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The objectives of this study were to characterize the distribution of seeds in remnant fragments of the Atlantic Coastal Forest and to determine whether the species diversity, seed weight, and species composition of plant communities are altered by forest fragmentation. A transect of 100 m was established in the core of each of nine fragments of Atlantic Coastal Forest in a private sugarcane plantation in the state of Alagoas, NE Brazil, and ten seed-traps were distributed at intervals of 10 m each along the transects. For 12 consecutive months seeds were collected, dried, counted, weighed, and identified to species. Seeds were assigned to categories according to their size, dispersal mode, and shade tolerance. Multiple regression models and Mantel correlation tests were used to detect the effects of fragment size, percent forest cover nearby, distance from the source area, and distance from the nearest fragment on species diversity, mean seed weight, and species similarity. Analyses were carried out for all species and for subsets corresponding to each seed category. A total of 21,985 diaspores of 190 species were collected. Most seeds were small, shade-intolerant, and zoochoric, which corroborates other studies of fragmented forest landscapes and reflects the high disturbance levels in isolated forest remnants. Our data indicate that fragmentation processes such as habitat loss can alter species diversity and species composition by reducing habitat availability and increasing fragment isolation. We also found that large-seeded species are more affected by fragment isolation, possibly because their seed dispersers rarely cross non-forested areas between fragments, while zoochoric species are more strongly affected by fragment size and apparently more strongly associated with local edaphic conditions than with distance from seed sources.  相似文献   

The effects of fragmentation and edge effects on the floristic composition, richness, diversity and abundance of epixylic bryophytes (growing on decaying wood) were investigated in ten fragments of Atlantic Forest remnants in the Northeast of Brazil. In each fragment, four perpendicular 100 m transects were demarcated. Along these transects, samples of bryophytes growing on decaying wood were collected. The forest fragments were grouped in three size classes (small: <100 ha; medium: 100–500 ha; large: >500 ha). Correlation and multivariate analysis were undertaken between bryophyte flora and fragment metrics (size, form, isolation, altitude variation, nuclear area and secondary vegetation percentage and distance from the edge). A total of 99 species of bryophytes, 52 liverworts and 47 mosses were registered. The statistical results confirming fragment size is an important factor in epixylic community structure. Therefore, composition, richness, diversity and abundance can be better explained by a junction of all studied landscape factors. Bryophyte richness, the percentage of samples with the greatest coverage of decaying wood and shade-tolerant species’ distribution, were not correlated to distance from the forest edge. This suggests that edge effects are not linear or can be detected beyond 100 m from the edge, which is very important for inclusion in future studies.  相似文献   

The largest preserved areas of Atlantic Forest are located in the southeastern region of Brazil. Estuaries, mangroves, rivers and streams are home to a community of fish that is still poorly understood. The composition of fish species and their relationships with environmental conditions were used to identify homogeneous areas within a landscape of 33,000 km2. A total of 6,542 specimens, representing 124 species and 13 orders of bony fishes were collected at 102 sampling stations. Resulting scores from a canonical correspondence analysis applied to biological and environmental data were used in a cluster analysis to identify fish species with similar spatial distributions and localities with similar fish fauna and abiotic conditions. Five micro-regions were identified, with homogeneous compositions of species, allowing better planning of conservation of aquatic biodiversity. Despite a high degree of preservation, impacts due to deforestation, drainage of wetlands and overfishing were detected, as well as the introduction of 41 exotic species.  相似文献   

This study focuses on knowledge of medicinal plants among the Caiçaras (rural inhabitants of the Atlantic Forest coast, Brazil). In particular, we examine the use of medicinal plants according to sex and age to reveal general patterns of Caiçara knowledge and use of plant resources. Data collected through 449 interviews at 12 Caiçara communities (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo coastal sites) include citations of 249 plants and identification of 227 species. We show the importance of introduced as opposed to native plants and of key individuals for the conservation of the Caiçaras-Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

