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Esterase isozyme patterns in the embryos of dry seeds of 114 combinations of steriles, maintainers, restorers and their F1 hybrids were analyzed with acrylamide gel eleetrophoresis. Usually six major bands were found and named 1A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A and 7A. The isoesterase zymograms in three lines--sterile, maintainer and restorer were diffcrent. There were seven types of zymograms in F1 hybrids. The eomplementary bands were shown in F1 hybrids when sterile with 6A band and restorer with 3A or 5A band were used as parents. F1 hybrids with 3A and 6A complementary each other were more vigorous in vegetative growth and only those 5A and 6A complemontary each other displayed economic superiority. It was shown that the pattern of esterase zymograms of F1 hybrids was influenced by both cytoplasm and nucleus of their parents. It was concluded that esterase isozyme patterns could be used as one of the biochemical markers for the predicting hybrid vigor in heterosis breeding.  相似文献   

With the purpose of selecting and breeding cold stress tolerance of hybrid rice cultivars, the effect of chilling on five hybrid rice combinations was investigated. The results indicated that the cold tolerance of different hybrid rice varieties were different. The order of the cold tolerance as the degrees of inhibition of maximum photosynthetic rate and of apparent quantum yield of flag leaves at primary heading stage by chilling was as follows: The cold tolerance of Japanica type Xiuyou-57 was the highest then lndica type Qing-Youzao followed by Shangyou-63, Shangyou-64 and Weiyou-64. The cold tolerance of Fx hybrid rice was similar to that of the maternal lines and not similar to the paternal lines. The cold tolerance of maintainer lines was similar to that of the male sterile lines. The tests on the survival rate of hybrid rice seedlings after chilling treatment also showed a similar re gular patterns. These indicated that the responses by the chilling temperature in these five hybrid combinations were exactly the same in the Seedling stage as well as in the late growing stage. The results of these experiments on the impact of selecting and breeding cold tolerance in hybrid rice were discussed.  相似文献   

Crude extracts of 44 maize inbred seeds were treated under different temperatures, i. e. 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70℃, in order to determine their heat sensitivity of esterase isozymes. The results showed large discrepancy of heat sensitivity of anodic esterase isozymes between different or same relative mobility bands of isozyme, but similar inactivating temperature (65℃) of the cathodic ones for different inbreds. The heat sensitivity of isozymes for inbreds may be adopted in the identification of variation and purity of inbred and hybrid seeds of maize.  相似文献   

5个不同形态类型龙葵的同工酶研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
同工酶作为基因表达的产物 ,在一定程度上可以帮助鉴别一些外部形态难以区别的遗传差异 [1 ] 。目前利用同工酶进行分类学研究已有不少报道 ,其中将过氧化物酶及酯酶同工酶作为探讨亲缘关系、种和品种的鉴定比较多[2 7] 。但中国产龙葵同工酶方面的研究还未见报道。笔者对中国产龙葵 5个不同形态类型的酯酶及过氧化物酶同工酶进行了测定、分析 ,试图从分子水平探讨其亲缘关系 ,为龙葵等级分类提供生化依据。表 1  供试材料名称及特征Table1  The name and character of the materials used编号No.中文名称Chinesename学 名Scientific n…  相似文献   

选用分布于水稻(Oryza sativaL.)12条染色体上的25对SSR(Simple sequence repeats)引物,分析了生产中广泛应用的35个杂交 水稻恢复系,在35个杂交水稻恢复系材料间共检测出65个等位基因(alleles),平均每对SSR引物可检测到2.6个等位基因,PIC(Polymorphism index content)值的变动范围为0.206-0.682,平均值为0.414。聚类分析表明,我国杂交 水稻恢复系资源比较丰富,但其遗传差异较小,遗传背景单一,从而在很大程度上限制了我国水稻杂种优势的利用。  相似文献   

在pH8.0和30℃的条件下测定了杂交稻RuBP羧化酶的动力学常数,纯化酶测定值与粗酶快速测定值无明显差异。12种不同组合的三系杂交稻(F1)其RuBP羧化酶动力学常数差异不大,Km(CO2)和Vmax的平均值与普通栽培品种也无显著差异。杂交稻汕优63号RuBP羧化酶的动力学常数和酶蛋白含量与父本恢复系相类似,而母本不育系的Vmax和酶蛋白含量均较高。  相似文献   

