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We collected gravid king ratsnakes (Elaphe carinata) from three geographically separated populations in Chenzhou (CZ), Lishui (LS) and Dinghai (DH) of China to study the geographical variation in female reproductive traits and trade‐offs between the size and number of eggs. Not all reproductive traits varied among the three populations. Of the traits examined, five (egg‐laying date, post‐oviposition body mass, clutch size, egg mass and egg width) differed among the three populations. The egg‐laying date, ranging from late June to early August, varied among populations in a geographically continuous trend, with females at the most northern latitude (DH) laying eggs latest, and females at the most southern latitude (CZ) laying eggs earliest. Such a trend was less evident or even absent in the other traits that differed among the three populations. CZ and DH females, although separated by a distance of approximately 1100 km as the crow flies, were similar to each other in most traits examined. LS females were distinguished from CZ and DH females by the fact that they laid a greater number of eggs, but these were smaller. The egg size–number trade‐off was evident in each of the three populations and, at a given level of relative fecundity, egg mass was significantly greater in the DH population than in the LS population. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 701–709.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression plays a central role within the conservation genetics paradigm. Until now inbreeding depression is incorporated into models of population viability as a mean value (e.g. number of lethal equivalents) for all traits in a population. In this study of the locally threatened perennial plant species Scabiosa columbaria we investigated both the mean and the variance among families of inbreeding depression in eight life history traits for five natural populations varying in size from 300 to more than 120,000 individuals. Significant inbreeding depression was found in all populations and all traits. The mean inbreeding depression value per trait was never correlated to population size. Within each population, highly significant variation in inbreeding depression between families (VIFLID) was found. Per trait, families with inbreeding depression next to families with outbreeding depression were often found within the same population. Inbreeding depression at the family level was in many cases not correlated among traits and independent of correlations between traits themselves. VIFLID was negatively correlated with population size: in two traits these correlations were significant. The results underline that inbreeding depression is a complex, highly dynamic phenomenon. Models of viability should incorporate inbreeding depression distributions, with a trait specific mean and variance. Moreover, models of metapopulation dynamics should incorporate genotype quality as factor in colonization success.  相似文献   

Avian brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, and impose the costs associated with rearing parasitic young onto these hosts. Many hosts of brood parasites defend against parasitism by removing foreign eggs from the nest. In systems where parasitic eggs mimic host eggs in coloration and patterning, extensive intraclutch variation in egg appearances may impair the host’s ability to recognize and reject parasitic eggs, but experimental investigation of this effect has produced conflicting results. The cognitive mechanism by which hosts recognize parasitic eggs may vary across brood parasite hosts, and this may explain variation in experimental outcome across studies investigating egg rejection in hosts of egg-mimicking brood parasites. In contrast, for hosts of non-egg-mimetic parasites, intraclutch egg color variation is not predicted to co-vary with foreign egg rejection, irrespective of cognitive mechanism. Here we tested for effects of intraclutch egg color variation in a host of nonmimetic brood parasite by manipulating egg color in American robins (Turdus migratorius), hosts of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). We recorded robins’ behavioral responses to simulated cowbird parasitism in nests where color variation was artificially enhanced or reduced. We also quantified egg color variation within and between unmanipulated robin clutches as perceived by robins themselves using spectrophotometric measures and avian visual modeling. In unmanipulated nests, egg color varied more between than within robin clutches. As predicted, however, manipulation of color variation did not affect rejection rates. Overall, our results best support the scenario wherein egg rejection is the outcome of selective pressure by a nonmimetic brood parasite, because robins are efficient rejecters of foreign eggs, irrespective of the color variation within their own clutch.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1995,50(5):1309-1316
Three nesting behaviour patterns are documented in the plethodontid salamander Hemidactylium scutatum. A female may lay eggs (1) in a solitary nest and brood them, (2) in a joint nest and brood them as well as eggs of other females, or (3) in a joint nest that is brooded by another female. The hypothesis that population density was positively associated with joint nesting was tested by following two populations for 5 years and by experimentally manipulating the population density of nesting females in artificial habitats for the latter 2 years. The proportion of joint nests did not vary with density, although joint nests tended to contain eggs of more females at the high population density. Joint nests were usually brooded by one female; thus, most females that laid eggs in joint nests did not brood them at high density. The reproductive success, as measured by survival of embryos, of solitary and joint nesters was equivalent. Joint nests were deserted less often, however, which decreased the probability of catastrophic mortality. The number of days of brooding was significantly positively correlated with loss of body mass of females, suggesting a cost to brooding behaviour. Joint nesting with solitary brooding is not explained by aggressive usurpation of nests or by brood parasitism.  相似文献   

