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八属木兰科植物木材导管分子的比较解剖 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文比较描述了我国木兰科木莲属、华盖木属,长蕊木兰属,拟单性木兰属,合果木属,观光木属,香木兰属和鹅掌楸属等8属22种植物次生质部的导管分子,这些导管分子的长度和宽度都有差异,木莲属的所有种中都有具梯状穿孔板的导管分子,但在少数种中偶然可见到单穿孔,在其它属中,也都有具梯状穿孔板的导管分子,仅在观光木属中偶见的单穿孔,木莲属大多数种均无螺纹加厚,仅桂南木莲一种除外,另外,除了合果木属和鹅掌楸无螺纹加厚外,其余均有此种加厚,各属的导管分子还存在其它一些差异。 相似文献
Foliar sclereids in the Magnoliaceae 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
SHIRLEY C. TUCKER 《Botanical journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1977,75(4):325-356
The foliar sclereids in 136 species representing 11 of the 12 genera of Magnoliaceae were studied and compared. Sclereids occur in four different cell assemblages within the leaf: diffuse idioblasts, mesophyll, dermal system, and the vein sheath including terminal elements. Tropical members tend to have the most highly sclerified leaves. In species of Manglietia the leaves have sclerified spongy mesophyll and either sclerified epidermis or hypodermis. In Talauma , sclerification affects the vein sheath and terminal cells of veinlets, with a specialized thick marginal vein in the Asian taxa but not in the American ones. Liriodendron and the magnolias native to the north temperate zone have only minimal sclerification, which usually is confined to the vein sheath of the midrib and the main lateral veins, and as idioblastic sclereids in the petiole and the midrib near the base of the blade. The two largest genera Magnolia and Michelia are heterogeneous and include species which vary as to their combinations of sclerified elements among the four possible types. 相似文献
The vessel elements in 77 species of 36 genera of Chinese Ranunculaceae were studied. The vessel elements of Ranunculaceae could be divided into primitive and more specialized groups on the basis of their morphological characters through clustering analysis. The most primitive type of the vessel elements was seen in Asteropyrum, and some vessel elements were considered more primitive, as in Paeonia, Trollius, Actaea, Helleborus, Souliea, Calathodes, Beesia, Caltha, Coptis, Kingdonia, Circaeaster, Adonis, Hepatica, than others. There was a marked difference between Paeonia and other genera of Ranunculaceae. The vessel elements of Paeonioideae and Helleboroideae with follicles were more primitive than Ranunculoideae with achenes. In Thalictroideae, .the vessel elements of Thalictrum with achenes were more specialized than other genera with follicles. All these findings coincided with the evolution of fruits. The character of evolution of vessel elements ran parallel with that of other parts of plant (flower, carpel, petiole, venation). The features of vessel elements in the same genus were at similar evolutional level, however, some difference between species do exist. 相似文献
This paper deals mainly with comparative studies on elements of secondary xylem in 39 species of Chinese Magnolia and Michelia. The former plants present longer and slender vessels. Most of them have simple perforation and only a few scalariform perforation plates. In contrast, most of the Michelia species possess scalariform perforation plates and only one with simple perforation. The scalariform perforation plates of Magnolia species, if present, exhibit more bars than that of Michelia With few exceptions, there is no spiral thickening on the vessel wall in Magnolia, whereas in Michelia it is lust the opposite. In addition, some other differences in vessel elements between these two genera are also discussed. 相似文献
