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Systematic palynological research was conducted on more than 343 samples from a column or rock core obtained by drilling to a depth of 20 m in Gucheng lake. According to three assemblage zones and nine subzones of the sporo-pollen, and the dating of 14℃, we have explored the regularity of palaeoclimatic changes and palaeomonsoon activities since 15.0 ka BP. During 15.0 ~ 11.0 ka BP, the temperature had increased a little, but the climate was still cool and relatively dry, reflecting a weak wet monsoon and low precipitation at that time. In the period of 3~11.0 ka BP, it became cold and wet, with an increased effect of the dry monsoon, and the area was probably situated in a position of the frontal zone. Causing considerable effective humidity. Later than 11.0 ka BP, the temperature increased rapidly within 500 years with a subsquent, turn of the climate towards significantly warmer and wet and a further intensification of the monsoon effect. This rapid temperature increase corre-sponded to the increasing radiation of solar energy during 11.0~10.0 ka BP. From 10.5 to 6.4 ka BP, the wet monsoon was the priority climate of the region, albeit there were at least two or three spells of cooling, as well as decreasing of monsoon precipitation.  相似文献   

According to the sporo-pollen analysis of the ten localities in Dabusu lake, it could be divided into two sporo-pollen assemblage zones from bottom to top: the lower series (1–2 bed) of Equisetum, lsoites sporo-pollen zone and upper series (3–6 bed) of Ranunculaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Aritemisia sporo-pollen zone. This paper deals also with the course that in the middle later period of the later Holocene Epoch the obvious change of paleogeographic environment is no less than twice in the area surounding Dabusu lake. As for the vegetation, the wet grassy marshland of temperate zone in which the pteridophyta Predominated turned towards meadow -steppe in which herbs predominated. While the wet climate turned towards arid climate and the fresh water lake turned towards salt lake.  相似文献   

本文依据内蒙古自治区四个考古地点的孢粉分析资料,指出呼伦贝尔盟东部地区,在11400±230年前,不仅湖沼棋布,而且生长着由松、榆、椴、胡桃等组成的繁茂的温带针叶—阔叶混交林。公元前1700年,昭乌达盟敖汗旗一带,分布着暖温带针叶—阔叶混交林,从花粉分析说明那时的人类已摆脱了单纯狩猎,开始种植作物、饲养动物。自晚更新世以来,内蒙古植被由混交林向草原迅速的发展。  相似文献   

