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用苗期症状观察和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)两种方法检查了大豆种子内的大豆花叶病毒(sMV)的传毒率及带毒率,并对两种方法所得的结果进行了比较。带毒大豆种子产生的病苗,其症状主要有花叶、卷叶、叶脉束状、叶脉坏死、凸斑和单叶扭曲等类型。苗期症状观察得到的种子传毒率,与用ELISA法检查去种皮大豆种子的带毒率高度吻合,相关系数r=0.92(n=31),说明此两种方法检查种子传(带)毒率具有相同的生物学和病理学意义。 本文提出了种子“群体病毒浓度”的概念。“群体病毒浓度”=群体内病毒总量/群体内种子总数。38个处理组合和3,591粒种子逐粒用ELISA法检查表明,“群体病毒浓度”与该群体的种子传毒率呈正相关,r=0.93(n=38)。将种子群体作为一个整体用ELISA法检查的结果也证明,“群体病毒浓度”与种子传毒率呈直线相关。因此认为可以用ELISA法对种子群体直接进行测定来估计种子的传毒率。  相似文献   

影响菜豆普通花叶病毒种子传毒的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了影响菜豆普通花叶病毒(BCMV)种子传毒的一些因素,不同品种,不同感染时期种子的传毒率有显著差异,苗期感病的植株,不同荚位的种子传毒率是:下部>中部>上部,花期感病者则是:中部>上部>下部,感病植株的斑驳荚种子传毒率,依品种的不同,比无斑驳荚者高3.2~9.3倍。  相似文献   

A virus that causes chlorotic streaks on ryegrass leaves was transmitted by the eriophyid mite Abacarus hystrix (Nalepa). Virus-free mites acquired the virus in 2 hr. feeding on infected ryegrass and the proportion that became infective increased with increased feeding time up to 12 hr.; vectors lost infectivity within 24 hr. of leaving the infected leaves. All instars of A. hystrix transmitted the virus.
The virus was transmitted by manual inoculation of sap to other species of Gramineae, including oats, rice, cocksfoot and meadow fescue, but none of these hosts seemed to contain as much virus as ryegrass; their saps did not precipitate specifically with antiserum prepared against the virus in ryegrass, whereas sap from infected ryegrass precipitated up to a dilution of 1/32. Infective sap of S22 Italian ryegrass contained flexuous rod-shaped particles; the dilution end-point of the virus was about 1 in 1000; the virus was inactivated when held for 10 min. at 60°C. and most of its infectivity was lost after 24 hr. at room temperature.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum plants infected with tomato aspermy virus (TAV) produce severely distorted and discoloured flowers but show only slight leaf mottle.
TAV infected twenty-five of forty-five species (belonging to seventeen genera) tested and was transmitted by the aphid species Aulacorthum solarti, Macrosiphoniella sanborni and Myzus persicae .
Sap from infected tobacco leaves lost infectivity when diluted more than 1 in 10,000, when heated for 10 min. at above 65°C. and when stored for more than 42 hr. at 16–18°C.
Partial protection was obtained between TAV and two strains of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus.  相似文献   

乌桕种子油脂含量与其水平地带性的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄惠坤  唐润琴   《广西植物》1989,9(2):187-190
乌桕Sapium sebiferum (L.)Roxb.在现有栽培区域内,幼龄树的种仁含油率和种子含油率的高低与水平地带性变化差异不大。而种子含蜡率和种子含油脂率.则随纬度降低而极显著增高。  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus particles were found in small packets and in small numbers, with the electron microscope, in necrotic leaf cells of Nicotiana glutinosa when the samples were fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in OsO4, and the sections were stained with heavy metals. The numbers and size of the virus packets were increased greatly when the leaves were detached from the plant after inoculation Assay of concentration showed that detachment resulted in a 30-fold increase of virus. A similar increase in the number of virus particles detected by electron microscopy was produced by keeping inoculated plants at an air temperature of 26°C. A still greater increase in concentration was effected by incubating detached inoculated leaves at 26°C. Moreover the arrangement of virus particles in these cells resembled that of a systemic virus infection. Cells in local lesions of Chenopodium amaranticolor contained large numbers of virus particles both as packets and in the loose arrangement characteristic of systemic infection. Neither the number of particles nor their arrangement was affected in this host by detaching the leaf or by changing the air temperature. It is suggested that there may be two types of localized virus infections, one of which produces virus in low concentration and is amenable to changes in virus concentration and arrangement as a result of environmental manipulation.  相似文献   

Willstätter and Stoll have studied the rate of photosynthesis as a function of chlorophyll content. However, their experiments fail to reveal any regular relationship between these two quantities, probably because, in order to obtain material differing widely in chlorophyll content, they were obliged to use leaves which were not comparable in other respects. The writer describes a method for varying the chlorophyll content per unit volume of cells of Chlorella vulgaris, maintaining other factors constant. Experiments are described which show that the maximum rate of photosynthesis is a smooth function of the chlorophyll content.  相似文献   