Spiral thickenings in the inner walls of vessels were studied in 10 genera 69 species of Magnoliaceae in China under scanning electron microscopic observation. Spiral thickenings were found in some species. The majority of these species showed complete thickenings of the inner wall, however, in some of which the spiral thickenings were less obvious at both ends. In others, these spiral thickenings existed only in the middle portion, uniformly or irregularly distributed. 相似文献
国产木兰科6属植物柱头表面形态比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用扫描电镜对中国产木兰科单性木兰属、木兰属、木莲属、含笑属、拟单性木兰属和观光木属的42种植物柱头表面形态进行观察.结果表明,42种木兰科植物的柱头均为干柱头,包含单细胞乳突型和多细胞乳突型两类.单性木兰属和观光木属植物是单细胞乳突型;木莲属、含笑属和拟单性木兰属植物是多细胞乳突型;木兰属中木兰亚属植物两型均有,而玉兰亚属则均为多细胞乳突型.结合其他证据,本文支持单性木兰属、木莲属、含笑属、拟单性木兰属和观光木属的建立,并认为在系统学问题较复杂的木兰属中,玉兰亚属是一个相对独立的单系类群,将其独立成属也不无道理,而木兰亚属可能不是一个单系类群,还需要进一步的深入研究,积累更多的性状数据. 相似文献
利用扫描电子显微镜对鹅掌楸属仅存的2个自然种鹅掌楸和北美鹅掌楸的次生木质部导管穿孔板特征进行了详细的研究。结果显示,鹅掌楸属的2个种均以梯状穿孔板为主,同时存在网状-梯状混合穿孔板。鹅掌楸和北美鹅掌楸的导管穿孔板具有明显差异:(1)鹅掌楸具网状穿孔板,而北美鹅掌楸没有观察到;(2)北美鹅掌楸具单穿孔板,而鹅掌楸在该实验中未发现;(3)北美鹅掌楸具有横隔较粗的梯状穿孔板且横隔数目较多;(4)鹅掌楸的导管穿孔板多数横隔较少;(5)北美鹅掌楸的穿孔板倾斜角度较大;(6)北美鹅掌楸具麻黄式穿孔板的存在,且有纹孔膜残留存在。研究认为,北美鹅掌楸导管分子穿孔板分化较鹅掌楸更为剧烈。 相似文献
对蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)叶轴中导管分子进行了观察。结果表明,其导管分子十分细长,均具长、且十分倾斜的梯状穿孔板,穿孔没有纹孔膜的残余,与侧壁上的梯纹纹孔有着明显的差异。 相似文献
对蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)叶轴中导管分子进行了观察。结果表明,其导管分子十分细长,均具长、且十分倾斜的梯状穿孔板,穿孔没有纹孔膜的残余,与侧壁上的梯纹纹孔有着明显的差异。 相似文献
芒果次生木质部导管分子的观察 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
运用细胞图象分析系统及显微照相的方法对芒果(Mangifera indicaL.)次生木质部不同的导管分子进行了观察。并且对这些导管分子的构造、进化趋势以及同一导管分子上的特殊结构进行了详细的讨论。 相似文献
台湾青枣导管分子及其穿孔板研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用细胞图象分析系统及显微照相的方法对台湾青枣Z iziphus mauritiana次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。在台湾青枣的次生木质部导管分子中存在着许多不同的样式,并且导管分子穿孔板存在着3种类型:两端均为一个单穿孔板;一端为一个单穿孔板,另一端为梯状穿孔板;具纤毛的单穿孔板。分别对其进行了描述,并从导管分子个体发育与系统发育的角度进行了讨论,认为3种类型的穿孔板为导管分子穿孔板的系统演化提供了新的证据。 相似文献
FIASCO是一种高效构建微卫星富集文库的方法。本研究采用FIASCO(fast isolation by AFLP sequences containing repeats)方法成功构建了巴东木莲(Manglietia patungensis)微卫星AC富集文库。我们对AC富集文库中的119个阳性克隆进行测序,其中57个含有微卫星序列。设计并合成了其中40对微卫星引物进行PCR扩增检测,有6对引物扩增出目的片段,然而没有位点都呈现多态性。最后对巴东木莲微卫星位点的分离效率低下的原因进行了初步探讨。 相似文献
为深入了解荒漠植物营养元素计量特征,认识元素间的交互作用,揭示不同生长期、不同沙丘部位植物元素含量差异。以古尔班通古特沙漠8种优势草本植物(4种1年生植物,4种短命植物)为研究对象,采集不同生长期(旺盛期、枯萎期)、不同沙丘部位(坡上、腹地)的植株,测定全株植物的10种营养元素(C、N、P、K、Na、Mg、Al、Mn、Cu、Zn)。结果表明:(1)8种植物元素含量存在显著差异,体现了植物因遗传特性不同而对元素选择吸收的特点,含量为:C(230.19~401.82 mg·g-1)、N(11.31~18.85 mg·g-1)、P(0.95~2.08 mg·g-1)、K(16.12~29.79mg·g-1)、Na(0.88~3.31 mg·g-1)、Mg(3.38~5.31 mg·g-1)、Al(0.33~1.99 mg·g-1)、Mn(51.35~105.32 mg·kg-1)、Cu(4.14~6.38 mg·kg<... 相似文献
缺硼可导致柑橘叶片变厚而脆、发生木栓化、"猴头果"等现象,其原因是植物组织内部起运输作用的维管组织受到损坏。导管是维管组织重要组成部分,本实验以‘纽荷尔’脐橙(Citrus sinensis Osbeck ‘Newhall’)和HB柚[Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.‘HB You’]叶片、HB柚果实中果皮为材料,利用离析方法将导管分离,观察缺硼导管分子形态的变化。结果表明:(1)缺硼使纽荷尔脐橙叶脉中的孔纹导管数量增多;(2)缺硼使HB柚叶片和果实中果皮的孔纹导管大量增生,梯纹导管和网纹导管数量减少;(3)正常导管圆润饱满,而缺硼导管变形干瘪,且有侧壁穿孔现象;(4)缺硼导管变得短而窄,细胞壁变薄,无尾率增加,使维管组织功能丧失。(5)缺硼维管束受损,运输效率降低,是发生叶脉木栓化和"猴头果"现象的源头。 相似文献
运用细胞图像分析系统及显微照相方法,观察研究水同木次生木质部导管分子。结果发现,水同木次生木质部导管分子中存在着许多不同的样式,大多数导管分子短而宽,多数无尾或仅一端具尾;导管均为单穿孔板,未发现有侵填体。 相似文献
Zhang Zhe-seng 《植物学报(英文版)》1984,26(5)
