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Sonneratia, a small genus of Sonneratiaceae, is widely distributed throughout SE. Asia, E. Africa and N. Australia, extending from 18˚S. to 20˚N. and from 45˚ to 150˚E. In China it occurs only in the Hainan Island. In this paper, two new sections areproposed and six species are recognized, of which one is described as new.  相似文献   

The genus Byssosphaeria from China was briefly reviewed based on specimen examinations and literature work. Taxonomic and nomenclatural problems are discussed. Among the previously recorded taxa of the genus, a new combination, Byssosphaeria hainanensis, is made and a new Chinese record, B. alnea, is reported. A key to the known species of the genus in China is provided.  相似文献   

The genus Byssosphaeria from China was briefly reviewed based on specimen examinations and literature work. Taxonomic and nomenclatural problems are discussed. Among the previously recorded taxa of the genus, a new combination, Byssosphaeria hainanensis, is made and a new Chinese record, B. alnea, is reported. A key to the known species of the genus in China is provided.  相似文献   

东亚粗叶木属(茜草科)植物纪要   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
朱华 《云南植物研究》1998,20(2):149-159
修订了东亚茜草科粗叶木属植物,新归并11个种名及2个变种名,建立1个新变种,3个新组合变种和1个新等级亚种。报道2个中国分布新记录种。讨论了一些易于混淆种的界限,以及探讨了一些种的植物地理意义。  相似文献   

This paper, which consists of a part of pertinent data obtained through a critical revision of the genus Lonicera of China. discusses 28 noteworthy species and infraspecific taxa. Among them, 3 subspecies and 1 variety are new grades and combinations. Be-sides, 31 species, 11 varieties and 6 forms have been reduced to synonyms.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the first record of the eGnus Stachyphrynium, Marantaceae, in China. It is characterized by solitary spikes, elongated and erect with impricated bracts. The inflorescence arises from a short stem on the rhizome. In this genus there are 14 species in total. They are distributed from Sri Lanke to Java and Borneo, through Indo-China Peninsula, Malay Pennisula. Its distribution center is in Indo-China Penninsula and Malay Penninsula. The north limit lies in southern Yunnan of China. Most species of the genus have a stenochorie area, for example, S. zeylanicum is endemic to Sri Lanka; S. latifolium occurs in Java only and so on. A New species, S. Sinense H. Li, to China, is illustrated and described in Latin.  相似文献   

本文报道了三种木生革菌:南方原毛平革菌Phanerochaete australis,纤毛原毛平革菌P.calotricha和革质原毛平革菌P.stereoides,分别采自河南省,吉林省和湖北省。前两种是中国新记录种,最后一种为中国大陆首次报道。本文根据采集到的标本对它们进行了详细的描述和绘图,并给出了我国该属已知19种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

In the present paper a new species, Osmanthus gracilinervis Chia ex R. L. Lu, is described from Guangxi. The new species is also distributed in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hunan and Sichuan. Based on the analysis of a great deal of specimens, eight species, i.e. Osmanthus corymbosus H. W. Li, O. longispermus H. T. Chang, O. angustifolius H. T. Chang, O. triandrus H. T. Chang, O. longicarpus H. T. Chang, O. omeiensis Fang ex H. T. Chang, O. nanchuanensis H. T. Chang and 0. cylindricus H. T. Chang, are reduced as the synonyms of O. marginatus (Champ. ex Benth.) Hemsl. var. marginatus. O. longissimus H. T. Chang and O. pachyphyllus H. T. Chang are respectively reduced to varieties of O. marginatus, i.e.O. marginatus var. longissimus (H.T. Chang) R. L. Lu and var. pachyphyllus (H. T.Chang) R. L. Lu. And finally O. maximus H. T. Chang is treated in this paper as a synonym of O. matsumuranus Hayata.  相似文献   

中国文献中记载的尖叶蛇根草(Ophiorrhiza hispida Hook.f.)以及采自中国鉴定为该种的标本均实为近簇花蛇根草(O.pseudofasciculata Schanzer),在此予以纠正。  相似文献   

