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The bacterial type II protein secretion (T2S) and type IV piliation (T4P) systems share several common features. In particular, it is well established that the T2S system requires the function of a pilus-like structure, called pseudopilus, which is built upon assembly of pilin-like subunits, called pseudopilins. Pilins and pseudopilins have a hydrophobic N-terminal region, which precedes an extended hydrophilic C-terminal region. In the case of pilins, it was shown that oligomerisation and formation of helical fibers, takes place through interaction between the hydrophobic domains. XcpT, is the most abundant protein of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa T2S, and was proposed to be the main component in the pseudopilus. In this study we present the high-resolution NMR structure of the hydrophilic domain of XcpT (XcpTp). XcpTp is lacking the C-terminal disulfide bridged “D” domain found in type IV pilins and likely involved in receptor binding. This is in agreement with the idea that the XcpT-containing pseudopilus is required for protein secretion and not for bacterial attachment. Interestingly, by solving the 3D structure of XcpTp we revealed that the previously called αβ-loop pilin region is in fact highly conserved among major type II pseudopilins and constitutes a specific consensus motif for identifying major pseudopilins, which belong to this family.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a type III secretion system to inject protein effectors into a targeted host cell. Effector secretion is triggered by host cell contact. How effector secretion is prevented prior to cell contact is not well understood. In all secretion systems studied to date, the needle tip protein is required for controlling effector secretion, but the mechanism by which needle tip proteins control effector secretion is unclear. Here we present data that the P. aeruginosa needle tip protein, PcrV, controls effector secretion by assembling into a functional needle tip complex. PcrV likely does not simply obstruct the secretion channel because the pore‐forming translocator proteins can still be secreted while effector secretion is repressed. This finding suggests that PcrV controls effector secretion by affecting the conformation of the apparatus, shifting it from the default, effector secretion ‘on’ conformation, to the effector secretion ‘off’ conformation. We also present evidence that PcrG, which can bind to PcrV and is also involved in controlling effector export, is cytoplasmic and that the interaction between PcrG and PcrV is not required for effector secretion control by either protein. Taken together, these data allow us to propose a working model for control of effector secretion by PcrG and PcrV.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: involvement of methylation.   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
The involvement of a protein methyl transfer system in the chemotaxis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated. When a methionine auxotroph of P. aeruginosa was starved for methionine, chemotaxis toward serine, measured by a quantitative capillary assay, was reduced 80%, whereas background motility was unaffected or increased. When unstarved bacteria were labeled with L-[methyl-3H]methionine, a labeled species of 73,000 molecular weight which was methylated in response to stimulation by L-serine was identified. Under appropriate electrophoretic conditions, the 73,000 molecular weight species was resolved into two bands, both of which responded to stimulation by L-serine, L-arginine, and alpha-aminoisobutyrate (AIB) with an increased incorporation of methyl label. Arginine, which elicited the strongest chemotactic response in the capillary assay, also stimulated the greatest methylation response. Methylation of the 73,000 molecular weight species reached a maximum 10 min after stimulation by AIB and returned to the unstimulated level upon removal of the AIB. In vitro labeling of cell extracts with S-adenosyl[methyl-3H]methionine indicated that the 73,000 molecular weight species are methylated by an S-adenosylmethionine-mediated reaction. These results indicate that chemotaxis of P. aeruginosa toward amino acids is mediated by dynamic methylation and demethylation of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins analogous to those of the enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

