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利用光学显微镜、相差显微镜、扫描和透射电镜等观察蓝藻类的地木耳,看到了一些特殊结构:1.藻体内部结构如海绵状,表面凸凹不平;2.由念珠状细胞组成的藻丝长短不一,弯曲折迥,有的堆积成团,有的分枝,有的排成环状;3.念珠状细胞壁分5层,最表层细波纹状,与相邻壁镶嵌连接;4.念珠状细胞为典型原核细胞,四周散布着类囊体,中央是拟核区,细胞质中分布着结构颗粒,多角体等,类囊体表面附有核糖核蛋白体和胆藻体,有的有明显液泡和腔穴;5.异形胞有厚的外套,这是正常壁外附加的包被,可称之为“细胞套”,它包括一层电子密集层和电子疏层,在极端形成半球形的“节球”,其间有孔与相邻细胞相通,流通物质有孔塞控制流向、流量;6.缢裂式繁殖,缢裂方向及位置各不相同,故出现细胞堆积现象。  相似文献   

地木耳规模化培养的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用跑道式培养池规模化培养地木耳,结果显示:在一定的实验条件下,地木耳群体的直径明显增大,其生长速度最高可达445.2g·m-2·d-1,并可将其它杂藻类控制在较低的水平。这是地木耳规模化培养的首次报道。  相似文献   

对地木耳采用水提醇沉法获得的地木耳多糖粗提取物,采用Sevage法脱蛋白质、醇沉,干燥得粗多糖,进一步用DEAE-52纤维素柱层析分离纯化,用纸色谱和琼脂糖凝胶电泳对洗脱组分进行纯度鉴定。结果表明:Sevage法脱蛋白7次可脱除94%的蛋白质,多糖得率为13.75%。DEAE-52纤维素柱层析后得到10种组分,浓缩干燥后得到白色粉末状多糖组分,每个组分经过纯度鉴定后均为单一的多糖。选择水和NaC l溶液为洗脱剂的温和条件分离纯化多糖效果较好。  相似文献   

Cells of the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune UTEX 584 were immobilised, subjected to acute matric water stress (ψm = −128 MPa) and then desiccated. Their ultrastructure was investigated by the use of an anhydrous fixation procedure. Although shrunken and bleached, the integrity of the vegatative cells at the ultrastructural level was apparently preserved. The ease with which certain cyanobacterial cells can recover from desiccation may be consequent upon the maintenance of cellular organisation at the ultrastructural level.  相似文献   

以生长于不同光环境下的地木耳为材料,对其Fv/Fm的日变化、光合作用特性、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的含量进行了研究,以了解其光适应的生理生化基础。同阴生地木耳相比,阳生地木耳的光饱和点、类胡萝卜素含量、类胡萝卜素和叶绿素的比值均比较高,但其P-I曲线光限制部分的斜率、暗呼吸速率、Fv/Fm、叶绿素、MAAs含量和单位面积干重较低。二者最大光合速率和光补偿点无明显差异,二者均无明显的光呼吸。同等条件的光抑制后,阳生地木耳在暗处能更快、更大程度地恢复其Fv/Fm活性。原位研究表明,阴生和阳生地木耳在雨后强光下均有不同程度的光抑制发生,但在弱光下或夜晚时会及时恢复。阳生和阴生地木耳的光合特性及色素含量显著不同,以此来适应不同环境中的光因子。  相似文献   

Using the Iight mieroseope, scanning and transmission eleetron microscopes, it is found that each individuaI Nostoe flagelliforme is composed of hundreds and thousands torulose cells. The filaments are uni-triehome with branches in some cases. The thallus is surrounded by a mueoid sheath with different thicknesses, rough surface, and numerous cracky appearance. The Nostoc flagelliforme cells are typieal prokaryote eells ill which there is no discrete nuclear body. However nueleoplasm exists. occupying the center of the ceils. The cell wall of this prokaryote ceil is three-layered. Bet, when the nueleoplasm and the wall, a great quantity of thylakoids disperse. Moreover, structured granules, polyhedral and polyphosphate bodies intersperse. All of vegetative eells seem to be able to divide. The reproductive manner is of horizontal split, i.e. the regenerated new cell walls expand from periphery towards the center, then the mother cells eonstriet and finally split into two daughter cells. In our opinion, the function of this structural characteristic of heteroeysts is to endure extreme envi-ronment, so that they are able to maintain their species progeny.  相似文献   

