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The basic principles of a new technique for counting fish moving up or down stream are given. The counter is based on the ability to detect the presence of fish in an acoustic beam directed across the river. The counter is capable of counting several fish moving up or down stream simultaneously and is designed for use in wide open channels. The results of field trials with the equipment at two different sites are discussed together with the problems encountered. The results obtained are in good agreement with other methods of counting fish but the totals obtained were insufficient to put confidence limits on the counter.  相似文献   

An assessment of a tow net used to sample coarse fish fry in rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The design and use of a tow net for sampling coarse fish fry in rivers are described, and its performance over a year is discussed with regard to species selectivity and size selectivity. The extent to which it can be used to provide data on the comparative abundance of the fry and their mean lengths and associated variances are described.  相似文献   

During their upstream migration through the lower reaches of the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland, radio-tagged adult Atlantic salmon passed a Crump weir-based fish counter without substantial delay over a range of river flows and water temperatures. Tagged salmon were detected sequentially by automatic listening stations placed along the river and were detected at the counter site for a median time of 18 min, compared with a median time of 5 min before the weir was built. One fish out of 16 spent 6·7 h in the vicinity of the weir, but such migratory pauses also occurred before the weir existed. The results suggest that the number of salmon crossing the counter per unit time is a function of the number of fish present downstream and their tendency to migrate upstream, without being limited by their ability to surmount the weir. The apparent slight delay at the weir is probably insignificant in terms of the overall progress of riverine migration and in the context of using counter records to relate salmon movements to environmental Variables.  相似文献   

The fish population of the lower reaches of the Sanyati River was studied using multifilament gillnets and monthly sampling was conducted over 13 consecutive months. A total of 15 fish species belonging to seven families were collected and variations in monthly catches and catch per unit effort and condition were observed. The five most common species exhibited a seasonal breeding pattern, with most breeding occurring in the rainy season. The exotic Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus was found to have established itself in the Sanyati River. The results of this study were compared with those of previous workers on Lake Kariba.  相似文献   

Fish landings in the Baltic Sea from 1970 to 2000 were used as a proxy for fish biomass to explore variability of total fish biomass. Total demersal (total D) and total pelagic (total P) landings proved relatively invariant over time compared with most of their component species. This was explained in terms of the energy limitation imposed on the ecosystem by its carrying capacity, forcing species interactions (predation, competition, etc.) with compensations that allowed the total biomasses to remain relatively stable. Extensive interactions were demonstrated among the Baltic fish species by linear correlation with appropriate negative signs, indicating compensatory interactions consistent with the energy limitation theory. The variances of the landings of cod, herring, sprat and total landings reflected the magnitudes of variation of their biomasses as estimated from the Virtual Population Analysis (VPA), thus justifying the use of landings data in this analysis as a proxy for biomass. Significant demersal–pelagic coupling was indicated from the landings data, which could be explained by trophic interactions. Species interactions generally explained between 17 and 66% of the variations in landings. Thus, substantial portions of the variations in the landings must be attributed to other factors: biological, fishery and environmental.  相似文献   

Catchability: a key parameter for fish stock assessment   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Summary Catchability is a concept in fishery biology which reflects the efficiency of a particular fishery. Its quantitative magnitude is expressed by the catchability coefficient, which relates the biomass abundance to the capture or fishing mortality. This paper is a comprehensive review of catchability including the development of our knowledge, interpretation and estimation.Catchability patterns indicate that the catchability coefficient has been used in two main lines: (a) increased efficiency of fishing effort and (b) its relation to population fishery processes for assessment and management purposes. It involves various aspects of the fishery, such as individual and population biology, characteristics of the fishing gear, amount of fishing, fishing strategies, and environmental fluctuation, among others.The concept is proposed of an integrated model of the catchability coefficient, which incorporates various of the aspects mentioned above. It is illustrated with two examples of its application: the red grouper (Epinephelus morio) fishery from the Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico, and the sardine (Sardinops caeruleus) fishery from the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