About 98 species of fossil spores and pollen referred to 55 genera from the Upper Carboniferous Yanghugou Formation in Zhongwei, Ningxia have been studied. Two sporopollen assemblage zones are recognized in ascending order as follows: 1. Laevigatosporites medius-Cyclogranisporites aureus (MA) zone: This assemblage corresponds to the lower part of the Yanghugou Formation, and is characterized by the predominance of pteridophyfic spores and the relative abundance of gymnospermous pollen. Azonotriletes and monoletes are dominant, while zonates are of importance. The most common species are Leiotriletes spp., Cyclogranisporites aureus Potoni6 et Kremp, Granulatisporites granulatus Ibrahim, Microreticulatisporites concavus Butterworth et Williams, M. nobilis (Welcher) Knox, Triquitrites bransonii Wilson et Hoffmeister, Dictyotriletes bireticulatus (Ibrahim) Smith et Butterworth, Ahrensisporites guerickei (Horst) Potonie et Kremp, Lycospora spp., Crassispora kosankei (Potonie et Kremp) Bharadwaj, Cirratriradites saturni (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson et Bentall, Laevigatosporites spp., Columinisporites ovalis Peppers, Florinites junior Potnie et Kremp and Vesicaspora wilsonii (Schemel) Wilson et Venkatachata. This assemblage is comparable with those of the Yanghugou Formation in Baiyantaohai of Inner Mongolia (Yu, 1983), the 8th zone of North China by Gao (1979), the Triquitrites sinani-Cirratriradites saturni (SS) Zone and the Microreticulatisporites nobilis-Florinites junior (NJ) Zone of West Europe, which are considered corresponding to Westphatian A-B in age. 2. Torispora seuris-Punctatisporites hians (SH) zone: This assemblage is equivalent to the upper part of the Yanghugou Formation, and is also characterized by dominance of pteridophytic spores and subdominance of gymospermous pollen. In addition to the most commen species mentioned above, the important taxas in the present assemblage comprise Punctatisporites hians Wang, Gulisporites cochlearius Imgrund, Verrucosisporites kaipingiensis Imgrund, Endosporites globiformis (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson et Bentall, Densosporites anulatus (Loose) Smith et Butterworth, D. reticuloides Ouyang et Li, Simozonotriletes labellatus Wang, Torispora securis Balme, Thymospora thiessenii (Kosanke) Wilson et Venkatachala, Pit yos porites west phalensis Williams and Plat ysaccus, Illinites, C ycadopites, etc. This zone compares closely with those of the upper part of the Yanghugou Formation in Hengshanbu (Wang Hui, 1984) and Ordos Basin (Geng, 1985), the Benxi Formation in Shanxi (Liao, 1987; Ouyang and Li, 1980; Gao, 1979), as welll as Torispora securis-T, laevigata (SL) Zone and Thymospora obscura-T, thiessenii (OT) Zone of West Europe. Therefore, the present SH Zone should be referred to Westphalian C-D in age. The Westphalian palynofiora in Zhongwei is dominated by Filicopsida and pteridospermopsida; Sphenopsida and lycopsida occupy the subdominant position, while Cordaitopsida and Coniferopsida do not develop well. This palynofiora indicates a tropical-subtropical warm and humid paleoclimate.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirteen species of spores and pollens belonging to 58 genera were found from 66 core samples taken from two boreholes of the Early and Middle Jurassic deposits in the Qiquanhu coal-field of the Turpan Basin, Xinjiang have been investigated in this paper. Two of the species are described as new. Three sporo-pollen zones from lower to upper are described as follows: Sporo-pollen zone Ⅰ (equivalent bed: Badaowan Formation) . The pteridophytic spores are slightly more abundant than the gymnospermous pollen in this assemblage. The most abundant spores are Cyathidites minor, C. australis and Undulatisporites pflugii, U. taenus and so on. The second important fern spores are Osmundacidites, Lycopodiumsporites, Apiculatisporis and Duplexisporites. The most important gymnospermous genus is Cycadopites which ranks highest in the assemblage and includes C. nitidus and C. typicus.The other gymnospermous pollen include Classopollis, Pinuspollenites, Protoconiferus Piceites. Besides, there are a few pollen grains of Taeniaesporites and Chordasporites surviving from the Late Triassic in this assemblage. The present assemblage may be compared with the Early Jurassic sporopollen assemblage from the Daling Formation of the North-East Guangxi. Therefore, the Badaowan Formtion may be referred to Early Jurassic in age, probably Early Lias. Sporo-pollen zone Ⅱ (equivalent bed: Sangonghe Formation) In this assemblage the gymnosperms are predominant.Of them, Podocarpidites and Pinuspollenites increase obviously, and Quadraeculina and Protoconiferus are common. Few surviving elements are observed. The most abundant spores are those of Cyathidites, and the particularly abundant pollens are those of Cycadopites, This assemblage may be compared with the Late Lias sporo-pollen assemblage from the Fuxian Formation of the Northern Shangganning Basin. Therefore, the Sangonghe Formation should belong to Early Jurassic, probably Late Lias in age. Sporo-pollen zone Ⅲ (equivalent bed: Xishanyao Formation). The contents of the spores and pollens are almost equal in this assemblage. Cyathidites and Cycadopites are the most important spores and pollen. Osmundacidites and Quadraeculina are common. Neoraistrickia, Lycopodiumsporites and Eucommiidites troedssonii are present. Ancient striate bisaccate pollen disappears. The characteristics of this assemblage show some resemblances to those of the Middle Jurassic Yanan Formation in Chongxin county of Gansu province. So the Xishanyao Formation should belong to Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

