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The phylogenetic relationships of Osmanthus Lour.were investigated using the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer(ITS)regions and non-coding chloroplast regions(psbA-trnH,trnL-F).The two datasets support the conclusion that Osmanthus is polyphyletic.with some species of the subtribe Oleinae nested within Osmanthus.Osmanthus didymopetalus P S.Green is nested within the clade formed by species of section Osmanthus in two trees.Osmanthus attenuatus P.S.Green.O.Funnanensis P.S.Green,and O gracilinervis R.L.Lu of traditional section Osmanthus are clearly divergent from other accessions,and do not form a monophyletic group with other Osmanthus accessions.Osmanthus marginatus Hemsl.is embedded in the clade formed by species of section Osmanthus in the ITS tree.In cpDNA trees all species of section Osmanthus are placed in the large clade and all species of section Leiolea formed a group.The taxonomic incongruence among trees for ITS and cpDNA indicate hybridization.as introgression may have occurred among some species of sections Osmanthus and Leiolea.Phylogeny of Osmanthus is discussed in light of molecular and morphological data,and a revised infrageneric classification with three sections(Leiolea,Siphosmanthu,and Osmanthus)is presented.The section Linocieroides is abandoned and united with section Osmanthus.  相似文献   

运用经典分类方法,在对木犀属进行系统研究的基础上,归并了总状桂花Osmanthus racemosus X.H.Song,将其作为厚叶木犀O.marginatus(Champ.ex Benth.)Hemsl.var.pachyphyllus(H.T.Chang)R.L.Lu的一个新异名;将大果桂花O.macrocarpus P.Y.Bai转移到野桂花O.yunnanensis(Franchet)P.S.Green下作为其异名,从而给出了木犀属的两个新异名。  相似文献   

钱义咏 《植物研究》1998,18(4):398-399
本变种和原变种的区别在于:秆高30-50cm,具4-6节,叶舌长1-2mm,顶端齿裂,叶片长2-10cm,宽2-4mm,圆锥花序稍疏松,长8-15cm,宽1.5-3cm,分枝每节1-5枚簇生,小穗长2.5mm,绿紫色,第二颖长2.3mm,外稃长2.4-2.5mm,内稃长约为外稃的2/3。  相似文献   

云南黄檀属一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乔木高sin;/J’枝具皮孔,被短柔毛.羽状复叶长10一14cm;托叶早落;小叶3一4对,厚纸质,椭圆形或倒卵形,长1.3—5.5cm,宽0.7—3.5cm,先端微缺,稀圆钝并有小尖头,基部圆形或楔形,稀浅心形,两面被伏贴短柔毛,下面中脉上毛较密。圆锥花序顶生,长5—7cm,被...  相似文献   

Abstract The phylogenetic relationships of Osmanthus Lour. were investigated using the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and non‐coding chloroplast regions (psbA‐trnH, trnL‐F). The two datasets support the conclusion that Osmanthus is polyphyletic, with some species of the subtribe Oleinae nested within Osmanthus. Osmanthus didymopetalus P. S. Green is nested within the clade formed by species of section Osmanthus in two trees. Osmanthus attenuatus P. S. Green, O. yunnanensis P. S. Green, and O. gracilinervis R. L. Lu of traditional section Osmanthus are clearly divergent from other accessions, and do not form a monophyletic group with other Osmanthus accessions. Osmanthus marginatus Hemsl. is embedded in the clade formed by species of section Osmanthus in the ITS tree. In cpDNA trees all species of section Osmanthus are placed in the large clade and all species of section Leiolea formed a group. The taxonomic incongruence among trees for ITS and cpDNA indicate hybridization, as introgression may have occurred among some species of sections Osmanthus and Leiolea. Phylogeny of Osmanthus is discussed in light of molecular and morphological data, and a revised infrageneric classification with three sections (Leiolea, Siphosmanthu, and Osmanthus) is presented. The section Linocieroides is abandoned and united with section Osmanthus.  相似文献   

