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Genetic variation in domestic reindeer and wild caribou in Alaska   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus tarandus ) were introduced into Alaska 100 years ago and have been maintained as semidomestic livestock. They have had contact with wild caribou ( R. t. granti ) herds, including deliberate crossbreeding and mixing in the wild. Reindeer have considerable potential as a domestic animal for meat or velvet antler production, and wild caribou are important to subsistence and sport hunters. Our objective was to quantify the genetic relationships of reindeer and caribou in Alaska. We identified allelic variation among five herds of wild caribou and three herds of reindeer with DNA sequencing and restriction enzymes for three loci: a DQA locus of the major histocompatibility complex ( Rata-DQA1 ), K-casein and the D-loop of mitochondrial DNA. These loci are of interest because of their potential influence on domestic animal performance and the fitness of wild populations. There is considerable genetic variation in reindeer and caribou for all three loci, including five, three and six alleles for DQA , K-casein and D-loop respectively. Most alleles occur in both reindeer and caribou, which may be the result of recent common ancestry or genetic introgression in either direction. However, allele frequencies differ considerably between reindeer and caribou, which suggests that gene flow has been limited.  相似文献   

Resistance to parasites is believed to have a widespread influence on demographic and adaptive processes. In systems where parasites impose a fitness cost on their host, heterozygotes may be selected because they are more resistant to parasites than homozygotes. Our objective was to assess the relationships between genomewide individual heterozygosity and abomasal nematode burdens in female Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) after the effects of host age, locality, season, and year had been accounted for. Samples were obtained from 306 female reindeer that were culled and genotyped at nine microsatellite loci. Reindeer in our study populations are mainly parasitized by the gastrointestinal nematodes Ostertagia gruehneri and Marshallagia marshalli. The infection intensity of each parasite differed between subpopulations, and among host age classes, seasons and years. We found no significant relationships between abomasal worm burdens, or lumen and mucosa larvae, of either O. gruehneri or M. marshalli and individual heterozygosity (or mean d(2)) alone or in interactions with host age, locality, and year. Although we analysed one of the largest data set available to date on gastrointestinal nematodes of a wild ruminant, we used a typical data set of nine genetic neutral markers that may have had low power to detect heterozygosity-fitness correlations. We conclude that the proportion of the variance in parasite resistance explained by individual heterozygosity for neutral genetic markers is low in Svalbard reindeer and in vertebrates in general, and we suggest that the candidate-gene approach might be more fruitful for further research on gene-fitness correlations.  相似文献   

The differential allocation of energy to either reproductionor survival represents a major conflict with important implicationsfor patterns of life history. Here, we explore how covariationbetween maternal body weight and fetal weight vary accordingto fetal sex in a wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) populationduring two contrasting years. Maternal weights differed duringthe 2 years, probably because of a difference in populationdensity. We could not detect any change in the allocation toreproduction depending on female phenotypic distribution. Malefetuses were heavier than female fetuses, with the same relativedimorphism in both years. There was no support for a correlationbetween the sex of the fetus carried by a female and her weight.Our results suggest that the level of resource allocation toreproduction during the prenatal period is strongly determinedby female body weight and the allometric relationship betweenbody weight and metabolic rate. We discuss the consequencesof our results for population dynamics. We call for an integrationof inter- and intraspecific allometric approaches to betterunderstand constraints and variation in life-history traits.  相似文献   

2012和2013年7—8月采用样线和样带调查结合的生境调查方法,对分布于我国大兴安岭西北麓的驯鹿的夏季偏好生境开展了对比研究,并对样地的海拔和乔木郁闭度等23个生境变量进行测量及比较.结果表明: 与对照样地相比,夏季驯鹿利用样地的海拔(926.9±0.8 m)、乔木郁闭度(17.9%±2.4%)、乔木胸径(35.5±2.1 cm)、乔木高度(8.2±0.5 m)、乔木密度(6.9±0.5 株·400 m-2)及树桩数(1.3±0.2 个·400 m-2)较大,但灌木均高(54.2±2.0 cm)较小(P<0.01).驯鹿夏季偏好选择坡度较缓的中坡生境,因其夏季喜栖生境的水源较多、隐蔽度和避风性较差,距人为干扰距离和牧民点距离均较远.主成分分析(PCA)表明,干扰强度(由距人为干扰距离及距牧民点距离变量组成)、乔木特征(由乔木的高度、密度、胸径和郁闭度变量组成)、地理特征(由坡位、坡向和土壤湿润度变量组成)、食物多度(地表植被盖度和灌木盖度变量构成)、开阔度(由隐蔽度和避风状况变量构成)和坡度是影驯鹿夏季生境选择的重要因素.这6个因子提供了70.7%的累积贡献率,主要反映了驯鹿夏季在喜栖生境选择中的食物资源、抗干扰性和反捕需求.从夏季喜栖生境的生态特征来看,驯鹿并没有被完全驯化.在保护和管理实践中,应使驯鹿种群及其核心栖息地免受高强度的人为干扰.  相似文献   

