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Fifteen cointegrates of the plasmid Flac and prophage lambda that had suffered no detectable change in plasmid phenotype were isolated and characterized. The locations of the prophage insertions were determined by genetic analysis of deletion mutants obtained from each cointegrate as survivors of growth at 42 degrees C. In 11 cointegrates, the prophage was inserted between traI and lac, although probably in more than one location; in 3 others, it was on one side or the other of lac; and in 1 it was between lac and pif. Deletions covering all or part of the transfer region, as well as of lac and of pif, were obtained in the course of this analysis. Deletion mutants that had lost all known transfer genes were also oriT, but they retained the capacity to recircularize after transfer. Attempts were made to isolate lambda transducing phages for nearby plasmid genes from the cointegrates, and lambdaptraGD, lambdaptraD, lambdaptraI, and lambdadtraDI phages were obtained.  相似文献   

Induction of lambda prophage by furazolidone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A dose-dependent prophage induction by furazolidone exhibited a gradual rise to a maximum, corresponding to an exposure dose of 1.2 microgram/ml X h and a gradual fall thereafter. A 2-3-fold higher level of induction was achieved when the lysogens were treated with furazolidone in the presence of a metabolizing mixture. A maximum of about 70% efficiency of induction was achieved. Kinetics of prophage induction by any concentration of furazolidone exhibited a common pattern, viz., an initial rise for 15-20 min, then a plateau extending up to about 60 min and a faster rise thereafter. Higher concentrations of the drug (10 micrograms/ml) exhibited a toxic effect. Chloramphenicol at a concentration of 20 micrograms/ml inhibited the furazolidone-induced prophage induction, the plaque-forming units gradually decreasing from several minutes after the chloramphenicol treatment. The burst size of the lysogens was not significantly affected by treatment with 2 micrograms/ml of furazolidone up to a period of about 10 min, but thereafter, decreased faster with the duration of furazolidone treatment. The "latent period' of induction decreased linearly with the duration of furazolidone treatment.  相似文献   

Note on the structure of prophage lambda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Induction of prophage lambda by chlorinated pesticides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chlorinated organics represent an important class of environmental carcinogens. However, only a small percentage of the carcinogens of this chemical class are genotoxic in prokaryotic bioassays such as the Salmonella assay. In an effort to identify a short-term assay sensitive to chlorinated carcinogens, we have tested a group of chlorinated pesticides, most of which are carcinogenic in rodents, in a prophage-induction assay developed by Rossman et al. (1984). The Microscreen phage-induction assay is a rapid, inexpensive, miniaturized system that uses the induction of prophage lambda in Escherichia coli as an indicator of genetic damage. It has been used successfully to screen complex environmental samples for genotoxicants and has detected carcinogenic metals that are refractory in the Salmonella assay. The pesticides tested were malathion, monuron, p,p'-DDT, mirex, lindane, nitrofen, chlordane, toxaphene, captan, and dichlorvos. All but the first 4 induced prophage. The remaining pesticides were ranked as follows according to induction potency in the presence of S9: captan greater than dichlorvos greater than toxaphene greater than lindane greater than nitrofen greater than chlordane. Rankings were similar in the absence of S9. Of these 6 pesticides, only nitrofen required S9 to induce prophage. Comparisons with mutagenesis data in Salmonella indicated that the Microscreen assay detected as genotoxic each of the pesticides that were mutagenic in Salmonella; moreover, it detected 2 additional carcinogens (chlordane and lindane) that were not mutagenic in the Salmonella assay. The possible use of the Microscreen phage-induction assay to detect chlorinated organics is discussed.  相似文献   

Dual function of the lambda prophage repressor   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

A sex factor, F′450(λ), which can be isolated as a covalent circle of DNA, has been examined by alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation of lysates of induced cells in order to study λ prophage excision. Thermal derepression of the prophage results in loss of F′450(λ) covalent circles, which is mediated by systems involved in excision and initiation of replication. When protocols known to result in prophage curing are used, the F′450(λ) is converted to an F′450 and a λ covalent circle; in normal excision leading to phage development, F′450 covalent circles are not found. We have shown that: (1) excision usually occurs later than initiation of DNA replication of the prophage so that the excised prophage is usually already replicated or in the act of replication; (2) the DNA growing points of the prophage leave the prophage and enter the bacterial DNA; (3) the int and xis genes are involved in the earliest detectable stage of the excision process, i.e. breakage of the DNA at the attachment region; (4) the xis gene product is involved in a weak non-specific nuclease activity in addition to its highly specific activity in excision; and (5) the excision system fails to attack a single attachment site.  相似文献   