A mixed upper layer ecosystem simulation model is used to assessthe effect of changes in the zooplankton stock on young salmonidgrowth and survival. The effect of physical factors such aslight extinction and mixed layer depth cause salmonid productionto optimize at conditions which favour maximum zooplankton standingstock. However, the overwintering stock of ctenophores may decimatethe zooplankton and cause a reduction in young salmonid growthand survival, particularly in unseasonally warm years. The standingstock of salmonids and the time of release have less effecton growth than either physical factors or ctenophores.  相似文献   

This portable ant counter counts foraging leafcutting ants, or the leaf fragments they carry, along trails in tropical crops or forest. Ants intercept a light beam as they pass under a gantry between the light source and a photocell. The counter distinguishes between laden and unladen ants and works with an efficiency of 10–120% depending on the species of ant and the characteristics of the vegetation cut. The design could be modified to count other insects that habitually walk along well-defined tracks.
Résumé Cet appareil portatif est utilisé pour dénombrer les fourmis coupeuses de feuilles (Attinae) ou les fragments qu'elles transportent, le long de leurs trajets dans les cultures ou les forêts tropicales. Il utilise une batterie de 12 volts comme source de puissance. Les fourmis sont amenées à passer sous un portique placé sur leur trajet, interceptant alors un faisceau lumineux entre la source et une cellule photo-électrique. Le portique fait de structures mêtalliques creuses et comportant une rampe d'accès en cuivre peut enjamber une piste de fourmis de 20 cms de large; les détails de sa construction sont donnés Fig. 1 et 2.Le circuit électronique à l'intérieur de la boîte de contrôle (Fig. 3) est arrangé de telle sorte qu'aucun courant ne passe tant qu'aucune fourmi ne traverse le faisceau lumineux entre la source et la cellule photo-électrique; c'est seulement lorsqu'une fourmi intercepte ce faisceau lumineux que le relais et le compteur sont mis en circuit.Le compteur permet la distinction entre une fourmi chargée et une fourmi sans fardeau, d'après la hauteur à laquelle la rampe d'accès et de passage sous le portique est ajustée par rapport au faisceau de lumière. L'efficacité du comptage dépend de l'espèce de fourmi et des caractéristiques de la partie du végétal qui est coupée et transportée (Fig. 4).Les causes habituelles d'erreurs qui peuvent se présenter pour les observations à l'extérieur sont passées en revue et des indications sont fournies en vue de les éviter.Un compteur enregistreur sur papier capable de détecter et enregistrer les fourmis passant à un rythme allant jusqu'à 250/minute pendant des intervalles de 15 minutes à 24 heures est également décrit. Pour réduire la consommation de papier enregistreur, un dispositif réducteur est fixé en avant du compteur de façon que ce dernier n'enregistre que tous les 10, 100 ou 1000 passages. En utilisant un déroulement du papier à la vitesse de 2,5 cms par heure, le compteur travaille sans arrêt pendant 3 jours.Le dispositif peut être modifié par compter d'autres insectes qui se déplacent habituellement le long des trajets bien définis.

Seconded from Rothamsted Experimental Station on behalf of Overseas Development Administration, U.K.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To identify those important characteristics of doctors'' and patients'' behaviour that distinguish between "good" and "bad" consultations when viewed on videotape; to use these characteristics to develop a reliable instrument for assessing general practitioners'' performance in their own consultations. DESIGN--Questionnaires completed by patients, general practitioner trainers, and general practitioner trainees. Reliability of draft instrument tested by general practitioner trainers. SETTING--All vocational training schemes for general practice in the Northern region of England. SUBJECTS--First stage: 76 patients in seven groups, 108 general practice trainers in 12 groups, and 122 general practice trainees in 10 groups. Second stage: 85 general practice trainers in 12 groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Trainers'' ratings of importance; alpha coefficients of draft instrument by trainee, group, and consultation. RESULTS--6890 characteristics of good and bad consultations were consolidated into a draft assessment instrument consisting of 46 pairs of definitions separated by six point bipolar scales. Nine statement pairs given low importance ratings by trainers were eliminated, reducing the instrument to 37 statement pairs. To test reliability, general practitioner trainers used the instrument to assess three consultations. With the exception of one group of trainers, all alpha coefficients exceeded the acceptable level of 0.80. CONCLUSION--The instrument produced is reliable for assessing general practitioners'' performance in their own consultations.  相似文献   

