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Previous studies demonstrate that in developing Drosophila bristles, two cross-linking proteins are required sequentially to bundle the actin filaments that support elongating bristle cells. The forked protein initiates the process and facilitates subsequent cross-linking by fascin. Using cross-linker-specific antibodies, mutants, and drugs we show that fascin and actin are present in excessive amounts throughout bundle elongation. In contrast, the forked cross-linker is limited throughout bundle formation, and accordingly, regulates bundle size and shape. We also show that regulation of cross-linking by phosphorylation can affect bundle size. Specifically, inhibition of phosphorylation by staurosporine results in a failure to form large bundles if added during bundle formation, and leads to a loss of cross-linking by fascin if added after the bundles form. Interestingly, inhibition of dephosphorylation by okadaic acid results in the separation of the actin bundles from the plasma membrane. We further show by thin section electron microscopy analysis of mutant and wild-type bristles that the amount of material that connects the actin bundles to the plasma membrane is also limited throughout bristle elongation. Therefore, overall bundle shape is determined by the number of actin filaments assembled onto the limited area provided by the connector material. We conclude that assembly of actin bundles in Drosophila bristles is controlled in part by the controlled availability of a single cross-linking protein, forked, and in part by controlled phosphorylation of cross-links and membrane actin connector proteins.  相似文献   

Actin filament bundles can shape cellular extensions into dramatically different forms. We examined cytoskeleton formation during wing hair morphogenesis using both confocal and electron microscopy. Hairs elongate with linear kinetics (approximately 1 microm/h) over the course of approximately 18 h. The resulting structure is vividly asymmetric and shaped like a rose thorn--elongated in the distal direction, curved in two dimensions with an oval base and a round tip. High-resolution analysis shows that the cytoskeleton forms from microvilli-like pimples that project actin filaments into the cytoplasm. These filaments become cross-linked into bundles by the sequential use of three cross-bridges: villin, forked and fascin. Genetic loss of each cross-bridge affects cell shape. Filament bundles associate together, with no lateral membrane attachments, into a cone of overlapping bundles that matures into an oval base by the asymmetric addition of bundles on the distal side. In contrast, the long bristle cell extension is supported by equally long (up to 400 microm) filament bundles assembled together by end-to-end grafting of shorter modules. Thus, bristle and hair cells use microvilli and cross-bridges to generate the common raw material of actin filament bundles but employ different strategies to assemble these into vastly different shapes.  相似文献   

Transverse sections though Drosophila bristles reveal 7-11 nearly round, plasma membrane-associated bundles of actin filaments. These filaments are hexagonally packed and in a longitudinal section they show a 12-nm periodicity in both the 1.1 and 1.0 views. From earlier studies this periodicity is attributable to cross-links and indicates that the filaments are maximally cross-linked, singed mutants also have 7-11 bundles, but the bundles are smaller, flattened, and the filaments within the bundles are randomly packed (not hexagonal); no periodicity can be detected in longitudinal sections. Another mutant, forked (f36a), also has 7-11 bundles but even though the bundles are very small, the filaments within them are hexagonally packed and display a 12-nm periodicity in longitudinal section. The singed-forked double mutant lacks filament bundles. Thus there are at least two species of cross-links between adjacent actin filaments. Hints of why two species of cross-links are necessary can be gleaned by studying bristle formation. Bristles sprout with only microtubules within them. A little later in development actin filaments appear. At early stages the filaments in the bundles are randomly packed. Later the filaments in the bundles become hexagonally packed and maximally cross-linked. We consider that the forked proteins may be necessary early in development to tie the filaments together in a bundle so that they can be subsequently zippered together by fascin (the singed gene product).  相似文献   

The actin bundles essential for Drosophila bristle elongation are hundreds of microns long and composed of cross-linked unipolar filaments. These long bundles are built from much shorter modules that graft together. Using both confocal and electron microscopy, we demonstrate that newly synthesized modules are short (1-2 microm in length); modules elongate to approximately 3 microm by growing over the surface of longitudinally adjacent modules to form a graft; the grafted regions are initially secured by the forked protein cross-bridge and later by the fascin cross-bridge; actin bundles are smoothed by filament addition and appear continuous and without swellings; and in the absence of grafting, dramatic alterations in cell shape occur that substitutes cell width expansion for elongation. Thus, bundle morphogenesis has several components: module formation, elongation, grafting, and bundle smoothing. These actin bundles are much like a rope or cable, made by overlapping elements that run a small fraction of the overall length, and stiffened by cross-linking.  相似文献   

