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Ole F. Nielsen  Albert Kahn 《BBA》1973,292(1):117-129
The kinetics of photoconversion of protochlorophyll(ide) to chlorophyll(ide) a were investigated in dark-grown barley leaves and in a preparation of protochlorophyll holochrome subunits. In the subunits the conversion obeyed first-order kinetics. This indicates that the excitation of protochlorophyll(ide), energy loss through deexcitation, and the reduction of excited protochlorophyll(ide) are all reactions that follow first-order kinetics with respect to protochlorophyll(ide) in protochlorophyll holochrome subunits.In contrast, photoconversion in leaves obeyed neither first- nor second-order kinetics. This prompted the postulation of an additional route within macromolecular units of protochlorophyll holochrome, whereby energy is lost from excited protochlorophyll(ide) by a reaction that is not first order. Such a process might be energy transfer from excited protochlorophyll(ide) to newly-formed chlorophyll(ide) a.A dynamic model describing photoconversion in macromolecular units was derived. The model is consistent with the observed progress of photoconversion in barley leaves and in protochlorophyll holochrome subunits from barley.Determinations of the quantum yield of photoconversion in protochlorophyll holochrome subunits gave values of 0.4–0.5 molecules · quantum?1. Estimates of the initial quantum yield of the photoconversion process in leaves fell into the same range. The dynamic model allows predictions on the progressively decreasing quantum yield as the photoconversion proceeds in macromolecular units.  相似文献   

The assignment is presented for the principal phosphorescence bands of protochlorophyll(ide), chlorophyllide and chlorophyll in etiolated and greening bean leaves measured at -196°C using a mechanical phosphoroscope. Protochlorophyll(ide) phosophorescence spectra in etiolated leaves consist of three bands with maxima at 870, 920 and 970 nm. Excitation spectra show that the 870 nm band belongs to the short wavelength protochlorophyll(ide), P627. The latter two bands correspond to the protochlorophyll(ide) forms, P637 and P650. The overall quantum yield for P650 phosphorescence in etiolated leaves is near to that in solutions of monomeric protochlorophyll, indicating a rather high efficiency of the protochlorophyll(ide) triplet state formation in frozen plant material. Short-term (2–20 min) illumination of etiolated leaves at the temperature range from -30 to 20°C leads to the appearance of new phosphorescence bands at about 990–1000 and 940 nm. Judging from excitation and emission spectra, the former band belongs to aggregated chlorophyllide, the latter one, to monomeric chlorophyll or chlorophyllide. This indicates that both monomeric and aggregated pigments are formed at this stage of leaf greening. After preillumination for 1 h at room temperature, chlorophyll phosphorescence predominates. The spectral maximum of this phosphorescence is at 955–960 nm, the lifetime is about 2 ms, and the maximum of the excitation spectrum lies at 668 nm. Further greening leads to a sharp drop of the chlorophyll phosphorescence intensity and to a shift of the phosphorescence maximum to 980 nm, while the phosphorescence lifetime and a maximum of the phosphorescence excitation spectrum remains unaltered. The data suggest that chlorophyll phosphorescence belongs to the short wavelength, newly synthesized chlorophyll, not bound to chloroplast carotenoids. Thus, the phosphorescence measurement can be efficiently used to study newly formed chlorophyll and its precursors in etiolated and greening leaves and to address various problems arising in the analysis of chlorophyll biosynthesis.Abbreviations Pchl protochlorophyll and protochlorophyllide - Chld chlorophyllide - Chl chlorophyll  相似文献   

Using spectral methods, the biosynthesis of protochlorophyll(ide) and chlorophyll(ide) in green plant leaves was studied. The main chlorophyll precursors in the green leaves (as in etiolated leaves) were photoactive photocholorophyll(ide) forms Pchl(ide)655/650(448) and Pchl(ide)653/648(440). The contributions into Chl biosynthesis of the shorter-wavelength precursor forms ,which were accumulated in darkened green leaves as well, were completely absent (of Pchl(ide) 633/628(440)) or insignificant (of Pchl(ide)642/635(444)).  相似文献   