采用BG11培养基研究了营养、温度、pH值、光照强度和光周期等对地木耳(Nostoc commune)细胞生长的影响。结果显示:(1)Ca、N和P缺失会显著降低地木耳细胞的生长速率,明显抑制胞外多糖的分泌和蛋白质的合成,定期通入体积分数为0.3%的CO2有利于细胞增殖和蛋白质的合成;(2)随着培养温度的升高,地木耳细胞的生长速率、胞外多糖和蛋白质含量先增加然后降低,并于25℃时达最大值;(3)过酸或过碱的培养环境均不利于细胞的生长,细胞生长速率和蛋白质含量于pH为7.5时最大,而胞外多糖含量于pH为8.0时最大;(4)随着光照强度的增加,细胞的生长速率和蛋白质的合成先增加然后降低,并在2000 lx时达最大值,但胞外多糖分泌量持续增加;随着光照时间逐渐缩短,胞外多糖含量持续上升、蛋白质含量持续下降,12 h光照/12 h黑暗光周期最有利于细胞的生长。结果表明,25℃、pH 7.5、光照强度为2000 lx、光周期为12 h光照/12 h黑暗是人工培养地木耳细胞比较适宜的环境条件,而Ca、N和P是地木耳细胞必需的营养元素。  相似文献   

测定了野生地木耳(Nostoc commune Vauch.)中次生代谢产物含量,并与4种常见食用菌藻黑木耳(Auricularia auricular-judae)、银耳(Tremella fuciformis)、紫菜(Porphyra)、海带(Laminaria japonica)进行比较分析,总酚、总黄酮和缩合单宁含量测定采用分光光度法,总生物碱含量测定采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)。结果显示,野生地木耳中总酚含量为24.255 mg/g±1.631 mg/g,总黄酮含量为5.741 mg/g±0.239 mg/g,总生物碱含量为0.768 mg/g±0.073 mg/g,缩合单宁含量为0.069 mg/g±0.009 mg/g。4种食用菌藻中次生代谢产物含量范围为:总酚(5.520~62.326 mg/g)、总黄酮(0.847~7.010 mg/g)、总生物碱(0.408~4.132 mg/g)、缩合单宁(0.063~0.233 mg/g);比较分析结果显示,野生地木耳次生代谢产物中的总酚和总黄酮物质含量较高,且总酚是主要次生代谢产物,缩合单宁与总生物碱含量较低;总酚含量约为黑木耳和银耳的2倍、紫菜的6倍;总黄酮含量约为黑木耳的7倍,银耳的3倍。  相似文献   

地木耳提取物水溶液对花卉营养生长及开花的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在温室条件下,用1%的地木耳提取物水溶液对瓜叶菊(Seneciocruentus)、万寿菊(Tageteserecta)、矮牵牛(Petuniahybrida)、香石竹(Dianthuscaryophyllus)、一品红(Euphorbiapulcherrima)、仙客来(Cyclamenpersium)、一串红(Salviasplendens)等7种花坛花进行叶面喷施后,结果表明,7种花的株高、冠径、株鲜重、叶片数目、叶长、根长比对照均有显著增加(P<0.05);万寿菊,矮牵牛,一品红,一串红的平均株干重有显著增加,而瓜叶菊,香石竹,仙客来的平均株干重增加不显著(P>0.05);除了香石竹的叶宽有显著增加外,其余6种花的叶宽对1%地木耳提取物水溶液的反应不敏感;而7种花卉的叶厚都没有显著的变化。提取物水溶液还可促进花提早开花,增加花数目,并延长花期。  相似文献   

Cells of the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune secrete a complex, high molecular weight, extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) which accumulates to more than 60% of the dry weight of colonies. The EPS was purified from the clonal isolate N. commune DRH1. The midpoint of the membrane phase transition (Tm) of desiccated cells of N. commune CHEN was low (Tm dry = 8 °C) and was comparable to the Tm of rehydrated cells((Tm)H20 = 6 °C). The EPS was not responsible for the depression of Tm. However, the EPS, at low concentrations, inhibited specifically the fusion of phosphatidylcholine membrane vesicles when they were dried in vitro at0% relative humidity (−400 MPa). Low concentrations of a trehalose:sucrose mixture, in a molar ratio which corresponded with that present in cells in vivo, together with small amounts of the EPS, were efficient in preventing leakage of carboxyfloroscein (CF) from membrane vesicles. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy resolved complex changes in the structure of the EPS and the outer membrane in response to rehydration of desiccated cells. The capacity of the EPS to prevent membrane fusion, the maintenance of a low Tm dry in desiccated cells, and the changes in rheological properties of the EPS in response to water availability, constitute what are likely important mechanisms for desiccation tolerance in this cyanobacterium. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

发菜的显微及亚显微结构的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜的观察、了解到一条发菜原植体大约由数十万计的念珠状细胞所组成,其藻丝多为单链,但也发现有分枝现象。整个原植体包被着厚薄不均的胶质鞘,外观粗糙,沟稜状起伏,且多裂隙。念珠状细胞为典型的原核细胞。细胞壁有三层结构,中央为色浅的核质区,四周为细胞质区其中散布着大量膜层薄而散乱的类囊体,膜上附有大量 rRNA 和藻胆体颗粒。还发现有膜层密集形如指纹的小类囊体。在细胞质中还分布着结构颗粒,多角体、聚磷酸体等嗜锇物质结构.一般细胞都具有分裂能力,方式多为横缢,先是细胞壁逐渐向中央扩展,最后将母细胞分成两个子细胞.从异形胞的结构特征来看,主要功能是渡过恶劣环境以保存物种。  相似文献   

