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表观遗传调控植物响应非生物胁迫的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
植物的生长发育容易受到外界环境变化的影响。非生物胁迫发生时, 表观遗传机制对胁迫应答基因的表达调控发挥了十分重要的作用。近年来, 调控植物非生物胁迫应答的表观遗传机制研究取得了一系列重要进展, 为进一步深入解析植物响应非生物胁迫的分子机制奠定了基础。该文对DNA甲基化修饰、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑和非编码RNA等主要表观遗传调控方式在植物响应非生物胁迫中的作用进行了简要综述。  相似文献   

陈威  杨颖增  陈锋  周文冠  舒凯 《植物学报》1983,54(6):779-785
植物因其固着生长的方式, 已经进化出各类特殊的机制来适应多变的外界环境。为提高自身的存活率, 植物进化出一类胁迫记忆机制, 以适应环境和保护自己。表观遗传修饰不仅能调控植物的正常生长发育, 而且参与植物对各种非生物或生物胁迫的响应。近年的研究表明, 表观遗传修饰在植物胁迫记忆调控中也发挥重要作用。例如, DNA甲基化、组蛋白甲基化及乙酰化等表观遗传修饰参与并维持特定的胁迫记忆。该文主要对表观遗传修饰介导的植物胁迫记忆最新进展进行综述, 并展望未来的重点和热点研究方向。  相似文献   

陈威  杨颖增  陈锋  周文冠  舒凯 《植物学报》2019,54(6):779-785
植物因其固着生长的方式, 已经进化出各类特殊的机制来适应多变的外界环境。为提高自身的存活率, 植物进化出一类胁迫记忆机制, 以适应环境和保护自己。表观遗传修饰不仅能调控植物的正常生长发育, 而且参与植物对各种非生物或生物胁迫的响应。近年的研究表明, 表观遗传修饰在植物胁迫记忆调控中也发挥重要作用。例如, DNA甲基化、组蛋白甲基化及乙酰化等表观遗传修饰参与并维持特定的胁迫记忆。该文主要对表观遗传修饰介导的植物胁迫记忆最新进展进行综述, 并展望未来的重点和热点研究方向。  相似文献   

植物着地固定生长不能主动逃避外界危害,只能依靠自身的一些响应机制来防御外界胁迫,表观遗传调控在这个响应机制中起着重要的作用,主要表现在DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑及非编码RNA。植物在遭受低温、高温、干旱、盐、重金属、病毒及激素等因素胁迫后,通过调节抗逆相关基因的表达来响应外界危害。综述表观遗传修饰在各种胁迫下的调控机制,为作物的抗逆研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

植物扎根土壤,面对不利的环境胁迫无法逃避。然而,植物已经进化出对环境胁迫的记忆(stress memory)与警备抗性(或防御警备defense priming)等机制适应环境。环境胁迫在短时间内无法改变植物的DNA碱基序列,因此表观遗传被认为是植物对环境胁迫产生记忆和产生防御警备的主要机制,而组蛋白修饰被认为是最重要的机制,为胁迫记忆提供了可能。本文综述了非生物和生物胁迫下植物分别以胁迫记忆和防御警备机制为主导的组蛋白修饰参与抵御不良环境的最新进展,并提出该研究领域存在的问题和今后研究的重点与方向。深入探究组蛋白修饰与植物适应环境胁迫的关系,可为提高植物抗性、植物表型塑造、器官再生和作物改良等方面提供理论和技术指导。  相似文献   

表观遗传修饰是指染色体DNA和组蛋白上的化学修饰,主要包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和非编码RNA。在不改变DNA序列的情况下,这些修饰可以通过改变染色质状态来影响遗传信息的表达,并具有可遗传性,对植物的生长发育具有重要的调控作用。当特定的表观遗传修饰发生改变时,农作物可以获得优异的表型、更强的环境适应性,因此人为改变表观遗传修饰有望获得更适于农业生产的优质种质资源。本文综述了植物表观遗传修饰的主要类型及其在作物重要性状的形成和环境胁迫响应中的相关研究进展,总结了表观遗传学应用于作物改良必须解决的主要问题,以期在表观遗传修饰层面为作物的育种改良提供新思路。  相似文献   

植物中表观遗传修饰研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郑小国  陈亮  罗利军 《植物学报》2013,48(5):561-572
表观遗传是指DNA序列不发生变化, 但基因表达发生了可遗传的改变, 主要涉及DNA与染色体上的一些可逆修饰以及一些转录调控机制。DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和非编码RNA调控是表观遗传学研究的三大支柱。三者在植物生长发育、应对生物和非生物胁迫以及适应环境变化中发挥着极其重要的作用。该文综述了植物中DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA调控的研究进展及其对植物株高、生育期、花型、果实着色以及应对环境胁迫等方面的影响。  相似文献   

胁迫是指生物体持续地暴露在环境的刺激下,并且植物有能力建立保护和适应的机制.逆境胁迫抑制生物体的生长、发育和繁殖,它通常决定了物种的分布,更重要的是它对特定的种群提供了一种选择性进化动力.植物可以通过忍受、抗性和避免或最终逃避这三种不同的策略来应对胁迫.DNA甲基化作为一种表观遗传现象,是指在甲基化酶的作用下,不涉及基因的DNA序列改变,而使基因功能发生变化,以对外界的环境刺激作出应答反应.这种变化常常可以传递给后代,并形成表观遗传记忆,这对培育植物抗性新品种提供了可能.综述了植物响应逆境胁迫中的DNA甲基化修饰的研究进展,旨在深入了解DNA甲基化变化对植物抗逆性的影响.  相似文献   