Inactivation of prophage lambda repressor in vivo.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jacob &; Monod (1961) postulated that prophage A induction results from the inactivation of the λ repressor by a cellular inducer. Although it has been shown that the phage A repressor is inactivated by the recA gene product in vitro (Roberts et al., 1978), we wanted to determine the action of the “cellular inducer” in vivo. Our results have led to a new model, which defines the relationship between the “cellular inducer” and the recA gene product.In order to quantitate the action of the cellular inducer on the λ repressor, we made use of bacteria with elevated cellular levels of the λ repressor (hyperimmune lysogens). We determined the kinetics of repressor inactivation promoted by three representative inducing treatments: ultraviolet light irradiation, thymine deprivation and temperature shift-up of tif-1 mutants.The kinetics of repressor decay in wild-type monolysogens indicate that repressor inactivation is a relatively slow cellular process that takes a generation time to reach completion. Incomplete inactivation of the repressor without subsequent prophage development may occur in a cell. We call this phenomenon detected at the biochemical level “subinduction”. In hyperimmune lysogens. subinduction is always the case.A high cellular level of A repressor that prevents prophage λ induction does not prevent induction of a heteroimmune prophage such as 434 or 80. Although the cellular inducer does not seem specific for any inducible prophage, it does not inactivate two prophage repressors present in a cell in a random manner. We have called this finding “preferential repressor inactivation”. Preferential repressor inactivation may be accounted for by considering that the intracellular concentration of a repressor determines its susceptibility to the action of the inducer.In bacteria with varying repressor levels, a fixed amount of repressor molecules is inactivated per unit of time irrespective of the initial repressor concentration. The rate of repressor inactivation depends on the catalytic capacity of the cellular inducer that behaves as a saturated enzyme. In wild-type bacteria the cellular inducer seems to be produced in a limited amount, to have a weak catalytic capacity and a relatively short half-life. The amount of the inducer formed after tif-1 expression is increased in STS bacteria overproducing a tif-1-modified RecA protein. This result is an indication that a modified form of the RecA protein causes repressor inactivation in vivo.From the results obtained we propose a model concerning the formation of the cellular inducer. We postulate that the cellular inducer is formed in a two-step reaction. The is model visualises how the RecA protein can be induced to high cellular concentrations, even though the RecAp protease molecules remain at a low concentration. The latter accounts for the limited proteolytic activity found in vivo.  相似文献   

Translation of the prophage lambda cl transcript.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
C S Shean  M E Gottesman 《Cell》1992,70(3):513-522

The deletions in tandem prophage lambda appear with high frequency (to 10%) in rec A- strain of Escherichia coli. The deletions were shown by marker rescue and hybridization of fragments of DNA on nitrocellulose filters with nick-translated phage lambda DNA localized only in prophage area. Right and left att sites are not involved. The majority of defective lysogens had all regulatory regions and deletions of late structural genes. These strains may be used for construction of the host-vector systems with the strongest promoter p'R of phage lambda.  相似文献   

The lethal and mutagenic effects of nitrous acid (0,1 M NaNO2 in 0,1 M acetate buffer, pH 4.6) on prophage lambda cI857 ind- were studied in the wild-type cells of Escherichia coli and in 9 repair-deficient mutants: uvrA6, uvrA6 umuC36, uvrD3, uvrE502, polA1, recA13, lexA102, recF143 and xthA9. After treatment with HNO2, the prophage was heat-induced either immediately or after 90 min incubation in broth at 32 degrees C. The prophage survival after delayed induction was considerably higher than after immediate induction. The lethal action of HNO2 was highly expressed in uvrA- and uvrE- lysogens after delayed induction. The frequency of temperature-independent c mutants forming clear plaques at 32 degrees C reached 4% in the wild-type host after immediate induction, this value being 10-15% in uvrA, uvrA umuC, uvrD, uvrE, polA and xthA mutants, 0,8% in recF- lysogen and only 0,2-0,3% in recA and lexA mutants. Under these conditions, about 90% of c mutants are generated by recA+, lexA+-dependent repair mechanism (most probably, due to W-mutagenesis). After delayed induction, mutation frequency in the wild-type host declines considerably (down to 0,1%). Analogous phenomenon of mutation frequency decline was registered in uvrA, xthA, recF, polA, uvrE and uvrD lysogens. Under conditions of delayed induction, the frequency of HNO2-induced c mutations only slightly depends on the recA+ and lexA+ gene products and mutations are, apparently, fixed by replication.  相似文献   

