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多胞质玉米胚乳淀粉粒性状的扫描电镜观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李敬玲  贾敬鸾 《遗传学报》1999,26(3):249-253
11种多胞质系玉米胚乳淀粉粒的扫描电镜观察表明:不同的细胞质对细胞核有不同程度的互作,3种甜质胞质玉米的胚乳淀粉粒多呈球形,排列紧密,存在一定的共性;4种雄性不育胞质玉米的胚乳淀粉粒多呈不规则形,除(T)Mo17外,排列疏松。这11种玉米胚乳淀粉粒的平均直径为9.78μm ̄14.69μm,通过玉米胚乳淀粉粒形态特征的观察,在玉米淀粉性状和玉米籽粒的商品价值关系上进行一定程度探索,为玉米的进一步发展  相似文献   

对水稻胚乳淀粉颗粒结合的淀粉分支酶进行了研究.酶活性分析表明水稻胚乳中存在着与淀粉颗粒结合的淀粉分支酶.氨基酸测序分析结果表明结合于水稻胚乳淀粉粒的淀粉分支酶是分子量为84 kD的淀粉分支酶3(rice starch branching enzyme 3; RBE3).从开花后5 d到种子成熟,淀粉颗粒结合的RBE3蛋白都保持较为稳定的含量.Northern 分析表明水稻胚乳发育过程中RBE4最先表达而RBE3和RBE1的表达滞后.综合以上研究结果说明RBE3存在于水稻胚乳的淀粉之中是由于RBE3与淀粉葡聚糖链具有较高亲和性而难以和葡聚糖链解离,进而随着淀粉粒的增长而被其包裹.  相似文献   

应用常规石蜡切片和荧光显微镜观察水稻(Oryza sativa)受精过程中雌雄性细胞融合时的形态特征及时间进程,确定合子期,为花粉管通道转基因技术的实施提供理论依据。结果表明:授粉后,花粉随即萌发,花粉管进入羽毛状柱头分支结构的细胞间隙,继续生长于花柱至子房顶部的引导组织的细胞间隙中,而后进入子房,在子房壁与外珠被之间的缝隙中向珠孔方向生长,花粉与花粉管均具有明显的绿色荧光。花粉管经珠孔及珠心表皮细胞间隙进入一个助细胞,释放精子。精子释放前,两极核移向卵细胞的合点端:两精子释放于卵细胞与中央细胞的间隙后,先后脱去细胞质,然后分别移向卵核和极核,移向卵核的精核快于移向极核的精核:精核与两极核在向反足细胞团方向移动的过程中完成雌雄核融合。大量图片显示了雌雄性核融合的详细过程以及多精受精现象。水稻受精过程经历的时间表如下:授粉后,花粉在柱头萌发:花粉萌发至花粉管进入珠孔大约需要0.5小时:授粉后0.54,时左右,花粉管进入一个助细胞,释放精子:授粉后0.5—2.5小时,精卵融合形成合子:授粉后约10.0小时,合子第1次分裂,合子期为授粉后2.5-10.04,时:授粉后1.0-3.04,时,精核与两极核融合:授粉后约5.0小时,初生胚乳核分裂。’  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 50 Chenopodiaceae species were observed under SEM and distincted into 5 morphological types, 6 subtypes. This work suggest that the Chenopodiaceae pollen is distinctable at substructural level.  相似文献   

缺磷条件下不同水稻品种磷素吸收特性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
缺磷条件下,供试粳稻品种植株的单株鲜重、干重、全磷含量和单株磷累积量等具有较大差异,从中筛选出磷高效品种TP309和优质8号,其中TP309较磷低效品种早88-1的全磷含量和单株磷累积量分别增加37.50%~40.00%和82.76%~102.00%。单株根数、平均根长和根系体积与单株磷素吸收量的相关程度较小,光合速率(Pn)、叶片可溶蛋白含量和叶片可溶性糖含量均表现为随着吸磷量的增加而不断增大。  相似文献   