钙对杂交水稻叶片中活性氧防御酶的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
钙能提高杂交水稻叶片的叶绿素和蛋白质含量,主要是由于钙能提高活性氧防御酶SOD、POD、CAT活性,降低MDA含量和活性氧的伤害作用  相似文献   

用绵恢725、蜀恢527和蜀恢881三个籼型恢复系、1个美国稻Lemont和1个爪哇稻香大粒作母本, 与1个日本特早熟粳稻Kitaake杂交, 研究了5个杂种F1及其亲本的光合生理表现。结果表明, 在高光通量密度(Photosynthetic flux density, PFD)条件下, 5个杂种F1净光合速率(Pn)明显高于双亲或双亲之一, 推测亲本与杂种F1之间不同的Pn同叶片中Rubsico活性有关。杂种F1的比较中, 在表观量子效率(j)、羧化效率(CE)、CO2补偿点(G)等方面, 籼粳亚种间杂种F1(绵恢725/Kitaake、蜀恢527/Kitaake、蜀恢881/Kitaake)对2个亚种内杂种F1香大粒/Kitaake(粳爪交)、Lemont/Kitaake(不同生态型的粳粳交, 美国稻属于特殊粳稻)具有明显的优势, 而蜀恢881含有粳型血缘, 蜀恢881/Kitaake也比典型籼粳亚种间杂种F1 绵恢725/Kitaake、蜀恢527/Kitaake优势稍逊一筹。5个杂种F1因为具有不同的遗传差异而表现出不同的光合优势, 在这方面, 典型籼粳亚种间杂交蜀恢527/Kitaake、绵恢725/Kitaake要优于其他杂交种, 说明亲本间遗传差异越大, 其杂种F1的光合优势越强。  相似文献   

水稻亚种间杂种F1光合特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用绵恢725、蜀恢527和蜀恢881三个籼型恢复系、1个美国稻Lemont和1个爪哇稻香大粒作母本,与1个日本特早熟粳稻Kitaake杂交,研究了5个杂种F1及其亲本的光合生理表现.结果表明,在高光通量密度(Photosynthetic flux density,PFD)条件下,5个杂种F1净光合速率(Pn)明显高于双亲或双亲之一,推测亲本与杂种F1之间不同的Pn同叶片中Rubsico活性有关.杂种F1的比较中,在表观量子效率(ψ)、羧化效率(CE)、CO2补偿点(T)等方面,籼粳亚种间杂种F1(绵恢725/Kitaake、蜀恢527/Kitaake、蜀恢881/Kitaake)对2个亚种内杂种F1香大粒/Kitaake(粳爪交)、Lemont/Kitaake(不同生态型的粳粳交,美国稻属于特殊粳稻)具有明显的优势,而蜀恢881含有粳型血缘,蜀恢881/Kitaake也比典型籼粳亚种间杂种F1绵恢725/Kitaake、蜀恢527/Kitaake优势稍逊一筹.5个杂种F1因为具有不同的遗传差异而表现出不同的光合优势,在这方面,典型籼粳亚种间杂交蜀恢527/Kitaake、绵恢725/Kitaake要优于其他杂交种,说明亲本间遗传差异越大,其杂种F1的光合优势越强.  相似文献   

The electrophoresis analysis of isozymes of Arachis show a very close relationship among four types of cultispecies (A. hypogaea) and A. monticola, the tetraploid wild species is a related species. Among the five diploid wild species of Arachis Section, both A. cardenasii with A genome and A. batizocoi with B genome are found to be relatively nearer to cultis'pecies than A. correntina, A. stenosperma and A. villosa, while A. rigonii of Erectoides Section and A. pusilla of Triseminala Section are the distant species.  相似文献   

The relationships among 20 samples belonging to 6 subspecies of Vicia sativa based on the variability of seed storage proteins and esterase isozyme electrophoretic patterns was discussed in relation to variation in their morphology and chromosome characters. Electrophoretic protein profiles of different accessions of the same subspecies showed identical (e.g. macrocarpa and cordata) or similar (e.g. amphicarpa) patterns, confirming the stablity of seed storage proteins within these subspecies. However, considerable variation of protein patterns were observed within accessions of both nigra and sativa subspecies, which could be correlated to different geographical origins. Esterase pattern revealed a sharp distinction for each subspecies according to the number and loci of allelic bands. The dendrogram delimited the subspecies incisa and sativa as two separate groups, while the other subspecies were grouped together in another group.  相似文献   

