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Ribosome biogenesis requires a vast number of trans-acting factors many of which are required for the chemical modification and processing of the pre-rRNA component. The U3 snoRNP complex is required for the early cleavage steps in pre-rRNA processing. We have cloned cDNAs encoding the human and mouse homologs of the yeast U3 snoRNP-associated proteins Imp3 and Imp4. Both human proteins localize to nucleoli and interact with the U3 snoRNA. The results of complementation experiments show that, in contrast to mouse Imp4, mouse Imp3 can partially alleviate the growth defect of the corresponding yeast null strain, indicating that the role of Imp3 in pre-rRNA processing is evolutionarily conserved. The results of density gradient centrifugation experiments show that, in contrast to hU3-55K, the human Imp3 and Imp4 proteins predominantly interact with the U3 snoRNA in 60–80S ribonucleoprotein complexes. In addition, we have found that hImp3, hImp4 and hMpp10 can form a stable hetero-trimeric complex in vitro, which is generated by direct interactions of both hImp3 and hImp4 with hMpp10. The analysis of hImp3 and hImp4 mutants indicated that their binding to hMpp10 correlates with their nucleolar accumulation, strongly suggesting that the formation of the ternary complex of hImp3, hImp4 and hMpp10 is required for their association with nucleolar components.  相似文献   

ENP1 is an essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene encoding a 483 amino acid polypeptide. Enp1 protein is localized in the nucleus and concentrated in the nucleolus. An enp1-1 temperature-sensitive mutant inhibited 35S pre-rRNA early processing at sites A0, A1 and A2 as shown by northern analysis of steady state levels of rRNA precursors. Pulse-chase analysis further revealed that the enp1-1 strain was defective in the synthesis of 20S pre-rRNA and hence 18S rRNA, which led to reduced formation of 40S ribosomal subunits. Co-precipitation analysis revealed that Enp1 was associated with Nop1 protein, as well as with U3 and U14 RNAs, two snoRNAs implicated in early pre-rRNA processing steps. These results suggest a direct role for Enp1 in the early steps of rRNA processing.  相似文献   

The small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 display extensive sequence complementarity and co-exist in a single ribonucleoprotein particle. We have investigated intermolecular base-pairing between both RNAs by psoralen cross-linking, with emphasis on the native U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein complex. A mixture of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins U1 to U6 from HeLa cells, purified under non-denaturing conditions by immune affinity chromatography with antibodies specific for the trimethylguanosine cap of the small nuclear RNAs was treated with aminomethyltrioxsalen. A psoralen cross-linked U4/U6 RNA complex could be detected in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Following digestion of the cross-linked U4/U6 RNA complex with ribonuclease T1, two-dimensional diagonal electrophoresis in denaturing polyacrylamide gels was used to isolate cross-linked fragments. These fragments were analysed by chemical sequencing methods and their positions identified within RNAs U4 and U6. Two overlapping fragments of U4 RNA, spanning positions 52 to 65, were cross-linked to one fragment of U6 RNA (positions 51 to 59). These fragments show complementarity over a contiguous stretch of eight nucleotides. From these results, we conclude that in the native U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein particle, both RNAs are base-paired via these complementary regions. The small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 became cross-linked in the deproteinized U4/U6 RNA complex also, provided that small nuclear ribonucleoproteins were phenolized at 0 degree C. When the phenolization was performed at 65 degrees C, no cross-linking could be detected upon reincubation of the dissociated RNAs at lower temperature. These results indicate that proteins are not required to stabilize the mutual interactions between both RNAs, once they exist. They further suggest, however, that proteins may well be needed for exposing the complementary RNA regions for proper intermolecular base-pairing in the course of the assembly of the U4/U6 RNP complex from isolated RNAs. Our results are discussed also in terms of the different secondary structures that the small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 may adopt in the U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein particle as opposed to the isolated RNAs.  相似文献   

Very little is known about biogenesis of mitochondrial ribosomes. The GTPases encoded by the nuclear MTG1 and MTG2 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been reported to play a role in assembly of the ribosomal 54 S subunit. In the present study biochemical screens of a collection of respiratory deficient yeast mutants have enabled us to identify a third gene essential for expression of mitochondrial ribosomes. This gene codes for a member of the YqeH family of GTPases, which we have named MTG3 in keeping with the earlier convention. Mutations in MTG3 cause the accumulation of the 15 S rRNA precursor, previously shown to have an 80-nucleotide 5' extension. Sucrose gradient sedimentation of mitochondrial ribosomes from temperature-sensitive mtg3 mutants grown at the permissive and restrictive temperatures, combined with immunobloting with subunit-specific antibodies, indicate that Mtg3p is required for assembly of the 30 S but not 54 S ribosomal subunit. The respiratory deficient growth phenotype of an mtg3 null mutant is partially rescued by overexpression of the Mrpl4p constituent located at the peptide exit site of the 54 S subunit. The rescue is accompanied by an increase in processed 15 S rRNA. This suggests that Mtg3p and Mrpl4p jointly regulate assembly of the small subunit by modulating processing of the 15 S rRNA precursor.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA processing is essential for plastid ribosome biogenesis, but is still poorly understood in higher plants. Here, we show that SUPPRESSOR OF THYLAKOID FORMATION1 (SOT1), a plastid‐localized pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein with a small MutS‐related domain, is required for maturation of the 23S–4.5S rRNA dicistron. Loss of SOT1 function leads to slower chloroplast development, suppression of leaf variegation, and abnormal 23S and 4.5S processing. Predictions based on the PPR motif sequences identified the 5′ end of the 23S–4.5S rRNA dicistronic precursor as a putative SOT1 binding site. This was confirmed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and by loss of the abundant small RNA ‘footprint’ associated with this site in sot1 mutants. We found that more than half of the 23S–4.5S rRNA dicistrons in sot1 mutants contain eroded and/or unprocessed 5′ and 3′ ends, and that the endonucleolytic cleavage product normally released from the 5′ end of the precursor is absent in a sot1 null mutant. We postulate that SOT1 binding protects the 5′ extremity of the 23S–4.5S rRNA dicistron from exonucleolytic attack, and favours formation of the RNA structure that allows endonucleolytic processing of its 5′ and 3′ ends.  相似文献   