The level of/various amino acids in rice embryos rose sharply during embryo differentiation (7–9 days after anthesis). Then it increased steadily or tended to become stable at mid-maturation stage (13–18 days after anthesis), thereafter continuing to increase, except that the contents of aspartate and glutamate decreased significantly. The total free amino acid pool expanded rapidly during the differential stage. There after the pool capacity showed only a slightly increase until the end of embryogenesis. Both on embryo cell and dry weight bases, the capacity reached the maximum at the 9th day after anthesis, then decreased at the 13th day, and later remained stable. We deemed that the establishment of the free amino acid pool is one of the events which occur in the process of rice embryo differentiation. By the fulfillment of the differentiation (the 13th dray after anthesis), the pool capacity within the embryo cells remained stable on the whole. The free amino acid pool was dominated by serine, alanine, aspartate and glutamate during the differentiation stage. In the maturation stage, serine, alanine, arginine and lysine were the main components. These predominant; amino acids may play an important role in regulating the availability of the whole amino acid pool.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对成熟印度块菌子囊果的内部结构进行了观察,以系统揭示其子囊果内部组织特征,为块菌属的分类以及块菌属真菌子囊果的生理研究奠定基础。观察结果进一步证明,成熟印度块菌子囊果横切面上的白色迷宫状脉络是由不育的侧丝构成,而暗脉则是被侧丝缠绕并包裹着的可育的菌丝组织,即产孢组织,这些白色脉络和暗脉就构成了印度块菌子囊果横切面上迷宫状的纹脉;产孢组织中,可观察到正在发育的大大小小的子囊被缠绕在一起的大量产囊丝与侧丝包裹着,形成密密麻麻微小的类似蜂巢状结构;子囊孢子游离于子囊中,成熟子囊孢子表面有刺状纹饰,刺的顶端有小弯钩。单个子囊内含的子囊孢子大小与其内含的子囊孢子数目有关,子囊内所含的子囊孢子越多,子囊孢子就越小。  相似文献   

紫彩血蛤外套膜的扫描电镜观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用扫描电镜观察了紫彩血蛤外套膜的表面结构。其内表皮表面具板块状结构 ,沟内和嵴上均有簇生的纤毛丛 ,沟内纤毛丛较多 ;纤毛长约 9μm ,直径约 0 2 μm ,每一纤毛末端具一约 1 μm× 0 6 5 μm的勺状膨大 ;内表皮表面还具丰富的微绒毛和分泌泡。外表皮表面也略呈板块状 ,并有大量分泌泡。  相似文献   

To study the possibility of utilizing genetically engineered Leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodontis (Lxc) as an endophytic bacterium in rice, we constructed an Escherichia coli-Lxc shuttle vector, pLGUS, containing a beta-glucuronidase reporter gene, which was stable both in vitro and in vivo. Lxc grows and expresses the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene in all parts of rice, except for seed. A 2-year field study using three rice varieties from China showed that Lxc inoculation did not have a negative effect on the growth and yield of any of these varieties. Therefore, Lxc has the potential to be used as a benign endophyte for the expression of foreign genes in rice.  相似文献   

对大鳞副泥鳅的鳞片作了扫描电镜观察。结果表明,大鳞副泥鳅具圆鳞;基区、侧区和顶区均具有辐射沟及环沟,二者交织成网状,将鳞片分割成块状,可增加鳞片的柔软度;次级辐射沟发出部位可作为确定年轮的主要依据。  相似文献   