The growth of fission yeast relies on the polymerization of actin filaments nucleated by formin For3p, which localizes at tip cortical sites. These actin filaments bundle to form actin cables that span the cell and guide the movement of vesicles toward the cell tips. A big challenge is to develop a quantitative understanding of these cellular actin structures. We used computer simulations to study the spatial and dynamical properties of actin cables. We simulated individual actin filaments as semiflexible polymers in three dimensions composed of beads connected with springs. Polymerization out of For3p cortical sites, bundling by cross-linkers, pulling by type V myosin, and severing by cofilin are simulated as growth, cross-linking, pulling, and turnover of the semiflexible polymers. With the foregoing mechanisms, the model generates actin cable structures and dynamics similar to those observed in live-cell experiments. Our simulations reproduce the particular actin cable structures in myoVΔ cells and predict the effect of increased myosin V pulling. Increasing cross-linking parameters generates thicker actin cables. It also leads to antiparallel and parallel phases with straight or curved cables, consistent with observations of cells overexpressing α-actinin. Finally, the model predicts that clustering of formins at cell tips promotes actin cable formation.  相似文献   

Growing the intracellular bridges that connect nurse cells with each o ther and to the developing oocyte is vital for egg development. These ring canals increase from 0.5 microns in diameter at stage 2 to 10 microns in diameter at stage 11. Thin sections cut horizontally as you would cut a bagel, show that there is a layer of circumferentially oriented actin filaments attached to the plasma membrane at the periphery of each canal. By decoration with subfragment 1 of myosin we find actin filaments of mixed polarities in the ring such as found in the "contractile ring" formed during cytokinesis. In vertical sections through the canal the actin filaments appear as dense dots. At stage 2 there are 82 actin filaments in the ring, by stage 6 there are 717 and by stage 10 there are 726. Taking into account the diameter, this indicates that there is 170 microns of actin filaments/canal at stage 2 (pi x 0.5 microns x 82), 14,000 microns at stage 9 and approximately 23,000 microns at stage 11 or one inch of actin filament! The density of actin filaments remains unchanged throughout development. What is particularly striking is that by stages 4-5, the ring of actin filaments has achieved its maximum thickness, even though the diameter has not yet increased significantly. Thereafter, the diameter increases. Throughout development, stages 2-11, the canal length also increases. Although the density (number of actin filaments/micron2) through a canal remains constant from stage 5 on, the actin filaments appear as a net of interconnected bundles. Further information on this net of bundles comes from studying mutant animals that lack kelch, a protein located in the ring canal that has homology to the actin binding protein, scruin. In this mutant, the actin filaments form normally but individual bundles that comprise the fibers of the net are not bound tightly together. Some bundles enter into the ring canal lumen but do not completely occlude the lumen. all these observations lay the groundwork for our understanding of how a noncontractile ring increases in thickness, diameter, and length during development.  相似文献   

Thyone sperm were demembranated with Triton X-100 and, after washing, extracted with 30 mM Tris at pH 8.0 and 1 mM MgCl2. After the insoluble contaminants were removed by centrifugation, the sperm extract was warmed to 22 degrees C. Actin filaments rapidly assembled and aggregated into bundles when KCl was added to the extract. When we added preformed actin filaments, i.e., the acrosomal filament bundles of Limulus sperm, to the extract, the actin monomers rapidly assembled on these filaments. What was unexpected was that assembly took place on only one end of the bundle--the end corresponding to the preferred end for monomer addition. We showed that the absence of growth on the nonpreferred end was not due to the presence of a capper because exogenously added actin readily assembled on both ends. We also analyzed the sperm extract by SDS gel electrophoresis. Two major proteins were present in a 1:1 molar ratio: actin and a 12,500-dalton protein whose apparent isoelectric point was 8.4. The 12,500-dalton protein was purified by DEAE chromatography. We concluded that it is profilin because of its size, isoelectric point, molar ratio to actin, inability to bind to DEAE, and its effect on actin assembly. When profilin was added to actin in the presence of Limulus bundles, addition of monomers on the nonpreferred end of the bundle was inhibited, even though actin by itself assembled on both ends. Using the Limulus bundles as nuclei, we determined the critical concentration for assembly off each end of the filament and estimated the Kd for the profilin-actin complex (approximately 10 microM). We present a model to explain how profilin may regulate the extension of the Thyone acrosomal process in vivo: The profilin-actin complex can add to only the preferred end of the filament bundle. Once the actin monomer is bound to the filament, the profilin is released, and is available to bind to additional actin monomers. This mechanism accounts for the rapid rate of filament elongation in the acrosomal process in vivo.  相似文献   

