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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a powerful method for exploring emotional and cognitive brain responses in humans. However rodent fMRI has not previously been applied to the analysis of learned behaviour in awake animals, limiting its use as a translational tool. Here we have developed a novel paradigm for studying brain activation in awake rats responding to conditioned stimuli using fMRI. Using this method we show activation of the amygdala and related fear circuitry in response to a fear-conditioned stimulus and demonstrate that the magnitude of fear circuitry activation is increased following early life stress, a rodent model of affective disorders. This technique provides a new translatable method for testing environmental, genetic and pharmacological manipulations on emotional and cognitive processes in awake rodent models.  相似文献   

It is well known that anesthesia alters neural response properties in various regions of the brain.13. In the auditory system, fundamental response properties of brainstem neurons including threshold, frequency specificity, and inhibitory sidebands are altered in significant ways under anesthesia1-2. These observations prompted physiologists to seek ways to record from single neurons without the contaminating effects of anesthesia. One result was a decerebrate preparation, where the brainstem was completely transected at the level of the midbrain4. The drawbacks of this preparation are a formidable surgery, the elimination of descending projections from the forebrain, and an inability to use sensory stimulation to examine structures above the midbrain. A different strategy has been to implant electrode arrays chronically to record from single neurons and multiunit clusters while the animal is awake and/or behaving5,6. These techniques however are not compatible with injecting tracer dyes after first electrophysiologically characterizing a brain structure. To avoid altering neural response properties with anesthetics while recording electrophysiological response properties from single neurons, we have adapted a head restraint technique long used in bats7-9 to mouse10-12. Using this method, we are able to conduct electrophysiological recordings over several days in the unanesthetized mouse. At the end of the recording sessions, we can then inject a dye to reconstruct electrode positions and recording sites or inject a tracer so that pathways to and from the recording loci can be determined. This method allows for well isolated single neuron recordings over multiple days without the use anesthetics.  相似文献   

The phalanx and querilla are two extreme architectures. There should be a continuum of interim architecture between phalanx and querilla. The author gives an index describing the continuum v=ln /Inn( ≤v≤1), and discusses the response of spacer length to habitat patchy quality.  相似文献   

Detecting sudden environmental changes is crucial for the survival of humans and animals. In the human auditory system the mismatch negativity (MMN), a component of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), reflects the violation of predictable stimulus regularities, established by the previous auditory sequence. Given the considerable potentiality of the MMN for clinical applications, establishing valid animal models that allow for detailed investigation of its neurophysiological mechanisms is important. Rodent studies, so far almost exclusively under anesthesia, have not provided decisive evidence whether an MMN analogue exists in rats. This may be due to several factors, including the effect of anesthesia. We therefore used epidural recordings in awake black hooded rats, from two auditory cortical areas in both hemispheres, and with bandpass filtered noise stimuli that were optimized in frequency and duration for eliciting MMN in rats. Using a classical oddball paradigm with frequency deviants, we detected mismatch responses at all four electrodes in primary and secondary auditory cortex, with morphological and functional properties similar to those known in humans, i.e., large amplitude biphasic differences that increased in amplitude with decreasing deviant probability. These mismatch responses significantly diminished in a control condition that removed the predictive context while controlling for presentation rate of the deviants. While our present study does not allow for disambiguating precisely the relative contribution of adaptation and prediction error processing to the observed mismatch responses, it demonstrates that MMN-like potentials can be obtained in awake and unrestrained rats.  相似文献   

