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Natural hybridization is very common in plants, and plays an important role in plant evolution. Besides the traditional methods including morphological analysis and hand crossing, molecular evidence is needed for studying natural hybridization.In order to analyze natural hybridization in Roscoea,HAT-RAPD technique was used toidentify putative hybrids from parental species by principal co ordinate analysis and hybrid index. The results indicated that the bands amplified by HAT-RAPD technique were more stable and reliable than that of RAPD. The result of principal co ordinate analysis and hybrid index showed that intermediate individuals were the hybrids of R.humeana and R.cautleoides, and showed closer relationships to R.humeana. These results suggested that HAT-RAPD could be used to study natural hybridization. As it is simple and easy to manipulate, HAT RAPD may prove to be a very effective technique in hybrid identification in the studies of plant evolution.  相似文献   

自然杂交在植物中广泛存在,对植物进化起着重要的作用.研究自然杂交现象,除了传粉、形态等传统手段,还需要分子水平的证据.本研究利用HAT-RAPD技术,对姜科象牙参属植物的自然杂交现象进行分析,运用主坐标分析和杂交指数分析对疑似杂交个体进行鉴定,探讨HAT-RAPD技术在分析和鉴定杂交个体方面的可行性.结果显示,HAT-RAPD方法比传统RAPD扩增的条带更稳定、清楚、容易统计,同时主坐标分析和杂交指数分析的结果表明,形态介于大花象牙参(Roscoea humeana)和早花象牙参(R.cautleoides)的个体是两者的杂交后代,且与大花象牙参的亲缘关系更近.以上的结果表明HAT-RAPD技术可以用于自然杂交的分析,并且由于其简单、易操作等特点,将成为一种非常适合分析和鉴定杂交个体的分子手段.  相似文献   

中国皱颖草属二新种孙必兴1钱洁2(1云南大学生物系,昆明650091)(2中国科学院昆明植物研究所,昆明650204)TwoNewSpeciesofRhytachne(Gramineae)fromChinaSUNBi-Xin(B.X.Sun)1QIA...  相似文献   

Species delimitation is a key foundation for exploring biodiversity. However, the existence of continuous phenotypic variation in widespread species challenges accurate species delimitation based on classical taxonomy. In this study, we investigated the cryptic diversity of a widespread herb (Roscoea tibetica Batalin) in a biodiversity hotspot (the Hengduan Mountains, China) using genotyping by sequencing, examining morphological traits, developing species distribution models, and simulating demographic history. Phylogenomic reconstruction, principal component analysis, and genetic structure inferences indicated that previously reported R. tibetica comprised two monophyletic lineages with a deep divergence. Several morphological diagnostic characteristics were discovered from field and common garden that corresponded to these independent evolutionary lineages. Species distribution models illustrated significant ecological divergence between both lineages. All evidence strongly supported that R. tibetica, as described in previous taxonomy, actually comprises two distinct species. Model test of gene flow and effective population size changes in fastsimcoal2, and a negative Tajima's D-value suggested that recent contact likely occurred between the two lineages. Our results proposed that cryptic diversity in previously reported R. tibetica was possibly associated with phenotypic plasticity in heterogeneous environments and morphological convergence in similar habitats. This study suggests that caution should be exercised when attempting to gain biological insight into species with large-scale morphological variation, and species delimitation should be done in advance.  相似文献   

描述了中国云南姜科Zingiberaceae一新种——苍山象才参Roscoea cangshanensisM.H.LUO,X.F.Gao&H.H.Lin。该种与大理象牙参R.forrestii Cowley在体态上相近,但唇瓣深裂成2裂片,每个裂片再2裂,基部收缩成具白色条纹的柄,叶片较狭窄,(2-)7-24×1.5-2.5cm,叶片基部狭缩成叶柄状而不同。该新种叶片基部狭缩成叶柄状,唇瓣倒卵状楔形,长2.5-3.5cm,宽2.5-3.0cm,基部收缩成具白色条纹的柄,与长柄象牙参R.debilis Gagnep.相似,但苞片非管状,较短,长5-15mm,隐藏于叶鞘内,花冠管较长,10-12.5cm,唇瓣深裂成2裂片,每个裂片再2裂,可与后者明显区别。  相似文献   

祝正银  祝世杰 《植物研究》2011,31(4):385-388
描述了四川峨眉山(茜草科)鸡矢藤属二新种,即峨眉鸡矢藤与长冠鸡矢藤。  相似文献   

Roscoea cangshanensis M. H. Luo, X. F. Gao & H. H. Lin, a new species of the Zingiberaceae from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is related to R. forrestii Cowley in habit, but differs in having 2-lobed labellum, each lobe 2-lobulate, base narrowed to a stalk with white lines, and narrower leaf blade, (2–)7–24×1.5–2.5 cm, with base narrow to petiole-like. The new species is also similar to R. debilis Gagnep. in having leaf base narrow to petiole-like, labellum obovate-cuneate, 2.5–3.5×2.5–3.0 cm, with white lines at throat, but differs in having bracts non-tubular, shorter, 5–15 mm long, concealed in leaf sheaths, corolla tubes longer, 10–12.5 cm long, labellum 2-lobed with each lobe further 2-lobulate.  相似文献   

描述了自四川西部发现的毛茛科乌头属二新种,细盔乌头和疏叶乌头,并给出其等与近缘种的区别特征。  相似文献   

This paper reports two new species of Allium L. from Sichuan, A. xiangchengense J. M. Xu and A.guanxianense J. M. Xu. The former is related to A. hookeri Thwaites, but differs from it by its lanceolate to linear-lanceolate leaves with evidently contracted base and filaments longer than the tepals, while the latter is related to A.chienchuanense J. M. Xu, but differs from it by its terminal scape, filaments shorter than the tepals and ovary with solitary ovule in eachlocule.  相似文献   

四川玉兰属两新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了中国四川省木兰科玉兰属两新种,北川玉兰(Yulania carnosa D. L. Fu et D. L. Zhang sp. nov.)和时珍玉兰(Y.shizhenii D. L. Fu et F. W. Li sp. nov.)。两新种的独特特征是:北川玉兰每花具佛焰苞状苞片2枚,1枚膜质,着生在花梗中间,另1枚肉质,着生在花梗顶端。时珍玉兰花被片、雄蕊和雌蕊的花柱、柱头均为纯白色;雄蕊约20枚。两新种由傅大立于2001年3月在四川省发现并采集,模式标本存于中国林业科学研究院,模式标本号:北川玉兰No.200103141,时珍玉兰No.200103161。  相似文献   

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