In an attempt to solve the controversy about the evaluation of the molar absorption coefficient of PChl(ide), this coefficient is estimated in this work by using an original experimental approach. The calculated molar absorption coefficient of PChl(ide) is 30.4.103 1 mole–1 cm–1 at 626 nm in acetone 80%; it is close to that derived from the specific absorption coefficient of Koski and Smith when assuming that the pigment extracted by these authors was the esterified pigment: PChl. Sets of equations for the quantification of Chl(ide) a, Chl b and PChl(ide) in 80% acetone extracts are derived.Abbreviations PChl(ide) protochlorophyll(ide) - Chl(ide) chlorophyll(ide)  相似文献   

In an attempt to solve the controversy about the evaluation of the molar absorption coefficient of PChl(ide), this coeffecient is estimated in this work by using an original experimental approach. The calculated molar absorption coefficient of PChl(ide) is 30.4.103 l mole-1 cm-1 at 626 nm in acetone 80%; it is close to that derived from the specific absorption coefficient of Koski and Smith when assurning that the pigment extracted by these authors was the esterified pigment: PChl. Sets of equations for the quantification of Chl(ide) a, Chl b and PChl(ide) in 80% acetone extracts are derived.  相似文献   

Seedlings carrying mutations in regulatory genes for protochlorophyll(ide) synthesis accumulate protochlorophyll(ide) in darkness in amounts exceeding the wildtype level. Thus, +/tig-d12 and tig-b24tig-b24accumulate 2-fold, tig-o34tig-o34 5- to 6-fold, and tig-d12tig-d12 15-fold more protochlorophyll(ide) than the wild type.The amount of photoconvertible protochlorophyll(ide) accumulated in darkness is the same in all genotypes, despite the large differences in total protochlorophyll(ide) content, indicating a constant number of photoconversion sites.When briefly illuminated leaves are returned to darkness, regeneration of active protochlorophyll(ide) from the pool of inactive protochlorophyll(ide) takes place in wild-type and mutant leaves. Compared to the wild type, the rate of protochlorophyll(ide) activation during 4- and 10-min dark periods is higher in +/tig-d12, tig-b24tig-b24, and tig-o34tig-o34, but lower in tig-d12tig-d12.There was no indication that the accumulation of protochlorophyll(ide) influences the conversion sites of the protochlorophyll(ide) holochrome, as the kinetics of photoconversion of initially active protochlorophyll(ide) in leaves with the genotypes +/+, +/tig-o34, and tig-o34tig-o34 are similar or identical.  相似文献   

The phototransformation of protochlorophyll(ide) (Pchl(ide)) to chlorophyll(ide) (Chl(ide)) can be demonstrated in a proplastid fraction from Euglena gracilis Klebs var. bacillaris Cori if appropriate conditions are employed. Pigments were measured fluorometrically in acetone extracts of cell or organelles. Pchl(ide) and the phototransformation to Chl(ide) are at their highest levels in cells grown in darkness on normal or low vitamin B12-containing medium (pH 3.5) to the late exponential phase (1.2–1.4 × 106 cells ml?1). Late exponential cells on low B12 medium yield a proplastid fraction that contains Pchl(ide) which is phototransformed to Chl(ide) when illuminated with red light (5.6 W m?2 for 4 min) in the presence of 10 mM Hepes, 20 mM TES, 0.5 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.4), 70 mM sorbitol, 5 mM DTT, 5 mM ATP, 5 mM fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate, 10 mM malate and 2 mM MgCl2; intact organelles appear to be involved since deletion of osmoticum gives a lower activity, and addition of NAD(P)H is without effect. Phototransformation of Pchl(ide) to Chl(ide) in red light shows Bunsen-Roscoe reciprocity between fluence rate and duration of illumination. Although mitochondria are present, they do not appear to be involved since inhibitors of respiration and uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation fail to block the phototransformation. The percentage phototransformation of Pchl(ide) to Chl(ide) in late exponential normal B12 cells is 61 ± 10, and is 52 ± 3 in low B12 cells. About 67% of the activity in low B12 cells is recovered in the proplastid fraction incubated with the complete incubation mixture in saturating light. In both types of cells and in the proplastid fraction, the stoichiometry of conversion of Pchl(ide) to Chl(ide) is about 1:1 (mol/mol).  相似文献   