The examination of recent collections of Favolaschia from remnants of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, resulted in the identification of F. aurantiaca, F. cinnabarina and F. luteoaurantiaca sp. nov. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences obtained from these collections were introduced into the previously published phylogenetic tree of the genus to assess the position of these species within the Favolaschia clade. A maximum likelihood analysis generated a phylogenetic tree with a better resolution, especially for the clade that contains species belonging to section Favolaschia subsection Auriscalpium, where the three specimens collected in Brazil also were clustered in.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest of South America is one of the most degraded tropical forests and the cultivation of sugarcane is considered one of the main causes. In humid forests termites stand out with regard to their abundance and functional importance. The present study aimed to compare termite assemblages of fragments of the Atlantic Forest with that of the sugarcane matrices that surround them. Collections were performed in two sugarcane plantations in Northeast Brazil. In each plantation a fragment of Atlantic Forest and an adjacent sugarcane field were sampled using a standardized termite sampling protocol. A total of 39 species and 302 encounters were recorded. Species richness, relative abundance and composition differed significantly between forests and the matrices, with the presence of exclusive species in each environment—25 in the forests and seven in the matrices. Soil feeding species of the subfamily Apicotermitinae and species of open areas were found in the matrices. There was a marked difference between the assemblages of the matrices, possibly due to soil characteristics. The majority of the species found in the matrices do not cause damage to the crop, but instead act in the processes of soil decomposition and formation, thereby contributing to increased productivity.  相似文献   

Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) are widely distributed throughout the Americas, being dependent on forested areas to survive. Although ocelot ecology is broadly studied throughout the species range distribution, studies concerning factors that may affect ocelot occupancy in the Atlantic Forest are still scarce. We used camera traps to evaluate factors influencing the probabilities of detection and occupancy of ocelots in a protected area of the Atlantic Forest, the Rio Doce State Park (RDSP), southeastern Brazil. To assess ocelot occupancy and detection probabilities, we measured the distances between sampling stations and rivers, lakes, cities, pasture, and Eucalyptus plantations. In addition, we recorded the mean rainfall levels for each sampling occasion, and native grassland areas within a 500 m‐buffer around each sampling station. We found a strong and positive association between ocelot detection and the dry season, which might be due to a higher number of individuals moving through the Park during this season. Moreover, we found a strong and positive association of ocelot detection with native grassland areas around lakes, which may be related to the ocelot behavior of searching for prey in these areas. Conversely, the ocelot occupancy probability was intermediate (Ψ^ = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.36–0.69) and was not strongly associated with the evaluated covariates, which may be explained by the high‐quality of forest habitats and water resources that are homogeneously distributed within the Park. Our study indicates that the RDSP still provides a structurally suitable forest habitat for ocelots, but because of the current worrying scenario of over fragmentation, reduction of forest cover, and weakness of the protective legislation of this biome, the long‐term persistence of the species in RDSP is uncertain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Little is known about the birds associated with army‐ant swarms in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Our objectives were to locate and monitor army‐ant swarms in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil and to identify the species of birds that attended the swarms and exhibited bivouac‐checking behavior. From July 2004 to August 2005, we located 49 swarms of army ants, including 28 Eciton burchelli, 19 Labidus praedator, and 2 Eciton vagans swarms. No birds were present at 17 (35%) swarms. At 32 swarms where birds were present, 22 (69%) were E. burchelli swarms and 10 (31%) were L. praedator swarms. No birds were observed at the two E. vagans swarms. We identified 66 species of birds attending the swarms, but only 43 species were observed foraging on prey flushed by the ants. Eighteen of these species had not been previously reported to forage in association with army‐ant swarms. Most birds observed during our study attended army‐ant swarms opportunistically, with White‐shouldered Fire‐eyes (Pyriglena leucoptera) the only obligate ant follower. Our observations suggest that the arthropods and other organisms flushed by army ants represent an important food resource for several species of birds in the Atlantic forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Climbing plant community composition and abundance was compared between the Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba Biological Reserve (ASPRB) and the Nascentes de Paranapiacaba Municipal Natural Park (NPMNP), two protected areas in the largest Atlantic Forest remnant, southeastern Brazil. Climbing plants ≥1 cm in diameter were sampled in 52 quadrats of 10 × 20 m (1.04 ha). From these data we calculated the Shannon–Wiener diversity index, calculated abundance and importance values for families, performed a principal coordinate analysis, and created a similarity dendrogram (TWINSPAN). The composition and abundance of species between ASPRB and NPMNP differed significantly due to the successional state of the ASPRB forest, which was affected by more recent disturbance. There we found 34 species, while in the NPMNP, species richness was 72, with only 24 species in common. The two areas formed two groups corresponding to two distinct floristic subsets. These montane forests were characterized by a predominance of species of the Asteraceae. The high species richness, floristic composition, and community composition reflect the greater degree of conservation in the area of NPMNP. The high density and community composition of climbers in the more conserved area of rainforest may be due to the low intensity of disturbance.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):9-22

