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Whereas much attention is paid to the conservation and management of threatened species of primates, little work is reported on the species that are at lower risk. We report data on demography and population dynamics in commensal bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata radiata) sharing human habitats in Intensive Cultivation, Dry Cultivation and Scrub Forest zones around the city of Mysore, south India. We also compare the data with the previous data collected in 1989 and 1998 on the same groups by our research team. The population has suffered an overall decline of 21.3% (at an intrinsic rate (r) of –0.017) with Dry Cultivation habitat alone recording over 41% decline (r=–0.038) in 14 years. The Dry Cultivation habitat has also shown increased population fragmentation due to increased distance among groups, and decreased numbers of individuals per subpopulation. In Dry Cultivation areas, the number of small groups has been increasing, whereas the number of medium and large groups has been decreasing. We discuss such trends in the context of human-monkey conflict for shared resources. We propose that effective conservation strategies for lower risk species, especially if they are by-and-large commensal, must be planned now before they become threatened. We further propose that Scrub Forests with places of worship, and with the least human-monkey conflict but otherwise close to intensively used human habitats, are the most suitable and stable habitats for conservation of bonnet macaques.  相似文献   

社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社群学习是动物的一种可塑性行为表现型式。综述了社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用,并述评了其学习机制。社群同伴对动物个体觅食地点、时间和取食方式均有影响,母体摄食的食物信息可通过胎盘和乳汁显著影响幼体的食物选择。动物通过观察学习、嗅闻学习以及味觉厌恶学习,不仅能更快找到食物资源,提高觅食效率,而且能有效降低中毒与被捕食的风险,从而提高其适合度。  相似文献   

The effect of social context on experimental foraging in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) was investigated. The 12 subjects comprised six pairs in which strong social preference and attraction had been demonstrated during observations of a stable group. Individuals were first trained to discriminate spatially separated rich and poor foraging bins containing 75% and 25% of the food items, respectively, with their partners restrained equidistant from the two bins. The monkeys invested an average of 75.5% of their foraging time in the rich bin. Each individual was then tested with its partner restrained in different locations relative to the bins to determine the effect of partner proximity on foraging patterns. Foraging efficiency at the start of a session was enhanced when the partner was restrained adjacent to the rich bin compared to restraint away from this bin. Over an entire foraging session, however, all conditions providing partner accessibility were similar in yielding enhanced foraging efficiency compared to partner absence. Little time was spent in close physical proximity to the partner under any condition. It is suggested that accessibility of the social partner, rather than close physical proximity, has an important influence on the foraging squirrel monkey. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify some of the cues that macaques follow when they search for new food sites. A social group of 37 long-tailed macaques was confined to a holding cage while an experimenter concealed food in an outdoor enclosure according to one of the following rules: (1) along the edge of a visible environmental border, (2) within structures of the same general type, or (3) along an ecologically irrelevant, invisible straight line. To provide the animals with a cue for detecting the rule, three piles of visible food were also presented according to the rule. Each of the 60 trials involved a different location in the 880 m2 enclosure. The animals showed clear evidence of utilizing the first two rules from the outset of testing and the third rule about five trials. The animals found concealed food along environmental borders and within matching objects more quickly than along invisible lines. They also showed a rapid improvement in food finding on the invisible line. The results suggest that long-tailed macaques extend their search for food to a given class of environmental structure rather than exclusively by pure spatial gradients. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

While foraging, Vespula germanica usually return to abundant food sites. During this relocation behavior, these wasps learn to identify contextual cues associated with food position. We analyzed associative blocking in this species, that is, how an association with a conditioned stimulus (CS1) blocks subsequent learning when a novel stimulus (CS2) is added on a second foraging visit. Three groups of wasps (A, B, and C; total 74 individual wasps) were observed while collecting meat during one or two consecutive visits. In group A, an environmental cue (CS1) was paired with food placed at a specific site, and on the second visit, a second cue (CS2) was added while food remained in the same position. In a subsequent testing phase, CS1 was removed and the food source displaced nearby. We then recorded the number of hovers performed over the empty dish (previously baited). Group A wasps appeared to ignore the addition of CS2 on their second visit because they performed fewer hovers over the learned site. For group A, the duration of the decision-making process to finally fly toward the baited dish was shorter than when CS1 and CS2 were presented together on their first visit (group B). This is the first study to demonstrate the occurrence of associative blocking in vespids, confirming that a prior foraging experience influences subsequent food relocation in V. germanica. Our findings reveal that first learning episodes block further associations with novel contextual cues, contributing to understanding of complex cognitive processes involved in V. germanica´s foraging behavior.  相似文献   

