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BACKGROUND: Methylnitrosourea (MNU) is a potent carcinogen and teratogen that is associated with central nervous system, craniofacial, skeletal, ocular, and appendicular birth defects following transplacental exposure at critical time points during development, and preliminary studies have suggested that nonspecific maternal immunostimulation may offer protection against development of these birth defects. METHODS: Our study examined morphologic alterations in fetal limb and digital development and placental integrity following maternal exposure to MNU on GD 9 in CD-1 mice, and characterized the improvement in placental integrity and abrogation of fetal defects following maternal immune stimulation with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) on GD 7. RESULTS: Fetal limbs were significantly shortened (p < 0.0001) and incidence of limb and digital defects (syndactyly, polydactyly, oligodactyly, clubbing, and webbing) was dramatically increased following mid-gestational maternal MNU exposure. Maternal immune stimulation with IFN-gamma on GD 7 lessened incidence of fetal limb shortening and maldevelopment on GD 12 and 14. Further, disruption of placental spongiotrophoblast integrity, increased cell death in placental trophoblasts with increased intercellular spaces in the spongiotrophoblast layer and minimal inflammation, and increased loss of fetal labyrinthine endothelial cells from MNU-exposed dams suggested that MNU-induced placental breakdown may contribute to fetal limb and digital maldevelopment. MNU + IFN-gamma was associated with diminished cell death within all layers of the placenta, especially in the labyrinthine layer. CONCLUSIONS: These data verify improved distal limb development in MNU-exposed mice as a result of maternal IFN-gamma administration, and suggest a link between placental integrity and proper fetal development.  相似文献   

Immune responses to Helicobacter pylori infection play important roles in gastroduodenal diseases. The contributions of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) to the induction of gastric inflammation and to the protection from H. pylori infection were investigated using TNF-alpha geneknockout (TNF-alpha(-/-)) mice and IFN-gamma gene-knockout (IFN-gamma(-/-)) mice. We first examined the colonizing ability of H. pylori strain CPY2052 in the stomach of C57BL/6 wild-type and knockout mice. The number of H. pylori colonized in the stomach of IFN-gamma(-/-) and TNF-alpha(-/-) mice was higher than that of wild-type mice. These findings suggest that TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma may play a protective role in H. pylori infection. Furthermore, we examined the contribution of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma to gastric inflammation. The CPY2052-infected TNF-alpha(-/-) mice showed a moderate infiltration of mononuclear cells in the lamina propria and erosions in the gastric epithelium as did wild-type mice, whereas the CPY2052-infected IFN-gamma(-/-) mice showed no inflammatory findings even 6 months after infection. These results demonstrate that IFN-gamma may play an important role in gastric inflammation induced by H. pylori infection, whereas TNF-alpha may not participate in the development of inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Individual susceptibility differences to fungal infection following invasive and/or immunosuppressive medical interventions are an important clinical issue. In order to explore immune response‐related factors that may be linked to fungal infection susceptibility, we have compared the response of inbred C57BL/6J and outbred CD1 mouse strains to different experimental models of fungal sepsis. The challenge of animals with the zymosan‐induced generalised inflammation model revealed poorer survival rates in C57BL/6J, consistent with lower Th1 cytokine interferon (IFN)‐γ serum levels, compared with CD1 mice. Likewise, ex vivo exposure of C57BL/6J splenocytes to zymosan but also bacterial lipopolisaccharide or lipoteichoic acid, resulted in lower IFN‐γ secretion compared with CD1 mice. C57BL/6J susceptibility could be reverted by rescue infusion of relative low IFN‐γ doses (0.2 μg/kg) either alone or in combination with the ß‐glucan‐binding CD5 protein (0.7 mg/kg) leading to improved post zymosan‐induced generalised inflammation survival. Similarly, low survival rates to systemic Candida albicans infection (2.86 × 104 CFU/gr) were ameliorated by low‐dose IFN‐γ infusion in C57BL/6J but not CD1 mice. Our results highlight the importance of strain choice in experimental fungal infection models and provide a susceptibility rationale for more specific antifungal immunotherapy designs.  相似文献   