部分桂花品种亲缘关系及特有标记的ISSR分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用ISSR分子标记,以柊树[Osmanthus heterophyllus (G.Don.) P.S.Green]和华东木犀(Osmanthus cooperi Hemsl.)为对照种,研究了桂花(Osmanthus fragrans Lour.)81个品种、1个野生种之间的亲缘关系.结果显示;(1)28个引物共获得280个位点,其中多态性位点263个,多态性比率达93.93%,在4个品种群中,银桂品种群的Shannon信息指数(0.370 7)和遗传多样性指数(0.241 7)最高.(2)遗传变异估算结果显示:桂花遗传分化系数为57.39 %,大部分变异存在于品种群之间.(3)聚类分析结果显示,以遗传相似系数0.71为截值,可将84份种质分成 4类,各品种群的品种往往先聚在一起.其中四季桂品种群与秋季开花的3个品种群遗传距离较远,色质较深的金桂品种往往与丹桂品种聚在一起.研究表明,基于ISSR分子标记的聚类结果与基于形态的传统分类学的结果基本相符;引物ISSR12和ISSR27结合可以将84份种质区别开来.  相似文献   

朱华  王洪  李保贵   《广西植物》1999,19(4):337-338
勐腊锡叶藤 新种 图1TetraceraxuiH-ZhuetH-Wang,sp-nov-pl-AffinisT-scandenti(Linn-)Merr-sedinflorescentiisminoribus,paucifloris,sepalismajoribus1-5cmlongisinstatufructuextusdensevillosis,staminibus1cmlongis,capsulismajoribushirsutis,1-5~2cmlongis,1-2~1-5cmlati…  相似文献   

多孔菌目(AphylloPhorales)中诸如粉孢革菌科(Coniophoraceae),伏革菌科 ,刺单菌科(Hymenochaetaceae),齿菌科(Hydnaceae) 和多孔菌科 resupinate form)。在国内,此目中的平伙类型被专门系统地研究过的除卧孔属(Poria)外尚不多。戴芳澜(1934)对伏苓(Poria cocos (Fr.)Wolf.)作了研究;凌立(1933)报道卧孔菌11种;赵继鼎)(1964)报告37种卧孔菌;邓叔群在《中国的真菌》(1964)中记叙了多孔菌目平伏类型57种,隶属于17属。戴芳澜《中国真菌总汇》(1979)记载了原来散载于真菌志略或真菌名录中的平伙多孔菌类约18属110种。  相似文献   

Echicocodon Hong (Wahlenbergieae); Gen. nov. Calyx 2-5-saepe 4-fidus; lobis utrinque 2-4-lobulis spiniformibus praeditis. Corolla tubulosa; ad medium parterm (3-) 4 (-5)-lobata. Stamina (3-) 4 (-5); libera; sed inter se eonniventia; filamentis basi parum expansis. Ovarium fere inferum; 3-5-1oculare; stigmata 3-5; demum recurva; linearia; ovula ∞. Capsula globosa; 3-5-locularis; spice loculicide dehiscens; valvis calycis lobis alternantibus. Semina ∞ ; minima; ellipsoidea; obtuse triquetra.——Herbae perennes; lactesentes; radicibus palaribus crassiusculis. Folia alterna; pinnatipartita. Flores solitarii terminalesque vel 2-3 in cymam conferti. Genus monotypicum; in provincia Hubei Sinae cresens. Typus generis: Echinocodon lobophyllus Hong. Echinocodon lobophyllus Hong; sp. nov. plate 1 Herbae diffusae; omnino glabrae; radicibus palaribus ad 5 mm crassis. Caulis ad 40 cm longus; ramosissimus. Folia alterna; petiolis 5-10 mm longis; laminis ellipticis; 5-20 mm longis; 3-15 mm latis; basi anguste cuneatis; apice obtusis; pinnatisectis vel ad medium pinnatipartitis. Flores solitarii terminales vel 2-3 in cymam conferti; pedicellis 1-5 cm longis. Calycis lobi ovato-lanceolati; 2-6 mm longi; lobulis spiniformibus exclusis 1-3 mm lati. Corolla purpureo-caerulea; tubulosa; 3-4.5 mm longa; ad medium (3-)4(-5)-lobata; lobis late ovato-diltoideis; ad 3 mm latis. Stamina inter se conniventia; filamentis liberis; 1.5 mm longis; basi expansis; ciliatis; antheris oblongis; 1 mm longis. Stylus 1 mm longus; stigmata linearia; demum recurva. Capsula globosa; 3-5 mm diam.; sed parte supera conica et 2 mm longa. Semina minima; luteo-fusca; ellipsoidea; obtuse triquetra; 0.3 mm longa. China: Hubei Province; Yunxi County; near the town; 300 m alt.; 1 Jul. 1983. Ma Yuan-jun and Hong De-yuan PB83006 (holotype; PE); the same locality; 11 Jul. 1978; Ma Yuan-jun 3921. The new genus; Echinocodon Hong; shows its systematic position in the tribe Wahlenbergieae by the inferior ovary and capsule which loculicidally dehisces above the calyx and is closely related to the genera Codonopsis; Platycodon and Wahlenbergia; from all of which it differs in having the calyx lobes with spinelike lobules and the pinnatisect or pinnatipartite leaves. From Codonopsis it differs also in having the linear stigma lobes; from Platycodon also in the capsule valves alternate with the calyx lobes and from Wahlenhergia also in having the 4(5)-colpate pollen grains. Meiosis in pollen mother cells was examined and; 8 bivalents in MI and 8 chromosomes in MII were always observed (Plate 2: 1-2). The chromosomt number is thus determined to be n=8. The pollen grains taken from the flowers which were fixed in the fields with Carnoy II fixative (6:3:1 absolute alcohol/chloroform/glacial acetic acid) were examined without further treatment under SEM; and under LM after acetolysis. The result shows that they are oblate; 4(5)-colpate (Plate 2: 3-4); with colpi 10.5μm long and 2.5μm wide and with a smooth colpus membrane (Plate 2: 5). The exine is 2-layered; with a distinct baculate layer (Plate 2:7-8). The sexine surface is covered with spinules almost regularly spaced; 0.6μm high and basally divided. The sexine between spinules consists of short ridges (Plate 2: 6). The new genus is closely related to the genera Codonopsis; Wahlenbergia and Platycodon from gross morphological point of view; but its pollen grains differ markedly from all of them. The pollen grains in Codonopsis are longly 5-colpate; and with the sexine consisting of a low relief reticulum; those in Platycodon longly 5-colporate and those in Wahlenbergia 3-porate. The pollen type of the new genus Echinocodon with short colpi is therefore probably derived from the longly colpate type of pollen like that of Codonopsis or directly from longly colporate type like that of Platycodon; and is likely more primitive than thatin Wahlenbergia.  相似文献   