Two biostratigraphic reference sections are designated for the middle and upper Siwalik formations of northern Pakistan. The stratigraphic ranges of 41 mammalian taxa are established in the reference sections and the two sections are correlated to each other and to the standard Magnetic Polarity Time Scale by the magnetic-polarity stratigraphy. The resulting stratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic framework is used to define four contiguous biostratigraphic interval-zones. The proposed interval-zones are bounded by five important faunal events which are identified in the reference sections. The four proposed interval-zones and the approximate ages in the reference sections of their lower and upper boundaries are: (1) the “Hipparion s.l.” Interval-Zone 7.4–9.5 m.y. B.P.; (2) the Selenoportax lydekkeri Interval-Zone 5.3–7.4 m.y. B.P.; (3) the Hexaprotodon sivalensis Interval-Zone 5.3-2.9 m.y. B.P.; and (4) the Elephas planifrons Interval-Zone 2.9-1.5 m.y. B.P.The paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic evidence indicates that the Tatrot Beds, from which Pilgrim developed his “Tatrot Faunal Zone”, are between 2.5 and 3.4 m.y. B.P., with a preferred maximum age of 2.9 m.y. B.P. The biostratigraphic evidence indicates the Sethi Nagri locality (Y311)—the primary source of Pilgrim's “Nagri Faunal Zone”— is in the “Hipparion s.l.” Interval-Zone. The paleomagnetic evidence suggests an approximate age of 9 m.y. B.P. A major faunal event at 9.5 m.y. B.P. introduced equids, suids, and large giraffes from Eurasia into the Indain subcontinent. A second, more diffuse faunal event between 5.3 and 2.9 m.y. B.P. introduced several African taxa as well as Equus and cervids from Eurasia.  相似文献   

通过对福建宁化县泉下镇石灰窑下村上石炭统达拉阶类的系统研究,共描述类10属35种,包括3个未定种。根据类化石在地层中的分布和垂向变化规律,自上而下建立两个带、三个亚带:II.Fusulina Fusu linella带,3)Fusulinaquasicylindrica亚带,2)Beedeinamayiensis亚带和1)Fusulinellahelenae Pseudostaffella paradoxa亚带,I.Pseudoendothyraninghuaensis带。为该区以及我国石炭系地层的划分和对比提供重要的素材。  相似文献   

Plenty of sporo-pollen fossils were found from the Upper Subformation of Hekou Formation at Chaijiatai, Lanzhou of Gansu, Minhe Basin. The sporo-pollen assemblage of the upper stratum of the Upper Suhformation was named as Schizaeoisporites-Cicatricosisporites. It could be further divided into two subassemblages. The upper one was Classopollis-Schiza- eoisporites, and the lower one was Piceapollenites-Cicatricosisporites. By analysing the periods of the important species and genera in the assemblage and comparing with the known assemblages in various districts, the author cosidered that the geologic age of the assemblage was the late phase of Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Alhian). The age of the second subassemblage was later which was Albian. So far, the stratum where the sporo-pollen fossils assemblage were found was the uppermost one of the Lower Cretaceous that have been found in Minhe Basin.  相似文献   

The zonation of the Furongian Alum Shale in Scandinavia, based on olenid trilobites, is reviewed and revised. The current scheme is rooted in a detailed zonation introduced in the late 1950s with subzones that subsequently have been elevated to zonal rank. Ten of these zones are difficult to recognize in all Alum Shale districts, and a revised zonation is proposed, focused on unambiguous identification throughout Scandinavia. The difficulties in recognizing zones in some districts mostly relate to biofacies differentiation. Representatives of Ctenopyge are, for instance, common in palaeo-offshore areas, whereas pelturines are rare in these settings and vice versa in palaeo-inboard settings. The following modifications of the olenid zonation are proposed: the Olenus scanicus Zone is renamed the O. scanicusO. rotundatus Zone; the Ctenopyge similis and Ctenopyge spectabilis zones are replaced by the Sphaerophthalmus modestusSphaerophthalmus angustus Zone; the Ctenopyge tumida Zone is renamed the Peltura acutidensCtenopyge tumida Zone; the Peltura scarabaeoides Subzone is restored (as a zone) and replaces the Ctenopyge bisulcata and Ctenopyge linnarssoni zones. The Parabolina heres megalops (Sub)Zone is reinstated and replaces the Peltura paradoxa Zone; the Acerocarina granulata and P. costata zones are combined as the Acerocarina granulata–Peltura costata Zone. In addition, the name Proceratopyge nathorsti–Simulolenus alpha Zone is suggested for the polymerid zone corresponding to the upper Miaolingian Agnostus pisiformis Zone. The proposed changes reduce the number of Furongian Zones to 23, allocated to six superzones. No subzones are recognized, but some zones can potentially be subdivided for improved local correlation. The stratigraphical ranges of all Furongian olenid trilobites and agnostoids described from Scandinavia are summarized.  相似文献   