By methods of difference and derivative spectroscopy it was shown that in etiolated leaves at 77 K three photoreactions of P650 protochlorophyllide take place which differ in their rates and positions of spectral maxima of the intermediates formed in the process: P650R668, P650R688, and P650R697. With an increase of temperature up to 233 K, in the dark, R688 and R697 are transformed into the known chlorophyllide forms C695/684 and C684/676, while R668 disappears with formation of a shorter wavelength form of protochlorophyllide with an absorption maximum at 643–644 nm.Along with these reactions, at 77 K phototransformations of the long-wave protochlorophyllide forms with absorption maxima at 658–711 nm into the main short-wave forms of protochlorophyllide are observed. At 233 K in the dark this reaction is partially reversible. This process may be interpreted as a reversible photodisaggregation of the pigment in vivo.The mechanism of P650 reactions and their role in the process of chlorophyll photobiosynthesis are discussed.Abbreviations P650 protochlorophyll(ide) with absorption maximum at 650 nm - C697/684 chlorophyllide with fluorescence maximum at 695 nm and absorption maximum at 684 nm - R697 intermediate with absorption maximum at 697 nm  相似文献   

A 1-min light pulse delivered to mustard seedlings (Sinapis alba L.) 60 h after sowing initiates the release of cotyledonary 5-aminolaevulinate (ALA) accumulation which continues for at least 2 h in the dark. Phytochrome (P fr) increases the rate of ALA accumulation after a 24-h red light pretreatment but is not the trigger for this release. It is shown that the rate of ALA accumulation varies with the wave-length and fluence rate of the 1-min light pulse and can be predicted from the degree of protochlorophyll-(ide) photoconversion. There is a linear correlation between the rate of ALA accumulation and the degree of protochlorophyll(ide) (PChl)chlorophyll(ide) a (Chl a) photoconversion in etiolated seedlings. In seedlings pretreated with red light this correlation is non-linear and the rate increases more rapidly with increasing degrees of PChlChl a photoconversion. It is suggested that there may exist an interaction between P fr and PChlChl a photoconversion in controlling ALA accumulation.Abbreviations ALA 5-aminolaevulinate - Chl chlorophyll(ide) - PChl protochlorophyll(ide) - cp cotyledon pair - LA laevulinate  相似文献   

Precursors of chlorophylls in etiolated bean leaves were studiedby a sensitive technique of dual wavelength scanning of thinlayer chromatograms of pigments. The photoconvertible pigmentswith absorption maxima at 650 and 638 nm, respectively, wereidentified as protochlorophyllide. A minor non-photoconvertiblepigment with a maximum at 628 nm was found to be protochlorophyll. (Received July 3, 1974; )  相似文献   

The occurrence of protochlorophyllide b and protochlorophyllide b phytyl ester in green plants is described. The chemical structure of protochlorophyllide b phytyl ester was established by proton nuclear magnetic resonance, fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopic analysis, and chemical derivatization coupled to electronic spectroscopic analysis. The macrocycles of protochlorophyll(ide) b are identical to those of conventional protochlorophyll(ide) except for the presence of a formyl group instead of a methyl group at position 3 of the macrocycles. They differ from chlorophyll(ide) b by the presence of an oxidized double bond at positions 7 and 8 of the macrocycles. The trivial name protochlorophyll(ide) b is proposed to differentiate these two tetrapyrroles from conventional protochlorophyll(ide), which in turn will be referred to as protochlorophyll(ide) a. Protochlorophyll(ide) b appears to be widely distributed in green plants. Its molar extinction coefficients in 80% acetone and diethyl ether are reported. The impact of this discovery on the heterogeneity of the chlorophyll a and b biosynthetic pathways is discussed.  相似文献   

