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Nucleomorph genomes: structure, function, origin and evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes are two unicellular algal lineages with complex cellular structures and fascinating evolutionary histories. Both groups acquired their photosynthetic abilities through the assimilation of eukaryotic endosymbionts. As a result, they possess two distinct cytosolic compartments and four genomes--two nuclear genomes, an endosymbiont-derived plastid genome and a mitochondrial genome derived from the host cell. Like mitochondrial and plastid genomes, the genome of the endosymbiont nucleus, or 'nucleomorph', of cryptomonad and chlorarachniophyte cells has been greatly reduced through the combined effects of gene loss and intracellular gene transfer. This article focuses on the structure, function, origin and evolution of cryptomonad and chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph genomes in light of recent comparisons of genome sequence data from both groups. It is now possible to speculate on the reasons that nucleomorphs persist in cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes but have been lost in all other algae with plastids of secondary endosymbiotic origin.  相似文献   

All complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genomes of Metazoa (2819) have been subject to bioinformatic analysis to investigate the distribution and features of repeated and palindromic sequences. Repeats are ubiquitous, with 29.9% of genomes containing at least one and 1.95% of total genome length being repeated. Repeat boundaries were tested for the presence of secondary structure motifs, consensus sequences or small repeats, features generally reported as associated with duplications. No significant relationship was detected, suggesting the non ubiquitousness of such features. A mechanism related to gene conversion is proposed to explain the origin of small interspersed repeats.  相似文献   

Simultaneous identification and comparison of perfect and imperfect microsatellites within a genome is a valuable tool both to overcome the lack of a consensus definition of SSRs and to assess repeat history. Detailed analysis of the overall distribution of perfect and imperfect microsatellites in closely related bacterial taxa is expected to give new insight into the evolution of prokaryotic genomes. We have performed a genome-wide analysis of microsatellite distribution in four Escherichia coli and seven Chlamydial strains. Chlamydial strains generally have a higher density of SSRs and show greater intra-group differences of SSR distribution patterns than E. coli genomes. In most investigated genomes the distribution of the total lengths of matching perfect and imperfect trinucleotide repeats are highly similar, with the notable exception of C. muridarum. Closely related strains show more similar repeat distribution patterns than strains separated by a longer divergence time. The discrepancy between the preferred classes of perfect and imperfect repeats in C. muridarum implies accelerated evolution of SSRs in this particular strain. Our results suggest that microsatellites, although considerably less abundant than in eukaryotic genomes, may nevertheless play an important role in the evolution of prokaryotic genomes and several gene families.  相似文献   

DNA replication ensures the accurate duplication of the genome at each cell cycle. It begins at specific sites called replication origins. Genome‐wide studies in vertebrates have recently identified a consensus G‐rich motif potentially able to form G‐quadruplexes (G4) in most replication origins. However, there is no experimental evidence to demonstrate that G4 are actually required for replication initiation. We show here, with two model origins, that G4 motifs are required for replication initiation. Two G4 motifs cooperate in one of our model origins. The other contains only one critical G4, and its orientation determines the precise position of the replication start site. Point mutations affecting the stability of this G4 in vitro also impair origin function. Finally, this G4 is not sufficient for origin activity and must cooperate with a 200‐bp cis‐regulatory element. In conclusion, our study strongly supports the predicted essential role of G4 in replication initiation.  相似文献   

N-cadherin is a member of the classical cadherin family of homophilic binding molecules. Peptide competition studies have identified the HAVDI and INPISGQ sequences as functional binding motifs in extracellular domain 1 (ECD1) of N-cadherin. Whereas monomeric versions of these motifs function as specific N-cadherin antagonists, we now show that cyclic peptides containing a tandem repeat of the individual motifs function as N-cadherin agonists. In this context, when presented to neurons as soluble molecules, the dimeric versions of the motifs stimulate neurite outgrowth in a similar manner to native N-cadherin. The response to the dimeric agonist peptides was inhibited by monomeric versions of the same motif and also by recombinant N-cadherin ECD1 protein. The responses were also inhibited by antibodies to a fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) binding motif in ECD4 of N-cadherin and by a specific FGFR antagonist (PD17304). These data suggest that the peptides function by binding to and clustering N-cadherin in neurons and thereby activating an N-cadherin/FGFR signaling cascade. The novel agonists will be invaluable for dissecting out those cadherin functions that rely on signaling as opposed to adhesion and clearly have the potential to be developed as therapeutic agents for the promotion of cell survival and axonal regeneration.  相似文献   