沈伯钧 《昆虫学报》1984,(1):116-119
胡桃科植物含有数种化学物质,如胡桃醌(Juglone 5-羟基1,4-对醌)(Bode 1958;Brooks 1951;Davies 1928; Massey 1925),胡桃油,皂角甙(Saponin)(Petrides 1970; Whittaker and Feeny 1971)和丹宁(Tannin)(Nierenstein 1934; Pridham 1960; Kingsbury 1964; Haslam 1966),这些物质对植物和害虫均有一定的影响。此外,胡桃科植物的果实总是有一层厚厚的外果皮和坚硬的种壳,保护着核仁,起机械抗虫作用,以减少害虫的危害。本文就这两种抗虫机制与果实被害程度的关系进行研讨。  相似文献   

郑天珍  张经济 《生理学报》1991,43(6):584-588
在狗的十二指肠浆膜面埋植银-氯化银双极电极,记录空腹时的肌电活动,观察血糖浓度变化与消化间期综合肌电(IDMEC)周期的关系。实验结果表明:(1)血糖浓度随 IDMEC周期的不同时相而变动,Ⅰ相最高,Ⅱ相次之,Ⅲ相最低(P<0.01)。(2)静脉注射酚妥拉明或心得安后。血糖浓度随 IDMEC 周期的波动均消失。(3)切除双侧迷走神经干后,血糖浓度略有升高,随 IDMEC 的周期性波动依然存在。(4)分别阻断肾上腺素α、β受体及切除迷走神经后,不影响 IDMEC 的周期性活动,但可使周期延长,各相所占时程百分比发生变化。以上结果证明,空腹情况下血糖浓度随 IDMEC 周期的不同时相而变动,交感神经和迷走神经具有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   

A virus causing a wilt of Datura stramonium was identified as a strain of henbane mosaic virus. It causes necrotic local lesions in Nicotiana rustica , and local lesions are demonstrable in tobacco by staining with iodine. Some of the factors affecting its transmission by Myzus persicae (Sulz.) were studied quantitatively using these lesions.
Infective aphids differed little in their ability to cause infection, and usually produced two or three lesions. The duration of the feeding puncture did not affect the number of infections and had little effect on the percentage of aphids becoming infective. Transmissible virus did not seem to be continually imbibed while aphids fed on infected plants, and there were indications that it was acquired immediately before aphids withdrew their stylets from the leaf. Aphids became infective when allowed to make feeding punctures into epidermis stripped from infected leaves.
M. persicae transmitted during feeding punctures as brief as 5–10 sec; the probability of single feeding punctures resulting in infection reached a maximum with those lasting from 20 to 30 sec, during which the stylets did not penetrate as far as the centre of the epidermal cell and little or no saliva appeared to be ejected. M. persicae did not transmit the virus when its stylets were artificially wetted with infective sap.
Periods of darkness before inoculation with datura wilt virus increased the susceptibility of Nicotiana rustica to infection by rubbing, but not to infection by aphids.  相似文献   

我们以Sindbis病毒感染BHK-21细胞为模式,研究了病毒的感染与细胞骨架的关系。结果显示:在病毒感染早期,细胞的蛋白质合成迅速被抑制,细胞的多聚核糖体(polysome)和mRNA从骨架上脱落,而病毒的RNA结合到骨架上。我们的结果还进一步表明,病毒的RNA是通过其3′-尾端与骨架结合的。另一方面在对Sindbis病毒非结构蛋白在体内与体外合成与加工的比较中,我们发现病毒蛋白在体外翻译加工的速度远低于体内,并且出现很多未成熟蛋白(premature protein),这种区别可能在某种程度上反应细胞骨架在蛋白质合成与加工中的作用。此外,在用秋水仙素和细胞松驰素B破坏微管和微丝后,病毒非结构蛋白的合成与加工没有明显变化,而结构蛋白的合成则受到明显的抑制。这表明病毒的两类蛋白的合成所依赖的细胞骨架成分可能有所不同,在结构蛋白合成过程中,微丝和微管起了重要作用,在非结构蛋白合成过程中,中间丝很可能起了重要作用。  相似文献   

