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Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) is a disabling and life-threatening disorder resulting from either recessive or dominant mutations in genes encoding collagen VI. Although the majority of the recessive UCMD cases have frameshift or nonsense mutations in COL6A1, COL6A2, or COL6A3, recessive structural mutations in the COL6A2 C-globular region are emerging also. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms have remained elusive. Here we identified a homozygous COL6A2 E624K mutation (C1 subdomain) and a homozygous COL6A2 R876S mutation (C2 subdomain) in two UCMD patients. The consequences of the mutations were investigated using fibroblasts from patients and cells stably transfected with the mutant constructs. In contrast to expectations based on the clinical severity of these two patients, secretion and assembly of collagen VI were moderately affected by the E624K mutation but severely impaired by the R876S substitution. The E624K substitution altered the electrostatic potential of the region surrounding the metal ion-dependent adhesion site, resulting in a collagen VI network containing thick fibrils and spots with densely packed microfibrils. The R876S mutation prevented the chain from assembling into triple-helical collagen VI molecules. The minute amount of collagen VI secreted by the R876S fibroblasts was solely composed of a faster migrating chain corresponding to the C2a splice variant with an alternative C2 subdomain. In transfected cells, the C2a splice variant was able to assemble into short microfibrils. Together, the results suggest that the C2a splice variant may functionally compensate for the loss of the normal COL6A2 chain when mutations occur in the C2 subdomain.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) refers to a group of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders with polygenic etiology. The expression of many genes implicated in ASD is tightly regulated by various factors including microRNAs(miRNAs), a class of noncoding RNAs 22 nucleotides in length that function to suppress translation by pairing with ‘miRNA recognition elements’(MREs) present in the 30untranslated region(30UTR) of target mRNAs. This emphasizes the role played by miRNAs in regulating neurogenesis, brain development and differentiation and hence any perturbations in this regulatory mechanism might affect these processes as well. Recently, single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) present within 30UTRs of mRNAs have been shown to modulate existing MREs or even create new MREs. Therefore, we hypothesized that SNPs perturbing miRNA-mediated gene regulation might lead to aberrant expression of autism-implicated genes, thus resulting in disease predisposition or pathogenesis in at least a subpopulation of ASD individuals. We developed a systematic computational pipeline that integrates data from well-established databases. By following a stringent selection criterion, we identified 9 MRE-modulating SNPs and another 12 MRE-creating SNPs in the 30UTR of autism-implicated genes. These high-confidence candidate SNPs may play roles in ASD and hence would be valuable for further functional validation.  相似文献   

Muscleblind-like-1 (MBNL1) is a splicing regulatory factor controlling the fetal-to-adult alternative splicing transitions during vertebrate muscle development. Its capture by nuclear CUG expansions is one major cause for type 1 myotonic dystrophy (DM1). Alternative splicing produces MBNL1 isoforms that differ by the presence or absence of the exonic regions 3, 5, and 7. To understand better their respective roles and the consequences of the deregulation of their expression in DM1, here we studied the respective roles of MBNL1 alternative and constitutive exons. By combining genetics, molecular and cellular approaches, we found that (i) the exon 5 and 6 regions are both needed to control the nuclear localization of MBNL1; (ii) the exon 3 region strongly enhances the affinity of MBNL1 for its pre-mRNA target sites; (iii) the exon 3 and 6 regions are both required for the splicing regulatory activity, and this function is not enhanced by an exclusive nuclear localization of MBNL1; and finally (iv) the exon 7 region enhances MBNL1-MBNL1 dimerization properties. Consequently, the abnormally high inclusion of the exon 5 and 7 regions in DM1 is expected to enhance the potential of MBNL1 of being sequestered with nuclear CUG expansions, which provides new insight into DM1 pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Placental cell growth depends on an adaptable combination of an endogenous developmental program and the exogenous influence of maternal growth factors, both of which may be influenced by microRNA (miR)-dependent effects on gene expression. We have previously shown that global miR suppression in placenta accelerates proliferation and enhances levels of growth factor signaling mediators in cytotrophoblast. This study aimed to identify miRs involved in regulating placental growth. An initial array revealed 58 miR species whose expression differs between first trimester, when cytotrophoblast proliferation is rapid, and term, by which time proliferation has slowed. In silico analysis defined potential growth-regulatory miRs; among these, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-377, and hsa-let-7a were predicted to target known placental growth genes and were higher at term than in the first trimester, so they were selected for further analysis. Overexpression of miR-377 and let-7a, but not miR-145, in first trimester placental explants significantly reduced basal cytotrophoblast proliferation and expression of ERK and MYC. PCR arrays, in silico analysis, Western blotting, and 3′-UTR luciferase reporter assays revealed targets of miR-145 within the insulin-like growth factor axis. Analysis of proliferation in placental explants overexpressing miR-145 demonstrated its role as a mediator of insulin-like growth factor-induced trophoblast proliferation. These findings identify miR-377 and let-7a in regulation of endogenous cell growth and miR-145 in the placental response to maternal stimulation and will aid the development of therapeutic strategies for problem pregnancies.  相似文献   