The changes in the growth indices and certain metabolic activities in response to different doses of γ-irradiation (0, 20, 50, 100, and 200 Gy) were studied, using rocket seedlings. The total yield, seed mass, and essential oil content increased significantly by 20 Gy dose of γ-irradiation as compared with the control samples. In addition, total sugars, total free amino acids, total soluble phenols, kinetin, GA3, nitrate reductase activity, and total protein increased significantly at 20 Gy dose. Meanwhile, NO3 content decreased significantly at 20 Gy dose. The nitrogen and potassium content increased at the same dose of gamma rays of 20 Gy. While the phosphorus content showed no significant effect at all the γ-irradiation doses used. The results obtained in this work revealed that the most effective dose was 20 Gy of gamma rays. It was suggested that pretreatment of rocket seeds before planting with 20 Gy dose of γ-irradiation, may oppose the harsh effect of NO3 accumulation and increased the quality and quantity of rocket yield. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2006, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 215–219. The text was submitted by the author in English.  相似文献   

An easy and rapid procedure has been launched for observafion of embryo sac development of Oryza sativa L. Following fixation and dehydration, whole mounted ovaries were cleared in methyl sulieylate, finally sealed under coverslips with clove oil. With the confocal laser scanmng microscopy procedure, the embryo sac exhibited autofluorescence and could be clearly observed. FAA and 4% glutaraldehyde as fixative produced different results but the latter seemed to be better.  相似文献   

蔗糖是韧皮部同化碳运输的主要形式,植物蔗糖转运体(SUT,Sucrose transporters)在参与植物碳素分配中起着重要的作用.编码SUT蛋白的基因在许多双子叶和单子叶植物中都已被分离.目前已经在水稻中鉴定出了5个蔗糖共运体(Sucrose symporter)基因家族成员.对这5个成员在水稻中的鉴定、克隆和表达分析,以及其蛋白结构、分类与进化进行了综述.这些信息可用于探索杂交稻高产的同化物分配和运输的分子原因.  相似文献   

伴矿景天-水稻轮作及磷修复剂对水稻锌镉吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽试验,将锌镉超积累植物伴矿景天与镉低积累水稻中香1号轮作种植于重金属污染土壤,并向土壤添加钙镁磷肥和磷矿粉,研究两种磷修复剂对伴矿景天和镉低积累水稻生长及地上部重金属积累性的影响.盆栽试验结果表明,在轻污染土壤上施用50 g·kg-1磷矿粉时伴矿景天地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量分别达到每盆11.5 和0.79 mg,效果好于施用4 g·kg-1钙镁磷肥处理.在重金属污染土壤上种植伴矿景天使后茬水稻地上部Zn、Cd浓度上升,但钙镁磷肥的施用显著降低了水稻体内的Zn、Cd积累量.种植伴矿景天后添加钙镁磷肥稳定调控剂对土壤中水溶态及NH4OAc提取态Zn、Cd的稳定效果明显优于磷矿粉,且在高污染土壤上效果更佳.田间试验结果显示,施用钙镁磷肥不仅可增加水稻产量,且可一定程度上降低水稻地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量.  相似文献   

NAC转录因子家族是一类重要的转录调控因子,在植物中普遍存在。在水稻(Oryza sativa L.)生命历程中,NAC家族参与其细胞生长、组织发育、器官衰老等过程,且在应对外界环境刺激的响应过程中起重要作用。本研究介绍了水稻NAC转录因子家族的结构特点,并综述了水稻NAC转录因子家族参与调控植物生长发育的过程,以及在低温、高盐、病原菌等逆境胁迫中的作用与功能,并对水稻NAC家族今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

