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The lysate of the glycogen-induced macrophages in rat peritoneal exudate was fractionated by centrifugation and extraction into a water extract, 1 M KCl extract and residue fractions. Approximately 50% of the neutral protease activity toward casein in the lysate was recovered in the KCl extract fraction, which was practically devoid of acid protease, cathepsin D. The pH optimum of the neutral protease toward casein and urea-denatured hemoglobin was pH 8.5. The activity was inhibited strongly by DFP or chymostatin and only partially by HgCl2 or PCMB. Addition of a salt to the reaction medium caused enhancement of the activity with an optimum concentration of 0.25 M: KCl, KBr, KI, NaCl, NaBr, NaI, and MgCl2 were all almost equally effective. When the enzyme preparation was filtered through a column of Sephadex G-75 gel in the presence of 1 M KCl, a larger molecular weight fraction at the void volume was obtained in addition to a smaller molecular weight fraction showing a caseinolytic activity insensitive to KCl concentration. The former was found to have a specific inhibitory effect on the latter activity.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that apoptosis leads to no production of pro-inflammatory cytokines or the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines in vivo, although the response of macrophages following phagocytosis of apoptotic cells in vivo has not been examined. In this study we therefore examined the response to apoptotic cells in vivo. Injection of apoptotic cells into the peritoneal cavity of mice led to transient neutrophil infiltration and concomitant production of MIP-2, a mouse homologue of IL-8. Apoptotic cells were phagocytosed by macrophages, as revealed on two-color flow cytometric analysis and microscopic observation. When the mice were depleted of macrophages by pretreatment with liposome-encapsulated dichloromethylene bisphosphonate, both neutrophil infiltration and MIP-2 production were significantly suppressed, suggesting that macrophages are required for MIP-2 production in this in vivo response. These results support the hypothesis that extensive apoptosis occurring rapidly may induce an inflammatory response in vivo.  相似文献   

A thermostable and dialyzable peptide, released from rabbit IgG by rabbit neutrophil neutral thiol protease, exhibited a distinct chemotactic activity for rat lymphocytes; it was assumed to be derived from the Fc fragment (but not from the Fab fragment) by the enzyme. This substance seemed to be effective for adherent cells (B cells) from rat spleen, but not for nonadherent cells (T cells). The chemotactic peptide was purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 and G-15 and then by high-voltage paper electrophoresis. As previously described, the IgG residue after release of dialyzable peptide(s) exhibited chemotactic activity for neutrophils but not for macrophages.  相似文献   

Actions of cytochalasins on polymorphonuclear leucocytes of guinea pig peritoneal exudates have been studied. When the leucocytes were treated with cytochalasin E, complete disappearance of pseudopods was observed during a time, which would be related with the inhibition of particle ingestion. Intracellular granules migrated to the cell periphery in ectoplasma and were afterwards excluded from the cells. Later, formation of cytoplasmic protuberations with irregular shapes and variable diameters (“zeiosis”) and of large vacuoles were observed. Similar changes were also observed in monocytes. These morphological changes were accompanied with metabolic alterations which mimicked those observed during phagocytosis: appearance of cyanide-insensitive respiration, stimulation of hexose monophosphate oxidative pathway and release of superoxide anions and lysosomal enzymes into suspending medium. Other members of the cytochalasin family, cytochalasin C and D, similarly induced release of superoxide anions, whereas cytochalasin A and B had no such effect on leucocytes. Cytochalasin E seemed to have dual effects on leucocytes, namely, (1) inhibition of cytokinesis which is a common effect of the cytochalasin family; and (2) triggering of metabolic changes and degranulation which are characteristics of phagocytotic process.  相似文献   

Several features which affect the yields of guinea pig peritoneal exudate macrophages were investigated. Optimum yields were obtained from ex-breeding female guinea pigs, aged ca 18 mo, 10 da after injection with Marcol 80.  相似文献   

Summary The immunological and pathological responses of guinea pigs to an intramural colonic injection of emulsions containing cell wall (CW) extracts of Mycobacterium bovis BCG and mineral oil were studied from week 1 to week 36 post-inoculation. The emulsions contained variable concentrations of BCG CW attached to (lipid-phase), or separate from (aqueous-phase), the mineral oil. Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity to PPD was present throughout the course of the study in a variable percentage of guinea pigs inoculated with either type of emulsion. PPD-induced blast transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes, studied in guinea pigs which received lipid-phase emulsion, was also detectable throughout the course of the study, with maximal response seen 2 weeks post-inoculation. The intracolonic inoculations were well tolerated, with the exception of the most concentrated lipid-phase emulsion (3 mg/ml BCG CW and 5% oil), after which one of eight guinea pigs died due to a colonic impaction and rupture at the site of inoculation. The pathological response to either type of emulsion was a focal granulomatous colitis, which tended to be more severe as the concentration of BCG CW and oil increased. Extracolonic lesions were usually limited to a granulomatous lymphadenitis of lymph nodes draining the injection site; however, the most concentrated lipid-phase emulsion occasionally produced granulomatous inflammatory foci in the liver and lungs. In general, the lesions induced by the lipid-phase emulsions were more severe than those induced by aqueous-phase emulsions, but the intensity of both types of lesions peaked at 2 or 4 weeks post-inoculation. It was concluded that the guinea pig may serve as a useful model to study BCG immunotherapy of colonic neoplasms, since intracolonic injection of BCG CW resulted in systemic immunity toward mycobacterial antigens and a localized accumulation of macrophages without untoward complications. The abbreviations used in this paper are: BCG CW, bacillus Calmette-Guérin cell walls; PPD, purified protein derivative; PBL, peripheral blood lymphocytes; cpm, counts per minute; SI, stimulation index; DCH, delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity  相似文献   