To allay doubt about how to calculate molar extinction eoeffieients from the specific absorption coefficients of protoehlorophyll(ide), dark-grown leaf segments and saponin protochlorophyll(ide) holochrome subunits frotn barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) and cotyledons of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) were extracted with acetone without or following prior, brief illumination. Absorbance data and eoeffieients of chlorophyll a were used to derive extinetion eoeffieients of protoehlorophyll(ide); 626 nm (range: 30 to 35 1 mmol-1 cm-1) without recourse to published coefficients c protochlorophyll(ide). These results combined with evaluation of how the origin; coefficients were obtained, argue for using the molecular weight of protochlorophy rather than protochlorophyllide to calculate molar extinction eoeffieients from th specific absorption coefficients.  相似文献   

Pigment mutant C-2A' of Scenedesmus obliquus accumulates only traces of chlorophyll, when grown heterotrophically in the dark. Immediately upon transfer of cells into fresh medium protochlorophyllide and protochlorophyll are formed, which accumulate to their maximum concentrations within 8 to 12 h. Subsequently, this protochlorophyll(ide) is degraded in the dark, but not transformed into chlorophyll. After 6–8 days of dark growth no protochlorophyll(ide) can be detected any more. The protochlorophyll(ide) pool of cultures, which contain reduced concentrations, can be reestablished either by addition of glucose or illumination with blue light; both increase the rate of respiration.
By low temperature spectroscopy in vivo and by absorption and fluorescence emission spectroscopy of pigment extracts it is shown that the protochlorophyllide accumulated in freshly inoculated cultures can be converted to chlorophyll in light.
From the action spectrum for chlorophyll formation after addition of glucose it can be seen that protochlorophyllide 636 and 649 are present and are photoconvertible in this mutant.  相似文献   

Dark-grown cells of a mutant strain of Chlorella regularis containedchlorophyll a and protochlorophyll, phytyl ester of protochlorophyllide.Under illumination, protochlorophyll was quantitatively anddirectly converted into chlorophyll a. The photoconversion wasdependent on light intensity and temperature and proceeded ina cell-free preparation. The pathway of chlorophyll formation found in the mutant cellsis entirely different from that from protochlorophyllide byway of chlorophyllide a, which is generally observed in greenplants. 1Present address: Division of Biology, Medical College of Miyazaki,Miyazaki 889-16, Japan. 2Present address: Division of Environmental Biology, The NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Ibaragi 300-21, Japan. (Received October 24, 1975; )  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequence of an slr1923 gene of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 is homologous to archaean F(420)H(2) dehydrogenase, which acts as a soluble subcomplex of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase complex I. In this study, the gene was inactivated and characteristics of the mutant were analyzed. The mutant grew slower than the wild type under 100 microE m(-2) s(-1) but did not grow under high light intensity (300 microE m(-2) s(-1)). The cellular content of chlorophyll was lower in the mutant, and the absorption spectrum showed a shift in the absorption peak of the Soret band to a longer wavelength by about 10 nm compared with the wild type. It was found, by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, that the retention time of chlorophyll of the mutant is shorter than that of the wild type and that the peak wavelength of the Soret band was also shifted to a longer wavelength by 11 nm. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the chlorophyll of the mutant revealed that the ethyl group of position 8 of ring B is replaced with a vinyl group. The spectrum indicates that the chlorophyll of the mutant is not a normal (3-vinyl)chlorophyll a but a 3,8-divinylchlorophyll a. These results strongly suggest that the Slr1923 protein is essential for the conversion from divinylchlorophyll(ide) to normal chlorophyll(ide). We thus designate this gene cvrA (a gene indispensable for cyanobacterial vinyl reductase).  相似文献   