目的 为了获得白化的C57BL/6N小鼠,扩大其在皮肤移植和胚胎干细胞方面研究中的应用。方法 通过体外设计合成Cas9 mRNA和系列sgRNA(single guide RNAs),注射到小鼠的受精卵内,破坏合成C57BL/6N小鼠黑色素生成必须的酪氨酸酶(tyrosinase,TYR)基因序列的第1和第2外显子,产生基因突变,获得F0代白化的C57BL/6N小鼠,然后经过重复回交和自交,形成白化C57BL/6N小鼠近交系。结果 经过注射两对sgRNA,成功的获得了F0代的白化小鼠,在Tyr基因的第1和第2外显子中均发生了缺失突变,小鼠可以将突变基因传递给后代,并在其后代中产生了纯合的白色C57BL/6N小鼠,最后对白化小鼠突变类型进行了分析。结论 通过CRISPR-Cas9技术破坏了小鼠Tyr基因,成功地建立了白化C57BL/6N小鼠近交系,为将来的嵌合体制作、组织移植提供了新的研究工具。  相似文献   

本试验利用虎源H5N1禽流感病毒对6~8周龄雌性C57BL/6小鼠进行滴鼻感染,观测小鼠临床症状和组织病理变化,于感染后第3d和第5d每组分别处死3只小鼠,测定肺、脑、脾、肾、肝组织中的病毒含量;并测定该病毒对C57BL/6小鼠的MLD50。结果表明感染小鼠出现精神不振、体重下降、支气管炎和间质性肺炎为主的临床症状和病理变化;测得感染后小鼠肺脏中病毒拷贝数和病毒滴度最高,其次是脑、肾、脾、肝等组织;该病毒对C57BL/6小鼠的MLD50为10-6.5/0.05mL。此研究成功进行了H5N1禽流感病毒对C57BL/6小鼠的感染,可以作为感染模型进行H5N1禽流感病毒的发病机制、疫苗评价、药物筛选等研究。  相似文献   

Helicobacter heilmannii has been reported to cause gastric low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue-type (MALT) lymphoma, but its precise pathophysiological mechanism remains to be clarified. We recently established a model of gastric B-cell MALT lymphoma in C57BL/6 mice by means of peroral infection of H. heilmannii primarily obtained from cynomolgus monkeys. Using this model, macroscopic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic observations of MALT lymphomas were carried out in order to examine the development of apoptosis and angiogenesis. Enhancement of the microvascular network and an increase in vascular endothelial growth factor-A were detected in the central region of the MALT lymphoma tissue in the infected mouse stomach, while vascular endothelial growth factor-C was detected at the margins of the MALT lymphomas. In addition, many H. heilmannii-invaded parietal cells showed caspase-3 immunoreactivity in the fundic mucosal tissue surrounding the MALT lymphoma. In conclusion, in H. heilmannii-induced MALT lymphoma, enhanced immunoreactivity of vascular endothelial growth factor-A and factor-C was observed in areas encircled by increased parietal cell apoptosis, which indicates the pathophysiological relevance of both angiogenesis and apoptosis in MALT lymphoma formation.  相似文献   

Toxoplasama gondii appeared in the bile and feces of interferon-gamma knockout (GKO) but not wild type mice on days 7-8 after peroral infection with T. gondii cysts of Fukaya strain. Both tachyzoite-specific SAG1 and bradyzoite-specific T.g. HSP30 mRNAs were detected in the bile and feces of GKO mice. Tachyzoites converted to bradyzoites by culturing in the bile. By feeding uninfected mice with the bile and washed feces of T. gondii-infected GKO mice, T. gondii-specific antibody formation in the serum and cyst formation in the brain were observed. The novel migration route of T. gondii from liver to bile and feces in GKO mice was confirmed.  相似文献   

pDC are known to produce large amount of IFN-alpha/beta in response to viruses, and act as a major link between the innate and adaptive immune response. This study concentrated on the interaction of human peripheral blood derived pDC with HCV NS3, NS4, and NS5 proteins, and their maturation, cytokine secretion and functional properties. It was shown that HCV NS5 interferes with CD40L induced maturation of pDC as indicated by decreased expression of CD83 and CD86 markers. CpG ODN stimulated HCV NS3 and NS5 treated pDC showed decreased production of IFN-alpha. In the case of NS3, IFN-alpha production was reduced to 126 pg/ml as compared to 245 pg/ml in controls (P < 0.01), and with NS5, IFN-alpha production was reduced to 92 pg/ml as compared to 238 pg/ml in controls (P < 0.05). In the presence of HCV NS5, the T cell stimulatory capacity of pDC was impaired, as indicated by decreased proliferation of T cells, and decreased production by the T cells of IFN-gamma, which were down to 86 pg/ml as compared to 260 pg/ml in controls (P < 0.05). These results suggest that HCV NS5 impairs pDC function and is in agreement with several other in vivo studies indicating decreased numbers of, and dysfunctional pDC, in chronic HCV infected patients.  相似文献   