For humans and animals, the ability to discriminate speech and conspecific vocalizations is an important physiological assignment of the auditory system. To reveal the underlying neural mechanism, many electrophysiological studies have investigated the neural responses of the auditory cortex to conspecific vocalizations in monkeys. The data suggest that vocalizations may be hierarchically processed along an anterior/ventral stream from the primary auditory cortex (A1) to the ventral prefrontal cortex. To date, the organization of vocalization processing has not been well investigated in the auditory cortex of other mammals. In this study, we examined the spike activities of single neurons in two early auditory cortical regions with different anteroposterior locations: anterior auditory field (AAF) and posterior auditory field (PAF) in awake cats, as the animals were passively listening to forward and backward conspecific calls (meows) and human vowels. We found that the neural response patterns in PAF were more complex and had longer latency than those in AAF. The selectivity for different vocalizations based on the mean firing rate was low in both AAF and PAF, and not significantly different between them; however, more vocalization information was transmitted when the temporal response profiles were considered, and the maximum transmitted information by PAF neurons was higher than that by AAF neurons. Discrimination accuracy based on the activities of an ensemble of PAF neurons was also better than that of AAF neurons. Our results suggest that AAF and PAF are similar with regard to which vocalizations they represent but differ in the way they represent these vocalizations, and there may be a complex processing stream between them.  相似文献   

Host-range shifts in influenza virus are a major risk factor for pandemics. A key question in the study of emerging zoonoses is how the evolution of transmission efficiency interacts with heterogeneity in contact patterns in the new host species, as this interplay influences disease dynamics and prospects for control. Here we use a synergistic mixture of models and data to tease apart the evolutionary and demographic processes controlling a host-range shift in equine H3N8-derived canine influenza virus (CIV). CIV has experienced 15 years of continuous transfer among dogs in the United States, but maintains a patchy distribution, characterized by sporadic short-lived outbreaks coupled with endemic hotspots in large animal shelters. We show that CIV has a high reproductive potential in these facilities (mean R0 = 3.9) and that these hotspots act as refugia from the sparsely connected majority of the dog population. Intriguingly, CIV has evolved a transmission efficiency that closely matches the minimum required to persist in these refugia, leaving it poised on the extinction/invasion threshold of the host contact network. Corresponding phylogenetic analyses show strong geographic clustering in three US regions, and that the effective reproductive number of the virus (Re) in the general dog population is close to 1.0. Our results highlight the critical role of host contact structure in CIV dynamics, and show how host contact networks could shape the evolution of pathogen transmission efficiency. Importantly, efficient control measures could eradicate the virus, in turn minimizing the risk of future sustained transmission among companion dogs that could represent a potential new axis to the human-animal interface for influenza.  相似文献   

Clonal plants could modify phenotypic responses to nutrients heterogeneously distributed both in space and time by physiological integration. It will take times to do phenotypic responses to modifications which are various in different growth periods. An optimal phenotype is reached when there is a match between nutrient conditions and foraging ability. A single plantlet of Buchloe dactyloides with two stolons was transplanted into heterogeneous nutrient conditions. One stolon grew in homogeneous nutrient patch, while the other cultured in different scales of heterogeneous nutrient patches. As compared to the other nutrient treatment, heterogeneous nutrient treatments with small scale of 25×25 cm resulted in a higher biomass, and larger number of ramets, clumps and stolons in B. dactyloides at both genet and clonal fragment levels. Significant differences of number of ramets, clumps and stolons were detected at the rapid growth stage, but not in the early stage of the experiment. Foraging ability was more efficient in heterogeneous than in homogeneous nutrient conditions as assessed by higher root mass and root to shoot ratio. Different nutrient treatments did not prompt significant differences in internode and root length. Physiological integration significantly increased biomass, but did not influence other growth or morphological characters. These results suggest that physiological integration modifies phenotypic plasticity of B. dactyloides for efficient foraging of nutrients in heterogeneous nutrient conditions. These effects are more pronounced at genet and clonal fragment levels when the patch scale is 25×25 cm. Time is a key factor when phenotypic plasticity of B. dactyloides in heterogeneous nutrient conditions is examined.  相似文献   