Rapid assembly and disassembly (turnover) of actin filaments in cytoplasm drives cell motility and shape remodeling. While many biochemical processes that facilitate filament turnover are understood in isolation, it remains unclear how they work together to promote filament turnover in cells. Here, we studied cellular mechanisms of actin filament turnover by combining quantitative microscopy with mathematical modeling. Using live cell imaging, we found that actin polymer mass decay in Listeria comet tails is very well fit by a simple exponential. By analyzing candidate filament turnover pathways using stochastic modeling, we found that exponential polymer mass decay is consistent with either slow treadmilling, slow Arp2/3-dissociation, or catastrophic bursts of disassembly, but is inconsistent with acceleration of filament turnover by severing. Imaging of single filaments in Xenopus egg extract provided evidence that disassembly by bursting dominates isolated filament turnover in a cytoplasmic context. Taken together, our results point to a pathway where filaments grow transiently from barbed ends, rapidly terminate growth to enter a long-lived stable state, and then undergo a catastrophic burst of disassembly. By keeping filament lengths largely constant over time, such catastrophic filament turnover may enable cellular actin assemblies to maintain their mechanical integrity as they are turning over.  相似文献   

Mechanical stresses applied to the plasma membrane of an adherent cell induces strain hardening of the cytoskeleton, i.e. the elasticity of the cytoskeleton increases with its deformation. Strain hardening is thought to mediate the transduction of mechanical signals across the plasma membrane through the cytoskeleton. Here, we describe the strain dependence of a model system consisting of actin filaments (F-actin), a major component of the cytoskeleton, and the F-actin cross-linking protein alpha-actinin, which localizes along contractile stress fibers and at focal adhesions. We show that the amplitude and rate of shear deformations regulate the resilience of F-actin networks. At low temperatures, for which the lifetime of binding of alpha-actinin to F-actin is long, F-actin/alpha-actinin networks exhibit strong strain hardening at short time scales and soften at long time scales. For F-actin networks in the absence of alpha-actinin or for F-actin/alpha-actinin networks at high temperatures, strain hardening appears only at very short time scales. We propose a model of strain hardening for F-actin networks, based on both the intrinsic rigidity of F-actin and dynamic topological constraints formed by the cross-linkers located at filaments entanglements. This model offers an explanation for the origin of strain hardening observed when shear stresses are applied against the cellular membrane.  相似文献   

The contractile and enzymatic activities of myosin VI are regulated by calcium binding to associated calmodulin (CaM) light chains. We have used transient phosphorescence anisotropy to monitor the microsecond rotational dynamics of erythrosin-iodoacetamide-labeled actin with strongly bound myosin VI (MVI) and to evaluate the effect of MVI-bound CaM light chain on actin filament dynamics. MVI binding lowers the amplitude but accelerates actin filament microsecond dynamics in a Ca2+- and CaM-dependent manner, as indicated from an increase in the final anisotropy and a decrease in the correlation time of transient phosphorescence anisotropy decays. MVI with bound apo-CaM or Ca2+-CaM weakly affects actin filament microsecond dynamics, relative to other myosins (e.g., muscle myosin II and myosin Va). CaM dissociation from bound MVI damps filament rotational dynamics (i.e., increases the torsional rigidity), such that the perturbation is comparable to that induced by other characterized myosins. Analysis of individual actin filament shape fluctuations imaged by fluorescence microscopy reveals a correlated effect on filament bending mechanics. These data support a model in which Ca2+-dependent CaM binding to the IQ domain of MVI is linked to an allosteric reorganization of the actin binding site(s), which alters the structural dynamics and the mechanical rigidity of actin filaments. Such modulation of filament dynamics may contribute to the Ca2+- and CaM-dependent regulation of myosin VI motility and ATP utilization.  相似文献   