One class of mobile DNA, the retrotransposons, constitutes a major portion of all eukaryotic nuclear genomes (often half of the total DNA), and has made a significant contribution towards the genome rearrangements that give rise to altered gene order and novel gene regulation. Research on plant retrotransposons is supported in only a handful of laboratories worldwide, but their progress continues to be striking, as shown at a recent workshop1.  相似文献   

Frequent oligonucleotide motifs in genomes of three streptococci   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

A significant problem in biological motif analysis arises when the background symbol distribution is biased (e.g. high/low GC content in the case of DNA sequences). This can lead to overestimation of the amount of information encoded in a motif. A motif can be depicted as a signal using information theory (IT). We apply two concepts from IT, distortion and patterned interference (a type of noise), to model genomic and codon bias respectively. This modeling approach allows us to correct a raw signal to recover signals that are weakened by compositional bias. The corrected signal is more likely to be discriminated from a biased background by a macromolecule. We apply this correction technique to recover ribosome-binding site (RBS) signals from available sequenced and annotated prokaryotic genomes having diverse compositional biases. We observed that linear correction was sufficient for recovering signals even at the extremes of these biases. Further comparative genomics studies were made possible upon correction of these signals. We find that the average Euclidian distance between RBS signal frequency matrices of different genomes can be significantly reduced by using the correction technique. Within this reduced average distance, we can find examples of class-specific RBS signals. Our results have implications for motif-based prediction, particularly with regards to the estimation of reliable inter-genomic model parameters.  相似文献   

Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) are a widespread type of small transposable element (TE). With increasing evidence for their impact on gene function and genome evolution in plants, accurate genome-scale SINE annotation becomes a fundamental step for studying the regulatory roles of SINEs and their relationship with other components in the genomes. Despite the overall promising progress made in TE annotation, SINE annotation remains a major challenge. Unlike some other TEs, SINEs are short and heterogeneous, and they usually lack well-conserved sequence or structural features. Thus, current SINE annotation tools have either low sensitivity or high false discovery rates. Given the demand and challenges, we aimed to provide a more accurate and efficient SINE annotation tool for plant genomes. The pipeline starts with maximizing the pool of SINE candidates via profile hidden Markov model-based homology search and de novo SINE search using structural features. Then, it excludes the false positives by integrating all known features of SINEs and the features of other types of TEs that can often be misannotated as SINEs. As a result, the pipeline substantially improves the tradeoff between sensitivity and accuracy, with both values close to or over 90%. We tested our tool in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (Oryza sativa), and the results show that our tool competes favorably against existing SINE annotation tools. The simplicity and effectiveness of this tool would potentially be useful for generating more accurate SINE annotations for other plant species. The pipeline is freely available at https://github.com/yangli557/AnnoSINE.

By integrating all known features of short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs), AnnoSINE is a tool for both accurate and fast genome-scale SINE annotation in plant genomes.  相似文献   

