil layer. EC treatment had influenced slightly on the activities of the studied enzymes resulting from the higher CO2 concentration in soil atmosphere and no indirect effect from the EC owing to a lack of trees planted on soils. ET treatment increased enzyme activities in comparison with the CK treatment because ET was beneficial to microbial growth and propagation. The increments of the enzyme activities in OL were higher than those in MS, implying that OL is more sensitive to climate change. ECT treatment sharply increased enzyme activities in comparison with the EC and CK, but there was no significant difference between ET and ECT, which was also attributed to no indirect effect by EC treatment owing to trees not planted on soils, implying that the increment of enzyme activities resulted from the temperature effect. However, further studies on indirect effect and complex effect on soil enzyme activity caused by EC, ET and ECT are needed to understand the soil enzyme responses to the climate change.  相似文献   

The pH dependences of activities of homogenous hydrogenases of Thiocapsa roseopersicina and Desulfomicrobium baculatum in the reaction of hydrogen uptake in solution in the presence of benzyl viologen and the pH dependences of catalytic currents of hydrogen oxidation by electrodes on which these hydrogenases were immobilized were compared. Maximal activities of the hydrogenases from T. roseopersicina and D. baculatum in the reaction hydrogen uptake in solution were observed at pH 9.5 and 8.5, respectively. However, the steady-state current caused by catalytic uptake of hydrogen was maximal for the T. roseopersicina hydrogenase-containing electrode at pH 5.5-6.5 under overvoltage of 30-60 mV, whereas for electrodes with D. baculatum hydrogenase it was maximal at pH 6.0-6.5. Analysis of these data suggests that pH-dependent changes in the hydrogenase activities in solution during hydrogen uptake are due not only to the effect of proton concentration on the enzyme conformation or protonation of certain groups of the enzyme active center, but they are rather indicative of changes in free energy of the reaction accompanying changes in pH.  相似文献   

Effect of carbon dioxide concentration on microbial respiration in soil   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In order to assess the validity of conventional methods for measuring CO2 flux from soil, the relationship between soil microbial respiration and ambient CO2 concentration was studied using an open-flow infra-red gas analyser (IRGA) method. Andosol from an upland field in central Japan was used as a soil sample. Soil microbial respiration activity was depressed with the increase of CO2 concentration in ventilated air from 0 to 1000 ppmv. At 1000 ppmv, the respiration rate was less than half of that at 0 ppmv. Thus, it is likely that soil respiration rate is overestimated by the alkali absorption method, because CO2 concentration in the absorption chamber is much lower than the normal level. Metabolic responses to CO2 concentration were different among groups of soil microorganisms. The bacteria actinomycetes group cultivated on agar medium showed a more sensitive response to the CO2 concentration than the filamentous fungi group.  相似文献   

Among the different isoforms of NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) involved in a wide range of metabolic pathways in plants, the NADP-ME that participates in C4-photosynthesis is the most studied. In the present work, the expression in E. coli of a cDNA encoding for a maize non-photosynthetic NADP-ME is presented. The recombinant NADP-ME thus obtained presents kinetic and structural properties different from the enzyme previously purified from etiolated leaves and roots. Moreover, the recombinant non-photosynthetic NADP-ME presents very high intrinsic NADP-ME activity, which is unexpected for a non-C4 NADP-ME. Using antibodies against this recombinant enzyme, an immunoreactive band of 66 kDa is detected in different maize tissues indicating that the 66 kDa-NADP-ME is in fact a protein expressed invivo. The recombinant NADP-ME assembles as a dimer, although the results obtained indicate that a higher molecular mass oligomeric state of the enzyme is found in maize roots in vivo. In this way, maize presents at least three NADP-ME isoforms: a 72 kDa constitutive form (previously characterized); the novel non-photosynthetic 66 kDa isoform characterized in this work (which is the product of the ZmChlMe2gene and the likely precursor to the evolution of the photosynthetic C4 NADP-ME) and the 62 kDa isoform (implicated in C4 photosynthesis). The contribution of the present work anticipates further studies concerning the equilibrium between the oligomeric states of the NADP-ME isoforms and the evolution towards the C4 isoenzyme in maize.  相似文献   