该文描述了采自浙江南部的木犀属(Osmanthus Lour.)一新种——浙南木犀(O.austrozhejiangensis Z.H.Chen,W.Y.Xie et X.Liu),并附有线描图和彩色照片。该种在具聚伞花序,叶柄、小枝、苞片、花梗被柔毛等性状上接近于毛柄木犀(O.pubipedicellatus Chia ex H.T.Chang),不同之处在于叶片倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,长(5.5~)8~10(~13)cm,宽(2.2~)3~4.5(~5)cm,先端急尖或短渐尖,叶缘具尖锐细锯齿或全缘,侧脉8~10对,花较大,花冠管长2.2~2.3 mm,裂片长2.2~3.0 mm,花丝长1.3~1.5 mm,花药长约1.2 mm。该新种的发现为研究东亚木犀属自西南向东北方向迁移与演化提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

Species haec F.praecipuae mihi affinis, qua culmis juvenalibus cinereoviridibus,tenuiter farinosis,super internodiis cinereeo-vel luteolo-strigosis;ligulis vaginarum 1-6 mm altis;laminis 2-3 mm latis;vaginis foiorum persistenter fimbriatis;laminis usque 12 cm longis et 2.2 cm latis differt.  相似文献   

Angiopteris sparsisora Ching, sp. nov. Species nova ab omnibus affinibus adhuc cognitis recedit rhizomate repente, dorsiventrali, habitu minore stipite tenui, levi, paleis brunneis lineari-lanceolatis margine irregulariter fimbriatis peltati-fixis, pinnulis basi cuneatis vel late cuneatis, distincte breviterque petiolulatis, soris longitudine variis, inter se separatis a margine magis remotis, paraphysibus rudimentalibus brevibus sparse praesentibus. Tota planta 1—1.2 m alata, rhizomate repente, carnoso, cylindrico, dorsiventrali, 5—6 cm diametro, radicoso, apice frondes 2—3 emittente, stipite 35—70 cm longo, 4—8 mm crasso, levi viridi, supra medium uni-geniculato (in frondibus pinnatis usque subbipinnatis), paleis brunneis lineari-lanceolatis basi rotunda peltati-fixis margine varie fimbriatis sparse vestito; lamina stipite longiore, bipinnata aut subb ipinnata raro superne simpliciter pinnata; pinnis 2—3(—7)-jugis, ,alternis vel suboppositis, oblongis, 45—55 cm longis, 18—23 cm latis, petiolo 4—16 cm longo suffultis, basi tumidis, pinnatis vel interdum simplicibus vel basi pinnatifidis; pinnulis plerumque 8—12-jugis, alternis vel suboppositis, patentibus, 8—18 cm longis, medio 1.5—3cm latis, lanceolatis, acuminatis, basin versus cuneatis vel late cuneatis, breviter petiolatis, pinnula terminali confomi paulo majore, petiolulata, hasi baud in alas decurrente, margine serrulatis; venis utrinquo distinctis, patentibus, simplicibus vel furcatis, prope marginem curvatis; pagina frondis textura in sicco virescente, chartacea, rachi, costis, costulis venisque subtus sparsim minuteque paleaceis. Soris breviter linearibus, 2—4 mm longis, 10—32-sporangiatis, inter se separatis, a margine 2—3 mm, remotis; paraphysibus sparsis brevibusrudimentalibus. Sporis globulosis, suparficie dense tubuculatis. Yunnan austro-orientalis: Xichou Xian, Fadou, S. K. Wu 4203 (typus, PE), 4198, 8, October, 1962; ibidem, Z. R. Wang 566-1, 566-2, 566-3, 566-4, 566-5, 15, January, 1978; ibidem V. M. Chu 8212, 15, January, 1978. in valley under evergreen broadleaved forests, alt. 1500—1550m. In the tropical rain forest