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Electrophoresis of concentrated parotid saliva on slab polyacrylamide gels negatively stained with 3,3-dimethoxybenzidine and hydrogen peroxide (DMB stain) showed nine phenotypes among the proline-rich proteins. These phenotypes are the expression of four autosomal codominant alleles. Gene frequencies are, for Caucasians, Pr 1=0.640, Pr 1=0.005, Pr 2=0.080, Pr 2=0.275; for Negroes, Pr 1=0.700, Pr 1=0.050, Pr 2=0.080, Pr 2=0.170; for Chinese, Pr 1=0.770, Pr 1=0, Pr 2=0, Pr 2=0.230. The presence or absence of another pair of proteins giving the same negative staining is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait (Db). Homozygous Db + + and heterozygous Db + – individuals could not be distinguished. The genetic determinant (Db) for this pair of proteins is either closely linked to or part of the Pr locus. Gene frequencies are, for Caucasians, Db +=0.12, Db =0.88; for Negroes, Db +=0.56, Db =0.44; for Chinese, Db +=0.07, Db =0.93.This study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Dental Research (9-R01-DE-03685-08) and in part by grant GM 15422 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Three new variants of acidic proline-rich proteins (At, Au, Aw) were found in human parotid saliva by isoelectric focusing and basic gel electrophoresis. Electrophoretic comparison of the purified proteins and their tryptic peptides suggested minor charge and size differences from other acidic PRPs. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that the At and Aw proteins are allelic products of thePRH1 locus. Gene frequencies of the At productive allele (PRH1 6) in Japanese, Chinese, and Malays were 0.008, 0.012, and 0.004, respectively. The Au protein was also found in Japanese (2 in 746 samples), Chinese (1 in 215 samples), and Malays (1 in 220 samples), however, the Aw protein was found only in one Japanese (n=746). These three proteins were not found in 106 Indian subjects.This study was supported in part by a grant from International Scientific Research Program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, No. 62043071 (representative: K.S.).  相似文献   

The genus Tripsacum (Gramineae) is distributed between the latitude 42°N and 24°S in the New World. It is divided into two sections. Section Tripsacum includes 11 species with T. dectyloides (L) L. extending across the range of the genus. Section Fasciculata includes five Meso-American species with T. lanceolatum Rupr. ex Fourn. extending into southern Arizona. The genus displays considerable diversity in seed proteins. Variation patterns are of limited use in distinguishing sections, but are species and habitat specific. Protein data are particularly useful in subspecific classification, and consistently distinguish diploid from polyploid races of T. zopilotense Hern. and Randolph and T. bravum Gray. The tetraploid ectotype of T. bravum deserves specific rank and the robust ecotype of T. dactyloides var. meridonate de Wet and Timothy deserves varietal rank.  相似文献   

The protein composition of human saliva depends on psycho-emotional state of individuals. Depression was accompanied by decrease of proteins of molecular masses ranging from 20 to 200 kD, whereas emotionally positive intellectual activity caused the opposite effect. It is suggested that human saliva may be used as an experimental model for the development of diagnostics of various psycho-physiological states.  相似文献   

This study assesses the utility of saliva samples to monitor the time course of the acute-phase response to different viruses in pigs under field conditions by using time-resolved immunofluorometric assays (TR-IFMA). A total of 30 pigs from three different farms, located in Southeast Spain, were used. Farm 1 had outbreaks of porcine circovirus type 2, farm 2 had infections with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and farm 3 had concomitant infections with both viruses. Serology was used to determine the time of seroconversion of pigs to two different pathogens. The levels of two acute-phase proteins (APPs), C-reactive protein (CRP) and haptoglobin (Hp), were measured in saliva and serum samples and compared with pig's serology. Kinetic curves of both APPs across the study obtained in saliva samples were similar to those of serum, with R of 0.68 and 0.78 for CRP and Hp, respectively. The median CRP and Hp concentrations in saliva were higher around the theorized time of infection, according to previous experimental studies, and at seroconversion of animals. CRP increments were apparent 1 week before the increments obtained in Hp. These findings indicate that salivary APP concentrations, by using TR-IFMA, can be used in longitudinal studies as non-invasive early indicators of health status.  相似文献   