The present paper deals mainly with the wood structures of “Paramanglietia aromatica” Hu & Cheng and Paramichelia (Pierre) Hu of the Magnoliaceae. These wood structures are listed in Table Ⅰ. In comparison of their wood anatomical features with relsted genera[4], we find that (Ⅰ) the wood anatomy of the reduced genus “Para- manglietia” Hu et Cheng is still within the range of Manglietia Dandy and that (2 the wood anatomical features of Paramichelia (Pierre) Hu is very similar to those of Michelia L. and Tsoongiodendron Chun. We also find that the wood anatomy of Manylietia aromatica Dandy [“Parawanglietia aromatica” (Dandy) Hu & Cheng] is less similar to Manglietiastrum Law (see Table 1). 相似文献
For almost 150 years, the two monotypic genera Trochodendron and Tetracentron (Trochodendraceae) have been considered to share an unusual and primitive feature in angiosperms - the lack of vessels in their wood. Therefore, they have been classified in a basal position in the angiosperms. Our observations by light microscopy, low-vacuum environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and high-vacuum scanning electron microscopy (SEM) both in fresh and FAA-fixed materials consistently showed the presence of tracheary elements differentiated into two types in both genera. In Trochodendron, the tracheary elements can be divided into perforate vessel elements and imperforate fiber-tracheids and tracheids. The vessel elements show end and lateral walls. The pits on the end walls are elongate- broadened and do not have membranes or only a few remnants of them forming the perforation plates. The fiber-tracheids show crossfield pit pairs and sharp ends, and the tracheids show bordered pits. In Tetracentron, the tracheary elements comprise vessel elements and fibers. The vessel elements are similar to those of Trochodendron, whereas the fibers have no crossfield pit pairs but, rather, elliptical pits and sharp ends. Thus, both Trochodendron and Tetracentron are vessel bearing rather than vesselless, although their vessel elements are primitive. 相似文献
This paper reports the result of comparative anatomical studies on medicinal
roots of 53 species and varieties in the genus Aconitum from China. The anatomical structures of the roots can be classified into 6 types and 18 subtypes according to the level of their
evolution. The anatomy of Aconitum roots is discussed in relation to phylogeny based on
chemotaxonomy, cytology and other related disciplines.
It was found that the six types of Aconitum roots are correlated with chemical components, chromosomes, toxicity and the gross morphology. The relatively advanced Types I
and II roots always contain highly toxic alkaloids of diterpenoid diester of aconitine type, distributed mainly in Ser. 3, 5-11 of Sect. Aconitum of Subgen. Aconitum, while the relatively
primitive Types III, IV and II roots with small diameters contain mainly atisine and aminal
alcohol alkaloids, which have lower toxicity, present in Subgen. Gymnaconitum and Ser. 1,
2 of Sect. Aconitum of Subgen. Aconitum. The primitive Types V and VI roots of Subgen.
Lycoctonum contain mainly the most low-toxic alkaloids of lycoctonine Type. The result is
of significance both in theory or practice for the development of medicinal plant resourcesand the safety of clinical usage of these of plants. 相似文献
风毛菊属3种植物叶的解剖结构比较 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用石蜡切片法对分布于祁连山海拔5 000 m左右流石滩上菊科风毛菊属水母雪兔子(Saussurea medusa Maxim)、鼠曲雪兔子(Saussurea gnaphalodes (Royle) Sch.)、红叶雪兔子(Saussurea paxiana Diels.)3种植物叶片的解剖结构进行了比较研究,结果表明:叶片表皮细胞均为单层,上下表皮都有气孔分布,气孔不下陷;角质层较厚,叶表面均被单列细胞的表皮毛。3种植物均为异面叶;叶肉栅栏组织较发达,通常由2~3层细胞组成,但栅栏组织细胞排列较疏松;海绵组织存在大量的细胞间隙;叶肉中通气组织发达,且均有不规则裂生性气腔。叶脉维管束中韧皮部都具有异细胞存在。这些共同特征是3种植物对高山地区缺氧、低温、强辐射等自然条件长期适应的结果。但是,3种植物在叶片的外部形态特征、叶肉栅栏组织细胞的特点、维管束发育程度、内分泌结构、不规则裂生气腔等方面又存在明显的不同,表现出3种植物对环境的适应也是存在差异的。 相似文献