There is currently considerable interest in the interplay betweenpersonal and social information in decision-making processes.Two experiments are presented exploring the relative use ofprior personal information and subsequent social informationin foraging decisions of guppies. Experiment 1 tested the assumptionthat when the use of information acquired through personal experienceis not costly, conflicting social information will be ignored.The assumption was confirmed because, when given a choice betweenfeeding at two food patches, at one of which they had previouslyseen conspecifics feed, individual fish with prior experienceof feeding at the alternative site chose the alternative, whereasfish with no prior experience chose the site at which theirconspecifics had fed. Experiment 2 tested theoretical predictionsthat when the use of information acquired through personal experienceis potentially costly, conflicting social information will beweighed more heavily than will personal information. The predictionwas confirmed because, when given a choice between feeding attwo food patches, one at which they had previously seen conspecificsfeed and one behind a visual barrier, individual fish with priorexperience of feeding behind the barrier chose the site at whichtheir conspecifics had fed. These findings suggest that conformitycan promote social learning in naïve individuals, but priorexperience can insulate individuals from conformity providedthe costs of relying on that experience are small. In addition,the experiments highlight the fact that personal and socialinformation are not always weighed equally.  相似文献   

东方田鼠家族群成员个体的觅食行为是否因食物斑块存有家族群自身及非亲缘家族群气味而发生变异,进而影响其摄入率。在新鲜马唐叶片构建的均质密集食物斑块上,分别配置家族群自身巢垫物及非亲缘家族群巢垫物作为社群气味,测定东方田鼠家族群在食物斑块觅食时,其成员个体觅食行为的序列过程及参数,检验家族群自身气味及非亲缘家族群气味对成员个体觅食行为的影响。结果表明,家族群自身气味能显著地缩短本群成员个体的觅食决定时间,通过减少成员个体的嗅闻及直立扫视动作时间比例、增大一般扫视、盯视及静听动作时间比例,降低觅食中断时间比例,提高其摄入率;而非亲缘家族群气味则能显著地延长家族群成员个体的觅食决定时间,通过增大家族群成员个体的嗅闻和一般扫视动作时间比例、减小直立扫视、盯视及静听动作时间比例,增大觅食中断时间比例,降低其摄入率。结果揭示,熟悉的社群气味会促使觅食活动中的家族群成员个体,在监测环境风险时,将精力更多地用于观察和监听群内其他成员个体的行为及其发出的警报信息,以便在有效规避环境风险的同时减缓个体间因干扰性竞争对觅食活动所造成的不利影响;而陌生的社群气味会迫使成员个体,将精力由依赖群内其他成员个体的行为...  相似文献   

Social insects exhibit complex learning and memory mechanisms while foraging. Vespula germanica (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) is an invasive social wasp that frequently forages on undepleted food sources, making several flights between the resource and the nest. Previous studies have shown that during this relocating behavior, wasps learn to associate food with a certain site, and can recall this association 1 h later. In this work, we evaluated whether this wasp species is capable of retrieving an established association after 24 h. For this purpose, we trained free flying individuals to collect proteinaceous food from an experimental plate (feeder) located in an experimental array. A total of 150 individuals were allowed 2, 4, or 8 visits. After the training phase, the array was removed and set up again 24 h later, but this time a second baited plate was placed opposite to the first. After 24 h we recorded the rate of wasps that returned to the experimental area and those which collected food from the previously learned feeding station or the nonlearned one. During the testing phase, we observed that a low rate of wasps trained with 2 collecting visits returned to the experimental area (22%), whereas the rate of returning wasps trained with 4 or 8 collecting visits was higher (51% and 41%, respectively). Moreover, wasps trained with 8 feeding visits collected food from the previously learned feeding station at a higher rate than those that did from the nonlearned one. In contrast, wasps trained 2 or 4 times chose both feeding stations at a similar rate. Thus, significantly more wasps returned to the previously learned feeding station after 8 repeated foraging flights but not after only 2 or 4 visits. This is the first report that demonstrates the existence of long‐term spatial memory in V. germanica wasps.  相似文献   