A simple, low-cost gel layer scanner has been developed for the Beckman DU spectrophotometer. The gel scanner makes it possible to localize zones precisely after preparative isoelectric focusing of proteins in 2-mm thick Sephadex G-200 layers. Using the scanner after isoelectric separation of a mixture of human serum apolipoproteins C-III-1 and C-II, pure proteins could easily be obtained.  相似文献   

A method is described which allows the simultaneous separation of all polymorphic protein fractions in cow's milk in one single run. The separation could be achieved by isoelectric focusing in ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gels. The method is especially suitable for screening purposes because it combines low costs, high resolution and short separation time.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of the Ps (parotid size variant) proteins found in saliva is determined by autosomal inheritance of two expressed and one unexpressed allele. This hypothesis is supported by studies in 43 families including 153 children. Gene frequencies determined for 150 randomly collected salivas from whites and 101 randomly collected salivas from blacks are as follows: for whites, Ps 1=0.598, Ps 2=0.101, Ps 0=0.301; for blacks, Ps 1=0.185, Ps 2=0.126, and Ps 0=0.689. The electrophoretic polymorphism is manifested by apparent differences in molecular weights between Ps proteins. The Ps proteins are glycosylated and have an approximate isoelectric point of pI 8.1 as determined by isoelectric focusing in gels. We have also found in saliva the presence of a protein (PmS) which shows strong positive correlations with the presence of the smaller sized Pm (PmF) salivary protein described by Ikemoto et al. (1977). This suggested that PmS is probably part of the Pm protein polymorphic system. For randomly collected salivas from whites, the gene frequencies are PmF+=0.15 (N=140) and PmS+=0.12 (N=150). For randomly collected salivas from blacks, the gene frequency is PmS+=0.24 (N=101). The gene frequency of PmF+ was not determined. Family studies support autosomal inheritance of PmF and PmS proteins. There is strong evidence for linkage of Pm to the proline-rich protein (PPP) region (11 families, lod score at =0.01 is 7.64) and of Ps to the PPP region (13 families, lod score at =0.01 is 11.50). Protein products of six linked loci (Pr, Pa, Db, Ps, Pm, and Gl), when tested against rabbit anti-Gl antiserum, show immunological reactions of partial or complete identity with each other by double diffusion analysis.This study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Dental Research (DEO 3658-14). Paper No. 2340 of the Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

Eleven basic proline-rich proteins were purified from the parotid saliva of a single individual. The complete amino acid sequences of six of these were determined by conventional protein sequence methodology, bringing to nine the number of known primary structures of nonglycosylated basic proline-rich proteins from the same individual. The partial sequence of one additional protein is also reported. All of the basic proline-rich proteins studied contain segments with identical or very similar sequences, but with two possible exceptions, none of the proteins is derived from another secreted proline-rich protein. The amino acid sequences of nine nonglycosylated basic proline-rich proteins were compared with primary structures deduced from published nucleotide sequences of DNA coding for human parotid proline-rich proteins. The sequences align well, in general, but differences also exist pointing to the complexity of the genetics of these proteins. Seven secretory basic proline-rich proteins appear to be formed from three larger precursors by selective posttranslational proteolyses of arginyl bonds. One of the basic proline-rich proteins appears to derive from human acidic proline-rich proteins. The remaining two proteins studied do not conform to any DNA structure as yet reported. Two of the basic proline-rich proteins studied are phosphoproteins and exhibit abilities to inhibit hydroxyapatite formation in vitro.  相似文献   