Most studies of factors that limit the number of eggs that birds lay have focused on the disadvantages of having too many young to feed. Less attention has been paid to the consequences of having a large number of eggs to incubate. The incubation‐capacity hypothesis proposes that females lay as many eggs as they can effectively incubate. We tested this hypothesis in 2018 in a montane population of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides). Most females in this population lay five or six eggs; clutches of seven occur, but are rare. We added eggs to some nests, forcing females to incubate seven eggs, while leaving other nests as controls. Among females completing incubation, those with enlarged clutches hatched as many eggs as did control females, and did so in the same amount of time. This was despite an extended period of unusually cold and often wet weather that occurred when many females were incubating. Our results firmly reject the suggestion that females typically lay no more than six eggs because they cannot effectively heat seven eggs. One or more other factors must limit clutch size. One possible factor is suggested by the fact that during the period of inclement weather, more females with enlarged clutches than control females appeared to abandon nests before completing incubation. Because larger clutches require more energy to incubate, females with seven eggs during energetically stressful conditions could more quickly reach the point where they lack sufficient energy for both incubation and self‐maintenance. Such conditions may occur frequently enough in the montane environment that, on average, laying seven eggs results in reduced lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

We radiotracked 13 common cuckoo females in the southeastern part of the Czech Republic. Seven females laid eggs in the nests of reed warblers, Acrocephalus scirpaceus, sedge warblers, A. schoenobaenus, and marsh warblers, A. palustris. We observed 53 nest visits, of which 26 involved egg laying. Cuckoos spent significantly more time within 50 m of the host nest on the laying day than on the 5 prelaying days. The vantage point used when parasitizing or visiting a nest was on average four times further from the nest than the closest possible vantage point, but there was a positive correlation between these two distances. Cuckoos spent on average 20 min observing host nests from their vantage points before they visited a nest. Comparison of cuckoos' visits to host nests with and without egg laying revealed no significant differences in the duration of visits or in other measures of behaviour. There was significant variation in behaviour between cuckoos, particularly in the time of day when eggs were laid in host nests. This variation can be attributed to the strong, but not absolute, host and habitat specificity of individuals. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP), an alternative reproductive tactic where some females lay eggs in the nests of other females of the same species, occurs in many animals with egg care. It is particularly common in waterfowl, for reasons that are debated. Many waterfowl females nest near their birthplace, making it likely that some local females are relatives. We analyse brood parasitism in a Hudson Bay population of common eiders, testing predictions from two alternative hypotheses on the role of relatedness in CBP. Some models predict host-parasite relatedness, others predict that parasites avoid close relatives as hosts. To distinguish between the alternatives, we use a novel approach, where the relatedness of host-parasite pairs is tested against the spatial population trend in pairwise relatedness. We estimate parasitism, nest take-over and relatedness with protein fingerprinting and bandsharing analysis of egg albumen, nondestructively sampled from each new egg in the nest throughout the laying period. The results refute the hypothesis that parasites avoid laying eggs in the nests of related hosts, and corroborate the alternative of host-parasite relatedness. With an estimated r of 0.12-0.14, females laying eggs in the same nest are on average closer kin than nesting neighbour females. Absence of a population trend in female pairwise relatedness vs. distance implies that host-parasite relatedness is not only an effect of strong natal philopatry: some additional form of kin bias is also involved.  相似文献   