Drosophila bristles display a precise orientation and curvature. An asymmetric extension of the socket cell overlies the newly emerging bristle rudiment to provide direction for bristle elongation, a process thought to be orchestrated by the nerve dendrite lying between these cells. Scanning electron microscopic analysis of individual bristles showed that curvature is planar and far greater near the bristle base. Correlated with this, as development proceeds the pupa gradually recedes from the inner pupal case (an extracellular layer that encloses the pupa) leading to less bristle curvature along the shaft. We propose that the inner pupal case induces elongating bristles to bend when they contact this barrier. During elongation the actin cytoskeleton locks in this curvature by grafting together the overlapping modules that comprise the long filament bundles. Because the bristle is curved, the actin bundles on the superior side must be longer than those on the inferior side. This is accomplished during grafting by greater elongation of superior side modules. Poor actin cross-bridging in mutant bristles results in altered curvature. Thus, the pattern of bristle curvature is a product of both extrinsic factors-the socket cell and the inner pupal case--and intrinsic factors--actin cytoskeleton assembly.  相似文献   

We recently identified conformational changes that occur upon phosphorylation of myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS) that preclude efficient cross-linking of actin filaments (Bubb, M. R., Lenox, R. H., and Edison, A. S. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 36472-36478). These results implied that the phosphorylation site domain of MARCKS has two actin-binding sites. We now present evidence for the existence of two actin-binding sites that not only mutually compete but also specifically compete with the actin-binding proteins thymosin beta(4) and actobindin to bind to actin. The effects of substitution of alanine for phenylalanine within a repeated hexapeptide segment suggest that the noncharged region of the domain contributes to binding affinity, but the binding affinity of peptides corresponding to each binding site has a steep dependence on salt concentration, consistent with presumed electrostatic interactions between these polycationic peptides and the polyanionic N terminus of actin. Phosphorylation decreases the site-specific affinity by no more than 0.7 kcal/mol, which is less than the effect of alanine substitution. However, phosphorylation has a much greater effect than alanine substitution on the loss of actin filament cross-linking activity. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the compact structure resulting from conformational changes due to phosphorylation, in addition to modest decreases in site-specific affinity, explains the loss of cross-linking activity in phosphorylated MARCKS.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,133(6):1293-1305
Regulation of actin filament length and orientation is important in many actin-based cellular processes. This regulation is postulated to occur through the action of actin-binding proteins. Many actin-binding proteins that modify actin in vitro have been identified, but in many cases, it is not known if this activity is physiologically relevant. Capping protein (CP) is an actin-binding protein that has been demonstrated to control filament length in vitro by binding to the barbed ends and preventing the addition or loss of actin monomers. To examine the in vivo role of CP, we have performed a molecular and genetic characterization of the beta subunit of capping protein from Drosophila melanogaster. We have identified mutations in the Drosophila beta subunit-these are the first CP mutations in a multicellular organism, and unlike CP mutations in yeast, they are lethal, causing death during the early larval stage. Adult files that are heterozygous for a pair of weak alleles have a defect in bristle morphology that is correlated to disorganized actin bundles in developing bristles. Our data demonstrate that CP has an essential function during development, and further suggest that CP is required to regulate actin assembly during the development of specialized structures that depend on actin for their morphology.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(4):1005-1015
Rat peritoneal mast cells, both intact and permeabilized, have been used widely as model secretory cells. GTP-binding proteins and calcium play a major role in controlling their secretory response. Here we have examined changes in the organization of actin filaments in intact mast cells after activation by compound 48/80, and in permeabilized cells after direct activation of GTP-binding proteins by GTP-gamma-S. In both cases, a centripetal redistribution of cellular F-actin was observed: the content of F-actin was reduced in the cortical region and increased in the cell interior. The overall F-actin content was increased. Using permeabilized cells, we show that AIF4-, an activator of heterotrimeric G proteins, induces the disassembly of F-actin at the cortex, while the appearance of actin filaments in the interior of the cell is dependent on two small GTPases, rho and rac. Rho was found to be responsible for de novo actin polymerization, presumably from a membrane-bound monomeric pool, while rac was required for an entrapment of the released cortical filaments. Thus, a heterotrimeric G-protein and the small GTPases, rho and rac, participate in affecting the changes in the actin cytoskeleton observed after activation of mast cells.  相似文献   



Bundles of unipolar actin filaments (F-actin), cross-linked via the actin-binding protein fascin, are important in filopodia of motile cells and stereocilia of inner ear sensory cells. However, such bundles are also useful as shuttles in myosin-driven nanotechnological applications. Therefore, and for elucidating aspects of biological function, we investigate if the bundle tendency to follow straight paths (quantified by path persistence length) when propelled by myosin motors is directly determined by material properties quantified by persistence length of thermally fluctuating bundles.