Five conodont zones, Pterospathodus eopennatus ssp. n. 1, P. eopennatus ssp. n. 2, P. amorphognathoides angulatus , P. a. lennarti and P. a. lithuanicus , are described in the interval previously known as the P. celloni Zone. The new zones are grouped into two superzones: the first two form the P. eopennatus Superzone and the other three the P. celloni Superzone. All zones correspond to the intervals of the total ranges of the nominal taxa and to the boundaries between the zones to the levels at which one taxon was evolutionally replaced by another. The lower boundary of the P. a. amorphognathoides Zone is redefined. The P. eopennatus ssp. n. 2, P. a. angulatus and P. a. amorphognathoides zones are further subdivided into the Lower and Upper subzones. Although the zones described are mainly based on data from Estonia, they can be recognized all over the world, in most sections containing Telychian strata and from where adequate data are available. Most of the subzones can so far be applied only in a limited area.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the informations of the sporopollen assemblages of 52 samples obtained from the Fenzhuang field outcrop and its drilling core near Zhoukoudian in the vicinity of Beijing. About 30,000 years ago of the Dali glacial period, spruce-fir forests became predominant in the low land and the plain in Beijing. At that time the annual mean temperature was about 7 ℃ lower than that of the present. Based on the characteristics of Fenzbuang sporo-pollen assemblages four zones may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: 1. In the first zone (FⅠ), the herbaceous plants, such as Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Gramineae, etc., were predominant. The climate was rather dry and cold. 2. In the second zone (FⅡ), the vegetation during the past 22000–13000 years was dominate of a subalpine conifer forest, consisting of Picea, Abics, Larix, etc., Water plants Myriophyllum, Typha, Sparganium and some members of Cyperaeeae and Green algae, Mougeotia, Zygnema apparently increased. Annual mean temperature was lower than that of the present. The climate was wet with an annual precipitation about 800–1000 mm and cool. 3. In the third zone (FⅢ), the vegetation was represented by a warm temperate forest, predominant of Pinus, Tilia, Selaginella sinensis and Typha. The climate of Beijing was rather wet, with an annual mean precipitation more than that of the present, and warm. The Lakes and bogs were better developed. According to the temperature increasing at this zone, we think the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary should be maked at about 12000 B.P. 4. In the Zone Ⅳ (FⅣ), Tilia was still flourishing and the water plants were better developed at his initial stage but afterwards they were obviously reduced, since 10000 years ago.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of ammonites from fourteen sections in the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera has enabled us to identify accurately the sequence of bioevents that take place throughout the uppermost Hauterivian and to propose a more precise biostratigraphic scheme for this interval. Thus, we have divided the two currently admitted zones (the Crioceratites balearis Zone and the Pseudothurmannia angulicostata auct. Zone) into several subzones. Four subzones can be recognised within the Cr. balearis Zone. The base of each subzone is defined by the first occurrence of one of four successive species belonging to the same Crioceratites lineage. These species are: Cr. balearis, Cr. binelli, Cr. krenkeli and Cr. angulicostatus. The Ps. ohmi Zone (which replaces the classical Ps. angulicostata Zone) can be divided into three subzones characterised by three successive species of the genus Pseudothurmannia: Ps. ohmi, Ps mortilleti (here considered as a senior synonym of Ps. catulloi) and Ps. picteti. According to the current definition, the first occurrence of Taveraidiscus hugii (OOSTER) marks the lower boundary of the Barremian stage. This event fits into a major faunal-renewal episode that begins in the upper part of the Ps. picteti Subzone.  相似文献   

The study of ten thin sections from outcrops from Lower Cretaceous deposits and several thin sections obtained from three petroleum wells, allow us to better characterize the associations of calpionellid zones and subzones of the Berriasian and Lower Valanginian in northern Tunisia. The B and C zones, respectively, show three and two levels with calpionellid associations corresponding to B1, B2, B3 and C1, C2 subzones. In the D zone, associations of the D1 and D2 subzones were identified. The E zone has been characterized for the first time in Tunisia and in southern-Tethyan margin of North Africa, on the basis of its index specie and associated species.  相似文献   

