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Fifty-nine species of fossil spores and pollen referred to 34 genera found from the Lower Cretaceous Longpan Formation in Anehow Basin of North Korea have been studied. Two species were described as new. The palynoflora of the Longpan Formation was characterized by its predominance of gymnosperms and subdominance of pteridophyta. A few primitive angiospermous pollen grains occured in the middle to upper part of the formation. Coniferae was dominant in the whole palynoflora, while Lygodiaceae and Schizaeaceae were dominant in the pteridophyta. The important species of spores and pollen comprised Cicatricosisporites dorogensis, C. subrotundus, L ygodioisporites gemmatus, Concavissimisporites asper, C. variverrucatus, C. penolaensis, Trilobosporites minor, Klukisporites variegatus, K. pseudoreticulatus, K. scaberis, Sch, izaeoisporites cretacius, S. certus, S. zizyphinus, S. gansuensis, Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis, Converrucosisporites saskatchewanensis, Densoisporites microrugulatus, Parvisaccites radiatus, Platysaccus oculus, P. gansuensis, Podocarpidites canadensis, AbietineaepoUenites minimus, Pinuspollenites insignis, Cedripites cretaceus, C. canadensis, Classopollis classoides, C. annulatus, C. minor, C. anchowensis, Cycadopites minimus, Ephedripites tarimensis, and Clavatipollenites hughesii. The palynoflora is comparable with that of the Changcai Formation of the Yanbian District of the Jilin Province of China. It is suggested that the Longpan Formation of North Korea should belong to Barremian to Aptian in age. Judging from the palynoflora, the Early Cretaceous palaeoclimate in the Anchow Basin should belong to the semi-arid type of the subtropic zone.  相似文献   

Neeru Prakash   《Palaeoworld》2008,17(3-4):253
The Jabalpur Formation of Jabalpur series, named after Jabalpur city in Central India, is exposed along the Narbada River, in Satpura Basin. The series is divided into the lower Chaugan and the upper Jabalpur stages. The Jabalpur beds occur between Mahadevas and Lametas at Mahadeva Hills, exhibit highest Gondwanan strata, and embody diversified flora. These beds also extend laterally to Bairam and Belkher areas in western part of central India. The highest diversity of the floral assemblage is recorded in the central portion of the basin (Sehora and Hasnapur) whereas the lowest diversity is recorded in Morand River, Parsapani and Tilaksindoor areas. The diversity in floral assemblage indicates the dominance of conifers and pteridophytes along with cycadophytes and certain pteridosperms. The palynofloral assemblage from this formation contains pollen and spores of bryophytic, pteridophytic and gymnospermic groups. The palaeovegetational diversity, biostratigraphic correlation and phytogeographic distribution of the Jabalpur flora are discussed in comparison with various coeval floras of Indian peninsula along with contemporaneous deposits of the other Gondwanan regions. The palaeogeographic analysis suggests that the flora was thriving as mixed vegetation during Early Cretaceous under seasonally hot and dry or alternating with wet and dry condition.  相似文献   

The Albian amber from Spain presently harbors the greatest number and diversity of amber adult fossil snakeflies (Raphidioptera). Within Baissopteridae, Baissoptera? cretaceoelectra sp. n., from the Peñacerrada I outcrop (Moraza, Burgos), is the first amber inclusion belonging to the family and described from western Eurasia, thus substantially expanding the paleogeographical range of the family formerly known from the Cretaceous of Brazil and eastern Asia. Within the family Mesoraphidiidae, Necroraphidia arcuata gen. et sp. n. and Amarantoraphidia ventolina gen. et sp. n. are described from the El Soplao outcrop (Rábago, Cantabria), whereas Styporaphidia? hispanica sp. n. and Alavaraphidia imperterrita gen. et sp. n. are describedfrom Peñacerrada I. In addition, three morphospecies are recognized from fragmentary remains. The following combinations are restored: Yanoraphidia gaoi Ren, 1995, stat. rest., Mesoraphidia durlstonensis Jepson, Coram and Jarzembowski, 2009, stat. rest., and Mesoraphidia heteroneura Ren, 1997, stat. rest. The singularity of this rich paleodiversity could be due to the paleogeographic isolation of the Iberian territory and also the prevalence of wildfires during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous strata of the Western Tarim Basin, Southern Xinjiang, China are divided into the Kukebai, Wuyitake. Yigeziya and Tuyilouk Formations. The gastropod faunas can be arranged into six communities corresponding to broad depositional environments. Two communities commonly occur in the nearshore shoal environments: the Vernedia pusillina Community from the Lower Member of the Kukebai Formation and the Trochactaeon (Neocylindrites)-Actaeonella Community from the Lower Member of the Yigeziya Formation. Three communities occur in the shelf environments: these are the Helicaulax and Ascensovoluta-Gyrodes Communities of the lower and upper parts of the Upper Member of the Kukebai Formation respectively and the Ampullina-Cantharus Community of the Middle-Upper Member of the Yigeziya Formation. A hypersaline environment is indicated by the Haustator-Corbula Community from the Middle Member of the Kukebai Formation.  相似文献   