Chlorophyll formation capacity along the seedling of bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Brede zonder draad) was investigated. After 7 days of irradiation a gradient was formed, where the primary leaf contained ca 300 times more chlorophyll per gram fresh weight than the lower hypocotyl section and ca 20 times more than the epicotyl. Similar chlorophyll gradients but at lower levels were seen when the seedlings were first placed in darkness for 7 days and then irradiated for 1, 2 or 7 days. Ultrastructural investigation of seedlings grown for 7 days in darkness and then irradiated for 24 h revealed a more developed inner membrane system with grana stacks in plastids of cells in the uppermost hypocotyl section compared to plastids of cells in lower hypocoty] sections. The higher up on the seedling the more the ratio increased of protochlorophyll(ide) emitting at 657 nm to short-wavelength protochlorophyll(ide). After flash irradiation of the different sections, fluorescence emission spectra with maxima at 680 and 690 nm, respectively, were observed, indicating the formation of short- and long wavelength chlorophyll(ide) forms. The lower the ratio of protochlorophyll(ide) emitting at 657 nm to the short-wavelength protochlorophyll(ide), the less long-wavelength chlorophyll(ide) was formed after irradiation. However, after continuous irradiation long-wavelength chlorophyll(ide) was formed. In dark grown roots, where only short-wavelength protochlorophyll forms were present, it was not possible to transform protochlorophyll to chlorophyll by flash irradiation. Possible explanations for this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Protochlorophyll(ide) was isolated from dark-grown wild typeand mutant C-2A' cells of Scenedesmus obliquus after dark incubationwith 5-aminolevulinate. Proto-chlorophyll(ide) was detectedin mutant cells grown heterotrophically at 29°C or at 21°C.At the latter temperature chlorophyll synthesis was significant.Regulation of chlorophyll synthesis in algae is discussed. 1Present address: Laboratory of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine,Teikyo University, Otsuka, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-03, Japan. (Received July 14, 1980; )  相似文献   

It has been found that at low temperatures (77K–153K) a long-lived (at these temperatures) singlet ESR signal induced by intensive light appears in etiolated leaves of plants and in model systems including both the monomeric and aggregated protochlorophyll.Comparison of the results of ESR, fluorescence and absorption spectra measurements made it possible to suggest that at the initial stages of the protochlorophyll(ide) photoreduction process at least two paramagnetic non-fluorescent intermediates are formed, one of which seems to be identical to the previously found intermediate with absorption maximum at 690 nm. On the strength of the obtained results a conclusion can be drawn that photoreduction of the semi-isolated double-c=c-bond of the chlorophyll precursor molecule in etiolated leaves and in model systems is actualized via at least two stages of free radicals formation. A scheme of the primary reactions of chlorophyllide biosynthesis has been proposed.  相似文献   

Localization of protochlorophyll(ide) (Pchlide) forms and chlorophyllide (Chlide) transformation process were studied by using comparative analyses of de-convoluted 77 K fluorescence spectra of barley etioplast stroma and different membrane fractions obtained by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Non-photoactive 633 nm Pchlide form was mainly located in the envelope-prothylakoid membrane mixture while the photoactive 657 nm Pchlide was dominant pigment in the prolamellar body membrane and in the soluble etioplast fraction (stroma). When these fractions were exposed to a saturating flash, conversion of photoactive Pchlide into 697 nm Chlide was preferential in the prolamellar body and in the stroma, while the 676 nm Chlide was dominant pigment form in the envelope-prothylakoid fraction. These spectral characteristics are considered to reflect molecular composition and organization of the pigment-protein complexes specific for each etioplast compartment.  相似文献   

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