In the past, it has been difficult to discriminate between hydrogen synthesis and uptake for the three active hydrogenases in Escherichia coli (hydrogenase 1, 2, and 3); however, by combining isogenic deletion mutations from the Keio collection, we were able to see the role of hydrogenase 3. In a cell that lacks hydrogen uptake via hydrogenase 1 (hyaB) and via hydrogenase 2 (hybC), inactivation of hydrogenase 3 (hycE) decreased hydrogen uptake. Similarly, inactivation of the formate hydrogen lyase complex, which produces hydrogen from formate (fhlA) in the hyaB hybC background, also decreased hydrogen uptake; hence, hydrogenase 3 has significant hydrogen uptake activity. Moreover, hydrogen uptake could be restored in the hyaB hybC hycE and hyaB hybC fhlA mutants by expressing hycE and fhlA, respectively, from a plasmid. The hydrogen uptake results were corroborated using two independent methods (both filter plate assays and a gas-chromatography-based hydrogen uptake assay). A 30-fold increase in the forward reaction, hydrogen formation by hydrogenase 3, was also detected for the strain containing active hydrogenase 3 activity but no hydrogenase 1 or 2 activity relative to the strain lacking all three hydrogenases. These results indicate clearly that hydrogenase 3 is a reversible hydrogenase.  相似文献   

Uptake hydrogenase activity in nodules of green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) (Wilczek)), black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) (Hepper)), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) and cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) (Taub.)), formed with two Hup+ (S24 and CT2014) and one Hup (M11)Rhizobium strains, was determined at different levels of external H2 in air atmosphere. Nodules of all the 4 host species formed by inoculation with strains S24 and CT2014, showed H2 uptake but not those formed with strain M11. H2 uptake rates were higher in 1 and 2% H2 in air atmosphere (v/v) than at 5 or 10% levels in all the host species. Variations in the relative rates of H2 uptake were observed both, due to host species as well as due toRhizobium strains. However, no host dependent complete repression of the expression of H2 uptake activity was observed in nodules of any of the host species formed with Hup+ strains.  相似文献   

Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC. has been obtained from Nicotiana tabacum leaf homogenates with specific activites from 0.5 to 0.8 µmol CO2 fixed (mg protein min)-1. These activities are reconciled with much lower, previously reported activities. The results suggest that if the tobacco enzyme is assayed under optimum conditions there is little difference in the intrinsic specific activities of tobacco and spinach ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. Several factors affecting activity measurements were examined.  相似文献   

The H2-splitting active site of [NiFe] hydrogenases is tightly bound to the protein matrix via four conserved cysteine residues. In this study, the nickel-binding cysteine residues of HoxC, the large subunit of the H2-sensing regulatory hydrogenase (RH) from Ralstonia eutropha, were replaced by serine. All four mutant proteins, C60S, C63S, C479S, and C482S, were inactive both in H2 sensing and H2 oxidation and did not adopt the native oligomeric structure of the RH. Nickel was bound only to the C482S derivative. The assembly of the [NiFe] active site is a complex process that requires the function of at least six accessory proteins. Among these proteins, HypC has been shown to act as a chaperone for the large subunit during the maturation process. Immunoblot analysis revealed the presence of a strong RH-dependent HypC-specific complex in extracts containing the C60S, C63S, and C482S derivatives, pointing to a block in maturation for these mutant proteins. The lack of this complex in the extract containing C479S indicates that this specific cysteine residue might be crucial for the interaction between HoxC and HypC.This work is dedicated to Prof. H.G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

