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中国毛茛科植物小志(十九)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王文采 《植物研究》1996,16(2):155-166
本文描述了中国毛茛科的四新种和四新变种,做出三新组合,报导了Delphinium tabatae, Thalictrum petatoideum,和Callianthemum cuneilobum的新分布,恢复了Delphinium eriostylum<.i> Lévl.的种的等级,将Delphinium grandiflorum L.var.glandulosum W.T.Wang处理为同物异名。  相似文献   

One variety of Eranthis, four species of Delphinium, one species of Anemone, and two species and one variety of Clematis are described as new. The distribution of Anemone reflexa Steph. in western part of Henan Province is reported for the first time. The morphological variation of the inflorescence of Clematis armandii Franch.is elucidated, andaccording to it Clematis hefengensis G.F.Tao is reduced to a variety of C.armandii Franch.  相似文献   

广西葡萄科小志   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文采   《广西植物》1988,(2):109-119
<正> 最近作者有机会鉴定了五百余张广西葡萄科植物标本,共定出7属,50种,14变种,此外尚有不少崖爬藤属具果标本未能作出鉴定,现将发现的一些新种及新分布等在本文发表。 作者在鉴定这批标本过程中注意到以下一些有趣的地理分布现象。首先我看到广西是其  相似文献   

In the present paper two series, 11 species and three varieties of the genus Elatostema are described as new from China and one variety is elevated to specific rank. Four species and one variety are reported from Medog, Xizang Autonomous Region, for the first time.  相似文献   

报道了中国苦苣苔科蛛毛苣苔属一新记录种——腺花蛛毛苣苔(Paraboea glanduli flora Barnett)并提供了形态描述和野外生态照片,讨论了该种与近缘种类间的区别.该种为亚灌木状草本,无基生叶,聚伞花序2~4枝成对着生于茎顶叶腋,花冠密被腺毛,在该属中较为特殊.  相似文献   

1.密丛苔草 新种 图1:1—4 Carex densicaespitosa L. K. Dai, sp. nov. Species C. udae Maxim. affinis differt spiculis cylindricis 2. 5—3 cm longis, utriculissuberectis demum nec reflexis acute trigoni 6 mm longis.  相似文献   

A synopsis of Acantholimon in Turkey is given on the basis of a revisional study conducted in Turkey by the authors. An account of 52 species, ten subspecies, and 17 varieties is given, including keys to the species, subspecies, and varieties, and a general indication of their distribution, as well as their conservation status in Turkey. Seven new taxa, namely A .  ekimii sp. nov. , A. capitatum ssp. sivasicum ssp. nov. , A. calvertii var. glabrum var. nov. , A. huetii var. breviscapum var. nov. , A. acerosum ssp. longibracteolorum ssp. nov. , A. lycaonicum ssp. cappadocicum ssp. nov. , and A. halophilum var. coloratum var. nov. , are described, together with a few new combinations. A. wiedemannii , A. iconicum , and A. lycaonicum , described from Turkey in the past, but placed under other species as synonyms in the Flora of Turkey , are recognized once again as good species. A. multiflorum and A. parviflorum are given a species status. In Turkey, the presence of A. latifolium , A. araxanum , A. lepturoides , A. hohenackerii , A. senganense , A. fominii , A. petraeum , and A. tragacanthinum is also confirmed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 397–419.  相似文献   

Fifteen new taxa of the genus Ribes L. (Saxifragaceae) are described from China. These new taxa are R. alpestre var. eglandulosum L. T. Lu, R. burejense var. villosum L. T. Lu, R. moupinense var. pubicarpum L. T. Lu, R. himalense var. pubicalycinum L. T. Lu et J. T. Pan, R. meyeri var. pubescens L. T. Lu, R. davidi var. ciliatum L. T. Lu, R. davidi var. lobatum L. T. Lu, R. laurifolium var. yunnanense L. T. Lu, R. xizangense L. T. Lu, R. glabricalycinum L. T. Lu, R. tenue var. incisum L. T. Lu, R. vilmorinii var. pubicarpum L. T. Lu, R. rubrisepalum L. T. Lu, R. glabrifolium L. T. Lu, R.fasciculatum var. guizhouense L. T. Lu.  相似文献   

Algae were collected from a paddy field at Belgaum during August 1985. Two new taxa ofStaurastrum Meyen (viz.S. quebecense Irénée-Marie fa.minor Bongale fa.nov. andS. sebaldii Renisch var.triangularis Bongale var. nov.) and two other taxa showing major variations (viz.S. gracile Ralfs. var.elongatulum West et West fa. andS. leutkemuelleri Donat et Ruttner ms. fa.) are reported.  相似文献   

The extinct family Archisargidae, which was rich in the Mesozoic, has been found in China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. By now, six genera and 14 species have been found in Inner Mongolia and Liaoning Province of China. In this paper, two new species of the genus Mesosolva Hong, 1983 and a new genus Brevisolva gen. nov., represented by a new species belonging to the Archisargidae, are described from the Middle Jurassic deposits of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia. A key to the species of Mesosolva is given.  相似文献   