BackgroundFluoride is an inorganic element, which can be found in high concentrations in groundwater. Its consumption and exposure have consequences on human health. The objective of this study was to evaluate fluoride exposure and develop a health risk assessment in children from an urban area with hydrofluorosis in Mexico.MethodsWater fluoride levels in active wells were provided by the Water State Agency and divided into three zones: agriculture zone (Zone A), metallurgical zone (Zone B), and industrial zone (Zone C). Urinary fluoride levels were determined by potentiometric method using an ion-selective electrode. Health risk assessment was performed through Monte Carlo model analysis and hazard quotient was calculated.ResultsAccording to fluoride well concentration, all zones have high concentration especially Zone B (2.55 ± 0.98 mg/L). Urinary fluoride concentrations were highest in children in Zone B (1.42 ± 0.8 mg/L). The estimated median daily intake dose of fluoride was 0.084 mg/Kg-day for the children living in zone B. The highest mean HQ value was to Zone B (1.400 ± 0.980), followed by Zone C (0.626 ± 0.443).ConclusionThe levels of fluoride exposure registered are a potential risk to generate adverse health effects in children in the San Luis Potosi metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Five altitudinal pteridophyte zones are established along the northeastern altitudinal slopes of Mt. Banahaw de Lucban, Quezon, Luzon Is., Philippines using cluster- and ordination analyses, namely: Zone 1, Cyathea contaminans – Dicranopteris–Nephrolepis–Diplazium patches at 700–800 m a.s.l.; Zone 2, Sphaerostephanos hirsutus var. hirsutus – Selaginella delicatula patches at 750–900 m a.s.l.; Zone 3, Cyathea philippinensis – Selaginella patches at 900–1200 m a.s.l.; Zone 4, Cyathea philippinensis – Cyathea callosa–Asplenium cymbifolium–Selaginella cumingiana patches at 1200–1550 m a.s.l. and; Zone 5 which is further divided into Sub-zone 5A, Cyathea callosa – Cyathea loheri-Hymenophyllaceae patches at 1550–1800 m a.s.l. and Sub-zone 5B, Cyathea loheriCephalomanes apiifolia patches at 1800–1875 m a.s.l. These pteridophyte zones coincide with the woody species zones of Mt. Banahaw de Lucban but differ significantly with the altitudinal fern zones of Mt. Makiling. Stepwise multiple regression analysis reveals that altitude exhibits a linear relationship with pteridophyte species distribution. Altitude and soil pH influence 65% of the variation in principal component 1 [PC1 = 0.0839 + 0.0010(altitude) − 0.2072(soil pH); r = 0.8058] and 27% of the variation in principal component 2 [PC2 = 2.0453 − 0.0005(altitude) − 0.2560(soil pH); r = 0.5206]. Thirty-three (33) species are preferential to specific microenvironments along the altitudinal gradient, making them effective altitudinal zone markers and biodiversity conservation indicators for the forest ecosystem of Mt. Banahaw de Lucban.  相似文献   

A new planktic foraminiferal zonation has been established for the lower Danian, based on some of most expanded and continuous pelagic sections known to date (from Spain, Tunisia and Mexico). This biozonation is considered valid for low and middle latitudes. The maximum stratigraphical distribution of the index-species approximately coincides in all the studied sections. The index-species are abundant and easily recognizable. We propose the following biozones and subzones: Guembelitria cretacea Zone and the Hedbergella holmdelensis and Parvularugoglobigerina longiapertura subzones; the Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina Zone, which is subdivided into the Parvularugoglobigerina sabina and Eoglobigerina simplicissima subzones and the Parasubbotina pseudobulloides Zone with the Eoglobigerina trivialis and Subbotina triloculinoides subzones. A biomagnetostratigraphic correlation and calibration of the stratigraphical ranges of these species suggest that the biohorizons used to define the new biozonation are very isochronous, at least in the geographical areas analysed.  相似文献   