The lethal and mutagenic effects of 7 alkylating agents: N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU), N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), nitrogen mustard (HN2), mitomycin C (MC), bifunctional acridine mustard (AM)--and of cyanate (KNCO) on heat inducible lambda cI857 prophage were studied. After treatment of lysogenic cells with mutagens, prophage was heat-induced either immediately or after 90 min incubation in nutrient broth and c mutants forming clear plaques at 32 degrees C were scored. NMU (0.02 M) when immediately induced with heat, induces c mutants very efficiently (maximal yield 10%) not only in the wild-type cells but also in repair-deficient mutants recA13, lexA102, uvrA6 umuC36, recF143, xthA9, polA1, uvrD3 and uvrD502. These data show that NMU-induced mutations are fixed as replication errors due to mispairing modified bases. After delayed heat induction, the prophage survival enhances and the frequency of c mutations declines considerably in host cells of all repair genotypes tested. Carbamoylation is not involved in the mutagenic action of NMU, because KNCO (0.02 M) has a very slight lethal effect and does not induce mutations. MNNG (100 micrograms/ml) and EMS (0.1 M) also induce mutations by replicative mechanism, because maximal yield of c mutations does not depend on RecA+ and is about 15 and 2%, respectively. MMS is a mutagen of the repair type, since its mutagenic action is suppressed by recA mutation of the host. NH2 only inactivates prophage, but does not induce mutations. MC (50 micrograms/ml) and AM (150 micrograms/ml) induce mutations rather inefficiently (the maximal yield 0.1 and 0.3%, respectively) both in recA+ and recA- hosts. The mutagenic action of these agents is probably due to intercalation.  相似文献   

Evidence for a prophage excision gene in lambda   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

As a prerequisite to a quantitative study of the inactivation of phage repressors in vivo (Bailone et al., 1979), the cellular concentrations of the bacteriophage λ and 434 repressors have been measured in bacteria with varying repressor levels.Using the DNA-binding assay we have determined the conditions for optimal repressor titration. The sensitivity of the λ repressor assay was increased by adding magnesium ions to the binding mixture; this procedure was without effect on the titration of the 434 repressor. The measures of the cellular repressor concentrations varied with the method of cell disruption.The cellular concentration of λ repressor, about 140 active repressor molecules per monolysogen, was relatively constant under specific cultural conditions. The repressor concentration increased with the number of cI gene copies but not in direct proportion.The 434 repressor concentration, hardly detectable in extracts of lysogens carrying an imm434 prophage, was greatly enhanced in bacteria carrying the newly constructed plasmid pGY101, that encodes the 434 cI gene.The cellular repressor level produced by 434 is lower than that produced by λ: this indicates that the maintenance of the prophage state is ensured by a relatively small number of repressor molecules binding tightly to the operator sites.  相似文献   

Induction of prophage lambda without amplification of recA protein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary The requirement for amplified synthesis of recA protein in the UV-promoted induction of coliphage lambda was studied. We confirmed that a low concentration of rifampicin inhibited specifically the increased synthesis of recA protein after an inducing treatment (Satta and Pardee, 1978). Under these conditions, using an optimal dose of UV, E. coli lysogens were induced, producing active phage. The drug delayed the onset of induction and with increasing concentrations affected the yield of phage, but all the cells lysed. These results established that induction can proceed without amplification of recA protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (HX-XO) system is a classical system that can generate superoxide anions. The inductive effect of the HX-XO system for lambda prophage has been investigated in this study. The results showed that the system can induce lambda prophage from lysogenic state to lytic growth. The inductive effect was directly proportional to the concentration of HX and XO and inversely related to the time of preliminary incubation of HX with XO. The cell density of the lysogenic bacteria also greatly affected the inductive effect. The maximal PFU number of 2.9 x 10(4) PFU/ml was recorded at 0.86 mM HX, 1.6 x 10(-2) U/ml XO, and a cell density of 10(8) cells/ml. The inductive effect of the HX-XO system was inhibited in the suspensions by glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. The results provide evidence that free radicals are the primary factors in the induction of lambda prophage in lysogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

The effect of glutathione (GSH) on the ultraviolet (UV) induction of lambda prophage was investigated in lysogenic Escherichia coli. The data showed that extracellular GSH could inhibit the UV induction of lambda prophage. The inhibitory rates were concentration dependent, and the maximal rate obtained was 94% with 3.0 M GSH. The effect was also measured in three different lambda lysogens: a wild-type strain (wt), an isogenic GSH-deficient strain, and an isogenic strain producing increased amounts of GSH. The result showed that when subjected to UV irradiation (254 nm, 60 J m−2), GSH-deficient strain was approximately fivefold more sensitive to be lysed than wt, whereas the strain with higher intracellular GSH levels was only 28% susceptible to be lysed. With electron spin resonance and spin trapping techniques, we observed that free radical signals occurred in the suspensions of UV irradiated lysogenic cells and the intensity of signals was influenced by GSH levels. These results indicate that GSH can significantly inhibit the UV induction of lambda prophage, and that this effect is correlated to its capacity to scavenge free radicals generated after UV irradiation.  相似文献   

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