Phenotyping mouse model systems of human disease has proven to be a difficult task, with frequent poor inter‐ and intra‐laboratory replicability, particularly in behavioral domains such as social and cognitive function. However, establishing robust animal model systems with strong construct validity is of fundamental importance as they are central tools for understanding disease pathophysiology and developing therapeutics. To complete our studies of mouse model systems relevant to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), we present a replication of the main findings from our two published studies of five genetic mouse model systems of ASD. To assess the intra‐laboratory robustness of previous results, we chose the two model systems that showed the greatest phenotypic differences, the Shank3/F and Cntnap2, and repeated assessments of general health, activity and social behavior. We additionally explored all five model systems in the same framework, comparing all results obtained in this three‐yearlong effort using informatics techniques to assess commonalities and differences. Our results showed high intra‐laboratory replicability of results, even for those with effect sizes that were not particularly large, suggesting that discrepancies in the literature may be dependent on subtle but pivotal differences in testing conditions, housing enrichment, or background strains and less so on the variability of the behavioral phenotypes. The overall informatics analysis suggests that in our behavioral assays we can separate the set of tested mouse model system into two main classes that in some aspects lie on opposite ends of the behavioral spectrum, supporting the view that autism is not a unitary concept.  相似文献   

The loss of complexity in physiological systems may be a dynamical biomarker of aging and disease. In this study the effects of combined strength and endurance training compared with those of endurance training or strength training alone on heart rate (HR) complexity and traditional HR variability indices were examined in middle-aged women. 90 previously untrained female volunteers between the age of 40 and 65 years completed a 21 week progressive training period of either strength training, endurance training or their combination, or served as controls. Continuous HR time series were obtained during supine rest and submaximal steady state exercise. The complexity of HR dynamics was assessed using multiscale entropy analysis. In addition, standard time and frequency domain measures were also computed. Endurance training led to increases in HR complexity and selected time and frequency domain measures of HR variability (P<0.01) when measured during exercise. Combined strength and endurance training or strength training alone did not produce significant changes in HR dynamics. Inter-subject heterogeneity of responses was particularly noticeable in the combined training group. At supine rest, no training-induced changes in HR parameters were observed in any of the groups. The present findings emphasize the potential utility of endurance training in increasing the complex variability of HR in middle-aged women. Further studies are needed to explore the combined endurance and strength training adaptations and possible gender and age related factors, as well as other mechanisms, that may mediate the effects of different training regimens on HR dynamics.  相似文献   

In order to explore the variety of possible responses available to a ribozyme population evolving a novel phenotype, five Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron ribozyme pools were evolved in parallel for cleavage of a DNA oligonucleotide. These ribozyme populations were propagated under identical conditions and characterized when they reached apparent phenotypic plateaus; the populations that reached the highest plateau showed a near 100-fold improvement in DNA cleavage activity. A detailed characterization of the evolved response in these populations reveals at least two distinct phenotypic trajectories emerging as a result of the imposed selection. Not only do these distinct solutions exhibit differential DNA cleavage activity, but they also exhibit a very different correlation with a related, but unselected, phenotype: RNA cleavage activity. In turn, each of these trajectories is underwritten by differing genotypic profiles. This study underscores the complex network of possible trajectories through sequence space available to an evolving population and uncovers the diversity of solutions that result when the process of experimental evolution is repeated multiple times in a simple, engineered system.  相似文献   

神木模式是我国"全民免费医疗"的一次创造性探索,虽然它不是真正意义上的全民免费医疗制度,但对比目前新医改推广的"全民医保"制度而言,它在解决群众"看病难、看病贵"的问题上起到更积极的作用,对全国也起着一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have detected many disease associations. However, the reported variants tend to explain small fractions of risk, and there are doubts about issues such as the portability of findings over different ethnic groups or the relative roles of rare versus common variants in the genetic architecture of complex disease. Studying the degree of sharing of disease-associated variants across populations can help in solving these issues. We present a comprehensive survey of GWAS replicability across 28 diseases. Most loci and SNPs discovered in Europeans for these conditions have been extensively replicated using peoples of European and East Asian ancestry, while the replication with individuals of African ancestry is much less common. We found a strong and significant correlation of Odds Ratios across Europeans and East Asians, indicating that underlying causal variants are common and shared between the two ancestries. Moreover, SNPs that failed to replicate in East Asians map into genomic regions where Linkage Disequilibrium patterns differ significantly between populations. Finally, we observed that GWAS with larger sample sizes have detected variants with weaker effects rather than with lower frequencies. Our results indicate that most GWAS results are due to common variants. In addition, the sharing of disease alleles and the high correlation in their effect sizes suggest that most of the underlying causal variants are shared between Europeans and East Asians and that they tend to map close to the associated marker SNPs.  相似文献   

