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An isoenzymatic analysis using thin-layer agarose gel isoelectrofocusing on laboratory strains of Echinostoma trivolvis and Echinostoma caproni adults showed characteristic monomorphic phenotypes for phosphoglucomutase and glucose phosphate isomerase. The fixed allelic variation observed between these 2 taxa is consistent with their current classification as distinct species.  相似文献   

Release of Echinostoma caproni cercariae and Schistosoma mansoni from experimentally infected Biomphalaria glabrata snails maintained under different laboratory conditions was studied. Infected snails were isolated individually for 1 h in Stender dishes containing 5 ml of artificial spring water and the number of cercariae released during this time was recorded. Of numerous conditions tested, the addition of lettuce, the use of water conditioned by B. glabrata snails and a temperature of 35 degrees C significantly increased the release of E. caproni cercariae. A significant increase in cercarial release of S. mansoni was seen only in cultures fed lettuce. A temperature of 12 degrees C caused a significant decrease in cercarial release of both E. caproni and S. mansoni. Increased snail activity associated with feeding behaviour was probably responsible for the enhanced cercarial sheds observed in this study.  相似文献   

In identical experimental conditions, the three schistosomes of the terminal spined egg group (S. haematobium, S. intercalatum and S. bovis) showed significant differences in their cercarial shedding patterns. The cercariae of the F1 hybrids, obtained by experimental crosses between these three species, showed the same circadian emergence rhythm (with one peak) as the cercariae of the parental species. However, the mean shedding time of these hybrid parasites (12:14 +/- 1 h 34 min for S. haematobium x S. intercalatum; 09:58 +/- 1 h 24 min for S. haematobium x S. bovis; 08:57 +/- 1 h 19 min for S. bovis x S. intercalatum) was always in advance to the one of their parental species (13:51 +/- 2 h 04 min for S. haematobium; 13:59 +/- 1 h 55 min for S. intercalatum; 10:09 +/- 2 h 04 min for S. bovis). These results are compared with those obtained from crosses between schistosomes with lateral spined eggs, and from crosses between intraspecific chronobiological variants of S. mansoni. They corroborate the genetic determinism of the cercarial emergence of schistosomes. Moreover, such significant differences between the hybrids and their parents in the times of cercarial emission may be of value in the epidemiological research and characterization of naturally occurring hybrids.  相似文献   

Protein interactions between host and parasites can influence the infection success and severity. The aim of this investigation was to identify the proteins from two trematodes potentially localized at the host-parasite interface. We performed the proteomic profiles from in vivo obtained immature lung stage Schistosoma bovis schistosomula and in vitro excysted juveniles from Fasciola hepatica, parasites of ruminants and man usually giving rise to chronic infections. Proteomes from those parasites were obtained after digestion with trypsin and the peptides generated were identified by mass spectrometry, both before and after parasites' treatment with 70% methanol. The comparison of the two proteome sets from each parasite and between them, the analysis of their relative abundance and of their potential exposure to the host from living parasites, together with the specific immunolocalization of two of the identified molecules, show that this approach could assist in the identification of parasite exposed proteins and in the definition of molecules common for the two parasites with potential interaction with the host. Further characterization of these molecules could guide to define new common anti-parasitic targets and potential vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Schistosomes cause schistosomiasis, the world’s second most important parasitic disease after malaria in terms of public health and social-economic impacts. A peculiar feature of these dioecious parasites is their ability to produce viable and fertile hybrid offspring. Originally only present in the tropics, schistosomiasis is now also endemic in southern Europe. Based on the analysis of two genetic markers the European schistosomes had previously been identified as hybrids between the livestock- and the human-infective species Schistosoma bovis and Schistosoma haematobium, respectively. Here, using PacBio long-read sequencing technology we performed genome assembly improvement and annotation of S. bovis, one of the parental species for which no satisfactory genome assembly was available. We then describe the whole genome introgression levels of the hybrid schistosomes, their morphometric parameters (eggs and adult worms) and their compatibility with two European snail strains used as vectors (Bulinus truncatus and Planorbarius metidjensis). Schistosome-snail compatibility is a key parameter for the parasites life cycle progression, and thus the capability of the parasite to establish in a given area. Our results show that this Schistosoma hybrid is strongly introgressed genetically, composed of 77% S. haematobium and 23% S. bovis origin. This genomic admixture suggests an ancient hybridization event and subsequent backcrosses with the human-specific species, S. haematobium, before its introduction in Corsica. We also show that egg morphology (commonly used as a species diagnostic) does not allow for accurate hybrid identification while genetic tests do.  相似文献   

High performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) was used to analyse the neutral lipids in the rediae, cercariae, and encysted metacercariae of Echinostoma caproni from Biomphalaria glabrata snails. Visual observations of the chromatograms showed that the most abundant lipid fraction in all stages was free sterol. Quantification of the free sterol revealed mean weights of 2.7 +/- 0.64 ng per redia, 0.53 +/- 0.023 ng per cercaria, and 0.081 +/- 0.0098 ng per encysted metacercaria. Oil Red O staining of the larval stages confirmed the presence of lipids within the rediae and cercariae but did not show lipids in the encysted metacercariae. The dimunition in neutral lipids from the cercarial to the encysted metacercarial stage does not support a previous observation that fat increases in successive phases of the digenean life cycle.  相似文献   

The infectivity and distribution of Echinostoma trivolvis were studied in female ICR mice each infected with 25 metacercarial cysts. At 7 and 10 days post-exposure worm recoveries were 58.8 and 58.4%, respectively. Worm recovery declined to 38.2% by day 14, to 6.4% by day 21, and 0% by day 28. The distribution of the parasites demonstrated an anteriad shift over time. Comparative histopathological studies were carried out on E. trivolvis and Echinostoma caproni in the mouse. Compared to control and E. trivolvis-infected intestine, mouse intestine infected with E. caproni showed marked dilation and villous atrophy. E. trivolvis-infected intestine showed a nearly two-fold increase in goblet cells compared to control intestine, whereas the intestine of E. caproni-infected mice showed almost complete goblet cell loss. Additionally, there was a marked increase in collagen in the intestinal musculature of the mice infected with E. trivolvis compared to control and E. caproni-infected mice.  相似文献   

In a four-tube vertical system, Echinostoma caproni miracidia exhibited a strong negative geotaxis which was dominated by a positive phototaxis. In horizontal chambers a positive phototactic response was also demonstrated. These miracidia showed a positive chemoresponse, as determined in phi-chambers, to glutamic and aspartic acids but not leucine. Positive responses were also elicited to snail-conditioned water and sulfuric and acetic acids. Ammonia, Mg2+, and HCl produced no significant reactions. Responses of E. caproni and Schistosoma mansoni miracidia, both of which develop in Biomphalaria glabrata snails, were similar providing further evidence that miracidia mimic the behavioral patterns of compatible snail species.  相似文献   

In order to investigate molecules that could be involved in host-trematode relationships, we have analysed the excretory/secretory products (ESP) of Echinostoma caproni following a proteomic approach. Actin, Gluthathione S-transferase (GST) and enolase have been identified in the ESP. Enolase, observed to be one of the most abundant proteins, was further characterized. The molecular cloning and in vitro expression in Escherichia coli of E. caproni enolase allowed us to determine that the protein contains 431 amino acids and a theoretical MW of 46272 Da. E. caproni enolase shows high homology to other trematode enolases. The recombinant protein binds specifically to human plasminogen in vitro, as observed for the native protein, confirming its properties as a host-interacting molecule.  相似文献   

The disposition of cercarial papillae of 68 pre-identified Schistosoma species was established. All the cercariae originated from Africa and Madagascar and were either obtained from natural or experimental infections, and belonged to three species Schistosoma haematobium, S. bovis and S. curassoni. Discriminant analysis was based on nine characters: average values, skewness and kurtosis of three cercarial indices (AD, AL and U) for each sample or isolate. AD, AL correspond respectively to the relative distance between dorsal and lateral papillae. U corresponds to the total number of tail stem papillae. With the exception of two cases of the 68 (one of them corresponding to cercariae shed by a non-African experimentally infected snail), the method enabled discrimination of S. haematobium, S. bovis and S. curassoni.  相似文献   