The activity and level of hepatic pyruvate carboxylase (PC) has been reported to be altered by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) treatment in mice. If alteration in PC level/activity by TCDD influences TCDD toxicity, one would expect to observe an early post-exposure reduction in PC mRNA. To examine the molecular events responsible for the alteration of PC activity in livers of TCDD-treated mice, we designed a synthetic DNA oligonucleotide probe specific for PC mRNA. Northern blot analysis on RNA extracts from hepatic tissue at various times and doses post-TCDD exposure were done. Furthermore, to elucidate the role of the dioxin Ah locus on alterations of PC activity by TCDD, we utilized C57BL/6J (Ahb/b, Ah high TCDD affinity) mice and a congenic (Ahd/d, Ah low TCDD affinity) mouse strain. At 8 days post TCDD treatment, a dose-dependent reduction of hepatic PC mRNA levels was observed in Ahb/b mice. The response, reduction in PC mRNA levels, in the Ahb/b strain was about 10-fold greater than that of comparably exposed congenic Ahd/d mice. These results indicate that previously reported reductions in PC activity/level by TCDD treatment of mice is a consequence of a reduction in PC mRNA levels and that the effect requires a competent Ah receptor. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Complement component C3, the central player in the complement cascade and the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β is expressed by activated glial cells and may contribute to neurodegeneration. This study examines the regulation of the expression of C3 by IL-1β in astroglial cells focusing on the role of the upstream kinase MKK6, p38-α MAPK, and C/EBP-β isoforms (LAP1, LAP2, or LIP) in astroglial cells. Activation of human astroglial cell line, U373 with IL-1β, led to the induction of C3 mRNA and protein expression as determined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively. This induction was suppressed by the pharmacological inhibitor of p38 MAPK (i.e., SB202190-HCl), suggesting the involvement of p38 MAPK in C3 gene expression. IL-1β also induced C3 promoter activity in U373 cells in a MAP kinase- and C/EBP-β-dependent manner. Cotransfection of C3 luciferase reporter construct with constitutively active form of the upstream kinase in the MAP kinase cascade, that is, MKK6 (the immediate upstream activator of p38 kinase) resulted in marked stimulation of the promoter activity, whereas overexpression of a dominant negative forms of MKK6 and p38α MAPK inhibited C3 promoter activity. Furthermore, a mutant form of C/EBP-β, LAP(T235A) showed reduction in IL-1β-mediated C3 promoter activation. These results suggest that the p38α, MAPK, and MKK6 play prominent roles in IL-1β and C/EBP-β-mediated C3 gene expression in astrocytes.  相似文献   

CD26 is a membrane-bound ectopeptidase with dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) activity that has diverse functional properties in T cell physiology and in regulation of bioactive peptides. We have previously reported that activated human peripheral lymphocytes (PBL) secrete an amino-terminal truncated form of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1beta/(3-69) with novel functional specificity for CCR1, 2, and 5. In this report, we show that the full length MIP-1beta is processed by CD26/DPPIV to the truncated form and that cleavage can be blocked by DPPIV inhibitory peptides derived from HIV Tat(1-9) or the thromboxane A2 receptor, TAX2-R(1-9). Addition of Tat(1-9) or TAX2-R(1-9) peptides to PBL cultures partially blocks endogenous MIP-1beta processing. The kinetics of conversion of MIP-1beta from intact to MIP-1beta(3-69) in activated PBLs correlates with cell surface expression of CD26. Our results suggest that NH2-terminal processing of MIP-1beta and possibly other chemokines may depend on the balance between CD26/DPPIV enzymatic activity and cellular and viral proteins that modulate enzyme function.  相似文献   