Escape performance is fundamental for survival in fish and most other animals. While previous work has shown that both intrinsic (e.g. size, shape) and extrinsic (e.g. temperature, hypoxia) factors can affect escape performance, the possibility that behavioural asymmetry may affect timing and locomotor performance in startled fish is largely unexplored. Numerous studies have found a relationship between brain lateralization and performance in several cognitive tasks. Here, we tested the hypothesis that behavioural lateralization may affect escape performance in a teleost, the shiner perch Cymatogaster aggregata. Escape responses were elicited by mechanical stimulation and recorded using high-speed video (250 Hz). A number of performance variables were analysed, including directionality, escape latency, turning rate and distance travelled within a fixed time. A lateralization index was obtained by testing the turning preference of each subject in a detour test. While lateralization had no effect on escape directionality, strongly lateralized fish showed higher escape reactivity, i.e. shorter latencies, which were associated with higher turning rates and longer distances travelled. Therefore, lateralization is likely to result in superior ability to escape from predator attacks, since previous work has shown that escape timing, turning rate and distance travelled are among the main determinants of escape success.  相似文献   

In order to test the efficacy ofa cold-region evapotranspiration (ET) landfill cover against a conventional compacted clay (CCL) landfill cover, two pilot scale covers were constructed in side-by-side basin lysimeters (20m x 10m x 2m) at a site in Anchorage, Alaska. The primary basis of comparison between the two lysimeters was the percolation of moisture from the bottom of each lysimeter. Between 30 April 2005 and 16 May 2006, 51.5 mm of water percolated from the ET lysimeter, compared to 50.6 mm for the the CCL lysimeter. This difference was not found to be significant at the 95% confidence level. As part of the project, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was utilized to measure and map soil moisture in ET lysimeter cross sections. The ERT-generated cross sections were found to accurately predict the onset and duration of lysimeter percolation. Moreover, ERT-generated soil moisture values demonstrated a strong linear relationship to lysimeter percolation rates (R-Squared = 0.92). Consequently, ERT is proposed as a reliable tool for assessing the function of field scale ET covers in the absence of drainage measurement devices.  相似文献   

An isthmo-optic system in a bony fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This investigation reveals the existence of an isthmo-optic system in a bony fish for the first time. Two cell aggregates of the isthmic region project bilaterally to each eye in Polypterus. The crossed connections are significantly more developed than the uncrossed ones. These findings provide further evidence for the presence of bilaterally projecting isthmo-optic systems in early stages of vertebrate evolution. Furthermore, they suggest that a loss of one or all of these connections during evolutionary or ontogenetic development reflects a parcellation process as proposed by the parcellation theory.  相似文献   

The haematological assessment of the health of freshwater fish   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A review is made of some selected literature regarding the use of haematological techniques in freshwater fish pathology. Comparisons are drawn with the techniques already widely used in human pathology for the assessment of health and for aid in diagnosis of various diseases and conditions. The need for information on normal values, and on the conditions under which these were formulated, and the factors affecting them is stressed. The use of haematological values in assessing sublethal concentrations of environmental pollutants and the possibility of chromosomal changes are considered.  相似文献   

