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长江三峡库区新植物   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用长江三峡库区的2个植物新变种,一个属于报春花科,与显苞过路黄(Lysimachia rubiginosa Hemsl.var.rubiginosa)相比较,其特点为四叶轮生,命名为秭归过路黄(Lysimachia rubiginosa Hemsl.var.ziguiensisZ.E.Zhao et J.Q.Wu);另一个属于车前草科,与疏花车前(Plantago erosaWall)的区别为:本变种叶披针形,近似锐裂,基三出脉,花无柄,花柱长4-7mm,无毛,命名为丰都车前(Plantago erosa Wall.var.fengdouensisZ.E.ZhaoetY.Wang)。  相似文献   

中国车前属植物一新记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次报道圆苞车前Plantago ovata Forsk.在中国的归化新记录,并提供该种的详细描述。  相似文献   

首次报道了毛瓣车前Plantago lagocephala Bunge在中国的分布,确认了一个鲜为人知的中国特有种——苣叶车前P.perssonii Pilger,并提供了二者的详细描述。  相似文献   

中国车前属(车前科)一新组合——丰都车前   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将Plantago erosa Wall. var. fengdouensis Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang提升为一独立的种,即丰都车前P. fengdouensis (Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang) Y. Wang & Z. Y. Li。该种由于花冠无毛,花丝着生于花冠近基部,子叶在种子中与腹面(种脐面)相平行,应属于车前亚属subgen. Plantago。丰都车前P. fengdouensis以植株干后变黑和种子较大的特征接近湿生车前P. cornuti Gouan,但其叶具牙齿或羽状锐裂,具3脉,苞片三角状卵形,花冠裂片狭三角形,蒴果纺锤状椭圆球形,近中部周裂,种子腹侧具1纵槽而不同于后者。  相似文献   

车前属两种植物的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张华宣   《广西植物》1998,18(2):119-122
本文对我国两种车前属Plantago植物的核型进行了分析。2个种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=12。它们的核型是:海滨车前P.camtschaticaLink,Enum.2n=2x=12=8m+4sm;毛车前P.jehohlensisKoidz.2n=2x=12=6m+4sm+2st。它们的核型均属“2A”型。由12条染色体组成。  相似文献   

Thirty-nine primers, developed from the sister species Plantago major and P. intermedia, were tested in two Hawaiian Plantago species from the section Plantago. Eight primers were polymorphic, of which three were published earlier, and five are new ones presented here. Amplification and polymorphism levels appeared to be high in these Hawaiian species. These markers will be valuable for further mating system and evolutionary studies in species from the section Plantago that are closely related to P. major and P. intermedia.  相似文献   

王恒昌  孟爱平  李建强  王勇  陶勇 《广西植物》2004,24(5):422-i008
对长江三峡库区特有濒危植物丰都车前(Plantago erosa var.fengdouensis)进行了细胞学研究,包括有丝分裂和减数分裂两方面.丰都车前可能为一异源四倍体。其核型公式为2n=4x=24=12m(2sat)+12sm(2sat),属于2A型.极端的环境压力尤其是季节性的水淹可能是此四倍体物种形成的主要原因。对同属内的另一物种车前(P.asiatica)进行了比较观察,确证车前为六倍体。该实验为丰都车前的保育遗传学研究提供了细胞学证据。  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers, karyotypes and C values of 18 populations of Plantago depressa and 2 populations of Plantago major from the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, China, were reported in the present study. The results were as follows: the chromosome numbers of P. depressa populations from Yadong County and Nyingchi County of Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) were 2n=4x=24, other populations of Pdepressa and Pmajor were 2n=2x=12, and the basic chromosome number of all populations was x=6. All karyotype types were 1A, and the karyotype constitutions were not completely consistent with previous reported results. The 2C value of Pdepressa was reported for the first time, and the 1Cx vaule tended to decrease with increasing ploidy levels. Meanwhile, the 2C value of Pmajor was not identical with previous existing results. The results showed that the variation of 2C value occurred at the inter population level of Pdepressa and Pmajor, also flow cytometry couldn′t be used to estimate the ploidy of the genus Plantago Linn.  相似文献   

北美车前 (PlantagovriginicaL .)是我国东南地区的一种外来杂草 ,该杂草在浙江、江苏、上海、江西等省区有分布 ,多见于田梗路边、住宅四周、抛荒地、公路两侧等人畜出没频繁的地段 ,其种群生长迅速 ,呈现出生态爆发态势 ,是一种典型的生态入侵种。分形理论已被广泛地应用于自然科学、社会科学中的众多领域。在生态学领域 ,应用分形维数能够客观地表达种群的分布式样 ,同时也能反映种群占有空间、资源利用的能力[1~ 6 ] 。本研究以新入侵种北美车前为对象 ,并与我国境内分布较广的杂草车前 (P .asiatica)作比…  相似文献   