Because of the relatively thick succession exposed in the Msila area, new bed-by-bed sampling has been carried out in order to investigate late Tithonian ammonites and the correlation between biostratigraphic scales based on ammonites and calpionellids. The outcrop begins with Lower Tithonian beds assigned to the Fallauxi Zone. Ammonites have been found that allow recognition in the same section both Fallauxi and Ponti Zones. The most significant species are: Simoceras admirandum Zittel, which is the marker of the upper subzone of the Fallauxi Zone, i.e. the Admirandum/Biruncinatum Subzone, and several species of the genus Lemencia and Burckhardticeras peroni (Roman), that characterize the Ponti Zone. Ammonites that belong to the Microcanthum Zone appear in bed 18. This zone is usually subdivided into two subzones, of which only the lower one, the Simplisphinctes Subzone, has been recognized. The upper Transitorius Subzone has been recognized on the basis of the occurrence of Moravisphinctes fischeri (Kilian). The last ammonite unit, the Durangites Zone, is easily recognizable because of the occurrence of species of the genera Durangites and Protacanthodiscus. The section ends with the beginning of the Berriasian, which is characterized by a well-exposed, ammonite-rich bed of the Jacobi Zone. Correlation of the ammonite zones with calpionellid zones has been investigated. The Chitinoidella Zone is characterized by calpionellids with microgranular tests that appear in the ammonite Admirandum/Biruncinatum Subzone with species of the Dobeni Subzone, which extends up to the Ponti Zone. Representatives of the Boneti Sub-Zone appear in bed 16, which probably correlates with the base of the ammonite Upper Tithonian Microcanthum Zone. Two horizons have been distinguished within the calpionellid Subzone A3.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Most species of the Lower Jurassic ammonite genus Badouxia are restricted to the eastern Pacific where they are of fundamental importance to the Hettangian/Sinemurian ammonite zonation of North America. The fauna from the type area for the genus has been restudied and four species and two transitional forms are now recognized. Badouxia forticostata and Badouxia castlensis are new. Badouxia occidentalis (Frebold) and Badouxia oregonensis Taylor are placed in synonymy with Badouxia canadensis (Frebold). These major taxonomic changes and subsequent modification to the range of B . canadensis require revisions to the current zonation for the Western Cordillera of North America. The Oregonensis Zone is re-named the Mineralense Zone. The Canadensis Zone is abandoned and its previously defined Rursicostatum and Columbiae subzones are elevated to the level of full zones. Large samples indicate that most species of Badouxia display a remarkable range of continuously variable morphology. In addition, the genus shows some of the best-documented evidence of sexual dimorphism in Early Jurassic ammonites. Badouxia spans the Hettangian/Sinemurian boundary and based on the range of different species, five stratigraphic intervals are recognized. Intervals 1–3 correlate with the north-west European Angulata Zone. The majority of interval 4 and the whole of interval 5 correlate with the north-west European Bucklandi Zone. The age of the base of interval 4 is uncertain.  相似文献   

Quaternary limnic sediments from Velanská Cesta, a former lake in the Czech Republic, were investigated to document the response of an aquatic environment to global climatic shifts during the late Pleistocene–early Holocene transition. The obtained multi-proxy record, including subfossil diatoms, diatom-inferred variables (index of trophic state, halobic index, TP, and pH), plant macrofossils, and geochemical data, was compared with the δ18O GISP2 curve. Diatom accumulation zones and subzones established on the basis of a ConSLink cluster analysis corresponded well with the boundaries of the Bölling, Older Dryas, Alleröd, Younger Dryas, and Preboreal periods. The diatom-inferred trophic state and salinity data showed increased values during the colder epochs, which were supported by the findings of low-temperature macrofossil indicators in the corresponding samples. The results of this study document a long-term forcing of a shallow lacustrine ecosystem in central Europe by climatic events of a global scale.  相似文献   

Salawusu area of Nei Monggol, is the famous ruins of “Hetao man” and their culture. It is also the native haunt of Salawusu Fauna and the typical site of the late Pleistocene in northern China. By densely sampling and carefully analysing, the authors worked out a beautiful and complete pollen-spore diagram of the Salawusu section, which records in detail the proccess of the vegetational development and the climatic changes of this region since Last Glacial periode, about 60 ka B.P. Accordingly, the last glacial period may be divided into three substages: Early, middle and late substage, corresponding to the pollen-spore zones: Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ. Substages are divided into cold stadials and relative warmmer tnterstadials, corresponding to subzones of pollenspore zones. This scheme can be well correlated with that of other regions in China, in Europe, in America and the results of the oxygen isotopic research in deep sea, all over the world.  相似文献   

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