神木" 全民免费医疗" 的可推广性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
神木模式是我国"全民免费医疗"的一次创造性探索,虽然它不是真正意义上的全民免费医疗制度,但对比目前新医改推广的"全民医保"制度而言,它在解决群众"看病难、看病贵"的问题上起到更积极的作用,对全国也起着一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

I investigated canine dimorphism and interspecific canine form in adult specimens from 4 capuchin species (Cebus albifrons, C. apella, C. capucinus, and C. olivaceus). I used various univariate and multivariate statistics, which are based on 6 variables, to test several hypotheses that are based upon the finding that canine dimorphism is strongly associated with intermale competition in platyrrhines (Kay et al., 1988), Greenfield (1992a), Plavcan and van Schaik (1992, 1994). Results from the indices of canine dimorphism and the unpaired t-tests corroborate the prediction that males of each species possess significantly larger canines than those of females. Large male canines are especially prominent in 2 variables, maxillary and mandibular canine height. Greene's t-test (1989) does not support the prediction that Cebus apella and C. olivaceus possess a larger degree of canine dimorphism relative to C. albifrons and C. capucinus. No interspecific differences in degree of canine dimorphism are indicated by this test. Results of the discriminant function analyses (DFA) do not find that Cebus apella and C. olivaceus possess different canine form relative to C. albifrons and C. capucinus as predicted. However, Cebus apella is differentiated from the untufted capuchins (C. albifrons, C. capucinus, and C. olivaceus) by the DFA. I suggest that intermale competition is the primary selective force underlying the observed morphological patterns; however, it does not explain all the variation associated with canine dimorphism in Cebus.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities were examined in replicate lab-scale activated sludge reactors after a period of several months of enrichment with non-ionic nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) surfactants. Four sequential batch reactors were fed with synthetic sewage, two of which received additionally NPE. Small subunit rDNA-derived denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles and 16S rDNA clone libraries were dominated by clones of Gammaproteobacteria class. Sequences of the other codominant rDNA phylotypes observed only in DGGE from NPE-amended reactors were, respectively, associated with the Group III of the Acidobacteria phylum. Intriguingly, 16S rRNA content from abundant Gammaproteobacteria cells was unexpectedly low. In addition to Acidobacteria, rRNA-derived DGGE profiles were dominated by members of the order Burkholderiales (of the Betaproteobacteria) and of the genus Sphingomonas (a member of the Alphaproteobacteria). Specific oligonucleotide probes for the selected ribotypes were designed and applied for quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization, confirming their dominance in treated reactors. The parallel abundance of unique phylotypes in replicate reactors implies a distinctive selection of dominant organisms, which are better adapted to specialized niches in the highly selective environment.  相似文献   

We investigated the replicability of the source location, amplitude and latency measures of the auditory evoked N1 (EEG) and N1m (MEG) responses. Each of the 5 subjects was measured 6 times in two recording sessions. Responses to monaural stimuli were recorded from 122 MEG and 64 EEG channels simultaneously. The EEG data were modeled with a symmetrically-located dipole pair. For the MEG data, one dipole in each hemisphere was located independently using a subset of channels. Standard deviation (SD) was used as a measure for replicability. The average SD of the x, y and z coordinates of the contralateral N1m dipole was about 2 mm, whereas the corresponding figures for the ipsilateral N1m and the contra- and ipsilateral N1 were about twice as large. The SDs of the dipole amplitudes and latencies were almost equal with MEG and EEG. The amplitude and latency measures of the MEG field gradient waveforms were almost as replicable as those of the dipole models. The results suggest that both MEG and EEG can be used for investigating the simultaneous activity of the left and right auditory cortices independently, MEG being superior in certain experimental setups.  相似文献   

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