植物表观遗传学不仅是基础科学研究的焦点,也是植物育种中获得新资源的一种方式。表观遗传机制可以通过非编码RNA,组蛋白修饰和DNA甲基化控制基因的表达,且越来越多的研究表明表观遗传机制对植物适应环境及胁迫记忆是必要的。本综述重点从DNA甲基化调控、组蛋白变异、组蛋白修饰调控、非编码RNA调控水平论述植物在各种逆境条件下如何通过表观遗传机制来适应环境。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化与植物抗逆性研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DNA甲基化是真核细胞基因组重要修饰方式之一.DNA甲基化通过与转录因子相互作用或通过改变染色质结构来影响基因的表达,从表观遗传水平对生物遗传信息进行调节,在生长发育过程中起着重要的作用,而且植物DNA甲基化还参与了环境胁迫下的基因表达调控过程.本文对植物DNA甲基化的产生机制、功能,以及DNA甲基化在植物应对逆境胁迫中的作用进行综述,以更好地理解植物DNA甲基化及其对环境胁迫的响应,为植物抗逆性研究及作物遗传改良提供理论参照.  相似文献   

Sensing environmental changes and initiating a gene expression response are important for plants as sessile autotrophs. The ability of epigenetic status to alter rapidly and reversibly could be a key component to the flexibility of plant responses to the environment. The involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the response to environmental cues and to different types of abiotic stresses has been documented. Different environmental stresses lead to altered methylation status of DNA as well as modifications of nucleosomal histones. Understanding how epigenetic mechanisms are involved in plant response to environmental stress is highly desirable, not just for a better understanding of molecular mechanisms of plant stress response but also for possible application in the genetic manipulation of plants. In this review, we highlight our current understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms of chromatin modifications and remodeling, with emphasis on the roles of specific modification enzymes and remodeling factors in plant abiotic stress responses. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Plant gene regulation in response to abiotic stress.  相似文献   

Defense priming is defined as increased readiness of defense induction. A growing body of literature indicates that plants (or intact parts of a plant) are primed in anticipation of impending environmental stresses, both biotic and abiotic, and upon the following stimulus, induce defenses more quickly and strongly. For instance, some plants previously exposed to herbivore‐inducible plant volatiles (HIPVs) from neighboring plants under herbivore attack show faster or stronger defense activation and enhanced insect resistance when challenged with secondary insect feeding. Research on priming of antiherbivore defense has been limited to the HIPV‐mediated mechanism until recently, but significant advances were made in the past three years, including non‐HIPV‐mediated defense priming, epigenetic modifications as the molecular mechanism of priming, and others. It is timely to consider the advances in research on defense priming in the plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation in plant abiotic stress responses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In eukaryotic cells, gene expression is greatly influenced by the dynamic chromatin environment. Epigenetic mechanisms, including covalent modifications to DNA and histone tails and the accessibility of chromatin, create various chromatin states for stress‐responsive gene expression that is important for adaptation to harsh environmental conditions. Recent studies have revealed that many epigenetic factors participate in abiotic stress responses, and various chromatin modifications are changed when plants are exposed to stressful environments. In this review, we summarize recent progress on the cross‐talk between abiotic stress response pathways and epigenetic regulatory pathways in plants. Our review focuses on epigenetic regulation of plant responses to extreme temperatures, drought, salinity, the stress hormone abscisic acid, nutrient limitations and ultraviolet stress, and on epigenetic mechanisms of stress memory.  相似文献   

逆境胁迫对水稻DNA甲基化水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物在逆境胁迫下发生复杂的表现遗传变化,包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和RNA介导的基因沉默等.其中DNA甲基化是表现遗传学中的重要组成部分,主要通过甲基化、去甲基化来参与逆境胁迫下基因表达的调控,进而增强植物体的抗逆性,调节植物体的生长发育.就非生物与生物胁迫对水稻DNA甲基化水平的影响进行综述,为从表观遗传水平研究水稻抗逆性的机制提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Plants interact with their environment by modifying gene expression patterns. One mechanism for this interaction involves epigenetic modifications that affect a number of aspects of plant growth and development. Thus, the epigenome is highly dynamic in response to environmental cues and developmental changes. Flowering is controlled by a set of genes that are affected by environmental conditions through an alteration in their expression pattern. This ensures the production of flowers even when plants are growing under adverse conditions, and thereby enhances transgenerational seed production. In this review recent findings on the epigenetic changes associated with flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana grown under abiotic stress conditions such as cold, drought, and high salinity are discussed. These epigenetic modifications include DNA methylation, histone modifications, and the production of micro RNAs (miRNAs) that mediate epigenetic modifications. The roles played by the phytohormones abscisic acid (ABA) and auxin in chromatin remodelling are also discussed. It is shown that there is a crucial relationship between the epigenetic modifications associated with floral initiation and development and modifications associated with stress tolerance. This relationship is demonstrated by the common epigenetic pathways through which plants control both flowering and stress tolerance, and can be used to identify new epigenomic players.  相似文献   

Epigenetic factors have recently emerged as key regulators of the defense response to pathogens in plants. The epigenetic mechanisms underlying defense regulation have been investigated mostly in Arabidopsis, while our understanding of the epigenetic regulation of defense in rice is limited. In this review, we summarize recent findings surrounding epigenetic mechanisms for defense in rice, primarily focusing on DNA methylation, histone modification, and small RNA regulation. In particular, we focused on RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) and other epigenetic regulatory mechanisms that are involved in disease resistance. Finally, we explored potential epigenetic factors that might regulate the defense response in rice by analyzing available microarray data that can be used to uncover details of epigenetics regulation.  相似文献   

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