Mixed-species flocks of birds form during winter in the easterndeciduous forests of North America. These flocks consist oftwo flock-leading nuclear species, tufted titmouse (Baeolophusbicolor) and Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis), andseveral follower, or satellite, species, including downy woodpecker(Picoides pubescens) and white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis).Hypotheses explaining the adaptiveness of participation in suchmixed-species foraging groups have focused on increased foragingsuccess and/or decreased predation risk. We tested the predictionthat if nuthatches join nuclear species to reduce predationrisk, they should be more reluctant to visit an exposed feederin the absence of titmice than in their presence. When the feederwas positioned 16 m from forest cover, latency to visit thefeeder was greater for both male and female nuthatches whentitmice were absent. Removal of titmice had no effect on latencyat 8 m. In the absence of titmice, nuthatches visited the feederless frequently at both distances. These results indicate thatreduced predation risk is a benefit that satellite species gainby flocking with nuclear species.  相似文献   

陈璇  胡福良 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):490-494
蜜蜂Apisspp.是一种社会性昆虫。社会性昆虫在对它们群体自身数量和巢穴环境的调节方面表现出明显的稳态特点,Emerson将这种稳态调节称为社会性稳态。蜂群中花粉的储存量就具有稳态的特点。蜂群的花粉采集行为是由蜂群对花粉的需要决定的。关于蜜蜂花粉采集行为的调控机制,目前的研究主要集中于是哪些信息以及蜂群是如何识别这些信息从而调控其采粉行为,主要形成了直接识别和间接识别2种假说。对这2种假说进行综述。  相似文献   

During reproduction, seabirds need to balance the demands of self- and offspring-provisioning within the constraints imposed by central place foraging. To assess behavioral adjustments and tolerances to these constraints, we studied the feeding tactics and reproductive success of common murres (also known as common guillemots) Uria aalge , at their largest and most offshore colony (Funk Island) where parents travel long distances to deliver a single capelin Mallotus villosus to their chicks. We assessed changes in the distance murres traveled from the colony, their proximate foraging locations and prey size choice during two successive years in which capelin exhibited an order of magnitude decrease in density and a shift from aggregated (2004) to dispersed (2005) distributions. When capelin availability was low (2005), parental murres increased their maximum foraging distances by 35% (60 to 81 km) and delivered significantly larger capelin to chicks, as predicted by central place foraging theory. Murres preferred large (>140 mm) relative to small capelin (100–140 mm) in both years, but unexpectedly this preference increased as the relative density of large capelin decreased. We conclude that single prey-loading murres target larger capelin during long foraging trips as parents are 'forced' to select the best prey for their offspring. Low fledgling masses suggest also that increased foraging time when capelin is scarce may come at a cost to the chicks (i.e. fewer meals per day). Murres at this colony may be functioning near physiological limits above which further or sustained adjustments in foraging effort could compromise the life-time reproductive success of this long-lived seabird.  相似文献   

Memory has been little studied in social wasps. Vespula germanica (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) frequently revisits nondepleted food sources, making several trips between the resource and the nest. In this study, we analyzed this relocating behavior in order to evaluate whether this species is capable of remembering an established association after 1 h. To this end, we trained wasps to feed from a certain array. Then it was removed, setting it up again 1 h later, but this time 2 baited feeders were put in place, one at the original feeding site and the other opposite the first. We recorded the proportion of returning foragers, and their choice of feeder, after either 1 or 4 feeding trials. After 1 h, 78% of wasps trained with 4 feeding trials and 65% trained with 1, returned to the experimental area. Furthermore, during the testing phase, wasps trained with 4 feeding trials collected food from the previously learned feeder significantly more frequently than from the nonlearned one (P 〈 0.05). In contrast, wasps that had been trained only once chose both feeders equally. Thus, memory retrieval could be observed 1 h after wasps had collected food on 4 consecutive occasions, but not after only 1. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing that V. germanica is capable of remembering an association 1 h after the last associative event, demonstrating that 1 h does not impair memory retention if4 feeding experiences have occurred.  相似文献   