Type IV pilins and pseudopilins are found in various prokaryotic envelope protein complexes, including type IV pili and type II secretion machineries of gram-negative bacteria, competence systems of gram-positive bacteria, and flagella and sugar-binding structures in members of the archaeal kingdom. The precursors of these proteins have highly conserved N termini, consisting of a short, positively charged leader peptide, which is cleaved off by a dedicated peptidase during maturation, and a hydrophobic stretch of approximately 20 amino acid residues. Which pathway is involved in the inner membrane translocation of these proteins is unknown. We used XcpT, the major pseudopilin from the type II secretion machinery of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as a model to study this process. Transport of an XcpT-PhoA hybrid was shown to occur in the absence of other Xcp components in P. aeruginosa and in Escherichia coli. Experiments with conditional sec mutants and reporter-protein fusions showed that this transport process involves the cotranslational signal recognition particle targeting route and is dependent on a functional Sec translocon.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane was isolated with attached peptidoglycan and fractionated with Triton X-100, ethylenediaminetetraacetate, and lysozyme. The data suggest that major outer membrane proteins F, H2, and I are noncovalently associated with the peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The localization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectins (PA-I and PA-II) was studied using methods of osmotic shock, freezing and thawing and spheroplast formation. Very slight release of the two lectins occurred when P. aeruginosa was exposed to magnesium-osmotic shock or was frozen and thawed. Under these conditions, release of the periplasmic 5'-nucleotidase occurred, whereas no release of cytoplasmic glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was detected. Formation of spheroplasts from P. aeruginosa by gradual removal of the bacterial envelopes revealed low lectin activity in the treatment fluids. Osmotic shock treatment of the lysozyme treated mureinoplasts resulted in low release of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and the two lectins (10-13%) and a considerable activity (38.4%) of 5'-nucleotidase. The presence of the lectins on the outer and the cytoplasmic membranes enabled intact cells and spheroplasts of P. aeruginosa to agglutinate papain-treated human erythrocytes. These results indicate that the two lectins are located mainly in the cytoplasm with small fractions on the cytoplasmic and outer membranes and in the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

Pili of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are assembled from monomers of the structural subunit, pilin, after secretion of this protein across the bacterial membrane. These subunits are initally synthesized as precursors (prepilin) with a six-amino-acid leader peptide that is cleaved off during or after membrane traversal, followed by methylation of the amino-terminal phenylalanine residue. This report demonstrates that additional sequences from the N terminus of the mature protein are necessary for membrane translocation. Gene fusions were made between amino-terminal coding sequences of the cloned pilin gene (pilA) and the structural gene for Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (phoA) devoid of a signal sequence. Fusions between at least 45 amino acid residues of the mature pilin and alkaline phosphatase resulted in translocation of the fusion proteins across the cytoplasmic membranes of both P. aeruginosa and E. coli strains carrying recombinant plasmids, as measured by alkaline phosphatase activity and Western blotting. Fusion proteins constructed with the first 10 amino acids of prepilin (including the 6-amino-acid leader peptide) were not secreted, although they were detected in the cytoplasm. Therefore, unlike that of the majority of secreted proteins that are synthesized with transient signal sequences, the membrane traversal of pilin across the bacterial membrane requires the transient six-amino-acid leader peptide as well as sequences contained in the N-terminal region of the mature pilin protein.  相似文献   

Using a rapid screening assay based on the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphorylcholine, we isolated several mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa deficient in the production of phospholipase C. One, designated strain A50N, was also markedly deficient in the synthesis of alkaline phosphatase and several unidentified extracellular proteins. Because strain A50N produces these proteins under conditions of derepression at levels equal to those produced by the parental strain PAO1 grown in medium containing excess phosphate, it appears to have a mutation in a genetic element involved in the derepression of phosphate-repressible proteins.  相似文献   

Inducible binding proteins for C4-dicarboxylic acids (DBP) and glucose (GBP) were isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa by extraction of exponential-phase cells with 0.2 M MgC12 (pH 8.5) and by an osmotic shock procedure without affecting cell viability. DBP synthesis was induced by growth on aspartate, alpha-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, malate, and malonate but not by growth on acetate, citrate, pyruvate, or glucose. Binding of succinate by DBP was competitively inhibited by 10-fold concentrations of fumarate and malate but not by a variety of related substances. GBP synthesis and transport of methyl alpha-glucoside by whole cells were induced by growth on glucose or pyruvate plus galactose, 2-deoxyglucose, or methyl alpha-glucoside but not by growth on gluconate, succinate, acetate, or pyruvate. The binding of radioactive glucose by GBP was significantly inhibited by 10-fold concentrations of glucose, galactose, and glucose-1-phosphate but not by the other carbohydrates tested. The binding of glucose by GBP or succinate by DBP did not result in any chemical alteration of the substrates.  相似文献   