Impact of intra- and interstrain cross-fostering on mouse maternal care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of maternal care in shaping an individual's phenotype in health and disease is becoming more and more apparent in both human and animal studies. However, in mouse studies using inbred strains or knockout mice to analyze the genetic influences on the development of normal and aberrant behavioral phenotypes, maternal behavior is very poorly characterized and often ignored. This study provides an extensive analysis of spontaneous maternal behavior of inbred mice in three conditions: (1) comparing two commonly used strains, (2) analyzing the impact of adopting pups from the same strain (intrastrain cross-fostering) and (3) analyzing the impact of adopting pups from a different strain (interstrain cross-fostering). For each condition, maternal behavior was analyzed continuously over 23-h periods on postnatal days 2, 4, 6 and 9. We report that (1) the maternal behavior of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J dams toward their biological offspring is highly similar, (2) intrastrain cross-fostering has minimal impact on maternal behavior of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J dams, (3) interstrain cross-fostering does not modify the strain differences in maternal care observed between AKR and C3H/He mothers and (4) the pup strain does influence the amount of maternal behavior shown by both mothers in interstrain cross-fostering. These latter findings demonstrate that both mother strain and pup strain are key determinants of maternal behavior.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Zhi HY  Ding F  Luo AP  Liu ZH 《Cell research》2005,15(2):105-110
Epidermal-type transglutaminase 3 (TGM3) is involved in the cross-linking of structural proteins to form the cornified envelope in the epidermis. In the present study, we detected the expression of TGM3 in the mouse embryo using RT-PCR.TGM3 mRNA is weakly presented from E11.5 to E14.5 and increases significantly from E15.5 to birth. Then we determined the spatial and temporal expression pattern of TGM3 in the skin and other organs by in situ hybridization. We found a deprivation of TGM3 in skin at E11.5, while a rich supply in periderm cells and a weak expression in basal cells from E12.5 to E14.5. From the period of E15.5 to E16.5, after keratinization in the epidermis, TGM3 was expressed in the granular and cornified layers. The electron microscopic observation of the C57BL/6J mouse limb bud skin development provided several morphological evidences for the epidermal differentiation. The above findings suggest that the expression of TGM3 plays a important role in the epidermis differentiation in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of pulsed magnetic stimulation on tumor development processes and immune functions in mice. A circular coil (inner diameter = 15 mm, outer diameter = 75 mm) was used in the experiments. Stimulus conditions were pulse width = 238 micros, peak magnetic field = 0.25 T (at the center of the coil), frequency = 25 pulses/s, 1,000 pulses/sample/day and magnetically induced eddy currents in mice = 0.79-1.54 A/m(2). In an animal study, B16-BL6 melanoma model mice were exposed to the pulsed magnetic stimulation for 16 days from the day of injection of cancer cells. A tumor growth study revealed a significant tumor weight decrease in the stimulated group (54% of the sham group). In a cellular study, B16-BL6 cells were also exposed to the magnetic field (1,000 pulses/sample, and eddy currents at the bottom of the dish = 2.36-2.90 A/m(2)); however, the magnetically induced eddy currents had no effect on cell viabilities. Cytokine production in mouse spleens was measured to analyze the immunomodulatory effect after the pulsed magnetic stimulation. tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) production in mouse spleens was significantly activated after the exposure of the stimulus condition described above. These results showed the first evidence of the anti-tumor effect and immunomodulatory effects brought about by the application of repetitive magnetic stimulation and also suggested the possible relationship between anti-tumor effects and the increase of TNF-alpha levels caused by pulsed magnetic stimulation.  相似文献   

Yun HJ  Yoon JH  Lee JK  Noh KT  Yoon KW  Oh SP  Oh HJ  Chae JS  Hwang SG  Kim EH  Maul GG  Lim DS  Choi EJ 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(12):2465-2476
Microglia, the resident macrophages of the mammalian central nervous system, migrate to sites of tissue damage or infection and become activated. Although the persistent secretion of inflammatory mediators by the activated cells contributes to the pathogenesis of various neurological disorders, most activated microglia eventually undergo apoptosis through the process of activation-induced cell death (AICD). The molecular mechanism of AICD, however, has remained unclear. Here, we show that Daxx and mammalian Ste20-like kinase-1 (MST1) mediate apoptosis elicited by interferon-γ (IFN-γ) in microglia. IFN-γ upregulated the expression of Daxx, which in turn mediated the homodimerization, activation, and nuclear translocation of MST1 and apoptosis in microglial cells. Depletion of Daxx or MST1 by RNA interference also attenuated IFN-γ-induced cell death in primary rat microglia. Furthermore, the extent of IFN-γ-induced death of microglia in the brain of MST1-null mice was significantly reduced compared with that apparent in wild-type mice. Our results thus highlight new functions of Daxx and MST1 that they are the key mediators of microglial cell death initiated by the proinflammatory cytokine IFN-γ.  相似文献   