Summary Selection might favor group foraging and social feeding when prey are distributed in patches that do not last long enough for a solitary individual to consume more than a small fraction of them (Pulliam and Millikan 1982; Pulliam and Caraco 1984). Here we considered the foraging behavior of a social spider, Anelosimus eximius, in light of this ephemeral resource hypothesis. This species builds large webs in which members cooperate to capture a wide variety of different sizes and types of prey, many of which are very large. The capture success of this species was very high across all prey sizes, presumably due to the fact that they foraged in groups. Group consumption times in natural colonies for all prey larger than five mm were less than the time that dead insects remained on the plastic sheets that we used as artificial webs. Solitary consumption estimates, calculated from the rate at which laboratory individuals extracted insect biomass while feeding, were the same as the residence times of insects on artificial webs in the field for insects between 6 and 15 mm in length and were significantly longer than the persistence of insects on plastic sheets for all larger insects. Large prey, that contribute substantially to colony energy supplies, appeared to be ephemeral resources for these spiders that could not be consumed by a single spider in the time they were available. These factors made the food intake of one spider in a group less sensitive to scavenging by others and could act to reinforce the social system of this species.  相似文献   

Individual forager behaviors should affect per capita intakerates and thereby population and consumer-resource properties.We consider and incorporate conspecific facilitation and interferenceduring the separate foraging-cycle stages in a functional responsemodel that links individual behavioral interactions with consumer-resourceprocesses. Our analyses suggest that failing to properly considerand include all effects of behavioral interactions on foraging-cyclestage performances may either over- or underestimate effectsof interactions on the shape of both functional responses andpredator zero-growth isoclines. Incorporation of prey- and predator-dependentinteractions among foragers in the model produces predator isoclineswith potentials for highly complex consumer-resource dynamics.Facilitation and interference during the foraging cycle aretherefore suggested as potent behavioral mechanisms to causepatterns of community dynamics. We emphasize that correct estimationsof interaction-mediated foraging-cycle efficiencies should beconsidered in empirical and theoretical attempts to furtherour understanding of the mechanistic link between social behaviorsand higher order processes.  相似文献   

The results of two experiments showed that observation of a trained conspecific Atlantic salmon Salmo salar significantly increased the rate at which naïve hatchery-reared fish accepted novel, live prey items, whereas the presence of an untrained conspecific actually decreased learning rates due to social inhibition. Pre-release training involving exposure of hatchery-reared fish to live prey items in the presence of pre-trained demonstrators would result in a significant enhancement in their foraging success on release and help prevent starvation, which is thought to be one of the principal causes of post-release mortality in hatchery-reared fishes.  相似文献   

Temperament differs among individuals both within and between species. Evidence suggests that differences in temperament of group members may parallel differences in social behavior among groups or between species. Here, we compared temperament between three closely related species of monkey—rhesus (Macaca mulatta), long‐tailed (M. fascicularis), and pigtailed (M. nemestrina) macaques—using cage‐front behavioral observations of individually housed monkeys at a National Primate Research Center. Frequencies of 12 behaviors in 899 subjects were analyzed using a principal components analysis to identify temperament components. The analysis identified four components, which we interpreted as Sociability toward humans, Cautiousness, Aggressiveness, and Fearfulness. Species and sexes differed in their average scores on these components, even after controlling for differences in age and early‐life experiences. Our results suggest that rhesus macaques are especially aggressive and unsociable toward humans, long‐tailed macaques are more cautious and fearful, and pigtailed macaques are more sociable toward humans and less aggressive than the other species. Pigtailed males were notably more sociable than any other group. The differences observed are consistent with reported variation in these species’ social behaviors, as rhesus macaques generally engage in more social aggression and pigtailed macaques engage in more male–male affiliative behaviors. Differences in predation risks are among the socioecological factors that might make these species‐typical behaviors adaptive. Our results suggest that adaptive species‐level social differences may be encoded in individual‐level temperaments, which are manifested even outside of a social context. Am. J. Primatol. 75:303‐313, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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