In German Simmental cattle a new kappa-casein variant was detected by isoelectric focusing, which cannot be distinguished from kappa-casein A by polyacrylamide and starch gel electrophoresis. It was named kappa-casein D. The frequencies of kappa-casein alleles were kappa-Cn A 0.75, kappa-Cn B 0.24, kappa-Cn D 0.01.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multidimensional profile of the human serum proteome, produced by a two-dimensional protein fractionation system based on liquid chromatography followed by characterization with capillary electrophoresis (CE). The first-dimension separation was done by chromatofocusing over a pH range from 8.5 to 4.0, where proteins were separated by their isoelectric points (pI). In this dimension, fractions were collected based on pH. The first-dimension pI fractions were then resolved in the second dimension by high-resolution, reversed-phase chromatography with a gradient of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in acetonitrile and TFA in water. A selected protein fraction collected from the second dimension by time was characterized by CE for molecular-weight estimation and for presence of isoforms. Molecular-weight estimation was done by sodium dodecyl sulfate capillary gel electrophoresis, where proteins were separated in the range of 10,000-225,000 Da. Detection of isoforms was done by capillary isoelectric focusing over a pH range of 3-10. A selected second-dimension fraction that contained the putative serum iron-binding protein transferrin was analyzed by these two CE techniques for molecular-weight determination and the presence of isoforms. The combination of two-dimensional protein fractionation and CE characterization represents an advanced tool for proteomics.  相似文献   

The secretions of the salivary parotid and submandibular-sublingual (SMSL) glands constitute the main part of whole human saliva (WS) in which proline-rich proteins (PRPs) and mucins represent dominant groups. Although proteome analysis had been performed on WS, no identification of PRPs or mucins by 2-DE and MS was achieved in WS and no comprehensive analysis of both glandular secretions is available so far. The aim of this study was to compare the protein map of WS to parotid and SMSL secretions for the display of PRPs and mucins. WS and glandular secretions were subjected to 2-DE and spots were analyzed by MALDI-MS. New components identified in WS were cyclophilin-B and prolyl-4-hydroxylase. Also acidic and basic PRPs as well as the proline-rich glycoprotein (PRG) could now be mapped in WS. Acidic PRPs were found equally in parotid and SMSL secretions, whereas basic PRPs and PRG were found primarily in parotid secretion. Salivary mucin MUC7 was identified in SMSL secretion. Thus, the more abundant proteins of WS can be explained mainly by mixed contributions of parotid and SMSL secretions with only few components remaining that may be derived from local sources in the oral cavity.  相似文献   

After isoelectric focusing followed by electrophoresis at right angles in the same gel slab, it is possible to visualize the titration curve of proteins by zymograms or immunofixation even of an unpurified sample. This information can be very useful for the selection of the proper purification strategy by charge-dependent methods, e.g. ion-exchange chromatography, zone and disc electrophoresis and isotachophoresis. The titration curve also gives information on the stability of the protein as a function of the prevailing pH of the medium, in the pH 3-10 range. A region of instability is found for most proteins in acidic conditions, below pH 4.5, while most proteins are stable in the alkaline pH region, at least up to pH 10. The best method for developing zymograms and immunoprints appears to pH 10. The best method for developing zymograms and immunoprints appears to be the 'sandwich technique', by which a thin agarose slab, cast on an hydrophilic polyester sheet, and impregnated with appropriate reagents, is left in contact with a polyacrylamide gel thin layer used to generate the titration curves.  相似文献   

Fourteen myoglobins of known sequence were examined by isoelectric focusing with and without urea. The 14 sequences formed six distinct mobility classes on gels without urea and three classes on those with urea. For these proteins, isoelectric focusing provides no advantage over single, nonequilibrium, nondenaturing gels in the total number of distinguishable mobility classes. Only major charge differences, resulting from the changes in the total numbers of acidic and basic amino acids, can be detected on gels with urea, indicating that denaturation by urea alters proteins so that small differences in ionization are eliminated.We thank the Department of Biology, University of Utah, for financial support.  相似文献   

Availability of iron is one important nutritional parameter for microbial growth in saliva. This longitudinal study measured the diurnal and day-to-day variations in the total iron (TI), total ironbinding capacity (TIBC), unsaturated iron-binding capacity (UIBC), and lactoferrin (LF) in unstimulated human parotid saliva. Saliva was collected from 15 young male subjects in the morning and afternoon hours each day for five consecutive days. The TI and TIBC were determined by flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy, and UIBC was determined by subtraction of TI from TIBC. The LF was determined by “sandwich” enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). One peripheral blood sample of each subject was also analyzed for TI, TIBC, and ferritin. The results showed no significant diurnal or day-to-day variation of TI, TIBC, UIBC, or LF in saliva for most subjects. However, significant between-subject variations were observed for most parameters. Variations ranged from subjects with constantly positive UIBC values to subjects with constantly negative UIBC values. The relationship between the LF values and the TI and TIBC values suggests that other iron-binding protein(s) are present in saliva. Also, saliva had significantly lower TIBC values than serum. This finding indicated that iron may be easily available in saliva. However, further studies are required to determine the relationship between UIBC value of saliva and oral and dental diseases, and also to detect the presence of other iron-binding proteins in saliva.  相似文献   