目的利用大剂量顺铂(Cisplatin,DDP)诱发小鼠急性肾功能衰竭的动物模型,了解大剂量DDP在引起肾损伤的同时对小鼠肝的毒性作用,探讨髓过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,MPO)与DDP所致小鼠肝功能变化的关系。方法 C57BL/6小鼠50只,雌雄各半,依体重随机分为DDP用药组和生理盐水(NS)对照组。15 mg/kg DDP单次腹腔内注射,等量NS对照。分别取对照组小鼠和DDP用药后6、12、24和48 h小鼠各10只,称重后乙醚麻醉,内眦静脉取血检测肝、肾功能;剖腹取肝、称重、计算肝系数,并取少量肝组织行HE染色、形态学观察;检测血浆和肝组织匀浆中MPO活性,统计学分析。结果大剂量DDP用药后48 h,小鼠出现急性肾功能衰竭。DDP用药后6 h血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)含量达(91.0±11.3)IU/L,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),随后血清ALT含量持续维持在高水平。DDP用药后各组小鼠肝系数明显升高,光镜下见肝细胞广泛变性水肿,肝小叶中可见点状坏死及炎细胞浸润。DDP用药后6 h,小鼠肝组织匀浆MPO含量显著升高,达(1.54±0.45)U/g,与对照组(0.58±0.28)U/g差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),随后MPO含量降至正常水平;DDP用药后小鼠外周血MPO含量缓慢增高,用药后48 h达(12.78±2.78)U/L,与对照组(8.06±1.89)U/L比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论大剂量DDP在诱发小鼠急性肾功能衰竭的同时还可引起小鼠急性肝细胞的破坏,其发生可能与肝组织内白细胞的激活及MPO的释放有关。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of maternal separation in C57BL/6 male and female mice during infancy on later adult fear and anxiety behaviors. Additionally, we observed the maternal behavior of the dams to examine aspects of maternal care that may be modulated by daily bouts of separation. In males, mice that experienced maternal separation during the neonatal period displayed significantly higher levels of anxiety and fear behavior, as measured by the open field test and elevated plus maze, compared to control, standard facility reared males. In females, however, maternal separation reduced anxiety and fear behavior in the open field test, but only when the females were in the diestrous phase of their estrous cycle. The 30-min daily observation of the dams revealed that the separation did not significantly alter the frequency of the maternal care provided by the dam at the time point measured. These results indicate that the emotionality of adult male and female mice can be modulated by maternal separation. However, this effect is dependent on the sex of the offspring and the phase of the estrous cycle of the female.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‐induced inflammatory factors production by the cerebral cortical glial cells in two sides of the murine brain are different. To determine if microglial cells, a subset of glial cells, are involved in asymmetric production, interleukin‐6 (IL‐6), interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) and nitric oxide (NO) responses to LPS by microglial cells in the right and left cerebral cortices were examined. Primary microglial cells were isolated from BALB/C neonatal mice, treated with LPS (10 µg ml?1) for 24 h and examined for IL‐6, IL‐1β and NO production. At untreated state, the levels of IL‐6, IL‐1β and NO showed no statistical difference between left and right. However, after LPS treatment, the levels of IL‐6, IL‐1β and NO for the right microglial cells was statistically significant higher than the left (P < 0·05). Our results denote that enhanced production of IL‐6, IL‐1β and NO after LPS treatment in microglia is directly proportional to their basal‐state levels, and right cortical microglia produce higher levels of IL‐6, IL‐1β and NO than left cortical microglia. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anandamide [arachidonylethanolamide (AEA)] appears to be an endogenous agonist of brain cannabinoid receptors (CB(1)), yet some of the neurobehavioral effects of this compound in mice are unaffected by a selective CB(1) antagonist. We studied the levels, pharmacological actions, and degradation of AEA in transgenic mice lacking the CB(1) gene. We quantified AEA and the other endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, in six brain regions and the spinal cord by isotope-dilution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The distribution of endocannabinoids and their inactivating enzyme, fatty acid amide hydrolase, were found to overlap with CB(1) distribution only in part. In CB(1) knockout homozygotes (CB(1)-/-), the hippocampus and, to a lesser extent, the striatum exhibited lower AEA levels as compared with wild-type (CB(1)+/+) controls. These data suggest a ligand/receptor relationship between AEA and CB(1) in these two brain regions, where tonic activation of the receptor may tightly regulate the biosynthesis of its endogenous ligand. 2-Arachidonoyl glycerol levels and fatty acid amide hydrolase activity were unchanged in CB(1)-/- with respect to CB(1)+/+ mice in all regions. AEA and Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) were tested in CB(1)-/- mice for their capability of inducing analgesia and catalepsy and decreasing spontaneous activity. The effects of AEA, unlike THC, were not decreased in CB(1)-/- mice. AEA, but not THC, stimulated GTPgammaS binding in brain membranes from CB(1)-/- mice, and this stimulation was insensitive to CB(1) and CB(2) antagonists. We suggest that non-CB(1), non-CB(2) G protein-coupled receptors might mediate in mice some of the neuro-behavioral actions of AEA.  相似文献   

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