in southeastern Yunnan, China, the members of Angiopteris Hoffm. and Archangiopteris Christ et Gies. are often growing side by side in great abundance. In January 1978 the second writer made a botantical trip there and collected in one locality ample herbarium material of an Angiopteris, which is identical with A. sparsisora Ching (ined.), based upon type specimens gathered by Mr. S. K. Wu from the same locality in 1962. To our great surprise, however, this distinct taxon reveals a number of important morphological characteristics intermediate between Angiopteris and Archangiopteris as diagnosed above. The present species resembles Archangiopteris in small build with creeping dorsiventral rhizome, unigeniculate, thin, smooth stipe in pinnate to bipinnatifid fronds, sparingly clad in linear-lanceolate peltately affixed scales with variously fimbriate margin, lamina 1—2 pinnate or subbipinnate, pinnules distinctly and shortly stipitate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, sori of different length separated from each other by broad spaces, and rather far away (2—3 mm) from the margin, paraphyses few, rudimentary and short, but, on the other hand, it also similar to Angiopteris in usually bipinnate fronds, the petiole of pinnae with swollen base (blackish upon drying), short (2—4 mm long) linear sori consisting of 5—16 pairs of sporangia and globulax spores with densely tubucular sporoderms. All the above characteristics combined clearly indicate the species is in all likelihood a natural hybrid between Angiopteris and Archangiopteris, pending cytological investigation and the reason for presently placing it in Angiopteris rather than in Archangiopteris is because of the fact that in overall impression the newtaxon appears more like the former than the latter.  相似文献   

旌节花科(Stachyuraceae)最早由P.F.Siebold和 J.G.Zuccrini根据日本植物Stahyurus Praecox Sieb.et Zucc.(Fl.Jap.1:43. 1835)建立旌节花属(Stachyurus Sieb.et Zucc.),放在海桐花科(Pittosporaceae)中,G.Bentham于1861年将它移人山茶科Ternstroemiaceae中,但由于与这两个科的差别太大,E.Gilg于1893年又从山茶科Ternstroemiaceae中移出,建立了单属科旌节花科(Stachyuraceae),直到这次整理之前仅有14种4变种,经整理又增加2新种4变种,共计16种8变种。我国有11种7变种。  相似文献   

The sewage snail Physa acuta is a serious threat to certain economic plants and to the purification plant of sewage works by rendering the biofilters ineffective. Various attempts are being made to control it. The efficacy of the predacious water bugs Sphaerodema rusticum was judged experimentally, in the laboratory in the potential control of P. acuta. It is revealed that, when supplied separately, the first, second and third instar and the adult S. rusticum did not attack P. acuta belonging to 3.1-8 mm, 5.1-8 mm, 7.1-8 mm and 相似文献   

陈介  云波 《云南植物研究》1995,17(4):400-400
苏铁属一新亚种陈介,云波(中国科学院昆明植物研究所,昆明650204)(个旧市第二中学,个旧661400)关键词苏铁科,苏铁属,新亚种、蔓耗苏铁蔓耗苏铁新亚种ANEWTAXAOFCYCAS(CYCADACEAk)INYUNNAN¥CNENCheih(...  相似文献   