The effect of climate warming on the reproductive success of ectothermic animals is currently a subject of major conservation concern. However, for many threatened species, we still know surprisingly little about the extent of naturally occurring adaptive variation in heat-tolerance. Here, we show that the thermal tolerances of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) embryos in a single, island-breeding population have diverged in response to the contrasting incubation temperatures of nesting beaches just a few kilometres apart. In natural nests and in a common-garden rearing experiment, the offspring of females nesting on a naturally hot (black sand) beach survived better and grew larger at hot incubation temperatures compared with the offspring of females nesting on a cooler (pale sand) beach nearby. These differences were owing to shallower thermal reaction norms in the hot beach population, rather than shifts in thermal optima, and could not be explained by egg-mediated maternal effects. Our results suggest that marine turtle nesting behaviour can drive adaptive differentiation at remarkably fine spatial scales, and have important implications for how we define conservation units for protection. In particular, previous studies may have underestimated the extent of adaptive structuring in marine turtle populations that may significantly affect their capacity to respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

In a population of moorhens (Gallinula chloropus), at least27% of netting females laid one or more eggs in a neighbor'snest Females laid parasitically under three conditions: 56%of parasitic eggs were from nesting females that preceded layinga dutch in their own nest by a parasitic laying bout, 19% werefrom females whose nests were depredated before clutch completionand that laid the following egg parasiticaDy, and 25% were froma small number of females without territories, "non-nesting"parasites, that each laid a series of parasitic eggs. Clutchsizes varied greatly between females, but nesting females eachlaid a consistent clutch size both within and between seasonsfor a given mate and territory. Nesting females that employeda dual strategy of brood parasitism and parental care producedextra eggs that they laid in the nests of neighbors before layinga dutch in their own nests. Two out of ten females whose dutchesI experimentally removed during the laying period were successfullyinduced to lay their next egg in the nest of a neighbor. Nestingfemales that laid parasitically selected their hosts opportunisticallyfrom among the nests dosest to their territories. An experimentin which parasitic eggs were removed and hosts left to rearonly their own young showed that parasites did not choose hoststhat were better parents than pairs with contemporary neststhat were not parasitized. Females that only laid parasiticaDywithin a given season timed their parasitic laying bouts poorlyand achieved no reproductive success. Parasitic young rarelyfledged, and the mean seasonal reproductive success of nestingbrood parasites did not differ from that of nonparasitic females.However, the variance in reproductive success of nesting broodparasites was significantly higher than that of nonparasiticfemales.  相似文献   

Black rat Rattus rattus populations can reach high densities on the Mediterranean islands, as has been the case on the Chafarinas Islands (Western Mediterranean coast) in the last decade. This archipelago holds the second largest breeding population of Audouin's gull Larus audouinii and an important population of yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans. Circumstantial evidences of rat predation upon Audouin's gull eggs led to conservation concerns about the impact of rat predation on gull productivity. We studied the impact of rats on gull nests experimentally by building artificial nests into the breeding area of yellow-legged gulls. Two kinds of eggs were placed in the artificial nests: manipulated eggs, in which the shell had been previously opened, and intact (unmanipulated) eggs. Rats preyed extensively on opened eggs but only once on intact eggs, apparently due to lack of skills to prey on intact eggs, suggesting that rats do not normally have access to fresh gull eggs. Rats inhabiting breeding areas of gulls can scavenge on broken eggs rolled out of the nest or on eggs with softened shells after nest desertion, but it is unlikely that they prey on natural gull nests guarded by parents. We suggest that introduced black rats on Mediterranean islands can only marginally affect the productivity of gulls owing to egg predation.  相似文献   

Individual eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) females produce clutches of eggs with unique coloration and older females and females in better body condition lay more pigmented blue‐green eggs. Conspecific brood parasitism in this species is not uncommon and bluebirds occasionally reject what appear to be normal eggs by moving them to the periphery of the nest. I used UV‐visual reflectance spectrometry to objectively measure coloration of eggs and nest material. To estimate the conspicuousness of the trait, I calculated the contrast between eggs and background nest material. I found high achromatic and chromatic contrast between the coloration of eggs and of the nests, suggesting that bluebird eggs are highly conspicuous. To test the hypothesis that expression of blue‐green coloration eggs facilitates recognition of eggs laid by conspecific brood parasites, I cross‐fostered individual eggs into host nests during egg laying and monitored the fate of those eggs. I found no support, however, for the hypothesis that egg coloration facilitates discrimination of parasitic eggs from host eggs.  相似文献   