Fluorescent bundles, labeled with rhodamine-phalloidin, were studied at fascin:actin molar ratios: 0:1 (F-actin), 1:7, 1:4 and 1:2. Persistence lengths (Lp) were obtained by fitting the cosine correlation function (CCF) to a single exponential function: < cos(θ(0) − θ(s)) > = exp(−s / (2Lp)) where θ(s) is tangent angle; s: path or contour lengths. < > denotes averaging over filaments.


Bundle-Lp (bundles < 15 μm long) increased from ~ 10 to 150 μm with increased fascin:actin ratio. The increase was similar for path-Lp (path < 15 μm), with highly linear correlation. For longer bundle paths, the CCF-decay deviated from a single exponential, consistent with superimposition of the random path with a circular path as suggested by theoretical analysis.


Fascin–actin bundles have similar path-Lp and bundle-Lp, both increasing with fascin:actin ratio. Path-Lp is determined by the flexural rigidity of the bundle.

General significance

The findings give general insight into mechanics of cytoskeletal polymers that interact with molecular motors, aid rational development of nanotechnological applications and have implications for structure and in vivo functions of fascin–actin bundles.  相似文献   

Cells migrate through a crowded environment during processes such as metastasis or wound healing, and must generate and withstand substantial forces. The cellular motility responses to environmental forces are represented by their force-velocity relation, which has been measured for fish keratocytes but remains unexplained. Even pN opposing forces slow down lamellipodium motion by three orders of magnitude. At larger opposing forces, the retrograde flow of the actin network accelerates until it compensates for polymerization, and cell motion stalls. Subsequently, the lamellipodium adapts to the stalled state. We present a mechanism quantitatively explaining the cell's force-velocity relation and its changes upon application of drugs that hinder actin polymerization or actomyosin-based contractility. Elastic properties of filaments, close to the lamellipodium leading edge, and retrograde flow shape the force-velocity relation. To our knowledge, our results shed new light on how these migratory responses are regulated, and on the mechanics and structure of the lamellipodium.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(4):989-1002
The morphogenesis of myosin II structures in active lamella undergoing net protrusion was analyzed by correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy. In rat embryo fibroblasts (REF 52) microinjected with tetramethylrhodamine-myosin II, nascent myosin spots formed close to the active edge during periods of retraction and then elongated into wavy ribbons of uniform width. The spots and ribbons initially behaved as distinct structural entities but subsequently aligned with each other in a sarcomeric-like pattern. Electron microscopy established that the spots and ribbons consisted of bipolar minifilaments associated with each other at their head-containing ends and arranged in a single row in an "open" zig-zag conformation or as a "closed" parallel stack. Ribbons also contacted each other in a nonsarcomeric, network-like arrangement as described previously (Verkhovsky and Borisy, 1993. J. Cell Biol. 123:637-652). Myosin ribbons were particularly pronounced in REF 52 cells, but small ribbons and networks were found also in a range of other mammalian cells. At the edge of the cell, individual spots and open ribbons were associated with relatively disordered actin filaments. Further from the edge, myosin filament alignment increased in parallel with the development of actin bundles. In actin bundles, the actin cross-linking protein, alpha-actinin, was excluded from sites of myosin localization but concentrated in paired sites flanking each myosin ribbon, suggesting that myosin filament association may initiate a pathway for the formation of actin filament bundles. We propose that zig-zag assemblies of myosin II filaments induce the formation of actin bundles by pulling on an actin filament network and that co-alignment of actin and myosin filaments proceeds via folding of myosin II filament assemblies in an accordion-like fashion.  相似文献   

The bonding rules for actin filament bundles do not lead to a particular packing symmetry, but allow for either regular or disordered filament packing. Indeed, both hexagonal and disordered types of packing are observed in vivo. To investigate factors which control bundle order, as well as size, we examined the effect of protein concentration on the growth of actin-fascin bundles in vitro. We found that bundles require 4-8 d to achieve both maximum size and order. The largest and best ordered bundles were grown at low fascin and high actin concentrations (an initial fascin/actin ratio of 1:200). In contrast, a much larger number of poorly ordered bundles were formed at ratios of 1:25 and 1:50, and most surprisingly, no bundles were formed at 1:300 or 1:400. Based on these observations we propose a two-stage mechanism for bundle growth. The first stage is dominated by nucleation, which requires relatively high concentrations of fascin and which is therefore accompanied by rapid growth. Below some concentration threshold, nucleation ceases and bundles enter the second stage of slow growth, which continues until the supply of fascin is exhausted. By analogy with crystallization, we hypothesize that slower growth produces better order. We are able to use this mechanism to explain our observations as well as previous observations of bundle growth both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

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