Leaflets of Marsileaceae are described from the Albian (Early Cretaceous) strata of Jordan. The fossils are from the Jarash Formation (Kurnub Group) and are found in fluvial sediments along with water lily leaves. The small wedge-shaped leaves have dichotomous veins that anastomose and form a marginal vein. Based on comparisons to living genera, Marsileaceaephyllum mahisensis Hu, Taylor, Brenner et Basha, n. sp., is most similar to Marsilea, in particular, with terrestrial leaflet forms; yet, it is distinct from living and fossil species by its small size and the few dichotomously branched middle veins that have a monopodial course. In addition, a single similar-veined smaller leaf with a retuse apex is thought to be a juvenile leaf of the same species. This is the first megafossil evidence of the family from Africa/Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   

Abstract: The fauna of false fairy wasps (Proctotrupomorpha: Bipetiolarida: Mymarommatoidea) occurring in Early Cretaceous (Albian) amber from north and north‐eastern Spain (Moraza, San Just, and El Soplao outcrops) is described. In total, 12 specimens have been recovered and four species recognized, all new: Alavaromma orchamum gen. nov. and sp. nov. (Alavarommatidae fam. nov.), Archaeromma hispanicum sp. nov. (Mymarommatidae), Galloromma alavaensis sp. nov., and G. turolensis sp. nov. (Gallorommatidae). The study indicates the necessity of revision and maybe fusion of both superfamilies, Mymarommatoidea and Serphitoidea, as the boundaries between them are less and less defined. However, major classificatory rearrangements must await the completion of the cladistic studies presently underway.  相似文献   

A re-examination of the specimens that were identified as Biradiolites minor Pojarkova from the late Campanian to early Maastrichtian middle member of the Yigeziya Formation of southwestern Tarim Basin reveals that they should be assigned to the genus Glabrobournonia Morris and Skelton. Glabrobournonia is a genus of radiolitids characterized by indented radial bands, salient ridges on the shell margins and absence of fine ribs on the surface of the right valve. Apart from southwestern Tarim Basin, Glabrobournonia minor (Pojarkova) has also been recorded from the late Campanian of Fergana and Alai basins. The central Asian, late Campanian to early Maastrichtian G. minor differs from the late Campanian to Maastrichtian, eastern Arabian type species Glabrobournonia arabica Morris and Skelton in the flat left valve and an additional fourth ridge on the junction of the dorsal and posterior sides of the right valve. Biradiolites ingens (Des Moulins) could be the direct ancestor of Glabrobournonia. The paleogeographic distribution of Glabrobournonia suggests that this genus dispersed to central Asia from the late Campanian time, becoming widely distributed in the eastern Tethyan region rather than endemic to eastern Arabia. Correspondingly, specimens belonging to Gyropleura yielded from the same bed as G. minor in southwestern Tarim Basin, are similar to the specimens which were attributed to the eastern Arabian Gyropleura sp.; Campanian to early Maastrichtian Osculigera specimens described from the Yigeziya Formation are comparable with those known from the Campanian–Maastrichtian of Iran, Afghanistan and eastern Arabia. The similarity of the rudist assemblages between central Asia and eastern Arabia suggests a faunal connection and affinity between the north and south margins of the eastern Tethyan realm during Campanian to early Maastrichtian times.  相似文献   