The family Seguenziidae is represented in the New Zealand region by the following new species (fossil taxa asterisked): Seguenzia glabella*, S. prisca*, S. serrata*, S. conopia, S. fulgida, S. chelina, S. transenna, S. textilis, S. compta; Seguenziella (n.gen.) patula; Seguenziopsis (n.gen.) bicorona; Carenzia venusta, C. fastigiata; Thelyssina (n.gen.) sterrha; Ancistrobasis dilecta, A. regina; Fluxinella (n.gen.) lepida, F. lenticulosa, F. maxwelli*; Calliobasis (n.gen.) eos*, C. chlorosa, C. miranda.  相似文献   

土壤杆菌属的一些菌含有分子量达100兆道尔顿的大质粒。根癌土壤杆菌的Ti质粒是潜在的植物遗传工程载体。目前制备这类大质粒主要用Currier&Nester[1]和van Larebeke & Schell[2]的方法。一般认为土壤杆菌破壁困难,需用溶菌酶、蛋白酶。虽然Currier&Nester[1]把DNA变性后以酚和氯仿-异戊醇清除了一些染色质,但残存染色质仍多。两法最后都靠密度梯度离心法获得纯质粒。这样,就限制了制备Ti质粒的规模。我们采用Hensen&Olsen[3]4 %SDS和热冲击方法破壁,在控制温菌量和破壁液比例的条件下,不用酶也能破壁。然后,用酚和氯仿-异戊醇抽提去蛋白;不经 DNA变性,用Zasloff等人的酸酚法去染色质DNA; 再用Humphreys等人的方法,以PGA6000沉淀浓缩质粒DNA.经琼脂糖电泳鉴定,得单一DNA带,无染色质扩散带。这就为大规模制备根癌土壤杆菌Ti质粒提供了可能。目前正在进一步工作。  相似文献   

摘要描述及图解了浙江薹草属Carex 5新种和1新变种,它们是:灰帽薹草组sect. Mitratae Kükenth.的天目山薹草Carex tianmushanica C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和拟三穗薹草C. pseudotristachya X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng;匏囊薹草组sect. Lageniformes (Ohwi) Nelmes的密毛薹草C. densipilosa C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;菱形果薹草组sect. Rhomboidales Kükenth.的浙南薹草C. austrozhejiangensis C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和朝芳薹草C. chaofangii C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;疏花薹草组sect. Laxiflorae Kunth的无芒长嘴薹草C. longerostrata C. A. Mey. var. exaristata X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。  相似文献   

U. D. Bongale 《Hydrobiologia》1989,171(2):103-106
Six new taxa including two new species (Cosmarium bourrellyi Bongale sp. nov. andC. desikacharyi Bongale sp. nov.) and four new varieties (C. auriculatum var.protrusum Bongale var. nov.,C. pachydermum var.inflatum Bongale var. nov.,C. pseudoconnatum var.tuberculans Bongale var. nov. andC. quadrum var.rotundatum Bongale var. nov.) are reported. Algae were collected from a paddy field at Belgaum.  相似文献   

The 36 species of the tribe Pronophilini known from the Cordillera de Merida, the main Andean mountain range in Venezuela, are listed, together with three others probably erroneously described or labelled as from the range. The general ecological characteristics of the tribe are described, using the Merida species as examples. These include its restriction to high altitudes, endemism in mountain 'islands', species partitioning up the altitude gradient, mimicry within the tribe, and seasonality. The evolutionary relationships of the 16 endemic species are analyzed. Two new genera, six new species, two new subspecies and one new form are described. Three new synonymies are established, three new combinations made, new status is given to two taxa and the status of one taxon is revised.  相似文献   

A new tribe, Palaeorhopalotriini Legalov, n. tribe, new genera, Electranthribus Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Electranthribus zherikhini n. sp.), Palaeorhopalotria Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Palaeorhopalotria neli n. sp.), Eoceneithycerus Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Eoceneithycerus carpenteri n. sp.), Succinorhynchites Legalov, n. gen. (type species: S. alberti n. sp.), Palaeophelypera Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Palaeophelypera kuscheli n. sp.) and Archaeocallirhopalus Legalov, n. gen. (type species: A. larssoni n. sp.) and new species, Electranthribus zherikhini Legalov, n. sp. (Anthribidae: Anthribinae: Zygaenodini) from Baltic amber, Succinometrioxena bachofeni Legalov, n. sp. from Baltic amber, Palaeorhopalotria neli Legalov, n. sp. (Belidae: Oxycoryninae: Allocorynitae) from Alès-Monteils, Upper Eocene, Eoceneithycerus carpenteri Legalov, n. sp. (Ithyceridae: Ithycerinae) from USA Lower Eocene, Succinorhynchites alberti Legalov, n. sp. (Rhynchitidae: Rhynchitini: Perrhynchitina) from Baltic amber, Ceutorhynchus succinus Legalov, n. sp. (Curculionidae: Baridinae: Ceutorhynchini) from Baltic amber, Palaeophelypera kuscheli Legalov, n. sp. (Entiminae: Hyperini: Cepurina) from Baltic amber, and A. larssoni Legalov, n. sp. (Entiminae: Cneorhinini alaeophelypera) from Baltic amber are described. Isotheinae Scudder 1893, n. syn. is synonymised to the tribe Rhynchitini Gistel, 1848. Trichapiina Alonso-Zarazaga 1990, n. syn. is synonymised to the subtribe Toxorhynchina Scudder 1893. Phialodes durus (Heer 1865), n. placem. and n. comb. is transferred from the genus Attelabus Linnaeus, 1758 to the genus Phialodes Roelofs, 1874.  相似文献   

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