In host-symbiont interactions, the genes of both host and symbiont can influence phenotypic traits. In the context of a conflict of interest, fitness-related traits are subjected to opposing selective pressures in the genomes of the partners. In the Drosophila parasitoid Leptopilina boulardi, females usually avoid laying eggs into already parasitized larvae. However, when infected by the virus LbFV, they readily lay additional eggs into parasitized larvae. Inducing superparasitism allows the virus to colonize uninfected parasitoid lineages but is usually maladaptive for the parasitoid. We tested for the presence of resistance genes to this behavioural manipulation in the parasitoid genotype by sampling 30 lines from five populations with contrasting viral prevalence, after infecting them with a reference viral isolate. No geographical differentiation was observed although some genotypes underwent less manipulation than others, and these differences were heritable across generations. The viral titre was not correlated with these differences although fecundity differed between extreme lines.  相似文献   

The Ascension Frigatebird is an island endemic whose conservation status was subject to confusion owing to difficulties in counting and misinterpretation of data. Accurate nest counts for this species are problematic owing to their extremely prolonged breeding seasons, high nest failure rates, turnover of individuals at nest-sites, replacement laying and biennial breeding. We conducted repeated complete censuses of Ascension Frigatebird eggs at the species' sole colony of Boatswainbird Island, and collected data on laying phenology and nest survival rates within sample quadrats, throughout the 2001 and 2002 breeding seasons. We used these data to develop an individual-based model that predicted the number of Frigatebird nests present on each day an actual census occurred assuming an arbitrary 1000 breeding females bred there. We then divided the number of nests counted in these virtual censuses by 1000 to quantify bias, and used this figure to correct real census totals. The model revealed that the population numbered c. 6250 breeding females and c . 9350 mature females in 2001–2, and that numbers have not changed significantly since the late 1950s. Productivity, at 0.34 chicks/pair, was high compared to previous studies of Ascension Frigatebirds and most of those of congeners elsewhere.  相似文献   

In fish that exhibit paternal care, the females often choose their mates on the basis of male traits that are indicative of the parental ability of the males. In a marine goby, Eviota prasina, males tend their eggs within their nests until hatching, and females prefer males that have longer dorsal fins and exhibit courtship behavior with a higher frequency as their mates. In order to clarify the relationship between these sexually selected traits and the parental ability of males of E. prasina, the factors affecting the hatching success of eggs within male nests and the male parental care behavior were examined in an aquarium experiment. Females spawned their eggs in male nests and the clutch size of females showed a high individual variation (range = 88-833 eggs). The hatching success of eggs within male nests showed a positive correlation with the time spent by males in fanning eggs and the clutch size. In contrast to the prediction, however, the hatching success did not show a significant correlation with the sexually selected traits, i.e., the male dorsal fin length and the frequency of courtship displays. Moreover, multiple regression analysis indicated that the time spent by the males in fanning was the most important factor affecting the survival rate of the eggs. The time spent by males in fanning behavior was influenced by the clutch size within their nests; the fanning behavior of males occurred with a higher frequency when they tended larger clutches. Males are required to invest a greater effort in egg-tending behavior to achieve a higher hatching success when they receive larger clutches, probably due to the greater reward for their parental behavior. Based on their mate choice, females may obtain other benefits such as high quality offspring.  相似文献   

During the process of range expansion, populations encounter a variety of environments. They respond to the local environments by modifying their mutually interacting traits. Common approaches of landscape analysis include first focusing on the genes that undergo diversifying selection or directional selection in response to environmental variation. To understand the whole history of populations, it is ideal to capture the history of their range expansion with reference to the series of surrounding environments and to infer the multitrait coadaptation. To this end, we propose a complementary approach; it is an exploratory analysis using up‐to‐date methods that integrate population genetic features and features of selection on multiple traits. First, we conduct correspondence analysis of site frequency spectra, traits, and environments with auxiliary information of population‐specific fixation index (F ST). This visualizes the structure and the ages of populations and helps infer the history of range expansion, encountered environmental changes, and selection on multiple traits. Next, we further investigate the inferred history using an admixture graph that describes the population split and admixture. Finally, principal component analysis of the selection on edge‐by‐trait (SET) matrix identifies multitrait coadaptation and the associated edges of the admixture graph. We introduce a newly defined factor loadings of environmental variables in order to identify the environmental factors that caused the coadaptation. A numerical simulation of one‐dimensional stepping‐stone population expansion showed that the exploratory analysis reconstructed the pattern of the environmental selection that was missed by analysis of individual traits. Analysis of a public dataset of natural populations of black cottonwood in northwestern America identified the first principal component (PC) coadaptation of photosynthesis‐ vs growth‐related traits responding to the geographical clines of temperature and day length. The second PC coadaptation of volume‐related traits suggested that soil condition was a limiting factor for aboveground environmental selection.  相似文献   