This work analyzes the phytogeographic patterns of the liverwort flora of the Atlantic Forest of the Rio de Janeiro State, south-eastern Brazil. The analysis was based on inventories made in fragments of Atlantic Forest in the state, collections from the RB herbarium, and information from the checklist and database of the bryoflora of Rio de Janeiro. The phytogeographic pattern for each taxon was characterized based on its current distribution. Three hundred and sixty liverwort taxa are recognized for Rio de Janeiro. The liverwort flora varies along an altitudinal gradient within the Atlantic Forest, with the montane belt having the greatest species richness (238), the highest number of exclusive taxa (63) and the greatest number of endemic species (23). The predominant phytogeographic element is of neotropical species (49%), followed by disjunct liverworts (18%). Forty-one taxa (11%) are endemic to the country, of which 34 are restricted to the Atlantic Forest. In the lowland and submontane formations species are wide-ranging, whereas the montane and upper montane formations are characterized by endemic species or those disjunct with the Andes. The liverwort flora emphasizes the importance of the fragments of Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro as a centre of diversity and endemism, supporting 50% of the total liverwort species known in Brazil, 72% of those recorded from Atlantic Forest and 55% of the endemic species of the country. Species with an Afro-American and Andean disjunction make up a characteristic part of the liverwort flora, probably reflecting the effects of long-distance dispersal by air currents, migration over land before the breakup of the continents and climatic similarities between the high-altitude grasslands and the northern Andes.  相似文献   


Birds are important hosts for various tick species, playing a significant role in their biological life cycle and dispersion. In this study, we investigated tick infestations on birds trapped in an urban remnant of Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco state, Brazil. From February 2015 to March 2017, 541 birds belonging to 52 species were trapped with mist nets and examined for ectoparasites. Birds trapped in the late successional forest were significantly more infested than birds trapped in the early successional forest. In the same way, ectoparasite infestation varied significantly according to bird weight and collection plot. Overall, 198 birds (36.6%) belonging to 27 species were parasitized by ectoparasites (i.e., ticks, lice and/or mites). Ectoparasites were effectively collected from 111 birds, of which 99 belonging to 20 species were infested by ticks (n?=?261), namely, Amblyomma longirostre (13 nymphs), Amblyomma nodosum (21 nymphs), Amblyomma varium (one nymph), and Amblyomma spp. (five nymphs and 221 larvae). Most of the ticks (>?90%) were collected from Passeriformes. This study provides the second record of A. varium in Pernambuco state and confirms that birds, especially Passeriformes, are important hosts for larvae and nymphs of Amblyomma spp. in the Atlantic Forest biome of Pernambuco.


Abstract: Data on pollination biology constitute important clues for the comprehension of pollen flow and genetic differentiation in plant populations. Pollinator type, availability and behaviour may modify morphological and mating patterns in populations of typically distylous species. This study investigates the pollination biology of four distylous species of Rubiaceae in the Atlantic rain forest, SE Brazil. Data on flowering phenology, floral lifespan, stigmatic receptivity, pollen availability, nectar volume and concentration, and pollinator activity were collected. The species studied flower sequentially throughout the wet season, and produce terminal inflorescences which bear small, tubular, diurnal, nectariferous flowers. Despite these similarities, some of the species studied are pollinated by different groups of pollinators, probably due to their distribution, availability of flowers and corolla length. On the other hand, pollinator specificity does not seem to be so important for distylous species. Long mouthparts, like those of most of the recorded pollinators, may reach lower sexual organs and, together with the self- and intramorph-incompatibilities observed, be sufficient to perform legitimate pollination and maintain levels of intermorph mating.  相似文献   

Three species are described here that occur in montane and high-montane forests in Southeastern Brazil.Miconia shepherdii belongs to sectionGlossocentrum and occurs on the Serra da Mantiqueira, on the border between the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro.Miconia kollmannii belongs to sectionHypoxanthus (formerChaenanthera) and occurs in the state of Espírito Santo.Ossaea suprabasalis was also collected in the state of Espírito Santo.  相似文献   