A complete skeleton of a new scincomorph lizard from the Early Cretaceous deposits of Tepexi de Rodriguez is described. Tepexisaurus tepexii gen. et sp. nov. is the best preserved early scincomorph and the first known taxon that is morphologically primitive to scincoids and paramacellodid lizards. The presence of pointed ventral parietal downgrowths, the coronoid overlapped anteriorly and posteriorly by the dentary and surangular, a small medial flange on the retroarticular process, and weak zygosphene and zygantrum articulations suggest scincoid relationships, but the absence of ventral and dorsal osteoscutes place Tepexisaurus as sister-group of this taxon. It shares the presence of + 30 closely packed teeth with the poorly known Upper Jurassic genus Saurillus and Pseudosaurillus , but differences in the coronoid structure, Meckelian groove and jaw proportions indicate that both taxa are distinct. Similar to Tepexisaurus , the absence of osteoscutes in Saurillus, Pseudosaurillus and Saurillodon place these taxa in a more primitive position relative to other paramacellodids which should be included within Scincoidea. Thus, Paramacellodidae as previously defined is a paraphyletic assemblage. The late presence of a pre-scincoid lizard in the Albian deposits of Tlayua can be correlated with the presence of sphenodontians and the relictual nature of the basal squamate Huehuecuetzpalli mixtecus. It gives additional evidence to support the hypothesis that Tlayua was a refuge for terrestrial archaic forms during the Albian.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms of 58 samples from the Daheyan village located in the central Taklamakan Desert of the Tarim Basin were determined in this study. Among the 58 samples, 29 haplotypes belonging to 18 different haplogroups were analyzed. Almost all the mtDNAs belong to a subset of either the defined Western or Eastern Eurasian pool. Extensive Eastern Eurasian lineages exist in the Daheyan population in which Northern‐prevalent haplogroups present higher frequencies. In the limited existing Western Eurasian lineages, two sub‐haplogroups, U3 and X2, that are rare in Central Asia were found in this study, which may be indicative of the remnants of an early immigrant population from the Near East and Caucasus regions preserved only in the Tarim Basin. The presence of U3 in modern and archeological samples in the Tarim Basin suggests that the immigration took place earlier than 2,000 years ago and points to human continuity in this area, with at least one Western lineage originating from the Near East and Caucasus regions. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:558–564, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

生态脆弱性是景观或生态系统在特定时空尺度上相对于干扰而具有的敏感反应和恢复状态 ,它是生态系统固有属性在干扰作用下的表现[6] 。关于生态脆弱性的研究 ,可追溯到 2 0世纪初 ,美国生态学家 Clements提出了生态过渡带 ,自 80年代以来 ,该领域成为生态学研究的一个热点。干旱内陆河流域气候条件 ,尤其是水热条件和地貌特征 ,是植被生态、土壤环境及水环境形成与分异最主要的控制性因素 ,几大环境要素之间相互联系 ,相互制约 ,形成内陆河流域生态环境空间分布规律和生态系统功能在空间不同地带上的差异性 [2 ] ,并表现出不同程度的脆弱性…  相似文献   

Boreholes between Kuqa and Korla, in the northern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, penetrated Ordovician marine limestones at depths of 5–6.2km. From three boreholes 54 out of a total of 170 limestone samples contain calcified algae, cyanobacteria and associated Microproblematica. Calcified cyanobacteria (GirvanellaBotomaella, ?Subtifloria) account for 37 per cent of occurrences; green algae (Dasyporelleae and Vermiporella) 28 per cent; Microproblematica (NuiaBevocastriaRothpletzellaHalysis) 20 per cent; and ‘solenoporaceans’ 15 per cent GirvanellaNuia are common in the Early Ordovician deposits, and ‘solenoporaceans’ are abundant in the Mid‐Ordovician. Dasyporelleae and Vermiporella are most abundant in Mid–Late Ordovician samples. Calcified cyanobacteria are common throughout the limestone succession, but particularly in the Mid Ordovician part. MoniliporellaContextaPlexaTexturata, and Villosoporella, hitherto placed in the supposed red algal family Moniliporellaceae Gnilovskaya, are here regarded as dasycladalean green algae. Despite some omissions, this Tarim flora broadly resembles others from Kazakhstan, Baltica and North America, indicating the generally cosmopolitan nature of Ordovician calcified algae and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域相对资源承载力   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
基于改进的相对资源承载力模型,计算2000-2011年塔里木河流域的相对资源人口承载力和相对资源经济承载力,并探讨塔河流域42个县市相对资源承载力的演变规律及空间差异。研究表明:(1)改进的相对资源承载力模型具有一定的研究价值,对于拓宽相对资源承载力评价模型的应用具有实践意义。(2)以新疆为参照区,塔河流域2000-2011年处于人口严重超载、经济非常富余或富余阶段。(3)与全疆相比,土地资源是塔河流域的相对优势资源,水资源是制约塔河流域人口、经济发展的相对劣势资源。(4)以塔河流域为参照区,流域内42个县市的相对资源人口承载力和相对资源经济承载力的空间差异显著。(4)依据相对资源人口、经济承载力的超载、富余状态将塔河流域42县市归为A、B、C、D 4种资源承载力匹配区,并总结其时序演变特点和发展策略。  相似文献   