The net rate of proximo-distal transport of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine β-hydroxylase, DOPA decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase was determined by measuring the accumulation of these enzymes proximal to a ligature of the rat sciatic nerve. The rate of accumulation was constant for at least 12 h. For the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of norepinephrine the rate of transport was correlated to their subcellular distribution and a close correlation between these two parameters was found. Dopamine β-hydroxylase, an enzyme mainly localized in the particulate fraction of the sciatic nerve, showed the fastest rate of transport (1·94 mm/h) whereas DOPA decarboxylase, exclusively located in the high-speed supernatant fluid, gave the slowest (0·63 mm/h) rate of transport. Tyrosine hydroxylase, predominantly located in the non-particulate fraction of the sciatic nerve was transported much slower (0·75 mm/h) than dopamine β-hydroxylase but still significantly (P < 0.005) faster than DOPA decarboxylase. The subcellular distribution of dopamine β-hydroxylase in ganglia did not differ significantly (0·45 > P > 0·40) from that in the sciatic nerve, but in nerve endings a greater proportion of dopamine β-hydroxylase was localized in particulate fractions. Tyrosine hydroxylase and DOPA decarboxylase were found exclusively in the non-particulate fractions of ganglia. In the nerve endings of the effector organs a small but consistent portion of tyrosine hydroxylase was found in particulate fractions, whereas DOPA decarboxylase was exclusively localized in the high-speed supernatant fluid.  相似文献   

The electron transport rate (ETR) versus gross photosynthesis (GPS) relationship varies as a function of species, temperature, irradiance, and inorganic carbon levels, but less is known about the effect of nitrogen supply on this relationship. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nitrate concentration on the ETR versus GPS relationship in Ulva rigida C. Agardh from the Mediterranean Sea. Chlorophyll content and tissue absorptance increased 2‐fold as nitrate in the media increased from 0 to 50 μM. Whereas internal N content increases 3‐fold at 50 μM, internal C increased slightly. Oxygen evolution and ETR, evaluated as in vivo chl fluorescence using pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry, in general saturated at irradiances above 100 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. Both maximum ETR and GPS values increased as nitrate concentration increased. In general, the ETR versus GPS relationship showed a linear response to increasing nitrate with little variance of the data. This relationship, however, became more variable at high irradiances and high nitrate concentrations. The ETR/GPS ratio was close to the theoretical value of 4 at low nitrate concentrations, and the ratio decreased exponentially when nitrate concentration in the media increased. The variations of ETR/GPS under different inorganic nitrogen supply are discussed in terms of the effect of nitrate on the photosynthesis and respiration relationship.  相似文献   

花生种子发育过程中活力的形成在时间上是不均衡的,果针入土后40d内活力水平很低,40d之后活力水平才急剧上升,这和贮藏蛋白迅速合成的时期吻合.随着贮藏蛋白质的合成和累积,由发育转向萌发时其被降解的速度加快,花生球蛋白被优先降解.和贮藏蛋白质其它组分相比较,花生球蛋白和种子活力有更密切的关系.  相似文献   

目的通过对乙肝阳性产妇外周血、胎儿及胎儿附属物进行乙肝病毒标志物的检测,探讨HBV宫内感染发生的机制。方法通过ELISA法及实时荧光定量PCR法检测血清标本中HBV标志物及HBV DNA水平;通过对组织标本的免疫组织化学染色检测组织中HBV标志物的表达。结果胎儿脐血HBV DNA水平与母血HBV DNA水平相关,母血HBV DNA高水平(≥107copy/mL)时脐血HBV DNA阳性率明显增高,P<0.05。胎儿脐血HBV DNA水平显著低于母血HBV DNA水平,P<0.05。胎盘组织可见HBsAg免疫组织化学染色阳性,但未发现HBcAg染色阳性。在引产胎儿胎肝和胎肾组织中发现HBsAg和/或HBcAg免疫组织化学染色阳性细胞。结论母亲HBV DNA高水平是发生HBV宫内感染的高危因素。脐血HBV DNA阳性是判断HBV宫内感染的相关指标;HBV可能通过胎盘感染的途径由母体进入胎儿体内,并可能在胎儿体内定位和复制,这可能是导致HBV宫内感染的原因。  相似文献   

The rate of reduction of methylene blue by milk and acetaldehyde is proportional to the concentration of oxygen in the milk. This fact may be made the basis of a method of determining oxygen in gaseous mixtures.  相似文献   

血浆游离脂肪酸浓度变化与消化间期综合肌电周期的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用狗进行慢性实验,在十二指肠浆膜缝植三对双极电极,记录空腹时的电活动。观察血浆游离脂肪酸(FFA)浓度变化与消化间期综合肌电(IDMEC)周期性活动的关系。实验结果提示:(1)血浆FFA浓度随IDMEC周期不同时相而变动,Ⅰ相时最低,Ⅲ相时最高(P<0.01);(2)静脉注射心得安后,血浆FFA浓度降低,随IDMEC的周期波动消失;(3)静脉注射酚妥拉明后,在IDMEC的各时相中血浆FFA浓度升高,且无周期性波动;(4)切除双侧迷走神经干后,血浆FFA浓度略有降低,随IDMEC的周期波动仍然存在;(5)静脉注射心得安、酚妥拉明和切除迷走神经后,对IDMEC的周期性活动没有明显的影响。以上结果证明,在空腹情况下血浆FFA浓度随IDMEC周期的不同时相而变动,交感神经系统在这些变动中具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

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