人工饲养条件下高原鼠兔生长和发育的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
叶润蓉  梁俊勋 《兽类学报》1989,9(2):110-118
本文研究了人工饲养条件下高原鼠兔的生长发育情况,并和其他种鼠兔的生长作了比较。室内高原鼠兔比野外的生长快,人工饲养的阿富汗鼠兔和北美鼠兔生长期短,成熟早。  相似文献   

AIMS: To test the inhibitory activity of 2-nitro-1-propanol (2NPOH) against Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Enterococcus faecalis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Specific growth rates (h(-1)) of S. Typhimurium, E. coli O157:H7 and Ent. faecalis were determined during culture in tryptic soya broth (TSB) supplemented with 0-10 mm 2NPOH. Growth rates were inhibited by 2NPOH, with nearly complete inhibition observed with 10 mm. Studies with S. Typhimurium revealed that its survivability during culture in TSB containing 5 or 10 mm 2NPOH was lower (P < 0.05) under aerobic than anaerobic conditions. The survivability of Salmonella during anaerobic culture in TSB containing 2.5 mm 2NPOH was less at pH 5.6 than at pH 7.0 and 8.0. No Salmonella survived anaerobic incubation in TSB supplemented with 10 mm 2NPOH regardless of pH. When incubated in suspensions of freshly collected populations of ruminal and faecal bacteria, Salmonella concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) in suspensions containing 10 mm 2NPOH than in suspensions containing no 2NPOH. CONCLUSIONS: 2NPOH inhibited S. Typhimurium, E. coli O157:H7 and Ent. faecalis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Results suggest that 2NPOH may be a useful antimicrobial supplement to reduce carriage of certain food-borne pathogens in food animals.  相似文献   

Nalpha-Acetylated microperoxidase-8 (Ac-MP-8) is a water soluble, ferric heme model for peroxidases. We report here that Ac-MP-8 catalyzes catalase-type reaction in addition to peroxidase-type and cytochrome P450-type reactions. The catalase activity of Ac-MP-8 was determined by the Clark oxygen electrode, which measures the production of oxygen in solution. The Km and kcat of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) catalyzed by Ac-MP-8 are 40.9 mm and 4.1 per s, respectively. The specificity constant (kcat/Km) of Ac-MP-8 in catalase-type reaction of H2O2 is 100.2,/m/s, which is 5- to 12- and 50- to 100-fold less than those of MPs in cytochrome P450-type reaction of aniline/H2O2 and peroxidase-type reaction of o-methoxyphenol/H2O2, respectively. These results indicate that Ac-MP-8 can catalyze three different types of reactions, and the relative catalytic specificities of Ac-MP-8 with a histidyl ligand exhibit the following orders: peroxidase-type > cytochrome P450-type > catalase-type reactions. Comparisons of the enzyme activities of Ac-MP-8 suggest that the fifth ligands of hemoproteins influence the ratio of the three types of reactions.  相似文献   

岩芋属Remusatia(Araceae)是一个特征鲜明的属,共含三种,即R.vivipara(Lo-dd.)Schott,R.hookeriana Schott,R.ornata(Schott)H.Li et Q.F.Guo。Go-natanthus(?)ornatus Schott中的(?)这类植物转入Remusatia属,其名应为秀丽岩芋Remusatia ornata(Schott)H.Li et Q.F.Guo.Gonatanthus ornatus 的模式标本是Hooker f.s.n.采自印度喀西山,现只有Schott绘制的模式图照片; Schlagintweit n.313,亦采自喀西山,是Krause(1920)补充描述本种的重要凭证标本,现只有遗图。R.hooke-riana Schott(1857)的模式标本Hooker f.s.n.产锡金,Krause(1920)发表的图和描述的大部分可作为该种的凭证,是一个不同于R.ornata的好种。Rao et Verma(1968)描述的 Gonatanthus ornatus应是Remusatia hookeriana.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔交配期及交配行为模式的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
王学高 《兽类学报》1990,10(1):60-65
1985至1988年在青海湖黑马河地区,以耳标法对高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)的交配期及交配行为模式进行了研究。该鼠繁殖期一般是从3月底或4月初开始到7月上旬或8月上旬结束,时间长达3-4个月。在繁殖期中有3-5个交配期。配偶间雄鼠对雌鼠有跟随,接吻,嗅吻肛门区和爬跨抚摸一系列反复“求爱”行为。雌鼠呈现“脊椎前凸”和外生殖器反射行为。雄鼠交配时以前肢紧紧夹住雌鼠腰部,3-5次盆部抽动,一次较深的推进即为射精。每次交配时间约3-5秒,多次交配射精。还发现该鼠有临产交配行为。  相似文献   

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