The N-acetylglutamate deacetylase (EC 3.5.1.-) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, strain PAO1, was purified 15,000-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzyme was distinct from acetylornithinase and formylglutamate hydrolase. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 90,000 by gel filtration and by sedimentation in sucrose gradients. Electrophoresis in sodium-dodecyl sulphate gels gave a single band corresponding to a molecular weight of 44,000. N-Acetylglutamate deacetylase was L-specific and showed no peptidase activity. Among 17 N-acetyl-L-amino acids tested as substrates, N-acetyl-L-glutamine, N-acetyl-L-methionine and N-acetylglycine were hydrolysed at 20% of the rate of N-acetyl-L-glutamate whereas other N-acetyl-L-amino acids were deacetylated at a rate of less than 10%. The catalytic activity depended on Co2+. The Km of the enzyme with respect to N-acetylglutamate was 1.43 mM. Preparation of spheroplasts with lysozyme in the presence of 0.2 M-MgCl2 led to the release of 80% of the enzyme activity from the cells, indicating the periplasmic localization of N-acetylglutamate deacetylase. Its localization in the periplasmic space explains the inability of P. aeruginosa argA mutants to grow on N-acetylglutamate, which is utilized by the wild-type as a carbon and nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Alginate is an extracellular polysaccharide produced by mucoid strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that are typically isolated from the pulmonary tracts of chronically infected cystic fibrosis patients. Alginate is a linear polymer of D-mannuronate and L-guluronate with O-acetyl ester linkages on the O-2 and/or O-3 position of the mannuronate residues. The presence of O-acetyl groups plays an important role in the ability of the polymer to act as a virulence factor, and the algF, algJ, and algI genes are known to be essential for the addition of O-acetyl groups to alginate. To better understand the mechanism of O acetylation of alginate, the cellular locations of the AlgI, AlgJ, and AlgF proteins were determined. For these studies, defined nonpolar algI, algJ, and algF deletion mutants of P. aeruginosa strain FRD1 were constructed, and each mutant produced alginate lacking O-acetyl groups. Expression of algI, algJ, or algF in trans in the corresponding mutant complemented each O acetylation defect. Random phoA (alkaline phosphatase [AP] gene) fusions to algF, algJ, and algI were constructed. All in-frame fusions to algF and algJ had AP activity, indicating that both AlgF and AlgJ were exported to the periplasm. Immunoblot analysis of spheroplasts and periplasmic fractions showed that AlgF was released with the periplasmic contents but that AlgJ remained with the spheroplast fraction. An N-terminal sequence analysis of AlgJ showed that its putative AlgJ signal peptide was not cleaved, suggesting that AlgJ is anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane by its uncleaved signal peptide. AP gene fusions were also used to map the membrane topology of AlgI, and the results suggest that it is an integral membrane protein with seven transmembrane domains. These results suggest that AlgI-AlgJ-AlgF may form a complex in the membrane that is the reaction center for O acetylation of alginate.  相似文献   