The rates and causes of juvenile mortality are central features of the dynamics and conservation of large mammals, like woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 1788)), but intrinsic and extrinsic factors may be modified by variations in animal abundance. We tested the influences of population size, climate, calf weight and sex on survival to 6 months of age of 1241 radio-collared caribou calves over three decades, spanning periods of population growth (1979–1997) and decline (2003–2012) in Newfoundland, Canada. Daily survival rates were higher and rose more quickly with calf age during the population growth period compared to the decline. Population size (negatively) and calf weight (positively) affected survival during the decline but neither had a detectable influence during the growth phase. Sex, climate and plant productivity (the latter two derived from the North Atlantic Oscillation and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, respectively) exerted minimal influence during either phase. Predation was the dominant source of mortality. The mean percentage of calves killed by predators was 30 % higher during the decline compared to the growth phase. Black bears (Ursus americanus) and lynx (Lynx canadensis) were the major predators during the population increase but this changed during the decrease to black bears and coyotes (Canis latrans). Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that Newfoundland caribou experienced phase-dependent survival mediated proximally by predation and competition for food.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetic variation at seven microsatellite DNA loci was quantified in 19 herds of wild caribou and domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) from North America, Scandinavia and Russia. There is an average of 2.0-6.6 alleles per locus and observed individual heterozygosity of 0.33-0.50 in most herds. A herd on Svalbard Island, Scandinavia, is an exception, with relatively few alleles and low heterozygosity. The Central Arctic, Western Arctic and Porcupine River caribou herds in Alaska have similar allele frequencies and comprise one breeding population. Domestic reindeer in Alaska originated from transplants from Siberia, Russia, more than 100 years ago. Reindeer in Alaska and Siberia have different allele frequencies at several loci, but a relatively low level of genetic differentiation. Wild caribou and domestic reindeer in Alaska have significantly different allele frequencies at the seven loci, indicating that gene flow between reindeer and caribou in Alaska has been limited.  相似文献   

Knowledge about changes in behavioural traits related to wildness and tameness is for most mammals lacking, despite the increased trend of using domestic stock to re‐establish wild populations into historical ranges. To test for persistence of behavioural traits of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) exposed to hunting, we sampled DNA, vigilance and flight responses in wild reindeer herds with varying domestic ancestry. Analyses of 14 DNA microsatellite loci revealed a dichotomous main genetic structure reflecting their native origin, with the Rondane reindeer genetically different from the others and with least differentiation towards the Hardangervidda reindeer. The genetic clustering of the reindeer in Norefjell‐Reinsjøfjell, Ottadalen and Forollhogna, together with domestic reindeer, supports a predominant domestic origin of these herds. Despite extensive hunting in all herds, the behavioural measures indicate increasing vigilance, alert and flight responses with increasing genetic dissimilarity with domestic herds. Vigilance frequency and time spent vigilant were higher in Rondane compared to Hardangervidda, which again were higher than herds with a domestic origin. We conclude that previous domestication has preserved a hard wired behavioural trait in some reindeer herds exhibiting less fright responses towards humans that extensive hunting has, but only slightly, altered. This brings novel and relevant knowledge to discussions about genetic diversity of wildlife in general and wild reindeer herds in Norway in specific.  相似文献   

Wild reindeer have a range that extends across the circumpolar region. In the last few decades, however, populations of wild reindeer have been on the decline. The reasons for these declines are poorly understood, but are suggested to be linked to both local and global climatic factors, disease, and human interference. Hardangervidda plateau in Norway is home to the largest wild reindeer population in Europe, and is at the southern end of its European range. This population is therefore of particular importance, particularly in the light of climate change. We investigated how weather and hunting have affected the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda over the last two decades. Our findings suggest that the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda is most affected by winter temperature and hunting, where colder temperatures and lower harvest rates typically result in higher growth rates. We did not find significant evidence for linear density dependence. Our results show trends across Hardangervidda, and give an indication of how region-wide weather and hunting pressure can affect the wild reindeer population. As new data emerge, future investigations should look into the existence and nature of density dependence and the influence of other weather and human disturbance related factors.  相似文献   

In the early part of the 20th century, whalers on South Georgia in the South Atlantic transported reindeer from Norway to establish a population from which they could cull animals for food. This happened twice, with reindeer obtained from the same source in each case, and with independent founder populations being established on separate parts of the island. As the exact number of founding males and females are known in each case, and as it was possible to obtain materials from the source population, this provided an unusually clear test of expectations about the impact of population bottlenecks on morphological and genetic diversity. In this study, we focus on the impact on morphological variation and on the relationship between genomic stress and indirect measures of fitness. We find that fluctuating asymmetry and morphological variation increased in each bottlenecked population and that the impact was somewhat stronger for the founder group that began with fewer females. Based on several skull measurements, there was also a significant trend for the reindeer in the bottlenecked populations to have smaller skulls. There were consistent correlations between individual genetic diversity and indirect measures of fitness, but these were weak and non‐significant after correction for type 1 error. Taken together, these data support the expectation that genomic stress has the potential to impact the expression of morphological phenotype in a large mammal and provide an opportunity to directly compare two parallel events. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 798–811.  相似文献   