This paper presents eight ephedroid palynomorphs from the Lower Cretaceous (Upper Albian) of Hokkaido, Japan. The ephedroid palynomorphs are ellipsoid and polyplicate pollen grains that show a wide range of variation in pollen size, shape, and plication. These ephedroid palynomorphs suggest a wide range of diversity in Gnetales at mid- or high-paleolatitude in the eastern side of Lauresia during the Upper Albian.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地荒漠盐碱生境土壤放线菌的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用常规方法研究了新疆塔里木盆地荒漠盐碱生境土壤放线菌区系、放线菌的耐盐、碱性及对植物病原真菌的拮抗性。结果表明:土壤放线菌区系较单一,仅分离到链霉菌属和拟诺卡氏菌属,其中以链霉菌属为主(98.57%),链霉菌可分10个类群,以白孢类群为优势类群。土壤含盐量愈高,链霉菌组成愈简单。放线菌的最适生长盐浓度多集中在6%~8%,最适生长pH集中在7~8。24株供试放线菌中,有4株中度嗜盐放线菌对供试靶标菌有拮抗性,占供试菌的16.67%。  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The xylotomy of the silicified wood from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Kota Formation of the Pranhita-Godavari Basin is studied and its systematic affinity is...  相似文献   

新疆塔里木盆地可培养嗜盐放线菌系统发育多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用纯培养手段和基于16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育分析,对从塔里木盆地高盐环境土壤样品中分离的18株可培养嗜盐放线菌多样性进行了研究.实验结果表明,18株嗜盐放线菌可3个(GlycomycetaceaePseudonocardineae和Nocardiopsaceae),在有效发表的5个属的嗜盐放线菌中有4个属的嗜盐放线菌被分离到.多数菌株属于Actinopolyspora属(38.9%),Nocardiopsis属(27.8%)和Streptomonospora属(22.2%),是塔里木盆地高盐环境中嗜盐放线菌的优势类群.这些分离菌株中,菌株YIM 92370与最近种的相似性为92%,在Glycomycetaceae科内形成一个独立的分支,极有可能代表Glycomycetaceae科的一个新属.研究结果表明塔里木盆地高盐环境中存在有较为丰富的嗜盐放线菌系统发育多样性,并且潜藏着新类型的放线菌资源.  相似文献   

An assemblage of fossil plants was discovered in the Yanji Basin, Jitin Province, consisting mainly of pterid0Phytes, gymnosperms and a few angiosperms. The present paper deals with the angiosperms only; They are: Rogersia angunifolia, Saliciphyllum longifoliurn, Sapindopsis magnifolia, Sterculophyllurn eleganurn, ,Ficophyllum, "Sassafras", Ranunculophyllum pinnatisectum sp. nov., Clernatites lanceolatus sp. nov., and the fruits Carpolithus brookensis, Carpolithus sp. gymnosperm Sequoia as well, all angiosperms having the morphological features of early angiosperms. Most of them are similar to the elements of the Potomac Group in North America and to some extent approach the fossil plants of Neocomian in Mongolia. This assemblage is manifestly different from the Albian flora of Kolyma River (URSS) and Portugal of Europe because of belonging to different stages. Thus, the age of the Dalazi Formation of Yanji Basin is tentatively ascribed to Aptian. The characteristics of this assemblage indicate that the floras of Eurasia and North America had been closely related during the early Mid-Cretaceous and that the early angiosperms were widely distributed in the North Hemisphere. Judging from the characteristics of this assemblage and the deposition, the authors speculate that in Northeast China the climate was warm and humid during the early Mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域生态系统健康评价   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
付爱红  陈亚宁  李卫红 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2418-2426
通过收集2000 年以来塔里木河流域的生态、经济和社会状况资料,分析影响该流域生态系统健康的因素,采用指标体系分析法和专家咨询法,确立塔里木河流域生态系统健康评价指标体系和评价标准,计算得出流域生态健康评价指标权重,并对流域生态健康状况进行了评价.结果表明:塔里木河源流的阿克苏河、叶尔羌河和开都河-孔雀河流域的山区生态系统的健康状态处于"中等"级别,和田河流域的山区生态处于"优"级别;阿克苏河、叶尔羌河和和田河流域的平原绿洲区生态处于"优"级别,开都河-孔雀河流域的平原绿洲区生态处于"中等"级别;四源流的荒漠区生态处于"差"级别;塔里木河干流上游生态处于"优"级别,中游生态处于"中等"级别,下游生态处于"差"级别.评价结果基本与实际相符,说明使用的评价方法是切实可行的.该研究结论将为流域生态环境的综合治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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