从粳稻(Oryzasativassp.japonica)RIL群体中选取每穗颖花数极端少的品系丙堡3201和丙堡3205及每穗颖花数极端多的品系丙堡3145和丙堡3214,配制丙堡3201×丙堡3145和丙堡3214×丙堡3205两个组合的P1、P2、F1、B1、B2和F26个世代,调查每穗颖花数、每穗实粒数、穗长、一次枝梗数和二次枝梗数的表型分布,并运用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,对这5个性状进行了遗传分析。结果表明,每穗颖花数性状在2个组合的各分离世代均未出现超亲分离,而其它4个性状均有不同程度的超亲分离。一次枝梗数受1对主基因+多基因控制;其余4个性状均受2对主基因+多基因控制。每穗颖花数、每穗实粒数、穗长和二次枝梗数4个性状以主基因遗传为主,一次枝梗数性状以多基因遗传为主。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: High night temperatures are more harmful to grain weight in rice than high day temperatures. Grain growth rate and growth duration were investigated to determine which was the cause of the decrease in final grain weight under high night temperatures. Endosperm cell number and cell sizes were also examined to determine which might cause the decrease in final grain weight. METHODS: Rice plants were grown outdoors in plastic pots and moved at heading time to three temperature-controlled glasshouses under high night temperature (HNT; 22/34 degrees C), high day temperature (HDT; 34/22 degrees C) and control conditions (CONT; 22/22 degrees C). Grains were sampled periodically, and the time-course of grain growth was divided into rate and duration by logistic regression analysis. Endosperm cell numbers and cell sizes were analysed by digitalized hand-tracing images of endosperm cross-sections. KEY RESULTS: The duration of grain growth was reduced by high temperature both day and night. However, the rate of grain growth was lower in HNT than in HDT. The number of cells in endosperm cross-sections in HNT was similar to that in HDT, and higher than that in CONT. The average cell area was smaller in HNT than in either CONT or HDT. The differences in average cell areas between HNT and HDT were greater at distances 60-80 % from the central point of endosperm towards the endosperm surface. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that HNT compared with HDT reduced the final grain weight by a reduction in grain growth rate in the early or middle stages of grain filling, and also reduced cell size midway between the central point and the surface of endosperm.  相似文献   

印红  付育婷  关妮 《四川动物》2011,30(5):740-742
对蝗总科8种蝗虫的口器感受器的超微结构、类型和分布进行了观察分析,共观察到6种蝗虫口器感受器:毛形感受器、锥形感受器、腔锥形感受器、B(o)hm氏鬃毛、刺形感受器I和刺形感受器Ⅱ,其中B(o)hm氏鬃毛是首次报道.同时对观察到的3种角质齿进行了描述.  相似文献   

柑橘溃疡病对柑橘产业造成了巨大损失,而研究柑橘与溃疡病菌的互作关系以及柑橘的感病和抗病性均需要观察溃疡病菌在柑橘寄主中的侵染和定殖过程。激光共聚焦扫描显微镜不仅可以观察活细胞,活组织的动态代谢过程,而且可以获得三维图像,对于病原菌在柑橘植物组织内的繁殖和致病机制研究具有重要意义。但是,选择适宜的植物材料和制片方法对激光共聚焦扫描显微镜的观察效果影响很大。本文对激光共聚焦扫描显微镜所观察的材料在其处理和观察方法上加以改进,获得了质量更好的图片和实验结果,也使得实验更为方便快捷。激光共聚焦扫描显微观察还在瞬时表达分析中得到应用,提高了柑橘瞬时表达分析的效果。通过将切片和压片相结合观察到溃疡病菌在不同时间点对柑橘叶片的侵染情况,而通过3D建模能观察到柑橘叶片不同组织层面中的病菌数量和病菌位置,为研究溃疡病菌在叶片中的定殖方式和入侵数量提供了前期基础。  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that China is one of the domestication centres of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa), and common wild rice (Orufipogon) is the progenitor of Osativa. However, the number of domestication times and the geographic origin of Asian cultivated rice in China are still under debate. In this study, 100 accessions of Asian cultivated rice and 111 accessions of common wild rice in China were selected to examine the relationship between Osativa and Orufipogon and thereby infer the domestication and evolution of Osativa in China through sequence analyses of six gene regions, trnC‐ycf6 in chloroplast genomes, cox3 in mitochondrial genomes and ITS, Ehd1, Waxy, Hd1 in nuclear genomes. The results indicated that the two subspecies of Osativa (indica and japonica) were domesticated independently from different populations of Orufipogon with gene flow occurring later from japonica to indica; Southern China was the genetic diversity centre of Orufipogon, and the Pearl River basin near the Tropic of Cancer was the domestication centre of Osativa in China.  相似文献   

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