The effects of a protein-free diet on the host-parasite relationship of Echinostoma caproni in ICR mice were studied. The experimental diet was a customized protein-free diet (PFD) in pellet form containing 0% protein. The control diet consisted of a standard laboratory diet containing 23% casein as a source of protein. A total of 24 mice were each infected with 15 metacercarial cysts of E. caproni. Twelve mice were placed on the experimental diet (experimentals) and the remaining mice (controls) were placed on the control diet. Experimental and control mice were necropsied at 2, 3, and 4 weeks postinfection (p.i.). The weight of mice on the PFD was markedly lower than that of mice on the control diet. The length and circumference of the small intestine of infected mice on the PFD were significantly lower than those of the controls at 3 weeks p.i. (Student's t-test; P < 0.05). Worm recoveries from mice on the PFD were significantly lower than those of the controls at 3 weeks p.i. There was a significant decline in worm body area in worms from the mice on the PFD compared with those on the control diet at 2, 3, and 4 weeks p.i. Worm dry weights from mice on the PFD were significantly lower than those on the control diet at 2 weeks p.i. Worms from hosts on the PFD were located more posteriad in the gut than those recovered from mice on the control diet. The findings suggest that the PFD contributes to growth retardation of E. caproni in ICR mice.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Echinostoma caproni Richard, 1964 is studied. There are eleven pairs of chromosomes (2n=22). Two pairs are submetacentric (Nos. 4 and 5). C-banding methods revealed a large block of heterochromatin in No. 3 and two blocks in No. 5. E. cinetorchis (see Terasaki et al., 1982) and E. barbosai (see Mutafova & Kanev, 1983) also have 22 chromosomes, but the metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes are Nos. 8 and 11 for the former and No. 10 for the latter. ac]19860425  相似文献   

The development and movement of reproductive cells were determined in Echinsostoma caproni on autoradiograms by labeling nuclei of stem cells during exposure to [3H]thymidine and then transplanting the worms to mice for various times. The development and movement of sperm, primary oocytes, and vitelline cells were much more rapid in E. caproni than other digenetic trematodes investigated previously. Mating behavior was determined by labeling the sperm of 1 adult by in vitro exposure to [3H]tyrosine and transplanting alone or with unlabeled worms to mice for 4 and 6 days. Echinostoma caproni adults self-inseminated when isolated and self- and cross-inseminated when in groups. This behavior is similar to that found for the frog rectal fluke Megalodiscus temperatus but unlike that determined for eyeflukes in the genus Philophthalmus. Worm size was not a barrier to insemination in E. caproni. Cross-insemination could not be detected in 6-day transplants probably because of dilution or elimination of radioactive sperm due to rapid turnover or frequent sperm transfer. An increased number of structural anomalies was noted in the transplanted worms. The most common anomaly was an accumulation of vitelline cells in the vitelline reservoir and ducts.  相似文献   

The cercarial shedding of Schistosoma bovis and S. haematobium were studied in single and mixed infections in the snail host Bulinus truncatus. The two species displayed a distinctive diurnal cercarial emergence with an earlier shedding pattern for S. bovis than S. haematobium (the average emergence peaks were respectively at 0800 h and 1200 h). In mixed infections, each species kept its own cercarial shedding rhythm with no marked alterations. The cercarial emergence pattern is proposed as a new method to identify natural mixed infections in the snail intermediate hosts. The interactions between the two parasites are discussed.  相似文献   

The histopathological changes induced by Echinostoma caproni (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) in a high (golden hamster) and a low compatible host (rat) were compared at 15 and 30 days post-infection. Infection of rats was characterized by a progressive increase in erosion of villi and elevated numbers of goblet cells, which could be related to the early expulsion of the parasite in a host of low compatibility. In contrast to rats, the number of goblet cell in E. caproni-infected hamsters was low, but increased numbers of neutrophils and mesenteric inflammatory cells were observed. This indicated that local inflammatory responses in hamsters were greater than in rats. An immunohistochemical study using polyclonal IgG anti-E. caproni excretory-secretory antigens demonstrated a greater level of passage of E. caproni antigens through the intestinal mucosa in hamsters than in rats, probably in relation to the greater inflammatory response. Our results indicate the fact that early inflammatory responses could be important for the establishment of E. caproni chronic infections in highly compatible hosts.  相似文献   

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