随着环境污染加剧和人们对自身健康关注度的提高,功能性食品在全球范围内蓬勃发展。彩色稻米作为稻米家族中的一员,由于富含微量元素、花色苷、生物碱等功能性成分,已成为当前功能性食品研究开发的热点之一。本研究利用粳稻品种龙锦1号/香软米1578杂交组合214个F_5家系,对水稻糙米总花色苷含量、粒色等级和千粒重的变异及其相关性进行了分析。糙米粒色等级变异范围为1~9,平均值为4.98,变异系数为57.87%;糙米总花色苷含量变异范围为0~5459.34 mg/kg,平均值为834.47 mg/kg,变异系数为191.96%;糙米千粒重变异范围为11.96~26.24 g,平均值为17.75 g,变异系数为12.89%。糙米总花色苷含量、粒色等级和千粒重在F5家系中不符合正态分布,表现为右偏态,其中糙米总花色苷含量的偏斜程度最大。糙米总花色苷含量和千粒重的峰度系数为正值,表明为尖顶峰;而糙米粒色等级的峰度系数为负值,表明为平顶峰。糙米总花色苷含量与粒色等级呈极显著正相关,相关系数为0.69;糙米总花色苷含量、粒色等级均与千粒重呈极显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.20和-0.34。与高亲龙锦1号相比,27个家系的糙米总花色苷含量极显著提高,占214个F_5家系的12.62%,为高花色苷水稻种质创新奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用杉木的F1代群体构建遗传连锁图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童春发  施季森 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1149-1156
对于杉木11分离的分子标记位点,提出了一种新的构建遗传连锁图谱的策略.通过二点连锁分析,任意两个位点的连锁相和重组率可以得到推断和估计.对于一个连锁群中的最优排序,采用隐马尔可夫链模型的方法进行多位点的连锁分析.该作图方法比通常林木上所用的"拟测交"作图方法更有效.采用该作图策略,利用句容0号无性系(♀)×柔叶杉(♂)的F1代群体的AFLP分子标记数据重建了句容0号无性系和柔叶杉的遗传连锁图谱.在句容0号无性系的连锁图谱中,有101个标记分布在11个连锁群上,图谱的总长度为2 282.6 cM,平均图距为22.6 cM,单个连锁群上最多含有17个标记,最少含有5个标记;在柔叶杉的连锁图谱中,有94个标记分布在11个连锁群上,图谱的总长度为2 565.8 cM,平均图距为27.3 cM,单个连锁群上最多含有16个标记,最少含有4个标记.构建的句容0号无性系和柔叶杉的遗传连锁图谱比原有的图谱分别增加了26个标记和28个标记,双亲的图谱共增加了54个AFLP标记,使图谱上的分子标记总数达到195个,双亲遗传图谱的跨度均超过了2 000 cM,基本上达到了杉木基因组的长度,图谱的覆盖率接近于100%.利用新的作图方法可以较大提高分子标记在图谱上的分辨率,得到可认为是覆盖了整个基因组的遗传连锁框架图.  相似文献   

利用杉木的F1代群体构建遗传连锁图谱   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
童春发  施季森 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1149-1156
对于杉木 1∶1分离的分子标记位点 ,提出了一种新的构建遗传连锁图谱的策略。通过二点连锁分析 ,任意两个位点的连锁相和重组率可以得到推断和估计。对于一个连锁群中的最优排序 ,采用隐马尔可夫链模型的方法进行多位点的连锁分析。该作图方法比通常林木上所用的“拟测交”作图方法更有效。采用该作图策略 ,利用句容0号无性系 (♀ )×柔叶杉 (♂ )的F1代群体的AFLP分子标记数据重建了句容 0号无性系和柔叶杉的遗传连锁图谱。在句容 0号无性系的连锁图谱中 ,有 10 1个标记分布在 11个连锁群上 ,图谱的总长度为 2 2 82 6cM ,平均图距为 2 2 6cM ,单个连锁群上最多含有 17个标记 ,最少含有 5个标记 ;在柔叶杉的连锁图谱中 ,有 94个标记分布在 11个连锁群上 ,图谱的总长度为 2 5 6 5 8cM ,平均图距为 2 7 3cM ,单个连锁群上最多含有 16个标记 ,最少含有 4个标记。构建的句容 0号无性系和柔叶杉的遗传连锁图谱比原有的图谱分别增加了 2 6个标记和 2 8个标记 ,双亲的图谱共增加了 5 4个AFLP标记 ,使图谱上的分子标记总数达到 195个 ,双亲遗传图谱的跨度均超过了 2 0 0 0cM ,基本上达到了杉木基因组的长度 ,图谱的覆盖率接近于 10 0 %。利用新的作图方法可以较大提高分子标记在图谱上的分辨率 ,得到可认为是  相似文献   