青海高原地木耳中氨基酸特征与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地木耳在青海民间视为山珍 ,能清热解毒、凉血明目 ,是一种天然的营养保健食品。文中采用美国 6 0 0E氨基酸分析仪 ,日本岛津RF5 4 0荧光仪测定了青海高原地木耳中 1 8种氨基酸的含量 ,为科学地开发利用青海高原地木耳食物资源提供一些基础资料和科学依据  相似文献   

A desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium, Nostoc commune, showsunique responses to dehydration. These responses are: (i) lossof PSII activity in parallel with the loss of photosynthesis;(ii) loss of PSI activity; and (iii) dissipation of light energyabsorbed by pigment–protein complexes. In this study,the deactivation of PSII is shown to be important in avoidingphotoinhibition when the Calvin–Benson cycle is repressedby dehydration. Furthermore, our evidence suggests that dissipationof light energy absorbed by PSII blocks photoinhibition understrong light in dehydrated states.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the vegetative cells of Nostoc fiagelliforme Born. et Flah. was investigated with high pressure freezing and freeze substitution technique and compared with the results obtained by using conventional preparation methods. During the processes of chemical fixation, dehydration and embedding, the cell structures might be more artificially modified than that obtained from high pressure freezing and freeze substitution. With the present method, the sheath of N. fiageUiforme could be well-penetrated and no extra big space could exist between the cell and the sheath. The cell protoplasm rarely shrinked. Some fine structures of cell inclusions and unit membranes became visualized. Many bacteria were harbored in the sheath. In addition, the presence of big vacuoles in the cell of N. fiageUiforme as well as the presence of bacteria in the sheath shown in the present preparation for cyanobacteria has not been described so far in the literature.  相似文献   

RNA pools were extracted from cells of Nostoc commune UTEX 584 in exponential growth (liquid cultures) and from cells which had been immobilized and dried rapidly at -99.5 MPa. Levels of incorporation of 35S-methionine, five- to sixfold higher than the endogenous level, were obtained after in vitro translation of the RNA preparations in a heterologous S30 cell-free system purified from Escherichia coli Q13. The levels of incorporation, obtained with a homologous N. commune UTEX 584 S30 system, were much lower. The requirement for magnesium in the heterologous system was 15–21 mM, translation of N. commune UTEX 584 RNA was inhibited when the RNA concentration was greater than 0.3 mg ml–1, and translation was stimulated significantly by the presence of ammonium chloride. Few qualitative differences were observed between the pattern of proteins (SDS-PAGE) obtained after translation of the RNA pools from cells in exponential growth, and from those cells subjected to immobilization and rapid drying. The data suggest that short-term desiccation of N. commune UTEX 584 does not have a marked selective effect on the composition of the mRNA pool. In contrast, preparations of RNA from field materials of Nostoc commune HUN (desiccated for 5 years) were unable to drive high rates of translation in any of the systems tested and optimized for use in this study.  相似文献   

裂褶菌及裂褶菌多糖研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
裂褶菌是一种十分重要的食药兼用真菌,含有丰富的生理活性物质,裂褶菌多糖作为一种极有开发前景的生物活性物质已得到国内外的普遍重视。综述了裂褶菌的生物学特性、营养成分、药用价值、栽培现状以及裂褶菌多糖的化学分析和药理作用的研究进展,并讨论了裂褶菌和裂褶菌多糖的研究前景。  相似文献   

钙调素拮抗剂W_7和FPZ均可抑制葛仙米藻殖段的分化。利用FPZ作为荧光染色剂发现 ,经过钙调素拮抗剂处理的藻体有较低的钙调素分布。在达到一定浓度后 ,金属离子螯合剂EGTA也抑制藻殖段分化。金霉素 (CTC)荧光显示 ,经EGTA处理的藻细胞其膜钙分布大大减少。但实验表明 ,藻殖段得以正常分化却是多种金属离子共同参与的结果。一氧化氮 (NO)可以大大降低葛仙米藻殖段的分化率 ,一氧化氮合成酶 (NOS)的抑制剂NNA也可以抑制藻殖段的分化。外源地加入氧自由基抑制了藻殖段的分化 ,但是氧自由基的清除物过氧化氢酶 (CA)也使藻殖段分化完全受抑制。以上结果初步表明 ,葛仙米藻殖段分化是个复杂的、信号转导参与的过程  相似文献   

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