Secretion of extracellular proteins by Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A Lazdunski  J Guzzo  A Filloux  M Bally  M Murgier 《Biochimie》1990,72(2-3):147-156
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterial species of commercial value secreting numerous extracellular proteins, involved in pathogenesis. Most strains produce at least a lipase, a phospholipase, an alkaline phosphatase, an exotoxin and 2 proteases (elastase and alkaline protease). Various mechanisms for secretion of exoproteins appear to exist in P aeruginosa. Genetic analysis has led to the identification of 2 secretion pathways: i) a "general" secretion pathway, defined by the xcp mutations, which mediates secretion of most extracellular proteins, and; ii) an independent secretion pathway specific for alkaline protease. Our present knowledge on the pathways and components of the secretion machinery in P aeruginosa is reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding proteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa were compared with those of Escherichia coli. These in P. aeruginosa were found exclusively in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction (fraction soluble in sodium N-lauroyl sarcosinate). Sodium dodecyl sulfate/acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the proteins bound to [14C]penicillin G resulted in the separation of six major bands and several minor bands. The proteins in these bands are referred to as proteins 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in order of increasing electrophoretical mobility. The electrophoretic mobilities and other properties of penicillin-binding proteins in P. aeruginosa and E. coli were compared and correlated. Fundamentally they seem to be very similar in the two bacteria, but proteins 1A and 1B in P. aeruginosa seem to correspond respectively to proteins 1B and 1A in E. coli, and protein 6 seems to be missing or present in only small amount in P. aeruginosa. In addition, the affinities of currently developed beta-lactam antibiotics to each protein of P. aeruginosa and E. coli were examined in relation to the morphological changes of the cells induced by these antibiotics and their antibacterial potencies. Mecillinam showed high affinity to only protein 2 in both P. aeruginosa and E. coli. At a minimal inhibitory concentration, it converted cells of both P. aeruginosa and E. coli from rods to spherical cells, although its minimal inhibitory concentration was much higher for P. aeruginosa than for E. coli.  相似文献   

R' plasmids carrying argF genes from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains PAO and PAC were transferred to Pseudomonas putida argF and Escherichia coli argF strains. Expression in P. putida was similar to that in P. aeruginosa and was repressed by exogenous arginine. Expression in E. coli was 2 to 4% of that in P. aeruginosa. Exogenous arginine had no effect, and there were no significant differences between argR' and argR strains of E. coli in this respect.  相似文献   

A number of polyacrylamide gel systems and solubilization procedures were studied to define the number and nature of "major" polypeptide bands in the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It was shown that five of the eight major outer membrane proteins were "heat modifiable" in that their mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was determined by the solubilization temperature. Four of these heat-modifiable proteins had characteristics similar to protein II of the Escherichia coli outer membrane. Addition of lipopolysaccharide subsequent to solubilization caused reversal of the heat modification. The other heat-modifiable protein, the porin protein F, was unusually stable to sodium dodecyl sulfate. Long periods of boiling in sodium dodecyl sulfate were required to cause conversion to the heat-modified form. This was demonstrated both with outer membrane-associated and purified lipopolysaccharide-depleted protein F. Furthermore, lipopolysaccharide treatment had no effect on the mobility of heat-modified protein F. Thus it is concluded that protein F represents a new class of heat-modifiable protein. It was further demonstrated that the electrophoretic mobility of protein F was modified by 2-mercaptoethanol and that the 2-mercaptoethanol and heat modification of mobility were independent of one another. The optimal conditions for the examination of the outer membrane proteins of P. aeruginosa by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis are discussed.  相似文献   

Degradation of IgA proteins by Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Human colostral IgA and myeloma proteins of both IgA1 and IgA2 subclasses were susceptible to cleavage by Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase. Detailed analysis of the cleavage products of IgA myeloma proteins revealed complete degradation of Fab with no evidence of intact Fab fragments as intermediate cleavage products. In contrast, both IgA1 and IgA2 proteins were resistant to cleavage by alkaline protease from P. aeruginosa. The susceptibility of human IgA proteins to elastase suggests a mechanism by which P. aeruginosa might evade the potentially protective function of IgA by producing this enzyme.  相似文献   

Staphylolytic enzyme, a specific peptidase produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, has been characterized by using immunochemical procedures. Lytic activity was detected in the extracellular medium of Pseudomonas cultures at the beginning of the stationary growth phase. No activity was detected in bacterial cells. However, lytic protein antigen was present in periplasmic and cytoplasmic fractions, suggesting that staphylolytic enzyme is synthesized as an inactive precursor which becomes active during translocation to the extracellular broth. Results obtained in immunolocalization experiments indicate the presence of the precursor in the outer part of cells. The export pathway of staphylolytic enzyme through the periplasmic space is proposed.Abbreviations DCE dialyzed crude extract - CFU colonies forming units - LU lytic unit  相似文献   

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