G. Erhardt 《Animal genetics》1996,27(2):105-108
A new k casein variant (k-CN G) with a frequency of 0.003 was demonstrated in Pinzgauer cattle from Austria and Bavaria, Germany by iso-electric focusing in polyacrylamide gels and by alkaline polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. k-CN G was not present in milk samples of Limpurger, another endangered breed.  相似文献   

Hamadryas baboons possess salivary proline-rich proteins (PRP), as indicated by the presence of pink-staining protein bands using 1D SDS gel electrophoresis and Coomassie R250 staining. The ability of these protein bands to interact with tannic acid was further examined. In a tannin-binding assay using 5 μg tannic acid mixed with hamadryas whole saliva, we recently found four distinct protein bands of apparently 72, 55, 20, and 15 kDa that were precipitated during the experiments. In this work, we were able to identify these protein bands in a follow-up analysis using MS/MS mass spectrometry after excising such bands out of air-dried gels. Albumin and α-amylase were present in the tannic acid-protein complexes, with albumin already known to nonspecifically interact with a great diversity of chemical compounds. More interesting, we also identified a basic PRP and a cystatin precursor protein. This was the first successful attempt to identify a PRP from precipitated tannin-protein complexes in hamadryas baboons using MS/MS mass spectrometry. On the other hand, the role of cystatins in tannin binding is not yet well understood. However, there are recent reports on cystatin expression in saliva of rats responding to astringent dietary compounds. In conclusion, the follow-up data on tannin-binding proteins present in salivary secretions from hamadryas baboons adds important knowledge to primate physiology and feeding ecology, in order to shed light on the establishment and development of food adaptations in primates. It also demonstrates that tannin binding is characteristic for PRP, but might not be restricted to this particular group of proteins in primate species.  相似文献   

神经生长因子(Nerve growth factor,NGF)是一种能促进神经元发育、分化、再生的蛋白。为高效生产药效更佳的人源NGF (hNGF)药物,最近,笔者实验室构建出唾液腺特异表达hNGF的转基因小鼠,并从该转基因小鼠唾液中纯化获得具有高生物学活性的h NGF蛋白。为了选择性别和日龄最适宜的转hNGF基因小鼠用于收集纯化hNGF蛋白,文中比较了28日龄(性成熟前)雄性、雌性,63日龄(性成熟后)雄性、雌性转hNGF基因小鼠,共4组转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液量、唾液总蛋白量、唾液鼠源NGF (mNGF)蛋白量和唾液h NGF蛋白量等指标。结果显示,63日龄的转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液量、唾液总蛋白量、唾液mNGF蛋白量和唾液hNGF蛋白量显著高于28日龄同一性别的转hNGF基因小鼠,且63日龄的雄性转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液hNGF蛋白量显著高于同一日龄的雌性转hNGF基因小鼠;在4组小鼠中,63日龄的雄性转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液hNGF含量最高,比28日龄雌性转hNGF基因小鼠高出约46倍,最适宜用于收集唾液并从中纯化hNGF。  相似文献   

The in situ immunological detection of antigens encoded by cDNA inserted into the PstI site of pBR322 plasmids was optimized. It was found that sensitivity of the detection was dramatically increased by in situ amplification of the recombinant plasmids on chloramphenicol-containing medium followed by a brief incubation without chloramphenicol during which protein synthesis resumes. In addition, several modifications of the previously described methods which permit total suppression of background and false positives are described. These techniques allowed easy detection of cDNA clones for human B beta- and gamma-fibrinogen and -prothrombin using a human liver double-stranded cDNA recombinant plasmid library in pBR322 vectors.  相似文献   

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