Ruminants depend on efficient physical degradation of forage through chewing to increase the surface area of the food particles presented to the microflora. Fossil evidence suggests that increased molar height is an adaptation for wear tolerance in dry ecosystems with sparse vegetation, but no study has shown selection pressure for hypsodonty in contemporary ruminants. We explored the relationships between particle size in rumen, tooth wear (scanned molar occlusal topography), age and body mass of female Svalbard reindeer living in an arctic desert at 78 degrees latitude on Svalbard. We predicted that (H1) if the rumen particle size is determined mainly by constraints due to tooth wear, and if tooth wear is mainly a function of age, average particle size in rumen should increase with age. From allometric relations it is known that larger individuals can survive on a lower-quality diet, we therefore predicted (H2) larger particle sizes with increases in (ln) body mass, irrespective of age and wear. Lastly, if there is a trade-off between growth and tooth wear in dry ecosystems (a selection pressure for hypsodonty), we predicted (H3) that teeth of heavier animals should be more worn than those of lighter animals of the same age. The proportion of small particles (<1.0 mm) decreased rapidly with increasing age (consistent with H1). Heavier females within an age class had more worn teeth (consistent with H3) than lighter ones. A close-to-isometric relationship between particle size and body mass suggested that heavier animals partly compensated for reduced tooth efficiency by chewing more. We provide the first evidence of a trade-off between fast early growth and wear (a somatic cost) of a senescence-related trait--the structure and height of the molar--in a wild ruminant inhabiting an arctic desert where selection pressure for increased tooth height is expected. This suggests that foraging conditions are more extreme than the environment in which the species originally evolved.  相似文献   

Many studies of sex differences in primates have been based on small experimental groups of peers in which only a limited range of social behavior could be expressed. In addition, the first few months of life are often the focus of such studies, with relatively little attention paid to older juveniles. In this study, 11 male and 9 female juvenile patas monkeys, living in a captive social group with all age-sex classes available, were observed between 1 and 4 years of age. A subset of seven patas monkeys was also observed between birth and 1 year of age. Here, we report the development of sex differences in independence, play, grooming, positioning behavior, and aggression over the juvenile period. Juvenile male patas monkeys played more and in longer bouts than females, but wrestling (rough-and-tumble play) was not more common among males. There were few differences in behaviors directed to male and female juveniles by other group members. Distinct differences emerged only in the behaviors of the juveniles themselves, with females being more active participants in social and aggressive interactions than males. In general, sex differences in patas monkeys show a mixture of patterns, some of which are predictive of adult sex differences and some of which appear to be specific to the particular demands of the juvenile period in this species  相似文献   

Female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in certain populations are unusual in that they exhibit male-typical patterns of mounting behavior and sexual-partner preference. The goal of this study was to determine whether female Japanese macaques, from one such population, employ male-typical behavioral tactics to disrupt existing homosexual consortships, as well as to acquire and retain same-sex sexual partners. "Harassment" of homosexual consortships occurred when a sexually motivated, third-party male or female interrupted a consorting female couple by displacing or aggressing them. Sexual harassment was a male-typical strategy for disrupting existing homosexual consortships, but was rarely performed by females. "Intrusions" occurred when a male or female competitor attempted to acquire exclusive access to a female engaged in a homosexual consortship by targeting that female as the focus of competition and her partner as his/her competitor. "Sexual coercion" occurred when one individual alternately sexually solicited and aggressed another individual as part of the same behavioral sequence during an intrusion. Males employed consortship intrusions and sexual coercion when they attempted to acquire female sexual partners that were already engaged in homosexual consortships, but females rarely did so. However, females did employ male-typical patterns of aggressive competition and sexual coercion to retain same-sex sexual partners when confronted with male competitors' attempts to usurp those partners. These results indicate that female sexual activity during homosexual consortships is not uniformly "masculine" in expression, but rather is a mixture of male- and female-typical behaviors.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effect of age on digestive processes in wild cervids. One potentially important mechanism is that tooth wear alters the occlusal surface topography, causing gradual loss of functionality. Mastication efficiency is crucial to digestion processes among ruminants, as a larger particle size is associated with longer retention times and potentially reduced digestion efficiency. Using data from 49 adult Svalbard reindeer Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus females, we investigated whether the mass of reticulo-rumen (RR) contents and tissue and the amount of back fat showed age-related changes. Older animals had higher RR content mass than younger individuals. This is consistent with the prediction that altered particle size due to decreased mastication efficiency led to increased rumen retention time either through increased RR capacity or filling. Additional data on RR particle size distribution were available for a subset ( n =30). The correlation between the proportion of small particles (<1.0 mm) and RR contents was much weaker than the correlation between age and RR contents. This suggests that additional factors apart from particle size contribute to the age-related pattern in RR content mass. The mass of RR tissue in older animals was higher than that in younger animals. This possibly reflects an adaptation to the higher organ fill. The amount of back fat decreased with age, suggesting that alterations in digestion-related processes are not sufficient to compensate for reduced mastication efficiency in Svalbard reindeer. Our results present one possible link between foraging, digestive processes and life-history patterns.  相似文献   

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