In S. cerevisiae, the REV3 gene, encoding the catalytic subunit of polymerase zeta, is involved in translesion synthesis and required for the production of mutations induced by ultraviolet radiation (UV) photoproducts and other DNA fork-blocking lesions, and for the majority of spontaneous mutations. To determine whether hREV3, the human homolog of yeast REV3, is similarly involved in error-prone translesion synthesis past UV photoproducts and other lesions that block DNA replication, an hREV3 antisense construct under the control of the TetP promoter was transfected into an infinite life span human fibroblast cell strain that expresses a high level of tTAk, the activator of that promoter. Three transfectant strains expressing high levels of hREV3 antisense RNA were identified and compared with their parental cell strain for sensitivity to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of UV. The three hREV3 antisense-expressing cell strains were not more sensitive than the parental strain to the cytotoxic effect of UV, but the frequency of mutants induced by UV in their HPRT gene was significantly reduced, i.e. to 14% that of the parent. Two of these hREV3 antisense-expressing cell strains were compared with the parental strain for sensitivity to (±)-7β,8-dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE). They were not more sensitive than the parent strain to the cytotoxic effect of BPDE, but the frequency of mutants induced was significantly reduced, i.e. in one strain, to 17% that of the parent, and in the other, to 24%. DNA sequencing showed that the kinds of mutations induced by BPDE in the parental and the derivative strains did not differ and were similar to those found previously with finite life span human fibroblasts. The data strongly support the hypothesis that hRev3 plays a critical role in the induction of mutations by UV or BPDE. Because the level of hRev3 protein in human fibroblasts is below the level of antibody detection, it was not possible to demonstrate that the decrease in mutagenesis reflected decreased hRev3 protein. However, the conclusion is supported by the fact that in a similar study with a strain expressing a high level of antisense hREV1, a very similar result was obtained, i.e. UV or BPDE mutagenesis was virtually eliminated.  相似文献   

The widespread importance of induced fit and order-disorder transition in RNA recognition by proteins and small molecules makes it imperative that RNA motional properties are characterized quantitatively. Until now, however, very few studies have been dedicated to the systematic characterization of RNA motion and to their changes upon protein or small-molecule binding. The U1A protein-RNA complexes provide some of the best-studied examples of the role of RNA motional changes upon protein binding. Here, we report (13)C NMR relaxation studies of base and ribose dynamics for the RNA internal loop target of human U1A protein located within the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of the mRNA coding for U1A itself. We also report the semi-quantitative analysis of both fast (nano- to picosecond) and intermediate (micro- to millisecond) motions for this paradigmatic RNA system. We measure (13)C T(1), T(1rho) and heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) for sugar and base nuclei, as well as the power dependence of T(1rho) at 500 MHz and 750 MHz, and analyze these results using the model-free formalism. The results provide a much clearer picture of the type of motions experienced by this RNA in the absence of the protein than was provided by the analysis of the structure based solely on NOEs and scalar couplings. They define a model where the RNA internal loop region "breathes" on a micro- to millisecond timescale with respect to the double-helical regions. Superimposed on this slower motion, the residues at the very tip of the loop undergo faster (nano- to picosecond) motions. We hypothesize that these motions allow the RNA to sample multiple conformations so that the protein can select a structure within the ensemble that optimizes intermolecular contacts.  相似文献   

NEDD8/Rub1 is the most homologous protein to ubiquitin among the ubiquitin-like proteins, and it is covalently linked to target proteins via the C-terminal glycine residue in a manner analogous to ubiquitylation. However, the mechanism(s) involved in the regulation of the NEDD8 ligation pathway remains elusive. Using the two-hybrid system, we isolated novel genes from the Schizosaccharomyces pombe cDNA library whose products bind to Uba3, which is a catalytic protein for E1-like activity of the NEDD8 pathway. We designated these genes but1(+) and but2(+) (for proteins that bind to Uba three). But1 is a nuclear protein and its overexpression caused cell elongation, which is a common phenotype of the NEDD8 pathway defective mutant in S. pombe. Furthermore, overexpression of but1(+) in ned8-temperature sensitive mutant had a deleterious effect even under permissive temperatures. Our results suggest that But1 may have an inhibitory role in the NEDD8 pathway.  相似文献   

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