From 2006 through 2014, we conducted seroepidemiological surveys on non-human primates and sloths to investigate the possible circulation of arboviruses in Bahia Atlantic Forest, Brazil. We collected a total of 196 samples from 103 Leontopithecus chrysomelas, 7 Sapajus xanthosternos, 22 Bradypus torquatus and 7 Bradypus variegatus. Serum samples were tested using neutralization test and hemagglutination inhibition test to detect total antibodies against 26 different arboviruses. The overall prevalence of arboviruses was 36.6% (51/139), with the genus Flavivirus having the highest prevalence (33.1%; 46/139), followed by Phlebovirus (5.0%; 7/139), Orthobunyavirus (4.3%; 6/139) and Alphavirus (0.7%; 1/139). Monotypic reactions suggest that the wild animals were exposed naturally to at least twelve arboviruses. Added results from the neutralization test, animals were exposed to thirteen arboviruses. Most of these viruses are maintained in transmission cycles independent of human hosts, although antibodies against dengue virus serotypes 1, 2 and 3 were found in this study. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting exposure to arboviruses in L. chrysomelas, S. xanthosternos and B. torquatus. Our results also highlight that the Southern Bahia Atlantic Forest has a variety of vertebrate hosts and potential vectors, which may support the emergence or re-emergence of arboviruses, including those pathogenic to humans.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and modifications affect biodiversity, potentially contributing to outbreaks of infectious diseases. We evaluated if the patch sizeinfragmented areas of Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil influences the diversity of forest birds and consequently the prevalence of ticks on birds and the rickettsial infection of these ticks. During 2 years, we collected ticks from birds in 12 sites: four small forest patches (80–140 ha), four large ones (480–1,850 ha), and four forest control areas within the much larger Morro do Diabo State Park (~36,000 ha). A total of 1,725 birds were captured (81 species, 24 families), from which 223 birds were infested by 2,339 ticks of the genus Amblyomma, mostly by the species A. nodosum. Bird diversity and richness were higher in larger than smaller forest fragments. The prevalence of ticks on birds was inversely correlated with bird diversity and richness. Among 174 A. nodosum tested for rickettsial infection by polymerase chain reaction, 51 were found to be infected by Rickettsia bellii or Rickettsia parkeri. However, tick infection rates by Rickettsia spp. were not statistically different between forest patch sizes. The higher prevalence of ticks on birds in degraded patches might be caused by a dominance of a few generalist bird species in small patches, allowing an easier transmission of parasites among individuals. It could also be related to more favorable microclimatic conditions for the free-living stages of A. nodosum in smaller forest fragments.The higher burden of ticks on birds in smaller forest fragments is an important secondary effect of habitat fragmentation, possibly increasing the likelihood of Rickettsia contagion.  相似文献   

Information about plant growth, development and age forms the basis for understanding complex forest ecological processes. Although lianas play an important role in tropical forests, little is known about their growth and development from either climatic or ecological perspectives. Therefore, we studied the growth rings in Legume liana species collected in a mountainous Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Four of the eight studied species did not show cambial variants, three had a lobed stem, and one had a furrowed xylem. Distinct growth rings were observed in all species. Semi-ring porosity, marginal parenchyma, fibrous zone and radially flattened latewood cells were the main characteristic features of these growth rings. Species without cambial variants, including Dalbergia frutescens, Piptadenia adiantoides, P. micracantha and Senegalia tenuifolia, showed very distinct growth rings visible in macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Ring-width time series and cambial wound assessment were performed to analyze periodicity and dendrochronology. The species with cambial variants, S. grandistipula, S. lacerans, S. martiusiana and S. pedicellata, also showed distinct growth rings, however, sometimes barely detectable or not detected at all. Cambial wounding, cross-dating and climate-growth relationships indicated the annual nature of growth rings in species without cambial variant. Cross-dating between radii within one individual and between individuals was successful, and the synchronized series enabled us to build species chronologies and a mean chronology. Climate-growth analysis revealed significant correlations between chronologies and precipitation, indicating that available moisture is the main factor determining growth rates of lianas in the Atlantic forest.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the wealth of medicinal plants used by the Apatani tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. Apatani have traditionally settled in seven villages in the Ziro valley of Lower Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh in the Eastern Himalayan region of India. The present study has resulted in the documentation of 158 medicinal plant species used by the Apatani group of villages. These medicinal plant species were distributed across 73 families and 124 genera. Asteraceae was the most dominant family (19 species, 11 genera) of medicinal plants, followed by Zingiberaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae and Araceae. For curing ailments, the use of aboveground plant parts was higher (80%) than the belowground plant parts in the Apatani group of villages. Of the aboveground plant parts, leaf was used in the majority of cases (56 species), followed by fruit. Different belowground plant forms such as root, tuber, rhizome, bulb and pseudo-bulb were used by Apatani as a medicine. About 52 types of ailments were cured by using these 158 medicinal plant species. The results of this study are further discussed in the changing socio-economic contexts.  相似文献   

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