Plastids are descended from a cyanobacterial symbiosis which occurred over 1.2 billion years ago. During the course of endosymbiosis, most genes were lost from the cyanobacterium's genome and many were relocated to the host nucleus through endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT). The issue of how many genes were acquired through EGT in different plant lineages is unresolved. Here, we report the genome-wide frequency of gene acquisitions from cyanobacteria in 4 photosynthetic eukaryotes--Arabidopsis, rice, Chlamydomonas, and the red alga Cyanidioschyzon--by comparison of the 83,138 proteins encoded in their genomes with 851,607 proteins encoded in 9 sequenced cyanobacterial genomes, 215 other reference prokaryotic genomes, and 13 reference eukaryotic genomes. The analyses entail 11,569 phylogenies inferred with both maximum likelihood and Neighbor-Joining approaches. Because each phylogenetic result is dependent not only upon the reconstruction method but also upon the site patterns in the underlying alignment, we investigated how the reliability of site pattern generation via alignment affects our results: if the site patterns in an alignment differ depending upon the order in which amino acids are introduced into multiple sequence alignment--N- to C-terminal versus C- to N-terminal--then the phylogenetic result is likely to be artifactual. Excluding unreliable alignments by this means, we obtain a conservative estimate, wherein about 14% of the proteins examined in each plant genome indicate a cyanobacterial origin for the corresponding nuclear gene, with higher proportions (17-25%) observed among the more reliable alignments. The identification of cyanobacterial genes in plant genomes affords access to an important question: from which type of cyanobacterium did the ancestor of plastids arise? Among the 9 cyanobacterial genomes sampled, Nostoc sp. PCC7120 and Anabaena variabilis ATCC29143 were found to harbor collections of genes which are-in terms of presence/absence and sequence similarity-more like those possessed by the plastid ancestor than those of the other 7 cyanobacterial genomes sampled here. This suggests that the ancestor of plastids might have been an organism more similar to filamentous, heterocyst-forming (nitrogen-fixing) representatives of section IV recognized in Stanier's cyanobacterial classification. Members of section IV are very common partners in contemporary symbiotic associations involving endosymbiotic cyanobacteria, which generally provide nitrogen to their host, consistent with suggestions that fixed nitrogen supplied by the endosymbiont might have played an important role during the origin of plastids.  相似文献   

The genus Flavivirus comprises medically significant pathogenic virus; causing several infections in humans worldwide. Flavivirus genomes are 10-11 kb approximately and encode both structural and non structural region. The non structural region plays fundamental role in the stability, regulation and cell cycle of virus. The complete genomes of 26 Flavivirus were used for identification of promoter motifs through in silico approaches. The promoter sequences were encoded in merely 16 viruses and 10 viruses could not encode it. All these in silico identified promoter motifs was confirmed and verified with the known experimental data. This analysis suggests that presence of promoter may play a crucial role in the pattern of gene expression, regulation networks, cell specificity and development. It may also be useful for designing efficient expression vector and target specific delivery system in the gene therapy.  相似文献   

Telomeres are highly conserved structures essential for maintaining the integrity of eukaryotic genomes. In yeast, ciliates and mammals, the G-rich strand of the telomere forms a 3' overhang on the chromosome terminus. Here we investigate the architecture of telomeres in the dicot plants Silene latifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana using the PENT (primer extension/nick translation) assay. We show that both Arabidopsis and Silene telomeres carry G-overhangs longer than 20-30 nucleotides. However, in contrast to yeast and ciliate telomeres, only half of the telomeres in Silene seedlings possess detectable G-overhangs. PENT reactions using a variety of primers and reaction conditions revealed that the remaining fraction of Silene telomeres carries either no overhangs or overhangs less than 12 nucleotides in length. G-overhangs were observed in Silene seeds and leaves, tissues that lack telomerase activity. These findings suggest that incomplete DNA replication of the lagging strand, rather than synthesis by telomerase, is the primary mechanism for G-overhang synthesis in plants. Unexpectedly, we found that the fraction of telomeres with detectable G-overhangs decreased from 50% in seedlings to 35% in leaves. The difference may reflect increased susceptibility of the G-overhangs to nuclease attack in adult leaves, an event that could act as a precursor for the catabolic processes accompanying leaf senescence  相似文献   

Wang Y  Leung FC 《FEBS letters》2006,580(5):1277-1284
Inverted repeats are unstable motifs in a genome, having a causal relation to fragment rearrangements and recombination events. We have investigated long inverted repeats (LIR) of > 30 bp in length in eukaryotic genomes to assess their contribution to genome stability. An algorithm was first designed for searching for LIRs with < 2 kb internal spacers and >85% identity (degree of homology between repeat copies of a LIR). There are much fewer LIRs in yeast, fruitfly, pufferfish and chicken than in Caenorhabditis elegans, zebrafish, frog and human. However, the high LIR frequencies do not necessarily imply high genome instability because of variant internal spacers and stem lengths and identities. From the collection of identified LIRs, we selected recombinogenic LIRs that had a short internal spacer and a high copy identity and were prone to induce high instability. We found that a relatively high proportion (5-9.8%) of the LIRs in C. elegans, zebrafish and frog were recombinogenic LIRs. In contrast, the proportions in human and mouse LIRs were quite low (0.4-1.1%) basically accounting for long internal spacers. We suggest that C. elegans, zebrafish and frog genomes are unstable in terms of the LIR frequency and the proportion of recombinogenic LIRs. For the other genomes, LIRs most likely have a minor impact.  相似文献   