Synopsis The impacts of sewage disposal on the demersal fish community were identified after approximately 2 years of operation of a deepwater outfall off Sydney, NSW Australia. Gut-content analyses were used as a basis for identifying groups of fish with dietary similarities. Similar results from multivariate analyses (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measure and MDS) identified 8 trophically-similar groups of fish. The majority of the fish comprising these groups consumed organisms in the soft-bottom community. Only 5 of the 8 trophic groups identified could be analysed in detail as individuals comprising the remaining groups were not caught in sufficient numbers near the outfall. Asymmetrical analyses of variance showed that the numbers of individuals and species in one particular trophic group increased significantly following the commissioning of the Bondi deepwater outfall. However, the proportional representation of individuals in the 5 trophic groups examined did not change. Five hypotheses are advanced to account for the observed impacts. Of these, hypotheses centred around increased habitat complexity and a numerical response to increases in prey abundance warrant further investigation. Directions of future research and the limitations of various designs to assess environmental impacts are discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of baited fishing gear ultimately depends upon behaviour of the target species – activity rhythms, feeding motivation, and sensory and locomotory abilities. While any environmental parameter that mediates feeding or locomotion can have an important influence on the active space presented by the bait and fish catchability, few biologists have considered how such variation in behaviour might affect catch per unit effort (CPUE) and the resultant stock abundance estimates or population parameters. This review reveals that environment‐related variation in feeding behaviour can act through four different mechanisms: metabolic processes, sensory limitations, social interactions and direct impacts. Water temperature, light level, current velocity and ambient prey density are likely to have largest effects on fish catchability, potentially affecting variation in CPUE by a factor of ten. Feeding behaviour is also density‐dependent, with both positive and negative effects. Over time and geographic space a target species can occupy wide ranges of environmental conditions, and in certain cases, spatial and temporal variation in feeding biology could have a larger impact on CPUE than patterns of abundance. Temperature, light and current can be measured with relative facility and corrections to stock assessment models are feasible. Making corrections for biological variables such as prey density and bait competitors will be more difficult because the measurements are often not practical and relationships to feeding catchability are more complex and poorly understood. There is a critical need for greater understanding of how environmental variables affect feeding‐related performance of baited fishing gear. A combination of field observations and laboratory experiments will be necessary to parameterize stock assessment models that are improved to accommodate variation in fish behaviour. Otherwise, survey data could reveal more about variation in behaviour than abundance trends.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the leucocrit as a stress tolerance and fish health assessment method was evaluated by subjecting juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , or steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri , to standardized crowding, handling, temperature and disease challenges. The leucocrit was a sensitive indicator of the physiological stress resulting from crowding at population densities of 0·2–0·4 kg l−1, and to the stress of handling and to temperature changes. It was relatively insensitive to physiological sampling procedures which supports its continued development as a stress assessment method.
In the case of fish diseases, subclinical or active Renibacterium salmoninarum and Yersinia ruckeri infections had essentially no effect on leucocrit values. In contrast, active Aeromonas salmonicida infections significantly depressed the leucocrit. However, no change was seen during the subclinical (incubation) phase prior to the development of an epizootic. Thus, the potential of the leucocrit as a fish health assessment method appears limited.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to study the swimming performance of fish robots by using a statistical approach. A fish robot employing a carangiform swimming mode had been used as an experimental platform for the performance study. The experiments conducted aim to investigate the effect of various design parameters on the thrust capability of the fish robot with a flexible caudal fin. The controllable parameters associated with the fin include frequency, amplitude of oscillation, aspect ratio and the rigidity of the caudal fin. The significance of these parameters was determined in the first set of experiments by using a statistical approach. A more detailed parametric experimental study was then conducted with only those significant parameters. As a result, the parametric study could be completed with a reduced number of experiments and time spent. With the obtained experimental result, we were able to understand the relationship between various parameters and a possible adjustment of parameters to obtain a higher thrust. The proposed statistical method for experimentation provides an objective and thorough analysis of the effects of individual or combinations of parameters on the swimming performance. Such an efficient experimental design helps to optimize the process and determine factors that influence variability.  相似文献   

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