选用涉及水稻(Oryza sativa L.)全部12条染色体的、表现简单遗传且易于识别的形态标记材料27份,以早籼品种浙辐802为轮回亲本,经10余次回交,转育成一套籼型标记等基因系.在此基础上,对同一染色体上的标记进行聚合,育成了15份双标记等基因系.该套材料除所带标记性状外,生育期、株高、分蘖力和穗子大小等主要农艺性性状与轮回亲本基本相仿.  相似文献   

微生物酯酶拆分生物素手性中间体的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皮雄娥  汪钊   《微生物学通报》2004,31(4):23-25
以镰刀霉菌 (Fusariumsp )ZG 2 3发酵的菌丝球做酶源 ,对生物素中间体内酯的溶解性做了研究 ,选取最适反应介质甲苯。酶水解反应条件研究表明 :该酶的最适反应温度为 45℃ ,最适反应pH为 7 0~ 7 5。在酶不对称水解生物素手性中间体内酯过程中 ,对甲苯溶液加酶量 5 0 0U ,底物浓度 2 %~ 5 %时 ,水解效果最好  相似文献   

籼稻标记性状等基因系的构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选用涉及水稻(Oryza sativa L.)全部12条染色体的、表现简单遗传且易于识别的形态标记材料27份,以早籼品种浙辐802为轮回亲本,经10余次回交,转育成一套籼型标记等基因系。在此基础上,对同一染色体上的标记进行聚合,育成了15份双标记等基因系。该套材料除所带标记性状外,生育期、株高、分蘖力和穗子大小等主要农艺性状与轮回亲本基本相仿。  相似文献   

By using thin-layer-isoelectrofocusing technique, the authors have been studied peroxidase isozymes activities of the true leaves (at the flower bud stage) and the anthers in the interspecific advanced lines (ALs) from Gossypiurn hirsuturn × G. arboreum, which have been steadily inherited from twenty generations. It was found that: 1. The peroxidase isozymes were similar in different varieties of plants from the same species, but some what different among species originated from the same genome group, and showed remarkably interspecific isozymes difference among species originated from different genome group. 2. The zymograms of the ALs were similar to those of the female parent G. hirsuturn "Keiyi 2”, and obviously different from those of the male parent G. arboreum "Wanzi”.  相似文献   

一株新分离的白腐菌Z1可在两种农业废弃物(麸皮和稻草秸杆)基质上生长并分泌漆酶,其中在麸皮基质上的漆酶产量比在稻草秸杆基质上的漆酶产量高出10倍左右,同时活性电泳显示Z1菌在麸皮基质上可产生3条漆酶同工酶,比在稻草秸杆基质上多1条,其活性也比在稻草秸杆基质中的漆酶活性高。  相似文献   

The molecular weights of esterase and peroxidase isozymes of maize seedlings were directly determined by improved polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. The different isozyme bands developed in polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis (uniform gel) were identified in polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis by means of isozyme variants. The molecular weights of esterase isozymes E1, E2, E3F, E3S, a, b, c, named according to isozyme patterns in uniform gel, are <20000, 35200, 33000, 38500, 29900, 28500, 34000 doltons respectively. The molecular weights of peroxidase isozymes PX4F and PX4S are 131000 and 149000 doltons respectively. According to the band location in uniform gel and in gradient gel, some biochemical properties of the isozyme bands and relationships between the isozyme bands were analyzed. The possible errors in the determination of smaller molecular weight isozymes are discussed.  相似文献   

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