Feast and famine in plant genomes   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Plant genomes vary over several orders of magnitude in size, even among closely related species, yet the origin, genesis and significance of this variation are not clear. Because DNA content varies over a sevenfold range among diploid species in the cotton genus (Gossypium) and its allies, this group offers opportunities for exploring patterns and mechanisms of genome size evolution. For example, the question has been raised whether plant genomes have a one-way ticket to genomic obesity, as a consequence of retroelement accumulation. Few empirical studies directly address this possibility, although it is consistent with recent insights gleaned from evolutionary genomic investigations. We used a phylogenetic approach to evaluate the directionality of genome size evolution among Gossypium species and their relatives in the cotton tribe (Gossypieae, Malvaceae). Our results suggest that both DNA content increase and decrease have occurred repeatedly during evolution. In contrast to a model of unidirectional genome size change, the frequency of inferred genome size contraction exceeded that of expansion. In conjunction with other evidence, this finding highlights the dynamic nature of plant genome size evolution, and suggests that poorly understood genomic contraction mechanisms operate on a more extensive scale that previously recognized. Moreover, the research sets the stage for fine-scale analysis of the evolutionary dynamics and directionality of change for the full spectrum of genomic constituents.  相似文献   

A conserved feature of telomeres is the 3'-overhang of their G-rich strand. These G-overhangs function as substrates for telomerase-mediated strand extension, and are critical for end-protection of telomeres. These functions and their regulations are mediated by specific G-overhang binding proteins. In species of the plant order Asparagales, telomere motifs have diverged from a type typical of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana (TTTAGGG)(n) to a type typical of human (TTAGGG)(n). Presumably, this change in motif had an impact on the structure of the telomere and/or the binding of telomeric proteins, including the G-overhang binding proteins. Therefore, we analyse here nucleoprotein complexes formed by protein extracts from plants possessing human-type telomeres (Muscari armeniacum and Scilla peruviana). Proteins were characterized that bind to the G-rich strand of both telomere motifs, or to the ancestral Arabidopsis-type motif alone, but none bound to double-stranded or C-rich complementary strand telomere motifs. We demonstrate the size, sequence-specificity and thermostability of these DNA-binding proteins. We also analysed the formation of complexes from renatured protein fractions after SDS-PAGE (sodium-dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis). We discuss the evolutionary consequences of protein binding flexibility, to act on both ancestral and present telomeric sequences. Of particular interest is that the ancestral repeat, which is thought not to form the telomere, binds the proteins most strongly. These data are discussed in line with other known plant telomere-binding proteins and with the complex nature of the telomere in Asparagales carrying a human-type motif.  相似文献   

E A Majane  H Y Yang 《Peptides》1987,8(4):657-662
Highly sensitive radioimmunoassays were developed and used in studies of the distribution and chromatographic properties of two mammalian FMRF-NH2-like peptides recently isolated from bovine brain; an octapeptide with the structure Phe-Leu-Phe-Gln-Pro-Gln-Arg-Phe-NH2 (F-8-F-NH2) and on octadecapeptide, Ala-Gly-Glu-Gly-Leu-Ser-Ser-Pro-Phe-Trp-Ser-Leu-Ala-Ala-Pro-Gln-Arg-Phe-NH2 (A-18-F-NH2). F-8-F-NH2 and A-18-F-NH2 immunoreactivities are unevenly distributed in bovine brain. The highest concentrations (pmol g-1) of F-8-F-NH2 and A-18-F-NH2 are found in dorsal spinal cord (9.8 and 16.4 respectively), periaqueductal grey (8.6 and 6.8) and pons medulla (7.0 and 8.9); lowest quantities are in cortex, cerebellum and striatum. HPLC analysis coupled with radioimmunoassay reveals that the major immunoreactivities are identical to synthetic F-8-F-NH2 and A-18-F-NH2 while there are additional immunoreactive materials, distinct from NPY, whose structures still remain to be determined. The enrichment of these peptides in dorsal cord and periaqueductal grey, areas important in opioid-mediated pain perception, suggest that they may play a role in mediating antinociception.  相似文献   

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