Variations from the normal female-male sequence of eggs in nests of the leafcutter bee,Megachile rotundata, were examined. Three alternatives were considered: Out-of-sequence males (i) were diploids, (ii) were the result of supersedure of nests or intraspecific brood parasitism, or (iii) were the result of females occasionally laying a male-female sequence. Electrophoretic data provided definitive evidence of diploid males and of multiple females laying in 7 of 18 nests. In the others, the remaining explanation is that females occasionally lay male eggs before female eggs in a nest.  相似文献   

We analysed the spatial and temporal pattern of egg laying in great spotted cuckoo females using microsatellite typing to determine parentage of the eggs and nestlings found in host (magpie) nests. The results showed that there were no exclusive laying territories in the study area. Cases of multiparasitism could be due to single females laying two or more eggs in a nest, or to several females using the same nest. In the latter case multiparasitism was due to a shortage of available host nests. We argue that the need for very large laying areas and the likely small cost of sharing parental care for chicks make the costs of defending territories higher than the benefits, which has constrained the evolution of territoriality in this species. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

Although evidence of inbreeding depression in wild populations is well established, the impact of genetic purging in the wild remains controversial. The contrasting effects of inbreeding depression, fixation of deleterious alleles by genetic drift, and the purging of deleterious alleles via natural selection mean that predicting fitness outcomes in populations subjected to prolonged bottlenecks is not straightforward. We report results from a long‐term pedigree study of arguably the world's most inbred wild species of bird: the Chatham Island black robin Petroica traversi, in which conditions were ideal for purging to occur. Contrary to expectations, black robins showed a strong, negative relationship between inbreeding and juvenile survival, yielding lethal equivalents (2B) of 6.85. We also determined that the negative relationship between inbreeding and survival did not appear to be mediated by levels of ancestral inbreeding and may be attributed in part to unpurged lethal recessives. Although the black robin demographic history provided ideal conditions for genetic purging, our results show no clear evidence of purging in the major life‐history trait of juvenile survival. Our results also show no evidence of fixation of deleterious alleles in juvenile survival, but do confirm that continued high levels of contemporary inbreeding in a historically inbred population could lead to additional severe inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

1. Conservation biologists are concerned about the interactive effects of environmental stress and inbreeding because such interactions could affect the dynamics and extinction risk of small and isolated populations, but few studies have tested for these interactions in nature. 2. We used data from the long-term population study of song sparrows Melospiza melodia on Mandarte Island to examine the joint effects of inbreeding and environmental stress on four fitness traits that are known to be affected by the inbreeding level of adult birds: hatching success, laying date, male mating success and fledgling survival. 3. We found that inbreeding depression interacted with environmental stress to reduce hatching success in the nests of inbred females during periods of rain. 4. For laying date, we found equivocal support for an interaction between parental inbreeding and environmental stress. In this case, however, inbred females experienced less inbreeding depression in more stressful, cooler years. 5. For two other traits, we found no evidence that the strength of inbreeding depression varied with environmental stress. First, mated males fathered fewer nests per season if inbred or if the ratio of males to females in the population was high, but inbreeding depression did not depend on sex ratio. Second, fledglings survived poorly during rainy periods and if their father was inbred, but the effects of paternal inbreeding and rain did not interact. 6. Thus, even for a single species, interactions between the inbreeding level and environmental stress may not occur in all traits affected by inbreeding depression, and interactions that do occur will not always act synergistically to further decrease fitness.  相似文献   

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