I V Ke?lis-Borok 《Tsitologiia》1979,21(9):1065-1073
There are about 2000 (1830 +/- 360) clonogenic precursors of fibroblast (CFU(f)) in the peritoneal liquid of guinea-pig, which form colonies (clones) in the monolayer cultures. The colonies consist of actively proliferating fibroblasts with different morphology. The proportion of colonies with different morphology shows changes during the growth of cultures. During aseptic inflammation the number of CFU(f) in the peritoneal liquid increases by 25, 15 and 4 times after 6 and 24 hours and 3 days, resp., compared to the control. 99% CFU(f) does not proliferate in situ, and the increase of the number of CFU(f) after inflammation is not followed by their proliferation. The irradiation of the peritoneal cavity killed the most of CFU(f)--97-99%. During the aseptic inflammation, the number of CFU(f) increased to 470 +/- 105 during 4 days after the irradiation, which is 5% of the number of CFU(f) on the 3rd day of inflammation for the non-irradiated animals. Thus, no intensive repopulation of clonogenic precursors of fibroblasts occurs in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

Single intraperitoneal (IP) injection of bradykinin (BK) in anesthetized guinea pigs caused concentration-related pressor effects and slight, not significant tachycardia. Intravenous injections of BK in the same animal model evoked hypotension and a marked tachycardia. IP injection of des-Arg9-BK, a selective B1 receptor agonist, caused no changes of blood pressure or heart rate. The pressor response to IP BK was reduced by concomitant IP injection of lidocaine or of D-Arg[Hyp3,D-Phe7,Leu8]BK, a B2 receptor antagonist. It was also inhibited by acute animal pretreatment with sympatholytic drugs, by chronic animal exposure to capsaicin, or acute spinalization, but it was not affected by atropine, propranolol, indomethacin, [Leu8]des-Arg9-BK, a B1 receptor antagonist, or by acute cervical vagotomy. These results suggest that pressor responses to IP BK in anesthetized guinea pigs are reflex in nature, involving abdominal, capsaicin-sensitive, nonvagal visceral afferents, efferent components of the sympathetic nervous system and possibly supraspinal centers, and likely to be mediated by B2 receptors of kinins presumably located on abdominal visceral afferents.  相似文献   

Summary DBA/2 mice were immunized against the syngeneic SL2 lymphoma by two or five injections with irradiated lymphoma cells given IP or SC, respectively. The antitumor efficacy induced in immunized mice was tested by (a) IP injection of the immunized mice with nonirradiated tumor cells and (b) transfer of the total immune peritoneal exudate, the cellular fraction only, or the cell-free fraction only, IP into tumor-bearing recipients, or (c) tumor neutralization tests (Winn assay). It was shown that immunized mice were able to reject 5×107 SL2 tumor cells (8 of 14 mice survived >100 days), while in most transfer experiments 2×105 SL2 cells could be eradicated. In the tumor neutralization experiments a number of 106 SL2 cells were eradicated. When the immune exudates were given before the inoculations of SL2 tumor cells the number of survivors increased significantly. Further, it was shown that the cellular fraction is the major contributor to the antitumor effect in the transfer experiments, since there was no significant difference in tumor eradication after injection of a complete immune exudate and after injection of the isolated cellular fraction. Injection of the noncellular fraction had no measurable antitumor effect. An increase in the number of injections with total peritoneal exudates from immunized mice did not result in an increase in tumor eradication in the tumor-bearing recipients.Extra stimulation (IP) of immunized mice with 104 nonirradiated cells 6 days after the last immunization resulted in an increase of the antitumor efficacy of these peritoneal exudates of these mice when collected 4–24 h after this stimulation. Extra stimulation with 106 irradiated cells had no measurable effect.  相似文献   

Abstract The complete nucleotide sequence of the Borrelia burgdorferi dnaA gene (encoding the initiator protein of chromosome replication) and its flanking regions was determined. The putative DnaA polypeptide exhibited 29–42% identity with those of other eubacteria. The gene order in the dnaA region at the centre of the B. burgdorferi linear chromosome is rnpA-rpmH-dnaN-dnaA-gyrB-gyrA in contrast to the consensus eubacterial order of rnpA-rpmH-dnaN-recF-gyrB , suggesting a rearrangement during the evolution of the Borrelia chromosome. We did not detect the multiple 9-nucleotide repeats known as DnaA boxes, which characterise origin of replications, in the dnaA-gyrB and dnaA-dnaN intergenic regions. In addition B. burgdorferi DnaA protein differs considerably from those of other eubacteria in a normally highly conserved region at the C-terminus of the polypeptide which may be involved in DNA binding.  相似文献   

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