通过标本考证和野外研究,证实中国文献记载的纤细蛇根草(Ophiorrhiza gracilis Kurz)实为尾瓣蛇根草(O. caudipetala Deb & Monda)错误鉴定,而后者之前仅被报道分布于印度,因此为中国新记录。尾瓣蛇根草具有明显不等大的对生叶片, 花冠裂片背部具长0.6~1 mm的角状突起,易与中国蛇根草属其它种类区分。  相似文献   

从发育的角度研究了中国特有单种属DichotomanthesKurz及与其系统学研究有关的外类群Prinsepiautilis的花粉形态 ,扫描电镜观察显示Dichotomanthes花粉粒自脱离四分体胼胝质膜开始至成熟二核花粉粒不同发育时期 ,花粉形态和外壁纹饰未见变化 ,仅花粉体积随成熟度增加而有所增大。而Prinsepiautilis ,其花粉粒刚脱离四分体时形状和成熟花粉明显不同 ,成熟花粉极面观为三裂圆形 ,赤道面观为圆形 ,外壁具清晰的平行条纹 ,但幼嫩花粉粒的形状很特别 ,极面观为深三裂圆形 ,赤道面观亦见花粉在两条沟之间下陷而沟部外突 ,明显为角萌发孔花粉 ,且花粉体积较成熟者小 ,而外壁纹饰同成熟者相比无根本性差异。前述两种植物花粉在不同成熟期体积有明显差异 ,而外壁纹饰在不同成熟期不存在质的变化并相对稳定 ,说明花粉外壁纹饰这一性状在蔷薇科中具有较为重要的分类学意义。DichotomanthesKurz具典型Rosaceae花粉的三孔沟结构 ,外壁具条纹 -穴状纹饰。将其孢粉学特征同Rosaceae 4个亚科有关类群的同类资料相比较 ,并结合其它形态解剖与细胞学等研究结果 ,支持将Dichotoman thes置入Maloideae下而不赞同将其另立亚科或置于Prunoideae之下。此外 ,由于Prinsepiautilis的花粉在其发育初期具角萌发孔花粉 ,与Cunoniacea  相似文献   

在本文中将短柱银莲花(于2004年被归并于毛果银莲花)、凉山银莲花和鲁甸银莲花(二种于2001年被降级作为匙叶银莲花的二变种)的种级地位予以恢复;描述了自我国西南部发现的银莲花属2新变种(直柱凉山银莲花和宽叶湿地银莲花),并给出其等的特征纪要。  相似文献   

The genus Cephalotaxus contains a small number of species. It is adequately appreciated as a newly discovered cancerresistant medicament for the alkaloids obtained from its branches leaves and barks are of curative effect. This paper deals with the classificatory revision based on the morphological features, with the reference to the anatomical characters of leaves, types of alkaloids and pollen morphology observed. Two new combinations are proposed, and 4 species and varieties are reduced in the paper. The genus Cephalotaxus is thus suggested to consist of 2 sections and 9 species. The trees occur in East Asia and the north of Indo-China, with 88% found in China where is the distribution centre and refuge of the genus. The genus in discussion is of unique morphological features which are distinctly different from these of Amentotaxus, Cephalotaxaceae, containing a single genus of Cephalotaxus, is closely related to Taxaceae, and therefore the Cephalotaxaceae is best placed in the Taxinieae of Coniferales.  相似文献   

首次报道中国蜘蛛抱蛋属一新记录种——合瓣蜘蛛抱蛋Aspidistra connata H.-J.Tillich,该种与辐花蜘蛛抱蛋A.subrotata Y.Wanet C.C.Huang相似,但叶片长椭圆形至长卵状椭圆形,花被顶端8~10裂,裂片线形,顶端联合不分开,形成一个笼状包围着雌蕊可与后者区别。凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

符国瑷  杨永康 《植物研究》2008,28(3):259-260
海南岛发现青皮属一新变种以及倒卵鱼骨木新组合。  相似文献   

More than thirty species and varieties of Fritillaria have been reported from Xinjiang,incluing many new taxa recently published. A revision of these was made based on mainly herbarium material and literature.As a result,seven species were recognized,including newly recorded F. stenanthera(Regel)Regel,and nine species and twenty-one varieties were reduced to synonyms.  相似文献   

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