The effect of different carbon sources on the growth of Frankia isolates for Casuarina sp. was studied. In addition, regulation of nitrogenase and uptake hydrogenase activity by carbon sources was investigated. For each of the three isolates, JCT287, KB5 and HFPCcI3, growth was greatest on the carbon sources pyruvate and propionate. In general the carbon sources which gave the greatest growth gave the highest levels of nitrogenase activity, but repressed the activity of uptake hydrogenase. The regulation of growth, uptake hydrogenase activity and nitrogenase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The large subunit HoxC of the H2-sensing [NiFe] hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha was purified without its small subunit. Two forms of HoxC were identified. Both forms contained iron but only substoichiometric amounts of nickel. One form was a homodimer of HoxC whereas the second also contained the Ni-Fe site maturation proteins HypC and HypB. Despite the presence of the Ni-Fe active site in some of the proteins, both forms, which lack the Fe-S clusters normally present in hydrogenases, cannot activate hydrogen. The incomplete insertion of nickel into the Ni-Fe site provides direct evidence that Fe precedes Ni in the course of metal center assembly.  相似文献   

We studied changes in biochemical and physiological status, level of oxidative damage, and antioxidant enzyme activities in detached leaves of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Pyunggangnaebyungsamchuk) that were exposed to a low temperature (4°C). Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) declined during the chilling treatment, but was slowly restored after the tissues were returned to 25°C. Likewise, the fluorescence quenching coefficient and relative water content decreased during the stress period, but then increased during recovery. In contrast, we detected a significant rise in protein and hydrogen peroxide contents in the chilled leaves, as well as higher activities for superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, peroxidase, and glutathione reductase. However, the level of catalase decreased not only during chilling but also after 24 h of recovery. These results indicate that exposure to low temperatures acts as an oxidative stress. Moreover, we propose that a regulating mechanism exists in the detached cucumber leaves and contains an antioxidant defense system that induces active oxygen species, thereby alleviating the effects of chilling stress within 12 h.  相似文献   


Antioxidant enzymes are essential proteins that maintain cell proliferation potential by protecting against oxidative stress. They are present in many organisms including harmful algal bloom (HAB) species. We previously identified the antioxidant enzyme 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (PRX) in the raphidophyte Chattonella marina. This enzyme specifically decomposes a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). PRX is the only antioxidant enzyme so far identified in C. marina. This study used mRNA-seq, using Trinity assemble and blastx for annotation, to identify a further five antioxidant enzymes from C. marina: Cu Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and thioredoxin (TRX). In the gene expression analysis of six enzymes (Cu/Zn-SOD, GPX, CAT, APX, TRX and PRX) using light-acclimated (100 μmol photons m?2 s?1) C. marina cells, only PRX gene expression levels were significantly increased by strong light irradiation (1000 μmol photons m?2 s?1). H2O2 concentration and scavenging activity were also increased and significantly positively correlated with PRX gene expression levels. In dark-acclimated cells, expression levels of all antioxidant enzymes except APX were significantly increased by light irradiation (100 μmol photons m?2 s?1). Expression decreased the following day, with the exception of PRX expression. With the exception of CAT, gene expression of antioxidant enzymes was not significantly induced by artificial H2O2 treatment, although average gene expression levels were slightly increased in some enzymes. Thus, we suggest that light is the main trigger of gene expression, but the resultant oxidative stress is also a possible factor affecting the gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in C. marina.  相似文献   

Chen Yin  Fan Da-wei 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(3):219-221
Molecular hydrogen inhibits nitrogenase activity in Anabaena pre-illuminated with red or blue light. The inhibitory effect of molecular hydrogen decreased in the presence of oxygen and several electron acceptors. When NH4Cl and urea were added simultaneously with molecular hydrogen, marked synergistic inhibitory effects took place. The inhibitory effect of molecular hydrogen disappeared or was weakened after the suppression of hydrogenase activity. The addition of O2 and electron acceptors to systems showed no enhancing effect on the C2H2-reducing activity.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):601-607
Exposure of Lemma sp. to SO2 resulted in an increased activity of superoxide dismutase. About 3 to 4 fold increase in the activity was observed within 30 minutes after the plants were fumigated with 10 ml/l of SO2. Paraquat, a well known superoxide generator, doubled the enzyme activity after 1 hour of treatment with 0.1 mM paraquat. Superoxide dismutase activity was also enhanced by cadmium treatment but the response was not immediate. Optimum increase in the activity of enzyme was observed after 4 days of treatment with 40 mg/l of cadmium in the medium. Treatment with H2O2 very clearly inhibited the activity of superoxide dismutase in Lemna.  相似文献   

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