Mutations in KCNV2 have been proposed as the molecular basis for cone dystrophy with supernormal rod electroretinogram. KCNV2 codes for the modulatory voltage-gated potassium channel α-subunit, Kv8.2, which is incapable of forming functional channels on its own. Functional heteromeric channels are however formed with Kv2.1 in heterologous expression systems, with both α-subunit genes expressed in rod and cone photoreceptors. Of the 30 mutations identified in the KCNV2 gene, we have selected three missense mutations localized in the potassium channel pore and two missense mutations localized in the tetramerization domain for analysis. We characterized the differences between homomeric Kv2.1 and heteromeric Kv2.1/Kv8.2 channels and investigated the influence of the selected mutations on the function of heteromeric channels. We found that two pore mutations (W467G and G478R) led to the formation of nonconducting heteromeric Kv2.1/Kv8.2 channels, whereas the mutations localized in the tetramerization domain prevented heteromer generation and resulted in the formation of homomeric Kv2.1 channels only. Consequently, our study suggests the existence of two distinct molecular mechanisms involved in the disease pathology.  相似文献   

Aberrant expression of microRNAs has been implicated in many cancers. We recently demonstrated differential expression of several microRNAs in medulloblastoma. In this study, the regulation and function of microRNA 218 (miR-218), which is significantly underexpressed in medulloblastoma, was evaluated. Re-expression of miR-218 resulted in a significant decrease in medulloblastoma cell growth, cell colony formation, cell migration, invasion, and tumor sphere size. We used C17.2 neural stem cells as a model to show that increased miR-218 expression results in increased cell differentiation and also decreased malignant transformation when transfected with the oncogene REST. These results suggest that miR-218 acts as a tumor suppressor in medulloblastoma. MicroRNAs function by down-regulating translation of target mRNAs. Targets are determined by imperfect base pairing of the microRNA to the 3′-UTR of the mRNA. To comprehensively identify actual miR-218 targets, medulloblastoma cells overexpressing miR-218 and control cells were subjected to high throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by cross-linking immunoprecipitation, a technique that identifies the mRNAs bound to the RNA-induced silencing complex component protein Argonaute 2. High throughput sequencing of mRNAs identified 618 genes as targets of miR-218 and included both previously validated targets and many targets not predicted computationally. Additional work further confirmed CDK6, RICTOR, and CTSB (cathepsin B) as targets of miR-218 and examined the functional role of one of these targets, CDK6, in medulloblastoma.  相似文献   

miR-185 is a microRNA (miR) that targets Bruton''s tyrosine kinase in B cells, with reductions in miR-185 linked to B cell autoantibody production. In hippocampal neurons, miR-185 targets both sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 and a novel Golgi inhibitor. This miR is haploinsufficient in 90–95% of individuals with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, patients who can present with immune, cardiac, and parathyroid problems, learning disorders, and a high incidence of schizophrenia in adults. The reduced levels of miR-185 in neurons cause presynaptic neurotransmitter release. Many of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome patients have a thymic hypoplasia, which results in a peripheral T cell lymphopenia and unusual T helper cell skewing. The molecular targets of miR-185 in thymocytes are unknown. Using an miR-185 T cell transgenic approach, increasing levels of miR-185 attenuated T cell development at the T cell receptor β (TCRβ) selection checkpoint and during positive selection. This caused a peripheral T cell lymphopenia. Mzb1, Nfatc3, and Camk4 were identified as novel miR-185 targets. Elevations in miR-185 enhanced TCR-dependent intracellular calcium levels, whereas a knockdown of miR-185 diminished these calcium responses. These effects concur with reductions in Mzb1, an endoplasmic reticulum calcium regulator. Consistent with their haploinsufficiency of miR-185, Mzb1 levels were elevated in thymocyte extracts from several 22q11.2 deletion syndrome patients. Our findings indicate that miR-185 regulates T cell development through its targeting of several mRNAs including Mzb1.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate mRNA stability and translation through the action of the RNAi-induced silencing complex. In this study, we systematically identified endogenous miRNA target genes by using AGO2 immunoprecipitation (AGO2-IP) and microarray analyses in two breast cancer cell lines, MCF7 and MDA-MB-231, representing luminal and basal-like breast cancer, respectively. The expression levels of ∼70% of the AGO2-IP mRNAs were increased by DROSHA or DICER1 knockdown. In addition, integrated analysis of miRNA expression profiles, mRNA-AGO2 interaction, and the 3′-UTR of mRNAs revealed that >60% of the AGO2-IP mRNAs were putative targets of the 50 most abundantly expressed miRNAs. Together, these results suggested that the majority of the AGO2-associated mRNAs were bona fide miRNA targets. Functional enrichment analysis uncovered that the AGO2-IP mRNAs were involved in regulation of cell cycle, apoptosis, adhesion/migration/invasion, stress responses (e.g. DNA damage and endoplasmic reticulum stress and hypoxia), and cell-cell communication (e.g. Notch and Ephrin signaling pathways). A role of miRNAs in regulating cell migration/invasion and stress response was further defined by examining the impact of DROSHA knockdown on cell behaviors. We demonstrated that DROSHA knockdown enhanced cell migration and invasion, whereas it sensitized cells to cell death induced by suspension culture, glucose depletion, and unfolding protein stress. Data from an orthotopic xenograft model showed that DROSHA knockdown resulted in reduced growth of primary tumors but enhanced lung metastasis. Taken together, these results suggest that miRNAs collectively function to promote survival of tumor cells under stress but suppress cell migration/invasion in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

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