Studied in this work was seed morphology of the genus Plantago (2 subgenera, 8 sections, 17 species and 1 variety )in China. The sculpture was observed under scanning election microscope. Four forms of seed morphology are recognized as follows: (1)Multi-angular type: seeds are variously angulate, yellow-brown or black, 6-30 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture ranges from reticulate to papillate. It occurs in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Polyneuron: P. scheideri, P. denstflorus, P. major, P. hostifolia, P. asiatica, P. erosa and P. centralis. (2) Navicular type: seeds are navicular, yellow, brown to black, 2 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture is reticulate. It was found in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Novorbis: P. virginica; Sect. Arnoglossum: P. lanceolata; Sect. Leucopsyllium: P. minuta, P. lessingii and P. aristata and Subgen. Psyllium Sect. Psyllium: P. indica. (3)Ovoid type: seeds are long-ovoid, yellow-brown, black and lustrous. Seed-coat sculpture scali-ratiform. P. maxima in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Lamprosantha belongs to this type. (4)Recti-circular type: seeds are recti-circular, yellow-brown, black, 1-2 or 4-5 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture is reticulate and papillate. It was found in P. maritima var. salsa of Subgen. Plantago Sect. Coronopus and P. depressa, P. camtschatica and P. arachnoidea of Sect. Mesembrynia. The seed morphology and seed-coat sculture exhibit specific characters, by which some of confused species can be clarified and a new species, P. densiflorus J. Z. Liu. is established. The present author’s seed morphology classification is in accordance with Pilger’s systemof the genus, which was established using other features.  相似文献   

JIA Yu  HE Qiang 《Plant Diversity》2015,37(6):741-745
A new species, Porella recurve loba Y. Jia & Qiang He, and a new variety, Porella campylophylla (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trev. var. integra Y. Jia & Qiang He, are described and illustrated. Both taxa are from China, found in Gansu and Yunnan Provinces respectively.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular variations in Plantago asiatica L. var. densiuscula Pilg. were analyzed to evaluate the genetic basis for recognizing the dwarf variety P. asiatica var. yakusimensis (Masam.) Ohwi. Considerable variation in the leaf size of P. asiatica var. densiuscula was observed, and no morphological discontinuities were found between the dwarf types of P. asiatica var. densiuscula and P. asiatica var. yakusimensis. Morphological analysis of plants grown under standardized conditions revealed that both environmental plasticity and genetic differentiation contributed to the dwarfisms. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the SUC1 locus encoding a sucrose transporter revealed that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis was genetically unique although the differentiation level was low. From the above results, we concluded that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis should be reduced to a form of P. asiatica var. densiuscula. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of the SUC1 genotype suggested multiple origins of dwarves, and possible hypotheses for the origins of dwarves are discussed.  相似文献   

A new combination, Plantago fengdouensis (Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang) Y. Wang & Z. Y. Li, is proposed based on P. erosa Wall. var. fengdouensis Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang. This species is similar to P. cornuti Gouan in the plant becoming black when dry and in having relatively large seeds, but differs by having leaves dentate or pinnately incised, 3(5)-nerved, bracts triangular-ovate, corolla lobes narrowly triangular, capsules fusiform-ellipsoid, circumscissile near the middle, and seeds longitudinally 1-grooved on the ventral side. P. fengdouensis belongs to Plantago L. subgen. Plantago, which is characterized by having corollas glabrous, filaments adnate near corolla base, and cotyledons parallel to the ventral side (i.e. hilum face). It is a highly restricted species in distribution, occurring only on two islets in Fengdu County and Zhong Xian County within the Three-Gorges Dam Area.  相似文献   

报道了产于新疆的驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceratoides(L) Guedenst)2个新变种及昆仑山驼绒藜(K.compacta(Losinsk.)Grub.)1个新变种:叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var.yechengensis A L Fu.f.nov.)。每一新分类群均有插图。荒漠驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceraroides var. deserticola(Losinsk.)G.Yang comb.nova)主要生于平原荒漠或低山区,常在下部分枝,形成垫状灌丛,叶片狭窄,披针形、狭椭圆形、狭长圆形,两面均被细绒毛。因而两面同色;草原驼绒藜(K.ceratoides var. pratensis(Losinsk.)Z Li comb.nova)主要生在山地草原,分枝也多在上部,叶上面无毛,下面疏毛,因而两面不同色;叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var. yechengensis A L Fu var.nov.)的叶片跟博乐驼绒藜(变型)很近似,但雌花苞片为淡绿色,分离部分远长于连合部分,而甚易区别,也仅见于叶城昆仑山。  相似文献   

当前入侵植物种类和入侵范围均日益扩大,而多种入侵植物共同入侵同一生境的概率也逐渐增加。为探讨这些入侵植物种内和种间的化感作用以及化感作用对其竞争能力的影响,本研究以北美车前(Plantago virgica)和野胡萝卜(Daucus carota)为例,采用室内生物学测定法,分析了2种植物不同器官(根、茎或花序轴、叶)、不同浓度(CK、0.005、0.01和0.05 g·mL-1)的水浸提液培养对其自身和对方种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,浸提液浓度对2种入侵植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响最大,且浓度、器官及物种之间存在显著交互作用。2物种各器官各浓度浸提液对二者种子萌发总体表现为抑制;中低浓度浸提液对同种植物幼苗生长有一定促进作用;高浓度浸提液尤其是野胡萝卜叶浸提液对二者种子萌发与幼苗生长均有显著抑制作用。综合化感效应指数表明,浸提液浓度越高抑制作用越强,地上部分化感效应强于地下,且野胡萝卜对北美车前的种间化感作用最强。由此可见,种内和种间化感作用是入侵植物在相同入侵地相互竞争的重要方式。  相似文献   

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